Eclipse indirectly referenced .class file - spring

When i build the project i am getting this error
The type org.springframework.core.NestedRuntimeException cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

Vaelyr answers above is correct
but To be very specific, you need to add spring-core-4.0.5.RELEASE.jar into your eclipse build path.
Use the spring version that corresponds to your other spring jars.

The class you are trying to use is not apparently on your classpath. Add your Spring jar files to your sources classpath and it should work. If that's not the case do Project -> Clean as well.


Eclipse: How to include dependencies in osgi bundle export?

Using Eclipse, I have a (sort of) working OSGI bundle. It uses Maven to pull a lot of dependencies.
If I do right-click > Run As "Maven Build" and select the "package" as the goal, I end up with a jar with all my dependencies (good), but if I do "Export > OSGI Bundle" the dependencies are missing.
The issue is that I have another project (WebSphere Liberty Feature Project) that includes the bundle, but when it pulls it, it is also missing dependencies, so the resulting .esa file also misses the dependencies.
Is there a way to have eclipse process the dependencies so I don't have to manually package it outside eclipse or write a maven project exclusively for the purpose?
Thank you!
I was having the same issue when I came across your post.
I assumed that the jars would be included in the exported jar and be found at runtime.
Originally, I had created a seperate "lib" directory and added the libraries to it, but they would not be included when exporting either as Bundle export or Liberty feature export (ESA)
I solved the problem first be using the "Java Archive into OSGi Bundle" import wizard.
You can select a jar dependency and add it to you bundle of your choice with the wizard. What I noticed when I used this, is that the jars were added to the "BundleContent" folder in the chosen bundle.
As I had a number of libraries to include, I simply moved them all to the "BundleContent" folder, updated the build time and runtime classpaths and then when exporting, the dependencies were all included and at runtime, the classes could then be found when they previously were not.
In your POM, have you used maven-bundle-plugin and its usage-details for creating a bundle. If not, you can use it to define creation of your bundle and can also define dependencies to be embedded when the bundle is created.

Include the bytecode of a JAR file in a gradle library vs. just adding it as a dependency

If I add a JAR file to a gradle project's depenencies, the code compiles just fine, but after publishing to maven (publishToMavenLocal), the classes from the JAR are not found.
Obviously, this is because the jar is added as a "dependency" and not part of the project itself. Is there a way to get the contents of the JAR file to merge into the library? Do I need to make a separate maven repo for each JAR?
You can always try to create a fat jar which includes dependencies. You can follow the instructions provided here

Why do I need to look for a class in a jar file that is not included in the maven pom.xml file?

I have imported a jar file in nexus, a local maven repository, and another jar file in the referenced lib via java build path.
The problem appears to refer to the class in the jar file referenced in the pom file of the Eclipse project at all, without using the classes in the referenced lib.
The same class exists in two jar files.
I do not know what caused the problem.
this is eclipse bug?
for example:
a.jar, b.jar -> both have ReferenceClass(same pacakages)
A project's pom.xml -> dependency a.jar
MyProject's referenced libraries -> dependency b.jar
my -> import ReferenceClass -> reference a.jar
build path
project structure
Do not use "Referenced Libraries" in a Maven project. This will confuse Eclipse.
Furthermore, try to avoid having the same class twice in your classpath.

Gradle: Can't resolve a variable that has to be included in external dependency

This question follows this post: Gradle: Where are external dependencies stored?.
I want to use MongoDB driver for Java, so I added the following line:
compile 'org.mongodb:mongodb-driver:3.4.0'
to build.gradle file. After finishing the build successfully, I found the jar file of the dependency in ~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.mongodb.
I also added the path ~/.gradle to external libraries.
However, when I write the statement
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
inside my project, I get an error:
"Can't resolve symbol 'mongodb'".
Do you know how to resolve this issue?
Now IJ searches in .gradle for classfiles. Of course mongodb is not found in there. As I said in the comment of the other issue, if you change the dependencies in your Gradle file and did not enable auto-import when you imported the Gradle project into IJ, its library configuration will not automatically update. Either tell IJ manually to refresh the library configuration from the Gradle file or activate auto-import so that it automatically sees when you change the Gradle file and automatically updates the library configuration.
Make sure you opened the project as Gradle project
When you add dependency, press on the sync dependencies button

IntelliJ: Including jars in a jar artifact

Developing on the Mac with IntelliJ 9.0.2 Community Edition.
I have a program which depends on two library jars. I have figured out how to get IntelliJ to make me a jar of my source (with the Artifact tab), and even to include the two jars in it.
However, if I get a listing of the jar file it produces, it looks like this:
And, no surprises, if I double-click the jar file, it gets a NoClassDefFoundError the first time it tries to access a class in one or other library jar.
It seems I need to tell IntelliJ to "inline" the library jars -- but this menu option is always greyed out!
Does anyone have any idea how to get jars inlined in a jar artifact?
IDEA doesn't support it yet, you can use Ant integration to package your jar (either by unpacking all the jars into the temp folder and then packaging the project output plus this temp folder into the single jar or by using some Ant task like jarjar).
If you want this feature to appear in the future IDEA versions, please vote for the request.
Having the dependency JARs included in your JAR should allow yoru code to run successfully. You probably don't have the JARs on your classpath.
I will use Maven Assembly plugin. Its simple and will give you a neat little jar file..
