Toolbar buttons not visible for new usergroup in Joomla 2.5 - joomla

I created a new usergroup (Partners) and a new viewing access level (Partners) in joomla.
The idea is that that usergroup has access to only a single component and only specific modules (all of this in the administrator interface).
This all works fine except for the fact that the user cannot create nor edit anything in any component. Create is set to Allowed, yet no toolbar buttons are visible. I tried setting everything to Allowed in the component. I tried different components to no avail.
The Partners usergroup is the sole group with viewing access Partners.
I would also like to note that the component name is NOT visible in the toolbar area
Settings for component:
viewing access level:


Need to embed new header menu in joomla

i am using Joomla 2.5 inbuilt registration Form ,I Need to a new header menu after the successful user log-in. how to do this ? Can we integrate Different header menu for Different page(artical). Please help.
There are two options.
First one that you could create two menus, one for registered and one for non-registered users and use different module after login.
Second option to use the same menu and set different items for each group. The selection could be made under:
Menus -> *Menu_Name -> *Menu_Item -> Access: Public / Registered
EDIT: In order to set menu items available only for non-registered users you have to select Guest Access Level: Allowing Guest-Only Access to Menu Items and Modules.
Hope this helps

Filter courses on Moodle 2.7

I am wondering if there is any plugin available for Moodle 2.7 which allows admin to add some attributes to courses and create a widget to filter the courses by thoses attributes.
For example, we would like to allow users to filter courses by their price, content, dates etc.
Thanks in advance
The block gnuwings provided will actually solve your issue when configured within Moodle correctly.
What you should do afterwards, is enable the 'My Moodle' page for every user. To find this setting, you should use the search function for the site admin.
My Moodle allows you to place blocks in the center of the screen, so you can edit the default My Moodle page to show this block. I would personally recommend turning the feature that allows students to edit their own My Moodle page off, as this will make it harder for you to manage this page in the future (without modifications to the database).
To edit the default 'My' page, in Moodle 2.7, go to site administration, appearance, default my page.
To enable this view by default, go to site administration -> appearance -> navigation, and update the value of 'Default home page for users'.

Content for Registered User on Joomla 2.5

I am working with Joomla 2.5 and I need to set a page each language to be visible only to registered users.
Now that's what I have done already:
I created 5 new pages with restricted access (Registered), one each language
Created 5 new menu items, linking to single articles with restricted access (Registered)
Created a module to display the above menu with restricted access (Registered)
Everything works fine, so the menu items link to the correct pages, except that I get the module also for Public users.
Where am I wrong?
You need to create a guest usergroup which is not a part of the registered user group. Then you should set your default usergroup for not-logged in users as guest instead of public. You can do that in the options of the user manager page. That should do the trick.

Joomla ACL: Only allow access to custom component in the backend?

I'm building a component for the backend. I don't want the users who will access it to access ANYTHING else in the backend except for this component.
I tried following these two instructions:!1.6_-_Part_14#Describing_the_ACL
I made a new User Group with a parent of public and allow admin login (which would lock them out of everything) and then tried adding the ACL code from those links above with permissions to create and edit but I just get a blank screen (not even a logout link). The "Debug Permissions Report" showed the correct permissions but nothing's showing up.
Any ideas? My next step is to manually go through every component and not allow access to that new User Group but it seems like there's an easier way.
In Joomla! 2.5 we regularly create "Content" only backend users that have access only to the 'com_content' component.
Going back through our steps the only thing you haven't specified is adding the new user group to a View Access Level. If you're using the standard sample content installed when setting up a Joomla! website you can add your new user group to the "Special" view access (although any will do).
If a new group has 'admin login' privileges it can login but without a View Access level it can't see anything.. it's a subtle difference but it's the way Joomla! works.

Umbraco how to create account related pages?

I would like to create some pages related to a member account in umbraco 4.
In webforms, an account folder is created and in it are the account related pages, such as Login.aspx, ForgotPassword.aspx, etc...
Now, these pages are not actual content pages, but are more of the adminitrative type.
I've created user controls for the login, register, etc.
Should I create a document type in umbraco for each page type, and put the respective user control in each template ? what is the recommended way to do this in umbraco ?
On the content manager, just right click on the page or node you want to protect, right click on and select "Public Access".
In there you can apply permissions to individual users and/or roled based. The Roled based one will require for you to have "Member Groups".
That is it. All the security is kept on the "\App_Data\access.config" file; you can review it for more details on how they are achieving this.
