how to change path in OSX maverick? - macos

trying to set my path, when I do
sudo nano /etc/paths
in the terminal I have added a path say /usr/test
after saving this file when I do:
echo $ PATH
the /usr/test path is not included?

If you want to add something to your $PATH you do it in .profile or .bash_profile etc


Did I mess up my PATH? .bash_profile

I am trying to open up files from my terminal using atom. Which resulted in -bash: atom: command not found. I then followed, installing the shell commands from the editor. That resulted in "EEXIST: file already exists, mkdir '/usr/local/bin'" . I've previously tried to follow other recommendations on how to add the subl alias and I guess I tried way too many things, that I didn't understand. Could I have messed up my $PATH ?
When I echo my path this is what it is /bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin.
My bash_profile looks like this when I opened it with nano:
export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH
export EDITOR='subl -w'
I don't remember if I added that first line when I tried adding subl.
Should I remove that? I'm also using a MacOS High Sierra.
I removed what I had previously added in my .bash_profile and my path is now: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin.
I then ran the command: sudo ln -s /Applications/ /usr/local/bin/atom but got a ln: /usr/local/bin/atom: No such file or directory error
You can remove the export PATH statement from your .bash_profile; it doesn't add anything that isn't already there. (Except maybe /usr/local/sbin, but I would remove that until you can demonstrate a need for it.)
Initially, PATH will include the directories listed in /etc/path:
% cat /etc/paths
Any of your shell configuration files can add to the PATH. Assuming you haven't significantly altered your configuration, /etc/profile will run path_helper to add any directories listed in files under /etc/paths.d.
You only need to update PATH if you need to add a directory that is not already there. If atom is located in one of the above paths, you don't need to do anything. It sounds like you attempted to create /usr/local/bin when it already (as it should) exists, then perhaps did not ultimately create the symlink for atom under /usr/local/bin.
Try running just the ln command from the question you linked (using sudo if necessary), then confirm that /usr/local/bin/atom does indeed exist.

How to set up packer PATH on Mac Unix

The documentation of packer says: Packer Setup Documentation
on how to set the PATH : How to permanently set PATH in Unix
And I did add :
export PATH=$PATH:~/packer/
in my ~/.zshrc file
however, when I go to type packer on the terminal first time, the dir changes to be ~/packer and when I type packer again I get :
~ packer
➜ packer packer
zsh: command not found: packer
Does anyone have a better clue on how to set up packer's PATH on a Macintosh Unix system?
In OS X you would typically have any exports set in:
If you already have a .bash_profile setup then it will override .profile. Since you're using zsh you might try putting the export in ~/.zprofile.
Please try adding your edits to the ~/.profile file instead of ~/.bashrc file.
To make the new path stick permanently you need to create a .bash_profile file in your home directory and set the path there.
Open terminal on Mac and write nano .bash_profile.
Create the .bash_profile file with a command line editor called nano,If it is already exists then it will open a text editor containing path.
Add the path you require like:
export PATH="/usr/local/node/bin:$PATH"
Save the file in nano by clicking Ctrl+O and confirming the name of the file as .bash_profile by hitting enter. And the Ctrl+X to exit nano.
Then for checking path is set or not just write echo $PATH in terminal. Your path would be there in it.

How do I change the order of $PATH?

echo $PATH gives me
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/bin:/Applications/Sublime Text
but when I want to change the order of /usr/local/bin to the front of /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/bin, I type
sudo emacs /etc/paths
I only get
How can I insert /usr/local/bin in front of my PATH?
You can set your PATH in the file .bash_profile, which is in your home directory.
More specifically, you can simply add the following line to the end of that file
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
This results in /usr/local/bin being prepended to the existing PATH. In other words, the folder /usr/local/bin is inserted in front of your PATH, and so it would have the highest priority. You can also append a folder to your path by doing
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
In general, you can set the order of the folders or files that you export in a similar way as the following:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/Applications/Sublime Text
Note: this is not the only place you can set the PATH, but it is a common one.
Your $PATH normally overridden by the initiation part of your shell. Normally follows the system-wide profile (/etc/profile), then user-side profile (if you use bash .profile, .bash_profile, .bashrc) and any source command in these files. The overridden command mainly in .bashrc
Edit you .bashrc file and find $PATH, you may find the export command and delete the path you do not want. export $PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH override the command user-wide.

How does one locate a .zshrc file?

I used Homebrew to install Z shell (zsh) 5.0.7 on my Mac.
For the life of me, .zshrc is nowhere to be found. It is not in ~. Is is not in /etc or /etc/zshrc as they suggest here:
Am I supposed to create it myself?
Sure. If it's not there already, create it yourself.
$ touch ~/.zshrc
You can run the helper script zsh-newuser-install from the prompt, and it will walk you through the process to create an initial .zshrc in your home directory.
As kyranjamie mentioned, you can create it using following command
$ touch ~/.zshrc
Example content of .zshrc file:
In order to find any file on a Unix-based system, you can try the command:
$ locate filename
It should list all the paths where the corresponding file exists.
In Unix based systems, touch command followed by name will create an empty file in the present directory.
the modification and access time of each file is also updated with the use of touch command.
In your case, to create .zshrc file, you can use the touch command as :
$ touch ~/.zshrc

How do I see my $PATH on Mac

I've been struggling with "PATH" issues while setting up Rails and other things on Mac for a long time now, and I can't get a straight answer about how I can just see my $PATH and change it. I'm just running the Terminal right now, but if I need to run another program to run Bash commands or something I can probably figure out how to do that.
Execute the following command in Terminal to view the current value of PATH:
echo $PATH
To modify this PATH variable, create a .bash_profile file in your home directory (/Users/username/.bash_profile) and add a line similar to this:
export PATH=$PATH:/new/directory/location
To see your current PATH,
echo $PATH
in a Terminal window.
echo $PATH
You can check your .bash_profile file and edit $PATH variable there. If that file does not exists then you can create a new one and you can export PATH there using:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH
