How to minimise integer function that's known to be U-shaped? - algorithm

Let f be a function defined on the non-negative integers n ≥ 0. Suppose f is known to be U-shaped (convex and eventually increasing). How to find its minimum? That is, m such that f(m) ≤ f(n) for all n.
Examples of U-shaped functions:
n**2 - 1000*n + 100
(1 + 1/2 + ... + 1/n) + 1000/sqrt(1+n)
Of course, a human mathematician can try to minimise these particular functions using calculus. For my computer though, I want a general search algorithm that can minimise any U-shaped function.
Those functions again, in Python, to help anyone who wants to test an algorithm.
f = lambda n: n**2 - 1000*n + 100
g = lambda n: sum(1/i for i in range(1,n+1)) + 1000/sqrt(1+n)
Don't necessarily need code (of any language) in an answer, just a description of an algorithm. Would interest me though to see its answers for these specific functions.

You are probably looking for ternary search .
Ternary search will help to find f(m) as your requirement in O(logN) time , where N is number of points on the curve .
It basically takes two points m1 and m2 in range (l,r) and then recursively searches in 1/3 rd part .
code in python (from wikipedia) :
def ternarySearch(f, left, right, absolutePrecision):
while True:
#left and right are the current bounds; the maximum is between them
if abs(right - left) < absolutePrecision:
return (left + right)/2
leftThird = (2*left + right)/3
rightThird = (left + 2*right)/3
if f(leftThird) < f(rightThird):
right = rightThird
left = leftThird

If your function is known to be unimodal, use Fibonacci search.
For a discrete domain, the way to decide where new "test points" are probed must be slightly adapted as the formulas for the continuous domain don't yield integers. Anyway the working principle remains.
As regards the number of tests required, we have the following hierarchy:
#Fibonacci < #Golden < #Ternary < #Dichotomic

This also works. Use binary search on the derivative to maximise f' <= 0
def minimise_convex(f):
"""Given a U-shaped (convex and eventually increasing) function f, find its minimum over the non-negative integers. That is m such that f(m) <= f(n) for all n. If there exist multiple solutions, return the largest. Uses binary search on the derivative."""
f_prime = lambda n: (f(n) - f(n-1)) if n > 0 else 0
return binary_search(f_prime, 0)
Where binary search is defined
def binary_search(f, t):
"""Given an increasing function f, find the greatest non-negative integer n such that f(n) <= t. If f(n) > t for all n, return None."""


Find the value of f(T) for big value T

I am trying to solve a problem which is described below,
Given value of f(0) and k , which are integers.
I need to find value of f( T ). where T<=1010
Recursive function is,
f(n) = 2*f(n-1) , if 4*f(n-1) <=k
k - ( 2*f(n-1) ) , if 4*f(n-1) > k
My efforts,
using namespace std;
int main(){
long k,f0,i;
long operation ;
long answer=f0;
answer=(4*answer <= k )?(2*answer):(k-(2*answer));
return 0;
My code gives me right answer. But, The code will run 1010 time in worst case that gives me Time Limit Exceed. I need more efficient solution for this problem. Please help me. I don't know the correct algorithm.
If 2f(0) < k then you can compute this function in O(log n) time (using exponentiation by squaring modulo k).
r = f(0) * 2^n mod k
return 2 * r >= k ? k - r : r
You can prove this by induction. The induction hypothesis is that 0 <= f(n) < k/2, and that the above code fragment computes f(n).
Here's a Python program which checks random test cases, comparing a naive implementation (f) with an optimized one (g).
def f(n, k, z):
r = z
for _ in xrange(n):
if 4*r <= k:
r = 2 * r
r = k - 2 * r
return r
def g(n, k, z):
r = (z * pow(2, n, k)) % k
if 2 * r >= k:
r = k - r
return r
import random
errs = 0
while errs < 20:
k = random.randrange(100, 10000000)
n = random.randrange(100000)
z = random.randrange(k//2)
a1 = f(n, k, z)
a2 = g(n, k, z)
if a1 != a2:
print n, k, z, a1, a2
errs += 1
print '.',
Can you use methmetical solution before progamming and compulating?
f(n) = f0*2^(n-1) , if f(n-1)*4 <= k
k - f0*2^(n-1) , if f(n-1)*4 > k
thus, your code will write like this:
condition = f0*pow(2, operation-2)
answer = condition*4 =< k? condition*2: k - condition*2
For a simple loop, your answer looks pretty tight; one could optimise a little bit using answer<<2 instead of 4*answer, and answer<<1 for 2*answer, but quite possibly your compiler is already doing that. If you're blowing the time with this, it might be necessary to reduce the loop itself somehow.
I can't figure out a mathematical pattern that #Shannon was going for, but I'm thinking we could exploit the fact that this function will sooner or later cycle. If the cycle is short enough, then we could short the loop by just getting the answer at the same point in the cycle.
So let's get some cycle detection equipment in the form of Brent's algorithm, and see if we can cut the loop to reasonable levels.
def brent(f, x0):
# main phase: search successive powers of two
power = lam = 1
tortoise = x0
hare = f(x0) # f(x0) is the element/node next to x0.
while tortoise != hare:
if power == lam: # time to start a new power of two?
tortoise = hare
power *= 2
lam = 0
hare = f(hare)
lam += 1
# Find the position of the first repetition of length λ
mu = 0
tortoise = hare = x0
for i in range(lam):
# range(lam) produces a list with the values 0, 1, ... , lam-1
hare = f(hare)
# The distance between the hare and tortoise is now λ.
# Next, the hare and tortoise move at same speed until they agree
while tortoise != hare:
tortoise = f(tortoise)
hare = f(hare)
mu += 1
return lam, mu
f0 = 2
k = 198779
t = 10000000000
def f(x):
if 4 * x <= k:
return 2 * x
return k - 2 * x
lam, mu = brent(f, f0)
t2 = t
if t >= mu + lam: # if T is past the cycle's first loop,
t2 = (t - mu) % lam + mu # find the equivalent place in the first loop
x = f0
for i in range(t2):
x = f(x)
print("Cycle start: %d; length: %d" % (mu, lam))
print("Equivalent result at index: %d" % t2)
print("Loop iterations skipped: %d" % (t - t2))
print("Result: %d" % x)
As opposed to the other proposed answers, this approach actually could use a memo array to speed up the process, since the start of the function is actually calculated multiple times (in particular, inside brent), or it may be irrelevant, depending on how big the cycle happens to be.
The algorithm you proposed already has O(n).
To come up with more efficient algorithms, there is not that much direction we can go about. Some typical options we have
1.Decease the coefficients of the linear term( but I doubt it would make a difference in this case
2.Change to O(Logn)(typically use some sort of divide and conquer technique)
3.Change to O(1)
In this case, we can do the last one.
The recursion function is a piece-wise function
f(n) = 2*f(n-1) , if 4*f(n-1) <=k
k - ( 2*f(n-1) ) , if 4*f(n-1) > k
Let's tackle it by case:
case 1: if 4*f(n-1) <= k (1)(assuming the starting index is zero)
this is a obvious a geometry series
a_n = 2*a_n-1
Therefore, have the formula
Sn = 2^(n-1)f(0) ----()
Case 2: if 4*f(n-1) > k (2), we have
a_n = -2a_n-1 + k
Assuming, a_j is the element in the sequence which just satisfy condition (2)
Nestedly sub in an_1 to the formula, you will obtain the equation
an = k -2k +4k -8k... +(-2)^(n-j)* a_j
k -2k 4k -8... is another gemo series
Sn = k*(1-2^(n-j))/(1-2) ---gemo series sum formula with starting value k and ratio = -2
Therefore, we have a formula for an in the case 2
an = k * (1-2^(n-j))/(1-2) + (-2)^(n-j) * a_j ----(**)
All we left to do it to find aj which just dissatisfy condition (1) and satisfy (2)
This can be obtained in constant time again using the formula we have for case 1:
find n such that, 4*an = 4*Sn = 4*2^(n-1)*f(0)
solve for n: 4*2^(n-1)*f(0) = k, if n is not integer, take ceiling of n
In my first attempt to solve this question, I had wrong assumption that the value of the sequence is monotonically increasing but in fact the sequence might jump between case 1 and case 2. Therefore, there might not be constant algorithm to solve the problem.
However, we can use utilize the result above to skip iterative update complexity.
The overall algorithm will look something like:
start with T, K, and f(0)
compute n that make the condition switch using either (*) or (**)
update f(0) with f(n), update T - n
terminate when T-n = 0(the last iteration might over compute causing T-n<0, therefore, you need to go back a little bit if that happen)
Create a map that can store your results. Before finding f(n) check in that map, if solution is already existed or not.
If exists, use that solution.
Otherwise find it, store it for future use.
For C++:
map<long,long>::iterator it=result.find(key);
//key was not found, find the solution and insert into result
return result[key];
Use above technique for better solution.

Algorithm: constrained XOR of numbers within a range

Let us say we are given a number n.
We need to find the number of values S ^ (S+n) lying in the range [L, R].
(Where S is any non-negative integer and ^ is the bitwise xor operator).
I can easily do this if n is power of two (they have a very useful pattern)
I am not sure how to solve this for any general n.
Any suggestions?
n is also a non-negative integer.
n, L, R are all less than 10^18.
This was a programming question in some practice test which i gave sometime back, i just remembered this seeing a similar question in StackOverflow today.
Explaining with an example,
say n = 1.
Then we know that S ^ (S + 1) will always have a binary representation of all ones. eg: 1,3,7,...
So solving this is easy we just have to count the number of such numbers within the Range [L,R] it is quite simple.
For n = any power of 2 similar methods work. But i have no idea what to do if n is not a power of 2.
Let C(n) be the (infinite) set of numbers that can be written as S ^ (S + n) for some S.
We have the following recurrence relations on the sets C(n):
If n = 2k is even, then C(n) = {2x : x in C(k)};
If n = 2k + 1 is odd, then C(n) = {2x + 1 : x in C(k)} union {2x + 1 : x in C(k + 1)}.
An algorithm can be deduced from these relations. More precisely, a pair (C(n), C(n + 1)) can be deduced from (C(n / 2), C(n / 2 + 1)). Note that the union above is really a disjoint union, because every element in C(n) has the same parity as n, hence C(k) and C(k + 1) do not intersect.
Proof of the recurrence relations:
Simply look at the last binary digits of n and S.

General method to fit a number into a sequence

The general problem is as follows. Given an increasing sequence of positive integers 0 < s_1 < s_2 < s_3 < ... and a positive integer n, is there an efficient algorithm to find the (unique) index k such that s_k <= n < s_(k+1)?
A concrete example of this problem with a particular nice solution is to find the largest nonzero digit of a binary expansion, i.e. take s_i = 2^(i-1), and then k = log_2(n).
A slightly harder example is to find the largest nonzero digit in the factorial expansion, i.e. take s_i = i!.
The example that I have in mind that brings up this question is the following:
s_i = ith triangular number = 1 + 2 + ... + i = i(i+1)/2
I'd like a nice solution to this, meaning something better than the following
for(int i=1; ; ++i) {
if (triangle[i] > n)
return i;
NOTE: One cannot use a binary search here since the sequence is infinite. Of course, there is the obvious constraint that k <= n, but this is a horrible bound in general. For example, if s_i = i!, then using a binary search on n=20 requires computing 20! when the answer is k=3, so one shouldn't need to compute beyond 4!.
A general approach: Try solving the equation n = s(x) and the set k = floor(x).
For s_i=2^(i-1) you get x=log2(n)+1. For s_i=i*(i+1)/2 you get x=(sqrt(1+8n)-1)/2.
In case that the equation is not solvable analytically, try an approximation (e.g. Newton's method), or simply use a binary search on the sequence.

Distribution of balls into 'bins with given capacities' using Dynamic Programming

I was wondering how to solve such a problem using DP.
Given n balls and m bins, each bin having max. capacity c1, c2, What is the total number of ways of distributing these n balls into these m bins.
The problem I face is
How to find a recurrence relation (I could when the capacities were all a single constant c).
There will be several test cases, each having its own set of c1, So how would the DP actually apply for all these test cases because the answer explicitly depends on present c1,, and I can't store (or pre-compute) the answer for all combinations of c1,
Also, I could not come up with any direct combinatoric formula for this problem too, and I don't think one exists too.
You can define your function assuming the limits c[0], c[1], ... c[m-1] as fixed and then writing the recursive formula that returns the number of ways you can distribute n balls into bins starting at index k. With this approach a basic formula is simply
def solutions(n, k):
if n == 0:
return 1 # Out of balls, there's only one solution (0, 0, 0, 0 ... 0)
if k == m:
return 0 # Out of bins... no solutions
total = 0
for h in xrange(0, min(n, c[k])+1): # from 0 to c[k] (included) into bin k
total += solutions(n - h, k + 1)
return total
then you need to add memoization (this will be equivalent to a DP approach) and some other optimizations like e.g. that if n > c[k] + c[k+1] + c[k+2] + ... then you know there are no solutions without the need to search (and you can precompute the partial sums).
There exists a combinatoric formula for this problem. The problem of finding the solutions to your problem is equivalent to finding the number of solutions of the equation
x1 + x2 + x3 + ... + xm = n
where xi < ci
Which is equivalent to finding the cofficient of x^n in the following equation
The recursion for this equation is pretty simple
M(i,j) = summation(M(i-1, j-k)) where 0<= k <= cj
M(i,j) = 0 j <= 0
M(i,1) = i given for every 1= 1
M(i,j) is the number of ways of distributing the j balls in first i bins.
For the Dynamic Programming part Solve this recursion by Memoization, You will get your DP Solution automatically.

Calculating sum of geometric series (mod m)

I have a series
S = i^(m) + i^(2m) + ............... + i^(km) (mod m)
0 <= i < m, k may be very large (up to 100,000,000), m <= 300000
I want to find the sum. I cannot apply the Geometric Progression (GP) formula because then result will have denominator and then I will have to find modular inverse which may not exist (if the denominator and m are not coprime).
So I made an alternate algorithm making an assumption that these powers will make a cycle of length much smaller than k (because it is a modular equation and so I would obtain something like 2,7,9,1,2,7,9,1....) and that cycle will repeat in the above series. So instead of iterating from 0 to k, I would just find the sum of numbers in a cycle and then calculate the number of cycles in the above series and multiply them. So I first found i^m (mod m) and then multiplied this number again and again taking modulo at each step until I reached the first element again.
But when I actually coded the algorithm, for some values of i, I got cycles which were of very large size. And hence took a large amount of time before terminating and hence my assumption is incorrect.
So is there any other pattern we can find out? (Basically I don't want to iterate over k.)
So please give me an idea of an efficient algorithm to find the sum.
This is the algorithm for a similar problem I encountered
You probably know that one can calculate the power of a number in logarithmic time. You can also do so for calculating the sum of the geometric series. Since it holds that
1 + a + a^2 + ... + a^(2*n+1) = (1 + a) * (1 + (a^2) + (a^2)^2 + ... + (a^2)^n),
you can recursively calculate the geometric series on the right hand to get the result.
This way you do not need division, so you can take the remainder of the sum (and of intermediate results) modulo any number you want.
As you've noted, doing the calculation for an arbitrary modulus m is difficult because many values might not have a multiplicative inverse mod m. However, if you can solve it for a carefully selected set of alternate moduli, you can combine them to obtain a solution mod m.
Factor m into p_1, p_2, p_3 ... p_n such that each p_i is a power of a distinct prime
Since each p is a distinct prime power, they are pairwise coprime. If we can calculate the sum of the series with respect to each modulus p_i, we can use the Chinese Remainder Theorem to reassemble them into a solution mod m.
For each prime power modulus, there are two trivial special cases:
If i^m is congruent to 0 mod p_i, the sum is trivially 0.
If i^m is congruent to 1 mod p_i, then the sum is congruent to k mod p_i.
For other values, one can apply the usual formula for the sum of a geometric sequence:
S = sum(j=0 to k, (i^m)^j) = ((i^m)^(k+1) - 1) / (i^m - 1)
TODO: Prove that (i^m - 1) is coprime to p_i or find an alternate solution for when they have a nontrivial GCD. Hopefully the fact that p_i is a prime power and also a divisor of m will be of some use... If p_i is a divisor of i. the condition holds. If p_i is prime (as opposed to a prime power), then either the special case i^m = 1 applies, or (i^m - 1) has a multiplicative inverse.
If the geometric sum formula isn't usable for some p_i, you could rearrange the calculation so you only need to iterate from 1 to p_i instead of 1 to k, taking advantage of the fact that the terms repeat with a period no longer than p_i.
(Since your series doesn't contain a j=0 term, the value you want is actually S-1.)
This yields a set of congruences mod p_i, which satisfy the requirements of the CRT.
The procedure for combining them into a solution mod m is described in the above link, so I won't repeat it here.
This can be done via the method of repeated squaring, which is O(log(k)) time, or O(log(k)log(m)) time, if you consider m a variable.
In general, a[n]=1+b+b^2+... b^(n-1) mod m can be computed by noting that:
The second just being the corollary for the first.
In your case, b=i^m can be computed in O(log m) time.
The following Python code implements this:
def geometric(n,b,m):
total = 0
while n>0:
if n&1==1:
total = (e*total + T)%m
T = ((e+1)*T)%m
e = (e*e)%m
n = n/2
//print '{} {} {}'.format(total,T,e)
return total
This bit of magic has a mathematical reason - the operation on pairs defined as
is associative, and the rule 1 basically means that:
(b,1)#(b,1)#... n times ... #(b,1)=(b^n,1+b+b^2+...+b^(n-1))
Repeated squaring always works when operations are associative. In this case, the # operator is O(log(m)) time, so repeated squaring takes O(log(n)log(m)).
One way to look at this is that the matrix exponentiation:
[[b,1],[0,1]]^n == [[b^n,1+b+...+b^(n-1))],[0,1]]
You can use a similar method to compute (a^n-b^n)/(a-b) modulo m because matrix exponentiation gives:
[[b,1],[0,a]]^n == [[b^n,a^(n-1)+a^(n-2)b+...+ab^(n-2)+b^(n-1)],[0,a^n]]
Based on the approach of #braindoper a complete algorithm which calculates
1 + a + a^2 + ... +a^n mod m
looks like this in Mathematica:
geometricSeriesMod[a_, n_, m_] :=
Module[ {q = a, exp = n, factor = 1, sum = 0, temp},
While[And[exp > 0, q != 0],
temp = Mod[factor*PowerMod[q, exp, m], m];
sum = Mod[sum + temp, m];
factor = Mod[Mod[1 + q, m]*factor, m];
q = Mod[q*q, m];
exp = Floor[ exp /2];
Return [Mod[sum + factor, m]]
a is the "ratio" of the series. It can be any integer (including zero and negative values).
n is the highest exponent of the series. Allowed are integers >= 0.
mis the integer modulus != 0
Note: The algorithm performs a Mod operation after every arithmetic operation. This is essential, if you transcribe this algorithm to a language with a limited word length for integers.
