Algorithm: constrained XOR of numbers within a range - algorithm

Let us say we are given a number n.
We need to find the number of values S ^ (S+n) lying in the range [L, R].
(Where S is any non-negative integer and ^ is the bitwise xor operator).
I can easily do this if n is power of two (they have a very useful pattern)
I am not sure how to solve this for any general n.
Any suggestions?
n is also a non-negative integer.
n, L, R are all less than 10^18.
This was a programming question in some practice test which i gave sometime back, i just remembered this seeing a similar question in StackOverflow today.
Explaining with an example,
say n = 1.
Then we know that S ^ (S + 1) will always have a binary representation of all ones. eg: 1,3,7,...
So solving this is easy we just have to count the number of such numbers within the Range [L,R] it is quite simple.
For n = any power of 2 similar methods work. But i have no idea what to do if n is not a power of 2.

Let C(n) be the (infinite) set of numbers that can be written as S ^ (S + n) for some S.
We have the following recurrence relations on the sets C(n):
If n = 2k is even, then C(n) = {2x : x in C(k)};
If n = 2k + 1 is odd, then C(n) = {2x + 1 : x in C(k)} union {2x + 1 : x in C(k + 1)}.
An algorithm can be deduced from these relations. More precisely, a pair (C(n), C(n + 1)) can be deduced from (C(n / 2), C(n / 2 + 1)). Note that the union above is really a disjoint union, because every element in C(n) has the same parity as n, hence C(k) and C(k + 1) do not intersect.
Proof of the recurrence relations:
Simply look at the last binary digits of n and S.


polynomial (in n) time algorithm that decides whether N is a power

I am a computer science student; I am studying the Algorithms course independently.
During the course, I saw this question:
Given an n-bit integer N, find a polynomial (in n) time algorithm that decides whether N is a power (that is, there are integers a and k > 1 so that a^k = N).
I thought of a first option that is exponential in n:
For all k , 1<k<N , try to divide N by k until I get result 1.
For example, if N = 27, I will start with k = 2 , because 2 doesn't divide 27, I will go to next k =3.
I will divide 27 / 3 to get 9, and divide it again until I will get 1. This is not a good solution because it is exponential in n.
My second option is using Modular arithmetic, using ak ≡ 1 mod (k+1) if gcd(a, k+1 ) = 1 (Euler's theorem). I don't know if a and k are relatively prime.
I am trying to write an algorithm, but I am struggling to do it:
function power(N)
Input: Positive integer N
Output: yes/no
Pick positive integers a_1, a_2, . . . , a_k < N at random
if (a_i)^N−1 ≡ 1 (mod N)
for all i = 1, 2, . . . , k:
return yes
return no
I'm not sure if the algorithm is correct. How can I write this correctly?
Ignoring the cases when N is 0 or 1, you want to know if N is representable as a^b for a>1, b>1.
If you knew b, you could find a in O(log(N)) arithmetic operations (using binary search). Each arithmetic operation including exponentiation runs in polynomial time in log(N), so that would be polynomial too.
It's possible to bound b: it can be at most log_2(N)+1, otherwise a will be less than 2.
So simply try each b from 2 to floor(log_2(N)+1). Each try is polynomial in n (n ~= log_2(N)), and there's O(n) trials, so the resulting time is polynomial in n.
This looks like a simple math question. Suppose that we are given N = 96889010407 which is much less than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER.
The question trys to figure out if N is a power where a**k === N for a > 1 and k > 1 . So we can also write it as
Math.log(a**k) === Math.log(N) yielding k*Math.log(a) === Math.log(N) yielding Math.log(a) === Math.log(N) / k where k is an Integer > 1.
Now remember the inverse logarithm. Math.log(y) = x yields y = Math.E**x.
This means we are looking for an Integer like a = Math.E**(Math.log(N) / k) for some k if exists. So start from k=2 and increment by 1.
k a = Math.E**(Math.log(N) / k)
___ _____________________________
2 311269.99599543784 -> NO
3 4592.947769836504 -> NO
4 557.9157606623403 -> NO
5 157.49069663608586 -> NO
6 67.77129015915592 -> NO
7 37.1080205641031 -> NO
8 23.62024048697092 -> NO
9 16.622531664172815 -> NO
10 12.54952973764698 -> NO
11 9.971310247420734 -> NO
12 8.232332000056601 -> NO
13 6.999999999999999 -> YES a is 7 and 96889010407 = 7^13
So for how long do we have to iterate? As long as Math.E**(Math.log(N) / k >= 2. In this case max 36 iterations since Math.E**(Math.log(96889010407) / 37 is 1.9811909632660634 and a must be an integer > 1.
This algorithm is probably the most efficient one for this job. It's time complexity is O(log2(N)) as we iterate k (the power). Had we chosen a to iterate then the time complexity would be O(sqrt(N)).
This is OK for Natural numbers but you can extend this to the Rationals as well.
Say, is 10.999671418529301 a perfect power?
All you have to do is to convert the decimal into a fraction the best way possible to get the rational form 4084101/371293 and apply both the numerator and the denominator to the mentioned algorithm above, to see if they both give the same power which in this case would be 5. 10.999671418529301 is 21^5/13^5.
Note: JS Math object is used in the example.
The number N cannot exceed 2^n. Hence you can initialize i=2, j=n and compute i^j with decreasing j until you arrive at N, then increase i and so on. A power is found in polynomial time.
E.g. with 7776 < 8192 = 2^13, you try 2^12 = 4096, then 3^12, 3^11, 3^10, 3^9, 3^8, then 4^8, 4^7, 4^6, 5^6, 5^5, 6^5 and you are done.

algorithm proof - building least number after deleting k digits from an n-digit number

Problem: given an n-digit number, which k (k < n) digits should be deleted from it to make the number left is the smallest among all cases (the relative sequence of remaining digits should not be changed). e.g. delete 2 digits from '24635', the smallest left number is '235'.
A solution: Delete the first digit (from left to right) which is larger than or equal to its right neighbor, or the last digit, if we cannot find one as such. Repeat this procedure for k times. (see codecareer for reference. There are other solutions such as geeksforgeeks, stackoverflow, but I thought the one described here is more intuitive, so I prefer this one.)
The problem now is, how to prove the solution above is correct, i.e. how can it guarantee the final number is smallest by making it the smallest after deleting a single digit at each step.
Suppose k = 1.
Let m = Σi=0,...,n aibi and n+1 digit number anan-1...a1a0 with base b, i.e. 0 ≤ ai < b ∀ 0 ≤ i ≤ n (e.g. b = 10).
∃ j > 0 with aj > aj-1 and let j be maximal.
This means aj is the last digit of a (not necessary strictly) increasing sequence of consecutive digits.
Then the digit aj is now removed from the number and the resulting number m' has the value
m' = Σi=0,...,j-1 aibi + Σi=j+1,...,n aibi-1
The aim of this reduction is to maximize the difference m-m'. So lets take a look:
m - m' = Σi=0,...,n aibi - (Σi=0,...,j-1 aibi + Σi=j+1,...,n aibi-1)
= ajbj + Σi=j+1,...,n (aibi - aibi-1)
= anbn + Σi=j,...,n-1 (ai - ai+1)bi
Can there be a better choice of j to get a bigger difference?
Since an...aj is an increasing sub sequence, ai-ai+1 ≥ 0 holds. So choosing j' > j instead of j, you get more zeros where you now have a positive number, i.e. the difference gets not bigger, but lower if there exists an i with ai+1 < ai (strict smaller).
j is supposed to be maximal, i.e. aj-1-aj < 0. We know
bj-1 > Σi=0,...,j-2(b-1)bi = bi-1-1
This means, that if we choose `j' < j', we get a negative addition to the difference, so it also gets not bigger.
If ∄ j > 0 with aj > aj-1 the above proof works for j = 0.
What is left to do?
This is only the proof that your algorithm works for k = 1.
It is possible to extend the above proof to multiple sub sequences of (not necessary strictly) increasing digits. It's exact the same proof but much less readable, due to the number of indexes you need.
Maybe you can also use induction, since there are no interactions between the digits (blocking following next choices or something).
Here is a simple argument that your algorithm works for any k. Suppose there is a digit in the mth place that is less than or equal to it's right (m+1)th digit neighbor, and you delete the mth digit but not the (m+1)th. Then you can delete the (m+1)th digit instead of the mth, and you will get an answer less than or equal to your original answer.
notice: this proof is for building the maximum number after removing k digits, but the thinking is similar
key lemma: maximum (m + 1)-digit number contains maximum m-digit
number for all m = 0, 1, ..., n - 1
greedy solution to delete one digit from some number to get the maximum
result: just delete the first digit which next digit is greater than it, or the last digit if digits are in non-ascending order. This is very easy to prove.
we use contradiction to proof the lemma.
suppose the first time the lemma is broken when m = k, so S(k) ⊄ S(k + 1). Notice that the S(k) ⊂ S(n) as the initial number contains all sub optimal ones, so there must exist a x that S(k) ⊂ S(x) and S(k) ⊄ S(x - 1), k + 2 <= x <= n
we use the greedy solution above to delete only one digit S[X][y] from S(x) to get S(x - 1), so S[X][y] ∈ S(x) and S[X][y] ∉ S(x - 1) and S(k) must contain it. We now use contradiction to prove that S(k) does not need to contain this digit .
According to our greedy solution, all digits from beginning to S[X][y] are
in non-ascending order.
if S[X][y] is at the tail, then S(k) can be the first k digits of S(x) ---> contradiction!
otherwise, we firstly know that all digits in S[X][1, 2,..., y] are in S[k]. If there is a S[X][z] is not inS(k), 1 <= z <= y - 1, then we can shift digits of S(k) that in range S[X][z + 1, y] to left one unit to get a greater or equal S(k). Therefore, there are at least 2 digit after S[X][y] that are not in S(k) as x >= k + 2. Then, we can follow the prefix of S(k) to S[X][y], but we do not use S[X][y], we use from S[X][y + 1]. As S[X][y + 1] > S[X][y], we can build a greater S(k) -------> contradiction!
so, we prove lemma. If we have got S(m + 1), and we know S(m + 1) contains S(m), then S(m) must be the maximum number after removing one digit from S(m + 1)

arrangement with constraint on the sum

I'm looking to construct an algorithm which gives the arrangements with repetition of n sequences of a given step S (which can be a positive real number), under the constraint that the sum of all combinations is k, with k a positive integer.
My problem is thus to find the solutions to the equation:
x 1 + x 2 + ⋯ + x n = k
0 ≤ x i ≤ b i
and S (the step) a real number with finite decimal.
For instance, if 0≤xi≤50, and S=2.5 then xi = {0, 2.5 , 5,..., 47.5, 50}.
The point here is to look only through the combinations having a sum=k because if n is big it is not possible to generate all the arrangements, so I would like to bypass this to generate only the combinations that match the constraint.
I was thinking to start with n=2 for instance, and find all linear combinations that match the constraint.
ex: if xi = {0, 2.5 , 5,..., 47.5, 50} and k=100, then we only have one combination={50,50}
For n=3, we have the combination for n=2 times 3, i.e. {50,50,0},{50,0,50} and {0,50,50} plus the combinations {50,47.5,2.5} * 3! etc...
If xi = {0, 2.5 , 5,..., 37.5, 40} and k=100, then we have 0 combinations for n=2 because 2*40<100, and we have {40,40,20} times 3 for n=3... (if I'm not mistaken)
I'm a bit lost as I can't seem to find a proper way to start the algorithm, knowing that I should have the step S and b as inputs.
Do you have any suggestions?
You can transform your problem into an integer problem by dividing everything by S: We want to find all integer sequences y1, ..., yn with:
(1) 0 ≤ yi ≤ ⌊b / S⌋
(2) y1 + ... + yn = k / S
We can see that there is no solution if k is not a multiple of S. Once we have reduced the problem, I would suggest using a pseudopolynomial dynamic programming algorithm to solve the subset sum problem and then reconstruct the solution from it. Let f(i, j) be the number of ways to make sum j with i elements. We have the following recurrence:
f(0,0) = 1
f(0,j) = 0 forall j > 0
f(i,j) = sum_{m = 0}^{min(floor(b / S), j)} f(i - 1, j - m)
We can solve f in O(n * k / S) time by filling it row by row. Now we want to reconstruct the solution. I'm using Python-style pseudocode to illustrate the concept:
def reconstruct(i, j):
if f(i,j) == 0:
if i == 0:
yield []
for m := 0 to min(floor(b / S), j):
for rest in reconstruct(i - 1, j - m):
yield [m] + rest
result = reconstruct(n, k / S)
result will be a list of all possible combinations.
What you are describing sounds like a special case of the subset sum problem. Once you put it in those terms, you'll find that Pisinger apparently has a linear time algorithm for solving a more general version of your problem, since your weights are bounded. If you're interested in designing your own algorithm, you might start by reading Pisinger's thesis to get some ideas.
Since you are looking for all possible solutions and not just a single solution, the dynamic programming approach is probably your best bet.

Number of Positive Solutions to a1 x1+a2 x2+......+an xn=k (k<=10^18)

The question is Number of solutions to a1 x1+a2 x2+....+an xn=k with constraints: 1)ai>0 and ai<=15 2)n>0 and n<=15 3)xi>=0 I was able to formulate a Dynamic programming solution but it is running too long for n>10^10. Please guide me to get a more efficient soution.
The code
int dp[]=new int[16];
BigInteger seen=new BigInteger("0");
for(int i=0;i<arr[0];i++)
for(int i=1;i<15;i++)
seen=seen.add(new BigInteger("1"));
arr is the array containing coefficients and answer should be mod 1000000007 as the number of ways donot fit into an int.
Update for real problem:
The actual problem is much simpler. However, it's hard to be helpful without spoiling it entirely.
Stripping it down to the bare essentials, the problem is
Given k distinct positive integers L1, ... , Lk and a nonnegative integer n, how many different finite sequences (a1, ..., ar) are there such that 1. for all i (1 <= i <= r), ai is one of the Lj, and 2. a1 + ... + ar = n. (In other words, the number of compositions of n using only the given Lj.)
For convenience, you are also told that all the Lj are <= 15 (and hence k <= 15), and n <= 10^18. And, so that the entire computation can be carried out using 64-bit integers (the number of sequences grows exponentially with n, you wouldn't have enough memory to store the exact number for large n), you should only calculate the remainder of the sequence count modulo 1000000007.
To solve such a problem, start by looking at the simplest cases first. The very simplest cases are when only one L is given, then evidently there is one admissible sequence if n is a multiple of L and no admissible sequence if n mod L != 0. That doesn't help yet. So consider the next simplest cases, two L values given. Suppose those are 1 and 2.
0 has one composition, the empty sequence: N(0) = 1
1 has one composition, (1): N(1) = 1
2 has two compositions, (1,1); (2): N(2) = 2
3 has three compositions, (1,1,1);(1,2);(2,1): N(3) = 3
4 has five compositions, (1,1,1,1);(1,1,2);(1,2,1);(2,1,1);(2,2): N(4) = 5
5 has eight compositions, (1,1,1,1,1);(1,1,1,2);(1,1,2,1);(1,2,1,1);(2,1,1,1);(1,2,2);(2,1,2);(2,2,1): N(5) = 8
You may see it now, or need a few more terms, but you'll notice that you get the Fibonacci sequence (shifted by one), N(n) = F(n+1), thus the sequence N(n) satisfies the recurrence relation
N(n) = N(n-1) + N(n-2) (for n >= 2; we have not yet proved that, so far it's a hypothesis based on pattern-spotting). Now, can we see that without calculating many values? Of course, there are two types of admissible sequences, those ending with 1 and those ending with 2. Since that partitioning of the admissible sequences restricts only the last element, the number of ad. seq. summing to n and ending with 1 is N(n-1) and the number of ad. seq. summing to n and ending with 2 is N(n-2).
That reasoning immediately generalises, given L1 < L2 < ... < Lk, for all n >= Lk, we have
N(n) = N(n-L1) + N(n-L2) + ... + N(n-Lk)
with the obvious interpretation if we're only interested in N(n) % m.
Umm, that linear recurrence still leaves calculating N(n) as an O(n) task?
Yes, but researching a few of the mentioned keywords quickly leads to an algorithm needing only O(log n) steps ;)
Algorithm for misinterpreted problem, no longer relevant, but may still be interesting:
The question looks a little SPOJish, so I won't give a complete algorithm (at least, not before I've googled around a bit to check if it's a contest question). I hope no restriction has been omitted in the description, such as that permutations of such representations should only contribute one to the count, that would considerably complicate the matter. So I count 1*3 + 2*4 = 11 and 2*4 + 1*3 = 11 as two different solutions.
Some notations first. For m-tuples of numbers, let < | > denote the canonical bilinear pairing, i.e.
<a|x> = a_1*x_1 + ... + a_m*x_m. For a positive integer B, let A_B = {1, 2, ..., B} be the set of positive integers not exceeding B. Let N denote the set of natural numbers, i.e. of nonnegative integers.
For 0 <= m, k and B > 0, let C(B,m,k) = card { (a,x) \in A_B^m × N^m : <a|x> = k }.
Your problem is then to find \sum_{m = 1}^15 C(15,m,k) (modulo 1000000007).
For completeness, let us mention that C(B,0,k) = if k == 0 then 1 else 0, which can be helpful in theoretical considerations. For the case of a positive number of summands, we easily find the recursion formula
C(B,m+1,k) = \sum_{j = 0}^k C(B,1,j) * C(B,m,k-j)
By induction, C(B,m,_) is the convolution¹ of m factors C(B,1,_). Calculating the convolution of two known functions up to k is O(k^2), so if C(B,1,_) is known, that gives an O(n*k^2) algorithm to compute C(B,m,k), 1 <= m <= n. Okay for small k, but our galaxy won't live to see you calculating C(15,15,10^18) that way. So, can we do better? Well, if you're familiar with the Laplace-transformation, you'll know that an analogous transformation will convert the convolution product to a pointwise product, which is much easier to calculate. However, although the transformation is in this case easy to compute, the inverse is not. Any other idea? Why, yes, let's take a closer look at C(B,1,_).
C(B,1,k) = card { a \in A_B : (k/a) is an integer }
In other words, C(B,1,k) is the number of divisors of k not exceeding B. Let us denote that by d_B(k). It is immediately clear that 1 <= d_B(k) <= B. For B = 2, evidently d_2(k) = 1 if k is odd, 2 if k is even. d_3(k) = 3 if and only if k is divisible by 2 and by 3, hence iff k is a multiple of 6, d_3(k) = 2 if and only if one of 2, 3 divides k but not the other, that is, iff k % 6 \in {2,3,4} and finally, d_3(k) = 1 iff neither 2 nor 3 divides k, i.e. iff gcd(k,6) = 1, iff k % 6 \in {1,5}. So we've seen that d_2 is periodic with period 2, d_3 is periodic with period 6. Generally, like reasoning shows that d_B is periodic for all B, and the minimal positive period divides B!.
Given any positive period P of C(B,1,_) = d_B, we can split the sum in the convolution (k = q*P+r, 0 <= r < P):
C(B,m+1, q*P+r) = \sum_{c = 0}^{q-1} (\sum_{j = 0}^{P-1} d_B(j)*C(B,m,(q-c)*P + (r-j)))
+ \sum_{j = 0}^r d_B(j)*C(B,m,r-j)
The functions C(B,m,_) are no longer periodic for m >= 2, but there are simple formulae to obtain C(B,m,q*P+r) from C(B,m,r). Thus, with C(B,1,_) = d_B and C(B,m,_) known up to P, calculating C(B,m+1,_) up to P is an O(P^2) task², getting the data necessary for calculating C(B,m+1,k) for arbitrarily large k, needs m such convolutions, hence that's O(m*P^2).
Then finding C(B,m,k) for 1 <= m <= n and arbitrarily large k is O(n^2*P^2), in time and O(n^2*P) in space.
For B = 15, we have 15! = 1.307674368 * 10^12, so using that for P isn't feasible. Fortunately, the smallest positive period of d_15 is much smaller, so you get something workable. From a rough estimate, I would still expect the calculation of C(15,15,k) to take time more appropriately measured in hours than seconds, but it's an improvement over O(k) which would take years (for k in the region of 10^18).
¹ The convolution used here is (f \ast g)(k) = \sum_{j = 0}^k f(j)*g(k-j).
² Assuming all arithmetic operations are O(1); if, as in the OP, only the residue modulo some M > 0 is desired, that holds if all intermediate calculations are done modulo M.

Calculating sum of geometric series (mod m)

I have a series
S = i^(m) + i^(2m) + ............... + i^(km) (mod m)
0 <= i < m, k may be very large (up to 100,000,000), m <= 300000
I want to find the sum. I cannot apply the Geometric Progression (GP) formula because then result will have denominator and then I will have to find modular inverse which may not exist (if the denominator and m are not coprime).
So I made an alternate algorithm making an assumption that these powers will make a cycle of length much smaller than k (because it is a modular equation and so I would obtain something like 2,7,9,1,2,7,9,1....) and that cycle will repeat in the above series. So instead of iterating from 0 to k, I would just find the sum of numbers in a cycle and then calculate the number of cycles in the above series and multiply them. So I first found i^m (mod m) and then multiplied this number again and again taking modulo at each step until I reached the first element again.
But when I actually coded the algorithm, for some values of i, I got cycles which were of very large size. And hence took a large amount of time before terminating and hence my assumption is incorrect.
So is there any other pattern we can find out? (Basically I don't want to iterate over k.)
So please give me an idea of an efficient algorithm to find the sum.
This is the algorithm for a similar problem I encountered
You probably know that one can calculate the power of a number in logarithmic time. You can also do so for calculating the sum of the geometric series. Since it holds that
1 + a + a^2 + ... + a^(2*n+1) = (1 + a) * (1 + (a^2) + (a^2)^2 + ... + (a^2)^n),
you can recursively calculate the geometric series on the right hand to get the result.
This way you do not need division, so you can take the remainder of the sum (and of intermediate results) modulo any number you want.
As you've noted, doing the calculation for an arbitrary modulus m is difficult because many values might not have a multiplicative inverse mod m. However, if you can solve it for a carefully selected set of alternate moduli, you can combine them to obtain a solution mod m.
Factor m into p_1, p_2, p_3 ... p_n such that each p_i is a power of a distinct prime
Since each p is a distinct prime power, they are pairwise coprime. If we can calculate the sum of the series with respect to each modulus p_i, we can use the Chinese Remainder Theorem to reassemble them into a solution mod m.
For each prime power modulus, there are two trivial special cases:
If i^m is congruent to 0 mod p_i, the sum is trivially 0.
If i^m is congruent to 1 mod p_i, then the sum is congruent to k mod p_i.
For other values, one can apply the usual formula for the sum of a geometric sequence:
S = sum(j=0 to k, (i^m)^j) = ((i^m)^(k+1) - 1) / (i^m - 1)
TODO: Prove that (i^m - 1) is coprime to p_i or find an alternate solution for when they have a nontrivial GCD. Hopefully the fact that p_i is a prime power and also a divisor of m will be of some use... If p_i is a divisor of i. the condition holds. If p_i is prime (as opposed to a prime power), then either the special case i^m = 1 applies, or (i^m - 1) has a multiplicative inverse.
If the geometric sum formula isn't usable for some p_i, you could rearrange the calculation so you only need to iterate from 1 to p_i instead of 1 to k, taking advantage of the fact that the terms repeat with a period no longer than p_i.
(Since your series doesn't contain a j=0 term, the value you want is actually S-1.)
This yields a set of congruences mod p_i, which satisfy the requirements of the CRT.
The procedure for combining them into a solution mod m is described in the above link, so I won't repeat it here.
This can be done via the method of repeated squaring, which is O(log(k)) time, or O(log(k)log(m)) time, if you consider m a variable.
In general, a[n]=1+b+b^2+... b^(n-1) mod m can be computed by noting that:
The second just being the corollary for the first.
In your case, b=i^m can be computed in O(log m) time.
The following Python code implements this:
def geometric(n,b,m):
total = 0
while n>0:
if n&1==1:
total = (e*total + T)%m
T = ((e+1)*T)%m
e = (e*e)%m
n = n/2
//print '{} {} {}'.format(total,T,e)
return total
This bit of magic has a mathematical reason - the operation on pairs defined as
is associative, and the rule 1 basically means that:
(b,1)#(b,1)#... n times ... #(b,1)=(b^n,1+b+b^2+...+b^(n-1))
Repeated squaring always works when operations are associative. In this case, the # operator is O(log(m)) time, so repeated squaring takes O(log(n)log(m)).
One way to look at this is that the matrix exponentiation:
[[b,1],[0,1]]^n == [[b^n,1+b+...+b^(n-1))],[0,1]]
You can use a similar method to compute (a^n-b^n)/(a-b) modulo m because matrix exponentiation gives:
[[b,1],[0,a]]^n == [[b^n,a^(n-1)+a^(n-2)b+...+ab^(n-2)+b^(n-1)],[0,a^n]]
Based on the approach of #braindoper a complete algorithm which calculates
1 + a + a^2 + ... +a^n mod m
looks like this in Mathematica:
geometricSeriesMod[a_, n_, m_] :=
Module[ {q = a, exp = n, factor = 1, sum = 0, temp},
While[And[exp > 0, q != 0],
temp = Mod[factor*PowerMod[q, exp, m], m];
sum = Mod[sum + temp, m];
factor = Mod[Mod[1 + q, m]*factor, m];
q = Mod[q*q, m];
exp = Floor[ exp /2];
Return [Mod[sum + factor, m]]
a is the "ratio" of the series. It can be any integer (including zero and negative values).
n is the highest exponent of the series. Allowed are integers >= 0.
mis the integer modulus != 0
Note: The algorithm performs a Mod operation after every arithmetic operation. This is essential, if you transcribe this algorithm to a language with a limited word length for integers.
