Gradle: Can't resolve a variable that has to be included in external dependency - gradle

This question follows this post: Gradle: Where are external dependencies stored?.
I want to use MongoDB driver for Java, so I added the following line:
compile 'org.mongodb:mongodb-driver:3.4.0'
to build.gradle file. After finishing the build successfully, I found the jar file of the dependency in ~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.mongodb.
I also added the path ~/.gradle to external libraries.
However, when I write the statement
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
inside my project, I get an error:
"Can't resolve symbol 'mongodb'".
Do you know how to resolve this issue?

Now IJ searches in .gradle for classfiles. Of course mongodb is not found in there. As I said in the comment of the other issue, if you change the dependencies in your Gradle file and did not enable auto-import when you imported the Gradle project into IJ, its library configuration will not automatically update. Either tell IJ manually to refresh the library configuration from the Gradle file or activate auto-import so that it automatically sees when you change the Gradle file and automatically updates the library configuration.

Make sure you opened the project as Gradle project
When you add dependency, press on the sync dependencies button


Maven Build Scripts Found - IntelliJ - What are the build scripts, where are they cached?

So basically, as the title of the post states, I'm wondering what IntelliJ is referring to when it says that Maven build scripts were found? Are these scripts that Maven keeps cached or are they IntelliJ specific? If they are generated by Maven, where are they stored/ how can I view them if that is possible?
This notification is to inform you that you are working with IntelliJ IDEA project that is not linked to the external build system (Maven or Gradle).
When you open a project in IntelliJ IDEA that was not initially imported from Maven/Gradle and IDE detects pom.xml or build.gradle files in the project, it will display a notification so that you can properly import the project from the build script.
Build script in your specific case is a pom.xml file stored inside a project directory. It's recommended that you open Maven projects by importing the root pom.xml file.
When a project is not imported from the external build system, your source roots configuration may be incomplete and you may be missing the dependencies.

Intellij not showing local library

I'm trying to add a local library to a Maven project. Adding the corresponding dependency to the pom file works successfully, and so the project runs correctly. However, I'm trying to debug this library, for which I need to see the class files, which are not shown in the "External Libraries" option.
What could I do to fix this?

Maven doesn't recognize dependencies added in IntelliJ project structure

I need to use external dependencies for tomcat. I add them to project structures and project build fine. Compiler doesn't show any errors
project structure
The project works fine when i run it on IDE.
The problem starts when I try to build WAR file using Maven package :
package org.apache.catalina does not exist
package org.apache.catalina.connector does not exist
package org.apache.coyote does not exist
I've try with all different scope settings but jars aren't found

Gradle project dependency not working

Can some one please help me in below:
I am using RTC and checkout Gradle project, but at the end when I am checking the properties and looking for source folder for my build, I am getting nothing.
Also I am not send the repository specific Gradle jars. What i am doing wrong?
I tried including external jars but no luck as their are too many jars.
Error: project is not at all building.
right click on your project then configure and convert it to gradle project.
Refresh and you will see all dependencies.

Intellij: How to add module compile output to web-inf/classes in stead of web-inf/lib?

I'm using maven to set up a war project in IntelliJ and run in it GlassFish. The war project depends on several other modules. When I run the project in debug mode, hot deploying codechanges of the changes results in NoClassDefFound exceptions. I found out that IntelliJ tries to redeploy the module jar but GlassFish keeps a lock on it so it fails. All the classes in that module are now unavailable, causing these NoClassDefFound exceptions.
IntelliJ generates the artifacts this way: the dependent modules are all added as jar dependencies as if they were external dependencies:
Now, when I remove the jar dependencies, IntelliJ tells me it found some missing dependencies and proposes a fix to add the missing dependencies.
Fixing those dependencies will add the module compile output to the WEB-INF\classes folder.
Once deployed, IntelliJ has no problem anymore hot-deploying changed classes to GlassFish since there's no jar to keep a lock on.
Every time I make a change to any pom.xml, IntelliJ refreshes the artifacts automatically, which is fine: I definitely want to see those changes appear in the artifact. However, all modules are added as jar dependencies again.
How can I make sure that IntelliJ adds the compile output of project modules to WEB-INF\classes and not to WEB-INF\lib?
I found this question but it has two problems:
There are many module dependencies so if possible I'd like to avoid specifying them all one by one in the unpack goal
IntelliJ seems to ignore this. When I add that configuration and while it works perfectly in a maven commandline build, IntelliJ still refuses to add the module compile output to the WEB-INF\classes dir
I found a bugreport that asks about the same thing but for me it's hard to believe there's no way to solve this problem. Other webapp developers using IntelliJ must have this same issue, making it difficult to hot-deploy code changes, unless I did something wrong in my pom configuration.
