Gradle task take over configuration of war - gradle

For my web project I need to build two WAR files.
One with the static content, one without.
war {
archiveName = "feeder##${version}.full.war"
exclude 'test.html', 'test.js', 'todos.js'
task SmallWar(type: War, dependsOn:[war]) {
// exclude 'css', 'img', 'js', 'template', 'index.html'
archiveName = "feeder##${version}.war"
It's clear, I'm able to configure both the same way, but how can I take over the configuration and enhance it?
The current configuration only calls war before running SmallWar.
I don't want to call it. Instead the SmallWar task should already exclude the same files as the war plus additional files.

The dependsOn only affects execution, not configuration. An easy way to configure commonalities between the two War tasks is:
tasks.withType(War) {
exclude 'test.html', 'test.js', 'todos.js'
smallWar can then add further excludes:
task smallWar(type: War) {
exclude 'css', 'img', 'js'


Gradle Ear plugin should not copy resources into .ear root

I have the following folder structure of my gradle module:
... other files, properties
My goal is to build an ear archive, which will contain only Tclient.war and META-INF. However, gradle copies all resource files to the ear root.
Gradle documentation about Ear Plugin says that:
The default behavior of the Ear task is to copy the content of
src/main/application to the root of the archive. If your application
directory doesn’t contain a META-INF/application.xml deployment
descriptor then one will be generated for you.
So, It's not really clear why it puts resources into the root. Maybe, it work's like the org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling.Jar task and I should override this behaviour in some way?
Here is my partially build.gradle file:
jar {
description 'Creates tclient.jar'
archiveBaseName = 'tclient'
destinationDirectory = file('src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib')
from sourceSets.main.output
include '**/*'
include '**/*.properties'
include '**/*.cmd'
description = "Ear archive for WebSphere server"
archiveBaseName = 'Tclient'
// workaround to exclude classes from ear root
war {
archiveFileName = 'Tclient.war'
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
webInf {
from configurations.natives into 'lib/bin'
// do not put compiled classes inside WEB-INF/classes
from(jar) {
into 'WEB-INF/lib'
dependencies {
// Place .war inside .ear root
deploy files(war)
The possible workaround is to exclude redundant resources from the rootspec:
description = "Ear archive for WebSphere server"
archiveBaseName = 'Tclient'
// workaround to exclude classes from ear root
// workaround
However, I'm finding this workaround a little bit ugly and it's a dirty hack.

How to prevent gradle checkstyle of monitoring the build folder

i have an avro generated tool that create some jave class, thier in turn ships to the build folder.
the problem is that their structure not match with my checkstyle rukes so i want to ignore them
the files under:
my gradle checkstyle configuration is:
task checkstyle(type: Checkstyle) {
source 'src'
// include '**/*.java'
// exclude '**/gen/**'
// exclude '**/'
// exclude '**/'
exclude 'src/main/avro/**'
exclude 'build/**/'
tasks.withType(Checkstyle) {
reports {
xml.enabled false
html.enabled true
html.stylesheet resources.text.fromFile('/config/checkstyle/checkstyle-custom.xsl')
but i still get:
[ant:checkstyle] [WARN] C:\src\temp\myproj\build\generated-main-avro-java\.....
can you assist of how can i exclude this folder?
(in this example i tried to exclude all the build folder)
can u assist?

Depend on Kotlin Multiplatfrom JS Module from JVM

I have a Kotlin Multiplatform project with a common, a JS and a JVM module. The JVM module uses a JavaFX WebView to display a GUI. This GUI however shall be implemented as the JS module. How do I add the JS module as a dependency correctly? I tried
dependencies {
compile project(":myproject-js")
however, this does not include the resulting JS files anywhere in the classpath. The JS module does indeed create a JAR file with the required dependencies, but I could not find a way to access them.
I also tried simply copying the JS files into my build output, but they are still ignored:
configurations {
dependencies {
js project(":myproject-js")
project.afterEvaluate {
build.dependsOn copyResources
task copyResources(type: Copy) {
dependsOn configurations.js
into file("${project.buildDir}/resources")
from {
configurations.js.asFileTree.each {
from (zipTree(it))
Is there a way to achieve this?
Here's what should work:
Create a configuration for the myproject-js dependency:
configurations {
Add the project dependency to that configuration:
dependencies {
js project(":myproject-js")
Add the configuration files to the processResources task with .from(...), and the corresponding build dependency:
processResources {
dependsOn configurations.js
from(configurations.js.collect { zipTree(it) })
Then, whenever you build the JVM project, the JS module's files get unpacked into the resources output directory and then packed into the JAR.

Gradle: Common Zip task for every subproject

I have a multi-project gradle build, where all subprojects of root project have common zip task. They should zip some source, depending of the subproject's settings.
First, I configured it in parent build.gradle:
subprojects { subproject ->
apply plugin: 'java'
task submission(type: Zip) {
destinationDir = subproject.buildDir
archiveName =
from subproject.ext.submissionFiles
But this does not work with Cannot get property 'submissionFiles' on extra properties extension as it does not exist. So i moved the task in each subproject's build.gradle, which breaks DRY principle.
I think the problem is that the configuration phase takes place before subprojects are configured. How can I "defer" configuration of this task, so that I only configure ext.submissionFiles in subprojects?
I think you're saying that submissionFiles is set in the subproject's build.gradle?
There are a few ways of doing it.
Option 1. You could defer the evaluation of subproject.ext.submissionFiles by wrapping it in a closure:
task submission(type: Zip) {
destinationDir = subproject.buildDir
archiveName =
from ({ subproject.ext.submissionFiles })
Option 2. I think it could be better if you didn't use the intermediate variable (submissionFiles) and directly configured the submission task in the children:
// In root
task submission(type: Zip) {
destinationDir = subproject.buildDir
archiveName =
// In child
submission {
Using an intermediate variable like that to move configuration around can make your builds harder to understand connections between tasks.
Option 3. In some cases, it makes sense to use evaluationDependsOnChildren(), but I would generally not recommend it.

Filter out resources from custom Test task in Gradle with goal of having one properties file for tests and a different one for production

So I have setup a way to just run integration tests using this configuration:
test {
exclude "**/*IntegrationTest*.class"
task integrationTest(type: Test, dependsOn: testClasses) {
include "**/*IntegrationTest*.class"
check.dependsOn integrationTest
Works great. But then for logging in my integration tests, I want to use a file from a specific directory instead of the one that is located in the src/main/resoures which is used for production.
I've tried this but didn't work:
integrationTest.classpath = files("$rootDir/test/src/main/resources/") + integrationTest.classpath
I also tried to just see if I could exclude the file, but could not find a way. Tried this:
processTestResources.exclude "**/*"
Any suggestions for including one properties file in production and another one for tests?
If you put the 'test' in the src/test/resources directory, it will actually come before anything in src/main/resources on the classpath of your tests/integration tests.
An alternative solution is to setup your bundling so that the for production is not in src/main/resources, but is added to the jar from a different directory...
jar {
from('production') {
If you want to keep the files in their current locations, you were almost there with what you tried. On the classpath you can have either jar files, or directories containing resources. So try doing this:
integrationTest.classpath = files("$rootDir/test/src/main/resources") + integrationTest.classpath
Seems like you could do something like this also so that the .jar task will include it later:
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDir 'src/main/java'
output.classesDir = 'build/classes/main'
resources {
srcDir 'src/main/resources'
include 'logback.xml'
output.resourcesDir = 'build/resources/main'
