Makefile where target names unknown - makefile

I'm trying to write a Makefile where multiple source files (in my case they are markdown) create multiple target files (pdfs). However, the target files generated have extra characters in the file name that can't be predicted (it happens to be a version number encoded in the source), but ideally the Makefile would not have to read the source itself.
So, for example: => file1-v1.pdf => file2-v2.pdf
I can calculate source name given a target name (by excluding anything after the hyphen and adding .md), but cannot calculate target name given the source.
Is it possible to write a Makefile that builds only the targets where the source have been updated?

This will be ugly, but it will work.
As it often is with Make, our problem divides into these two problems:
1. construct a list of targets
2. build them
Suppose we have five md files which map to pdf files (whose names we don't know beforehand): => file1-v1.pdf => file2-v1.pdf => file3-v1.pdf => file4-v1.pdf => file5-v1.pdf
We can't use the real output file names as targets, because we don't know them beforehand, but we see five input files and know that we must build one output file for each. For now, a fake target name will do:
When Make executes this rule, it produces the file file1-v1.pdf. The fact that it doesn't produce a file named file1-dummy.pdf is disquieting, but not a serious problem. We can turn this into a pattern rule:
zap $<
Then all we have to do is turn the list of existing input files (,, ...) into a list of dummy targets (file1-dummy.pdf, file2-dummy.pdf, ...), and build them. So far, so good.
But suppose some of the output files already exist. If file2-v2.pdf already exists -- and is newer than -- then we would prefer that Make not rebuild it (by attempting to build file2-dummy.pdf). In that case we would prefer that file2-v2.pdf be in the target list, with a rule that worked like this:
zap $<
This is not easy to turn into a pattern rule, because Make does not handle wildcards very well, and cannot cope with multiple wildcards in a single phrase, not without a lot of clumsiness. But there is a way to write one rule that will cover both cases. First note that we can obtain the part of a variable before the hyphen with this kludge:
$(basename $(subst -,.,$(VAR)))
Armed with this, and with secondary expansion, we can write a pattern rule that will work with both cases, and construct a target list that will exploit it:
# There are other ways to construct these two lists, but this will do.
MD := $(wildcard *.md)
PDF := $(wildcard *.pdf)
PDFROOTS := $(basename $(subst -,.,$(basename $(PDF))))
MDROOTS := $(filter-out $(PDFROOTS), $(basename $(MD)))
TARGETS:= $(addsuffix -foo.pdf, $(MDROOTS)) $(PDF)
%.pdf: $$(basename $$(subst -,., $$*)).md
# perform actions on $<

Make's algorithm always starts with the final output product and works its way backwards to the source files, to see what needs to be updated.
Therefore, you HAVE to be able to enumerate the final output product as a target name and correlate that back to the inputs that generate that output, for make to work.
This is also why make is not a great tool for building Java, for example, since the output filenames don't map easily to the input file names.
So, you must have at least one target/prerequisite pair which is derivable (for implicit rules), or state-able (for explicit rules)--that is, known at the time you write the makefile. If you don't then a marker file is your only alternative. Note you CAN add extra generated, non-derivative prerequisites (for example, in compilers you can add header files as prerequisites that are not related to the source file name), in addition to the known prerequisite.

#Beta's answer is informative and helpful, but I needed a solution (using GNU Make 4.1) that worked when the destination filename bears no resemblance to the input filename, for example, if it is generated from its content. I came up with the following, which takes every file matching *.in, and creates a file by reading the contents of the source file, appending a .txt, and using it as a filename to create. (For example, if exists and contains foo, the makefile will create a foo.txt file.)
SRCS := $(wildcard *.in)
.PHONY: all
all: all_s
define TXT_template =
$(2).txt: $(1)
touch $$#
ALL += $(2).txt
$(foreach src,$(SRCS),$(eval $(call TXT_template, $(src), $(shell cat $(src)))))
all_s: $(ALL)
The explanation:
The define block defines the recipe needed to make the text file from the .in file. It's a function that takes two parameters; $(1) is the .in. file and $(2) is the contents of it, or the base of the output filename. Replace touch with whatever makes the output. We have to use $$# because eval will expand everything once, but we want $# to left after this expansion. Since we have to collect all the generated targets so we known what all the make, the ALL line accumulates the targets into one variable. The foreach line goes through each source file, calls the function with the source filename and the contents of the file (i.e. what we want to be the name of the target, here you'd normally use whatever script generates the desired filename), and then evaluates the resulting block, dynamically adding the recipe to make. Thanks to Beta for explaining .SECONDARY_EXPANSION; I needed it for reasons not entirely clear to me, but it works (putting all: $(ALL) at the top doesn't work). The all: at the top depends on the secondary expansion of all_s: at the bottom and somehow this magic makes it work. Comments welcome.

