Parameterized recipe in makefile? - bash

I have a file "ORIGINAL", which, if updated, I would like to copy, modify, and distribute to a few places on the drive. The modification is made by a little bash script which takes one parameter, a parameter unique for each spawned remote file.
In my Makefile, I can do this with a separate rule/recipe for each parameter, like so:
parameters = AWK BAT CAT DOG
./copyAndModify "AWK" ## Creates $(ORIGINAL)_AWK, substed copy of ORIGINAL
./copyAndModify "BAT" ## Creates $(ORIGINAL)_BAT, substed copy of ORIGINAL
The dereferenced values of DEST_FILE_AWK and DEST_FILE_BAT have nothing to do with each other, but other than that, the two recipes above are exactly the same with the only difference the parameter, so I can't help but want to merge them into one super rule/recipe with a multiple target rule line.
But I just can't make it happen. I've tried all kinds of foreach() and other stuff in the target section of the rule, but the problem is that no matter what, I can't get the value of the parameter into the recipe part.
Is there a way?

With the information provided here the best you can do (assuming you're using GNU make) is an eval/call combination. As anishsane suggests, depending on the value of the DEST_FILE_* variables it might be possible to do something simpler.
But this should work:
./copyAndModify "$1"
mv - f $$(ORIGINAL)_$1 $$#
parameters = AWK BAT CAT DOG
$(foreach P,$(parameters),$(eval $(call COPY_TO_DEST,$P)))

It can be done without $(eval), at least in gnu make :)
Start with one recipe that specifies all of the targets, i.e. the list of targets is on the left side of the recipe. Let's assume we have a variable that holds the names of all these targets.
Now observe that both functions and variables will be evaluated separately for a given recipe as it gets expanded for each of the targets. Recall that, say $# is just a variable, and will be substituted separately for each target. Function calls behave the same.
Provide a list of types, and a list of type:target pairs. I presume that there's no need to put the targets into separate variables like you did ($(DEST_FILE_AWK) etc).
The TARGET_FOR_TYPE function takes the pairs and the types and generates a list of destination files.
The TYPE variable is assigned once for each target, computed by the TYPE_FOR_TARGET function. That way the repeated function call doesn't pollute the recipe :)
Note that the DESTINATIONS list contains plain filenames, without any further indirection.
types = AWK BAT
ORIGINAL = an_original
AWK:dest_for_awk \
TARGET_FOR_TYPE = $(patsubst $(1):%,%,$(filter $(1):%,$(DESTINATIONS)))
TYPE_FOR_TARGET = $(patsubst %:$(1),%,$(filter %:$(1),$(DESTINATIONS)))
# Usage example for the functions above:
$(info type: $(call TYPE_FOR_TARGET,dest_for_awk))
$(info target: $(call TARGET_FOR_TYPE,AWK))
$(info $())
DEST_FILES = $(foreach type,$(types),$(call TARGET_FOR_TYPE,$(type)))
all: $(DEST_FILES)
#echo ./copyAndModify $(TYPE)
#echo mv - f $(ORIGINAL)_$(TYPE) $#


Defining makefile variable at build time and using it in foreach

I am defining a makefile variable by parsing a json file using jq.
define variable
$(eval objects := $(shell jq -c '.abc.values[]' config.json))
#echo "from target-a: $(objects)"
target_b: $(foreach X, $(objects), stage_$(X))
I am getting an output that's the same as the json list:
from target-a: first second
This means the variable is getting initialized correctly but the foreach is not triggering any stage_% targets. Why is that?
Basically your makefile cannot work. Make proceeds in two distinct steps: first all makefiles are entirely parsed and an internal graph of the targets and prerequisites is created. Second make walks that graph and invokes all the recipes. All prerequisites must be defined during the first step. All recipes are only expanded during the second step.
Here, you've added the expansion of the objects variable into the recipe for target_a, so that will not happen until the second step, IF make decides to rebuild the target target_a because it's out of date. But, the definition of the prerequisites of target_b has already happened a long time ago, when make was parsing the makefile in the first step.
You can do this in your example and it will work:
objects := $(shell jq -c '.abc.values[]' config.json)
#echo "from target-a: $(objects)"
target_b: $(foreach X, $(objects), stage_$(X))
Here, objects is expanded as the makefile is parsed and so it will have a value before target_b is expanded.
Maybe there's some reason you can't do it this way, but if so you've simplified your example too much for us to help.

How do you use (GNU) make's "simply expanded" variables in build rules and not get the last definition?

I have a complicated set of rules I need to write to generate a rather large number of "parameterised" output files and thought that, rather than expand them all out by hand, I could repeatedly "include" a template file with sets of rules and use (GNU)make's facility for allowing "simply expanded" variables to avoid the pain.
(In the past I've always been using the "recursively expanded" variable approach, so this is new to me)
As a trivial example of what I thought would work, I tried putting the following in a Makefile
#echo expect A, get $(Targ), Target is $#. Params are $(Param1) and $(Param2)
#echo expect B, get $(Targ), Target is $#. Params are $(Param1) and $(Param2)
#echo expect C, get $(Targ), Target is $#. Params are $(Param1) and $(Param2)
The eventual plan was to replace the rules with an include file containing dozens of different rules, each referencing the various "parameter" variables.
However, what I get is...
prompt> make A
expect A, get C, Target is A. Params are Pc and Qc
prompt> make B
expect B, get C, Target is B. Params are Pc and Qc
Essentially, unlike each rule's target, which is picking up the intended definition, the $(Targ), $(Param1), and $(Param2) in each rule's command is instead being run with the final definition.
Does anyone know how to prevent this, i.e. how do you force the command to use the definition at the time it is encountered in the Makefile?
Simple vs recursive expansion makes no difference here; regardless of which you use you'll see the same behavior. A GNU make variable is global and obviously can have only one value.
You have to understand when variables are expanded. The documentation provides a detailed description of this. Targets and prerequisites are expanded when the makefile is read in, so the value of Targ as the makefile is being parsed is used.
Recipes are expanded when the recipe is to be invoked, which is not until after all makefiles are parsed and make starts to build targets. At that time of course the variable Targ has its last set value.
Without knowing what your makefile really does it's hard to suggest an alternative. One option is to use target-specific variables:
Targ := A
$(Targ): LocalTarg := $(Targ)
#echo expect A, get $(LocalTarg), Target is $#
Another option is to use constructed variable names:
Targ := A
Targ_$(Targ) := $(Targ)
#echo expect A, get $(Targ_$#), Target is $#
Apologies for answering my own question, but I now realised it is possible to solve the issue I was having by running make recursively.
E.g. if the parameter variables for the rules are Targ, Param1 and Param2 then
#Set up "default" values for the parameters (As #madscientist points out,
#these will safely be overridden by the defs on the #(make) commands below
# define N (==3) templated rule(s)
#echo Run Combo_a $(Targ) $(Param1) $(Param2) $#
#echo Run Combo_b $(Targ) $(Param2) $(Param1) reversed $#
#echo Run Combo_c $(Param1) $(Targ) $(Param2) mixed again $#
#Enumerate "M" (==2) sets of parameters,
# (Except if we are already recursing because unrecognised targets may cause
# it to descend forever)
ifneq ($(Recursing), Yes)
#$(MAKE) Targ=Set1 Param1=foo Param2=bar Recursing=Yes $#
#$(MAKE) Targ=Set2 Param1=ray Param2=tracing Recursing=Yes $#
This then allows N*M different combos for N+M typing cost.
eg. (removing messages from make re recursion)
>make Set1.a
Run Combo_a Set1 foo bar Set1.a
>make Set2.c
Run Combo_c ray Set2 tracing mixed again Set2.c

Makefile where target names unknown

I'm trying to write a Makefile where multiple source files (in my case they are markdown) create multiple target files (pdfs). However, the target files generated have extra characters in the file name that can't be predicted (it happens to be a version number encoded in the source), but ideally the Makefile would not have to read the source itself.
So, for example: => file1-v1.pdf => file2-v2.pdf
I can calculate source name given a target name (by excluding anything after the hyphen and adding .md), but cannot calculate target name given the source.
Is it possible to write a Makefile that builds only the targets where the source have been updated?
This will be ugly, but it will work.
As it often is with Make, our problem divides into these two problems:
1. construct a list of targets
2. build them
Suppose we have five md files which map to pdf files (whose names we don't know beforehand): => file1-v1.pdf => file2-v1.pdf => file3-v1.pdf => file4-v1.pdf => file5-v1.pdf
We can't use the real output file names as targets, because we don't know them beforehand, but we see five input files and know that we must build one output file for each. For now, a fake target name will do:
When Make executes this rule, it produces the file file1-v1.pdf. The fact that it doesn't produce a file named file1-dummy.pdf is disquieting, but not a serious problem. We can turn this into a pattern rule:
zap $<
Then all we have to do is turn the list of existing input files (,, ...) into a list of dummy targets (file1-dummy.pdf, file2-dummy.pdf, ...), and build them. So far, so good.
But suppose some of the output files already exist. If file2-v2.pdf already exists -- and is newer than -- then we would prefer that Make not rebuild it (by attempting to build file2-dummy.pdf). In that case we would prefer that file2-v2.pdf be in the target list, with a rule that worked like this:
zap $<
This is not easy to turn into a pattern rule, because Make does not handle wildcards very well, and cannot cope with multiple wildcards in a single phrase, not without a lot of clumsiness. But there is a way to write one rule that will cover both cases. First note that we can obtain the part of a variable before the hyphen with this kludge:
$(basename $(subst -,.,$(VAR)))
Armed with this, and with secondary expansion, we can write a pattern rule that will work with both cases, and construct a target list that will exploit it:
# There are other ways to construct these two lists, but this will do.
MD := $(wildcard *.md)
PDF := $(wildcard *.pdf)
PDFROOTS := $(basename $(subst -,.,$(basename $(PDF))))
MDROOTS := $(filter-out $(PDFROOTS), $(basename $(MD)))
TARGETS:= $(addsuffix -foo.pdf, $(MDROOTS)) $(PDF)
%.pdf: $$(basename $$(subst -,., $$*)).md
# perform actions on $<
Make's algorithm always starts with the final output product and works its way backwards to the source files, to see what needs to be updated.
Therefore, you HAVE to be able to enumerate the final output product as a target name and correlate that back to the inputs that generate that output, for make to work.
This is also why make is not a great tool for building Java, for example, since the output filenames don't map easily to the input file names.
So, you must have at least one target/prerequisite pair which is derivable (for implicit rules), or state-able (for explicit rules)--that is, known at the time you write the makefile. If you don't then a marker file is your only alternative. Note you CAN add extra generated, non-derivative prerequisites (for example, in compilers you can add header files as prerequisites that are not related to the source file name), in addition to the known prerequisite.
#Beta's answer is informative and helpful, but I needed a solution (using GNU Make 4.1) that worked when the destination filename bears no resemblance to the input filename, for example, if it is generated from its content. I came up with the following, which takes every file matching *.in, and creates a file by reading the contents of the source file, appending a .txt, and using it as a filename to create. (For example, if exists and contains foo, the makefile will create a foo.txt file.)
SRCS := $(wildcard *.in)
.PHONY: all
all: all_s
define TXT_template =
$(2).txt: $(1)
touch $$#
ALL += $(2).txt
$(foreach src,$(SRCS),$(eval $(call TXT_template, $(src), $(shell cat $(src)))))
all_s: $(ALL)
The explanation:
The define block defines the recipe needed to make the text file from the .in file. It's a function that takes two parameters; $(1) is the .in. file and $(2) is the contents of it, or the base of the output filename. Replace touch with whatever makes the output. We have to use $$# because eval will expand everything once, but we want $# to left after this expansion. Since we have to collect all the generated targets so we known what all the make, the ALL line accumulates the targets into one variable. The foreach line goes through each source file, calls the function with the source filename and the contents of the file (i.e. what we want to be the name of the target, here you'd normally use whatever script generates the desired filename), and then evaluates the resulting block, dynamically adding the recipe to make. Thanks to Beta for explaining .SECONDARY_EXPANSION; I needed it for reasons not entirely clear to me, but it works (putting all: $(ALL) at the top doesn't work). The all: at the top depends on the secondary expansion of all_s: at the bottom and somehow this magic makes it work. Comments welcome.
maybe try this ? or something along those lines
# makefile
SRCS=$(wildcard *.md)
PDFS=$(shell printf *.pdf)
$(PDFS): $(SRCS)
command ...
the printf *.pdf is meant to either expand to the first of the pdf files if they exist, else fail if they don't and that will signal to make that it should build. if this doesn't work i suggest maybe experimenting with find, ls or other listing tools (e.g. compgen, complete), maybe even in combination with xargs to get everything on one line.

How to check whether a file exists inside of a "foreach" in Makefile?

So I have a variable with file names, however I am not sure whether these file names exist. I want to put the ones that exist into some other variable.
All this is happening in a Makefile.
Here is one of my many tries to accomplish it:
FILES is the preset variable containing the set of the files.
OUTPUT += $(foreach file, $(FILES), \
ifneq (,$(wildcard $(file))
Obviously it doesn't work for many reasons, just trying to make clear what I want to achieve.
Also I would like to avoid using $(shell *) if possible.
The wildcard function takes multiple targets, and unlike shell globs non-matching patterns are omitted from the output, so I would expect this to work:
OUTPUT = $(wildcard $(FILES))

