Depend on Kotlin Multiplatfrom JS Module from JVM - gradle

I have a Kotlin Multiplatform project with a common, a JS and a JVM module. The JVM module uses a JavaFX WebView to display a GUI. This GUI however shall be implemented as the JS module. How do I add the JS module as a dependency correctly? I tried
dependencies {
compile project(":myproject-js")
however, this does not include the resulting JS files anywhere in the classpath. The JS module does indeed create a JAR file with the required dependencies, but I could not find a way to access them.
I also tried simply copying the JS files into my build output, but they are still ignored:
configurations {
dependencies {
js project(":myproject-js")
project.afterEvaluate {
build.dependsOn copyResources
task copyResources(type: Copy) {
dependsOn configurations.js
into file("${project.buildDir}/resources")
from {
configurations.js.asFileTree.each {
from (zipTree(it))
Is there a way to achieve this?

Here's what should work:
Create a configuration for the myproject-js dependency:
configurations {
Add the project dependency to that configuration:
dependencies {
js project(":myproject-js")
Add the configuration files to the processResources task with .from(...), and the corresponding build dependency:
processResources {
dependsOn configurations.js
from(configurations.js.collect { zipTree(it) })
Then, whenever you build the JVM project, the JS module's files get unpacked into the resources output directory and then packed into the JAR.


Using gradle to programmatically add resource folder to test compile/runtime classpath

We have a master build script for 60+ components. The individual components do not have build.gradle files. What I'm trying to do is programmatically (in the master build.gradle) add a resource folder to certain projects. This resource folder contains a file which must be in the classpath when unit tests are ran. I'm trying to add this in the subprojects block like this:
subprojects { proj ->
// this is the folder I need in the test task classpath
def resdir = sprintf("%s\\resources", project(':Common').projectDir)
sourceSets {
test {
java {
srcDir 'test'
resources {
srcDirs = [resdir]
if( == "APROJECT"){
proj.tasks['test'].getClasspath().each { "COMPILE CLASSPATH: {}", it
However, if I query the classpath of the test task (see above) I do not see the folder in the classpath. Additionally, of course, the test is failing because the folder is not in the classpath.
If I put the sourceSet update in a build.gradle in the component folder, it works as expected.
Am I doing something wrong? How can I get this folder into the classpath for testing?
I wasn't able to get this to work by dynamically updating the sourceSet, however, I was able to get it to work by adding the necessary resource path to the testCompile dependency. See this for adding a class folder to a dependency.
Update: It's still not an ideal solution since the "solution" only adds the class folder to the compile path, it doesn't treat it as a resource (e.g., copy it to the runtime class folder).
Update #2: It's actually working as expected. It turns out that different tests were referencing slightly different resource paths. Adding all resource paths dynamically as noted above works fine!

Serve kotlin multiplatform javascript from ktor

I have set up a multi-module gradle project with a common module and a ktor module.
The common module is a kotlin multiplatform library.
I would like to be able to serve the javascript files generated from the common library from the ktor server, when I run it from Intellij.
Currently ktor is set up to serve resources as static content:
static("/static") {
The ktor module has a dependency on the common module:
dependencies {
compile project(':common')
I would assume when running in Intellij to be able to browse to http://localhost:8080/static/common.js to retrieve the outputs of the common module JS build (written to common\build\classes\kotlin\js\main) but this does not work.
Fixed this by including a copy task. Note that the kotlin full stack mpp here ( has an example that uses webpack outputs.
kotlin {
jvm() {
task copyJsToJvm(type: Copy) {
include '*.*'
into "$buildDir/classes/kotlin/jvm/main"
compilations.main {
tasks.getByName(processResourcesTaskName) {

Gradle - how do I exclude a resource from the executable jar?

I have a "production" logback configuration file logback.xml under src/main/resources... but that directory also contains the "testing" logback configuration file logback-test.xml (which logback looks for first).
When creating an executable jar I want to delete the "testing" xml file.
I tried this
jar {
manifest {
// PS this is the correct line for Shadow Plugin...
attributes 'Class-Path': '/libs/a.jar'
attributes 'Main-Class': 'core.MyMainClass'
and I tried this
jar {
manifest {
attributes 'Class-Path': '/libs/a.jar'
attributes 'Main-Class': 'core.MyMainClass'
doLast {
... what am I doing wrong?
I find here that I was probably making life difficult for myself in putting these xmls under /src/main/resources ... so I created a new directory under src, /logback, and put the files in there instead. I added this to the classpath (as logback says that's where it looks for these files) by doing this:
test {
classpath += files( 'src/logback' )
Interestingly, as well as meaning that logging during testing happens OK, this is enough to get the resulting executable jar to use logback OK when run.
Unfortunately, configuring the "shadowJar" task like this
shadowJar {
baseName = 'DocumentIndexer'
classifier = null
version = project.version
or configuring "jar" task like this:
jar {
manifest {
attributes 'Class-Path': '/libs/a.jar'
attributes 'Main-Class': 'core.ConsoleIOHandler'
... just refuses to work: the file logback-test.xml is still there in the jar.
I got the answer from the forums at
The basic answer is that the "test" logback config file should go under src/test/resources and the "production" config file should go under src/main/resources. This way the former will be excluded from the jar.
The answerer also said the "resources" is one of the roots from which relative paths are specified.
configurations {
compile.extendsFrom provided
dependencies {
provided 'WHATEVER' // Packages you don't need to add to jar
provided 'Other WHATEVER' // Packages you don't need to add to jar
shadow 'OTHER' // Packages you need to add to jar
shadow 'Another OTHER' // Packages you need to add to jar
shadowJar {
configurations = [project.configurations.shadow] // ***
as mentioned here
line *** is the way to tell shadow what dependencies to include in jar