maybe try this ? or something along those lines
# makefile
SRCS=$(wildcard *.md)
PDFS=$(shell printf *.pdf)
$(PDFS): $(SRCS)
command ...
the printf *.pdf is meant to either expand to the first of the pdf files if they exist, else fail if they don't and that will signal to make that it should build. if this doesn't work i suggest maybe experimenting with find, ls or other listing tools (e.g. compgen, complete), maybe even in combination with xargs to get everything on one line.


How to use GNU make to update files in all subdirectories containing a particular file?

In my project, I have a set of sub-directories that contain package.yaml files, for e.g.:
If I run hpack A/package.yaml, the file A/A.cabal is (re-)generated. The list of such directories can change over time, so I want to use GNU make to find all immediate sub-directories containing package.yaml files and generate the corresponding .cabal files using hpack.
I tried this based on another question, but it didn't work:
HPACK_FILES := $(wildcard */package.yaml)
PKG_DIRS := $(subst /,,$(dir $(HPACK_FILES)))
CABAL_FILES := $(addsuffix .cabal,$(join $(dir $(HPACK_FILES)),$(PKG_DIRS)))
#echo $(CABAL_FILES)
update-cabal: $(CABAL_FILES)
%.cabal: package.yaml
hpack $<
However, make update-cabal says there's nothing to be done. make test however does output the right cabal files. How can I fix this?
The problem is this:
%.cabal: package.yaml
There is no file package.yaml. The files are named things like A/package.yaml. That is not the same thing.
Because the prerequisite doesn't exist, make decides that this pattern rule cannot match and so it goes looking for another rule that might be able to build the target. It doesn't find any rule that can build the target, so make says there's nothing to do because all the output files already exist.
Unfortunately what you want to do is not at all easy with make, because make is most comfortable with input and output files that are tied together by the filename with extensions, or similar. And in particular, it has a really hard time with relationships where the variable part is repeated more than once (as in, A/A.cabal where the A is repeated). There's no easy way to do that in make.
You'll have to use an advanced feature such as eval to do this. Something like:
# How to build a cabal file
hpack $<
# Declare the prerequisites
$(foreach D,$(dir $(HPACK_FILES)),$(eval $D/$D.cabal: $D/package.yml))

Target not known beforehand in the Makefile

I am trying to use makefile to manage my building process in a small project, where the target number and target names are not known beforehand but depends on the input. Specifically, I want to generate a bunch of data files (say .csv files) according to a cities_list.txt file with a list of city names inside. For example, if the contents of the txt file are:
then a script called would generate three files called newyork.csv, washington.csv and toronto.csv. When the content of the cities_list.txt file changes, I want make to deal with this change cleverly, i.e. only update the new-added cities files.
I was trying to define variable names in target names to make this happen but didn't succeed. I'm now trying to create a bunch of intermediate .name files as below:
all: *.csv cities_list.txt
/bin/bash $<
python3 $<
rm *.name *.csv
This seems to be very close to success, but it only gives me one .csv file. The reason is obvious, because make can't determine what files should be generated for the all target. How can I let make know that this *.csv should contain all the files where there exists a corresponding *.name file? Or is there any better way to achieve what I wanted to do here?
All right, this should do it. We'd like a variable assignment at the head of the file:
CITY_FILES := newyork.csv washington.csv toronto.csv
There are two ways to do this. This way:
-include cities.mak
# this rule can come later in the makefile, near the bottom
cities.mak: cities_list.txt
#sed 's/^/CITIES := /' $< > $#
and this way:
CITIES := $(shell cat cities_list.txt)
After we've done one of those two, we can construct the list of needed files:
CITY_FILES := $(addsuffix .csv, $(CITIES))
and build them:
# It is convenient to have this be the first rule in the makefile.
all: $(CITY_FILES)
python3 $< $*.name

Number Files to get rebuilt by Make

Is there a way to let make determine the number of files to be recompiled before actually compiling? The problem is this: Consider having a quite big project with hundreds of source files. It would very convenient to have a rough idea of how long compilation will take, but to know that, one needs to know the number of files to be compiled.
The general answer is no, because your build could generate files which themselves are inputs to other rules which generate more files. And so on. However if a rough answer is good enough you can try the --dry-run flag. From the GNU make documentation...
“No-op”. Causes make to print the recipes that are needed to make the targets up to date, but not actually execute them. Note that some recipes are still executed, even with this flag (see How the MAKE Variable Works). Also any recipes needed to update included makefiles are still executed (see How Makefiles Are Remade).
As you can see, despite its name even the --dry-run flag will change the state of your build.
"make -n" will do the dry run. But you can't get the list of files to be rebuilt. May be you can write shell script to store the last modified time of files and get the list of files.
I think a found a decent solution for unix. Here SRC are your source files, HDR your headers and DEP the dependency files (something like DEP:=$(OBJ:.o=.d) )
isInDepFile+=$(shell grep -q $(modifiedFile) $(depFile) 1>&2 2> /dev/null && echo $(depFile))
checkDepFiles=$(foreach depFile,$(DEP), $(eval filesToCompile+=$(isInDepFile))) $(thinOutDepFiles)
thinOutDepFiles=$(foreach fileToCompile,$(filesToCompile),$(eval DEP=$(filter-out $(fileToCompile),$(DEP))))
countFilesToCompile: $(SRC) $(HDR)
$(eval modifiedFiles=$?)
$(foreach modifiedFile,$(modifiedFiles), $(call checkDepFiles))
$(eval numOfFilesToCompile = $(words $(filesToCompile)))
$(eval numDepFiles = $(words $(DEP)))
$(eval NumSRCFiles = $(words $(SRC)))
#echo $(NumSRCFiles) sources
#echo $(numDepFiles) files to leave
#echo $(numOfFilesToCompile) files to compile
#touch $#
This first generates a list of modified files within your source and header files lists. Then for each modified file it checks all dependency files for its filename. If a dependency file contains the current file we are looking at, it is added to the list of filesToCompile. It is also removed from the list of dependency files to avoid duplication.
This can be invoked in the main building rule of your project. The advantage of that over the dry run is that it gives you a simple number to work with.