Using the call function correctly in a makefile

I am trying to compile for different software directories with different optimization levels etc. I created the following makefile to do so:
OWNER = betsy molly fred
DOG = poodle mutt doberman
COLOUR = brown red yellow
ATTR = big small
LEGS = 0 3
#we want every possible combination to be excercised
OUTPUT_STUFF = $(foreach own,$(OWNER),$(foreach dog,$(DOG),$(foreach col,$(COLOUR),$(foreach attr,$(ATTR),$(foreach legs,$(LEGS),new/$(own)/$(dog)/$(col)/$(attr)/$(legs)/dogInfo.txt)))))
.PHONY: all
define PROGRAM_template
own = $(1)
dog = $(2)
col = $(3)
attr = $(4)
legs = $(5)
BUILD_DIR = new/$(own)/$(dog)/$(col)/$(attr)/$(legs)
#for each build directory, we are going to put a file in it containing the build dir. string
#echo "$$#"
mkdir $$(BUILD_DIR)
#echo "$$(BUILD_DIR)" > $$(BUILD_DIR)/dogInfo.txt
#call the function many times
$(foreach own,$(OWNER),$(foreach dog,$(DOG),$(foreach col,$(COLOUR),$(foreach attr,$(ATTR),$(foreach legs,$(LEGS),$(eval $(call PROGRAM_template,$(own),$(dog),$(col),$(attr),$(legs))))))))
As you can see, this simple test program loops through different combinations of owner, dog etc. The end goal is to have a directory, new, that has all owners as dirs, and in those, all dogs, etc. At the bottom is just a file with the path in it.
When I run this, the output is:
mkdir new/fred/doberman/yellow/small/3
mkdir: cannot create directory `new/fred/doberman/yellow/small/3': No such file or directory
make: *** [new/betsy/poodle/brown/big/0/dogInfo.txt] Error 1
So, for some reason, the target is ok, but the seemingly exact same variable is the last in my loops. Fundamentally, I don't understand what is happening that well.
Weird foreach + user-defined function behavior in Makefiles seems to answer, but I don't fully get it. In my mind, when the function is called, it fills in all instances with one $, and the escaped ones become $(BUILD_DIR). It then 'pastes' the code to the temporary file, and after it's done all the calls it evaluates the file, substituting the variables as normal.
One (ugly) solution I thought of is to make the BUILD_DIR variable different every time like so:
B_D_$(1)_$(2)_$(3)_$(4)_$(5) = ~~~
Alex is correct (although I think he means recipe, not receipt :-)). The best way to debug complex eval issues is to replace the eval function with a call to info instead. So if you have something like:
$(foreach A,$(STUFF),$(eval $(call func,$A)))
then you can rewrite this as:
$(foreach A,$(STUFF),$(info $(call func,$A)))
Now make will print out to you exactly what the eval is going to parse. It's usually pretty clear, looking at the makefile output, what the problem is. In your case you'll see something like this in the output (leaving out all the extra variable settings):
BUILD_DIR = new/betsy/poodle/brown/big/0
#echo "$$#"
mkdir $(BUILD_DIR)
#echo "$(BUILD_DIR)" > $(BUILD_DIR)/dogInfo.txt
BUILD_DIR = new/betsy/poodle/brown/big/3
#echo "$$#"
mkdir $(BUILD_DIR)
#echo "$(BUILD_DIR)" > $(BUILD_DIR)/dogInfo.txt
etc. Notice how you're setting the global variable BUILD_DIR every time. In make, variables have only one value (at a time). While make is reading the makefile it expands the target and prerequisite lists immediately, so whatever value BUILD_DIR has at that time will be used for targets/prerequisites, so this works for you.
But when make finishes reading the makefile, the value of BUILD_DIR will always be the last thing you set it to; in this case new/fred/doberman/yellow/small/3. Now make starts to invoke the recipes for each target, and when it does that it will expand BUILD_DIR in the recipes then, and so ALL the recipes will get that same value.
As Alex points out, you should ensure that your recipe uses only automatic variables like $#, which are set correctly for each rule. If you do that you'll notice that you don't really need to redefine the rule at all because it's actually the same recipe for all the targets. And if you notice THAT, you'll notice you don't need the whole eval or call complexity in the first place.
All you have to do is compute the names of all the targets, then write a single rule:
ALLDOGINFO = $(foreach own,$(OWNER),$(foreach dog,$(DOG),$(foreach col,$(COLOUR),$(foreach attr,$(ATTR),$(foreach legs,$(LEGS),new/$(own)/$(dog)/$(col)/$(attr)/$(legs)/dogInfo.txt)))))
#echo "$#"
mkdir $(dir $#)
#echo "$(dir $#)" > $#
If you don't want the trailing slash you have to use $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $#)) instead.
The problem is that when $$(BUILD_DIR) is evaluated in receipt, the loop is already complete. The solution is to rewrite the receipt:
#echo "$$#"
mkdir $$(#D)
#echo "$$(#D)" > $$#
I don't think your problem is necessarily with something to do with make. This command:
mkdir new/fred/doberman/yellow/small/3
will fail if one of the parent directories (for example, yellow) doesn't already exist. The error it spits out in this case is the one you're getting, so it seems likely this is the case. If you want a command that makes all parent directories of a given directory as needed, you should run mkdir -p, like this:
mkdir -p $$(BUILD_DIR)
See the mkdir man page for a full description of what -p does.