Gradle: create zip file containing classes and dependencies

I have to create a zip-file containing the classes (and the manifest etc.!) in a classes-folder and the dependency jar-files in an libs folder. My current attempt is:
task createZip(type: Jar) {
with jar
but it does not add the dependencies (as anyone would have guessed)
ok, i solved it
task plugin(type: Zip) {
from (configurations.compile) {
into ('libs/')
from (sourceSets.main.output.classesDir) {
into ('classes/')
from (sourceSets.main.resources) {
into ('classes/')
from (new File(project.buildDir, 'tmp/jar/')) {
into ('classes/META-INF/')
plugin.dependsOn jar
this copies the dependencies into libs and all the compiled classes, resources and the manifest into libs. plugin.dependsOn jar is important because the manifest ist generated by the jar task.
Your question says you desire a zip file, though your attempt uses a Jar task. Regardless of whether you zip or jar (since the jar task extends zip), the below snippet will collect all compiled dependencies, and you can put them wherever you desire:
from (configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) })

Gradle - can I include task's output in project dependencies

I have a task that generates java sources and a set of jars from these sources (say, project a). I would like to export these jars to dependent projects (say, project b). So here's roughly what I have right now:
task generateJars(type: JavaExec) {
//generate jars ...
outputs.files += //append generated jars here
generatedJars generateJars.outputs.files
project(path: ':a', configuration: 'generatedJars')
It works OK, except that adding generateJars.outputs.files as a dependency does not tell gradle that it has to run generateJars task when there are no jars generated yet. I have tried adding the task itself as a dependency hoping that it would work in the same way as it does when you add a jar/zip task to an artifact configuration (e.g. artifacts{ myJarTask }), but it throws an error telling me that I cannot do that. Of course I can inject the generateJars task somewhere in the build process before :b starts evaluating, but that's clumsy and brittle, so I would like to avoid it.
I feel like I should be adding the generated jars to artifacts{ ... } of the project, but I am not sure how to make them then visible to dependent projects. Is there a better way of achieving this?
Dependent projects (project b) will need to do setup IntelliJ IDEA module classpath to point to project a's generated jars. Something rather like this (pseudo-code):
module{ += project(path: ':a', configuration: 'generatedJars').files
So far I have tried simply adding a project dependecy on :a's generatedJars in :b, but Idea plugin simply adds module :a as a module-dependency and assumes that it exports its generated jars (which is probably a correct assumption), therefore not adding the generated jars to :b's classpath.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
First, do you need a separate configuration? That is, do you have clients of a that should not see the generated Jars? If not, you can add the generated Jars to the archives configuration, which will simplify things.
Second, the correct way to add the generated Jars to the configuration is (instead of the dependencies block):
artifacts {
generatedJars generateJars
This should make sure that the generateJars task gets run automatically when needed.
Third, I'd omit the += after outputs.files, although it might not make a difference. You should also add the necessary inputs.
Fourth, why do you need a JavaExec task to generate the Jars? Can you instead add the generated sources to some source set and let Gradle build them?
Fifth, IDEA doesn't have a concept corresponding to Gradle's project configuration dependencies. Either an IDEA module fully depends on another module, or not at all. You have two options: either use a module dependency and make the generated sources a source folder of the depended-on module (preferably both in the Gradle and the IDEA build), or pass the generated Jars as external dependencies to IDEA. In either case, you should probably add a task dependency from ideaModule to the appropriate generation task. If this still doesn't lead to a satisfactory IDEA setup, you could think about moving the generation of the Jars into a separate subproject.
For my use case, I had a C++ project which generated some native libraries which my java project needed to load in order to run.
In the project ':native' build.gradle:
task compile(type: Exec, group: 'build') {
dependsOn ...
outputs.files(fileTree('/some/build/directory') {
include 'mylib/'
In project java application build.gradle:
configurations {
// Add dependency on the task that produces the library
dependencies {
nativeDep files(project(':native').tasks.findByPath('compile'))
// Unfortunately, we also have to do this because gradle will only
// run the ':native:compile' task if we needed the tasks inputs for another
// task
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
dependsOn ':native:compile'
run {
doFirst {
// Use the configuration to add our library to java.library.path
def libDirs = files(configurations.nativeDep.files.collect {it.parentFile})
systemProperty "java.library.path", libDirs.asPath