Extracting part of a match in a makefile rule

I have a makefile which generates a bunch of versions of an image in different places:
and so on (the /tmp/ generation is so I can later use those files to later generate a multiresolution .ico, the details of that aren't important).
I'd like a rule of the form
logo_%.png: ${SRC}
convert $^ -thumbnail $*x$* $#
but, $* brings in the matched directory too, so I get a command of the form:
convert logo_1024.png -thumbnail /tmp/64x/tmp/64 /tmp/logo_64.png
which is incorrect (I need 48x48, not /tmp/48x/tmp/48).
Or I can write
/tmp/logo_%.png: ${SRC}
convert $^ -thumbnail $*x$* $#
website/img/logo_%.png: ${SRC}
convert $^ -thumbnail $*x$* $#
which seems ugly.
I'm sure there are ways to break down and pattern match $# to get what I want, but I'm not a makefile guru, so this would take some research.
What's the easiest way to do this?
See the second half of the Automatic Variables in the GNU Make Manual:
Of the variables listed above, four have values that are single file names, and three have values that are lists of file names. These seven have variants that get just the file's directory name or just the file name within the directory. The variant variables' names are formed by appending ‘D’ or ‘F’, respectively. These variants are semi-obsolete in GNU make since the functions dir and notdir can be used to get a similar effect (see Functions for File Names). Note, however, that the ‘D’ variants all omit the trailing slash which always appears in the output of the dir function. Here is a table of the variants:
The directory part of the file name of the target, with the trailing slash removed. If the value of ‘$#’ is dir/foo.o then ‘$(#D)’ is dir. This value is . if ‘$#’ does not contain a slash.
The file-within-directory part of the file name of the target. If the value of ‘$#’ is dir/foo.o then ‘$(#F)’ is foo.o. ‘$(#F)’ is equivalent to ‘$(notdir $#)’.
The directory part and the file-within-directory part of the stem; dir and foo in this example.
The directory part and the file-within-directory part of the target archive member name. This makes sense only for archive member targets of the form archive(member) and is useful only when member may contain a directory name. (See Archive Members as Targets.)
The directory part and the file-within-directory part of the first prerequisite.
Lists of the directory parts and the file-within-directory parts of all prerequisites.
Lists of the directory parts and the file-within-directory parts of all prerequisites, including multiple instances of duplicated prerequisites.
Lists of the directory parts and the file-within-directory parts of all prerequisites that are newer than the target.
As prompted by #Ian's comment I looked again and realized that this was not a complete solution. A complete solution follows.
The above F modifiers (and the $(notdir) function) will strip the path from the target filename. That's part of what is necessary.
Additional manipulation is required to extract only the numerical component from target like /some/path/logo_64.png.
The $(basename) function will strip off suffixes (as will $(patsubst %.png,%,$#) or $(#:%.png=) in a more specific fashion).
Combining those we get from /some/path/logo_64.png to logo_64. Handling things at this point depends heavily on what the data is going to look like and what assertions about it can be made. If logo_ is a static prefix then a simple $(patsubst logo_%,%,...) will work (as will the matching substitution reference like before).
If that is not guaranteed but the guarantee can be made that the dimension will be the last underscore separated component then $(lastword $(subst _, ,...)) can be used.
The rule needed is:
logo_%.png: ${SRC}
convert $^ -thumbnail $(*F)x$(*F) $#
The $(*F), is documented very briefly in the Make manual, as quoted in Etan's answer.
‘$(*F)’ The file-within-directory part of the stem; foo in this example.
The 'stem' ($*) is anything not explicit in the pattern. That includes the wildcard, and any implicit directories. So hence in the question it had the value /tmp/48, /tmp/ from the implicit directory, and 48 from the wildcard in the pattern. So of this combined stem, I need to select just the filename part, $(*F).
Alternatively, noting that the manual states:
These variants are semi-obsolete in GNU make since the functions dir and notdir can be used to get a similar effect
we can instead do:
logo_%.png: ${SRC}
convert $^ -thumbnail $(notdir $*)x$(notdir $*) $#
In a comment, Etan also linked to the How Patterns Match section of the manual, to help understand how the stem is constructed. I found this useful and wanted to bubble it up into an answer.

GNU Make -- Append to a variable all targets matching a pattern

Before I start, I'll mention that I'm not using GNU Make in this case for building a C/C++ project.
DEST_DIR = build/
SRC_DIR = src/
$(DEST_DIR)% : $(SRC_DIR)%
cp -r $^ $#
... more code which appends to ALL_DEPS ...
.PHONY: all
all : $(ALL_DEPS)
I've got some files not generated via Make rules in $(SRC_DIR). (For the sake of this example, let's say there's a directory $(SRC_DIR)b/ and a file $(SRC_DIR)c .)
I want to append to ALL_DEPS all targets which represent files or directories in $(DEST_DIR) so that "make all" will run all of the available $(DEST_DIR)% rules.
I thought to do something like this:
ALL_DEPS += $(addprefix $(DEST_DIR),$(notdir $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)*)))
But of course, that doesn't catch anything that hasn't yet been made. (i.e. it doesn't append $(DEST_DIR)a/ to the list because $(SRC_DIR)a/ doesn't yet exist when the $(wildcard ...) invocation is evaluated and the shell doesn't include it in the results returned by the $(wildcard ...) invocation.)
So, rather than a function which finds all (currently-existing) files matching a pattern, I need one which finds all targets matching a pattern. Then, I could do something like this:
ALL_DEPS += $(addprefix $(DEST_DIR),$(notdir $(targetwildcard $(SRC_DIR)*)))
If it matters any, I've got much of the GNU Make code split across multiple files and included by a "master" Makefile. The ALL_DEPS variable is appended to in any of these files which has something to add to it. This is in an attempt to keep the build process modular as opposed to dropping it all in one monster Makefile.
I'm definitely still learning GNU Make, so it's not unlikely that I'm missing something fairly obvious. If I'm just going about this all wrong, please let me know.
It is simply not possible to do what you're trying to do; you're trying to get make to recognise something that doesn't exist.
This is part of the reason why, in general, wildcards are bad (the other being that you can end up including stuff you didn't mean to). The right thing to do here is to explicitly create a list of source files (ls -1 | sed -e 's/\(.*\)/sources+=\1/' > and perform the patsubst transformation on that list.
If you have additional files that are generate as part of the build, then you can append them to that list and their rules will be found as you'd expect.
