std::ostream to file or standard output - c++11

I would like to write my output to a file if a file name is avaliable or on the screen (stdout) otherwise. So I've read posts on this forum and found a code, which below I wrapped into a method:
std::shared_ptr<std::ostream> out_stream(const std::string & fname) {
std::streambuf * buf;
std::ofstream of;
if (fname.length() > 0) {;
buf = of.rdbuf();
} else
buf = std::cout.rdbuf();
std::shared_ptr<std::ostream> p(new std::ostream(buf));
return p;
The code works perfectly when used in-place. Unfortunately it behaves oddly when wrapped into a separate method (as given above). Is it because the the objects defined within the method (of, buff) are destroyed once the call is finished?
I am using this part of code in several places and it really should be extracted as a separate non-repeating fragment: a method or a class. How can I achieve this?

You're correct that the problems you're having come from the destruction of of. Wouldn't something like this (untested) work?
out_stream(const std::string &fname) {
if (fname.length() > 0)
std::shared_ptr<std::ostream> p(new std::ofstream(fname));
std::shared_ptr<std::ostream> p(new std::ostream(std::cout.rdbuf()));


Passing a temporary stream object to a lambda function as part of an extraction expression

I have a function which needs to parse some arguments and several if clauses inside it need to perform similar actions. In order to reduce typing and help keep the code readable, I thought I'd use a lambda to encapsulate the recurring actions, but I'm having trouble finding sufficient info to determine whether I'm mistakenly invoking undefined behavior or what I need to do to actualize my approach.
Below is a simplified code snippet of what I have currently:
int foo(int argc, char* argv[])
Using ss = std::istringstream;
auto sf = [&](ss&& stream) -> ss& {
return stream;
int retVal = 0;
bool valA = false;
bool valB = false;
for(int i=1; i < argc; i++)
std::string arg( argv[i] );
if( !valA )
valA = true;
sf( ss(arg) ) >> myInt;
if( !valB )
valB = true;
sf( ss(arg) ) >> std::hex >> myOtherInt;
catch( std::exception& err )
retVal = -1;
std::cerr << err.what() << std::endl;
return retVal;
First, based on what I've read, I don't think that specifying the lambda argument as an rvalue reference (ss&&) is doing quite what I want it to do, however, trying to compile with it declared as a normal reference (ss&) failed with the error cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type 'ss&'. Changing ss& to ss&& got rid of the error and did not produce any warnings, but I'm not convinced that I'm using that construct correctly.
I've tried reading up on the various definitions for each, but the wording is a bit confusing.
I guess ultimately my questions are:
Can I expect the lifetime of my temporary ss(arg) object to extend through the entire extraction expression?
What is the correct way to define a lambda such that I can use the lambda in the way I demonstrate above, assuming that such a thing is actually possible?

How to use boost::spirit to modify a string like regex does?

I'm writing a little Domain Specific Language for my program, using JUCE::JavascriptEngine as the scripting engine. This takes a string as input and then parses it, but I need to do some pre-processing on the string to adapt it from my DSL to JavaScript. The pre-processing mainly consists of wrapping some terms inside functions, and placing object names in front of functions. So, for instance, I want to do something like this:
take some special string input "~/1/2"...
wrap it inside a function: "find("~/1/2")"...
and then attach an object to it: "someObject.find("~/1/2")" (the object name has to be a variable).
I've been using regex for this (now I have two problems...). The regexes are getting complicated and unreadable, and it's missing a lot of special cases. Since what I'm doing is grammatical, I thought I'd upgrade from regex to a proper parser (now I have three problems...). After quite a lot of research, I chose Boost.Spirit. I've been going through the documentation, but it's not taking me in the right direction. Can someone suggest how I might use this library to manipulate strings in the way I am looking for? Given that I am only trying to manipulate a string and am not interested in storing the parsed data, do I need to use karma for the output, or can I output the string with qi or x3, during the parsing process?
If I'm headed down the wrong path here, please feel free to re-direct me.
This seems too broad to answer.
What you're doing is parsing input, and transforming it to something else. What you're not doing is find/replace (otherwise you'd be fine using regular expressions).
Of course you can do what regular expressions do, but I'm not sure it buys you anything:
template <typename It, typename Out>
Out preprocess(It f, It l, Out out) {
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
using boost::spirit::repository::qi::seek;
auto passthrough = [&out](boost::iterator_range<It> ignored, auto&&...) {
for (auto ch : ignored) *out++ = ch;
auto transform = [&out](std::string const& literal, auto&&...) {
for (auto ch : "someObject.find(\"~"s) *out++ = ch;
for (auto ch : literal) *out++ = ch;
for (auto ch : "\")"s) *out++ = ch;
auto pattern = qi::copy("\"~" >> (*~qi::char_('"')) >> '"');
qi::rule<It> ignore = qi::raw[+(!pattern >> qi::char_)] [passthrough];
qi::parse(f, l, -qi::as_string[pattern][transform] % ignore);
return out;
The nice thing about this way of writing it, is that it will work with any source iterator:
for (std::string const input : {
R"(function foo(a, b) { var path = "~/1/2"; })",
std::cout << "Input: " << input << "\n";
std::string result;
preprocess(begin(input), end(input), back_inserter(result));
std::cout << "Result: " << result << "\n";
std::cout << "\n -- Or directly transformed stdin to stdout:\n";
boost::spirit::istream_iterator(std::cin >> std::noskipws), {},
See it Live On Coliru, printing the output:
Input: function foo(a, b) { var path = "~/1/2"; }
Result: function foo(a, b) { var path = someObject.find("~/1/2"); }
-- Or directly transformed stdin to stdout:
function bar(c, d) { var path = someObject.find("~/1/42"); }
But this is very limited since it will not even do the right thing if such things are parts of comments or multiline strings etc.
So instead you probably want a dedicated library that knows how to parse javascript and use it to do your transformation, such as (one of the first hits when googling tooling library preprocess javascript transform):

Using a Batch File to send Arguments to MFC Application with a GUI

I'm looking for the best possible approach to incorporate a batch file to send arguments to the MFC application rather than relying on the GUI interface. Does anyone know the best method to go about doing this?
I use the following code in my InitInstance method of my app class:
LPWSTR *szArglist = nullptr;
int iNumArgs = 0;
szArglist = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLine(), &iNumArgs);
if (iNumArgs > 0 && szArglist != nullptr)
for (int iArg = 0; iArg < iNumArgs; iArg++)
CString strArg(szArglist[iArg]);
int iDelim = strArg.Find(_T("="));
if (iDelim != -1)
CString strParamName = strArg.Left(iDelim);
CString strParamValue = strArg.Mid(iDelim + 1);
if (strParamName.CollateNoCase(_T("/lang")) == 0)
(LPCTSTR)GetProgramPath(), (LPCTSTR)strParamValue.MakeUpper());
if (!PathFileExists(m_strPathLanguageResourceOverride))
m_strPathLanguageResourceOverride = _T("");
// Free memory allocated for CommandLineToArgvW arguments.
As you can see, I use the CommandLineToArgvW method to extract and process the command line arguments.
A GUI program can receive command line arguments just like a command line program can.
Your Application class (CWinApp, if memory serves) contains a member named m_lpCmdLine that contains the command line arguments (if any) in a CString.
If you also want to deal with shell parameters, you'll probably also want to look at WinApp::ParseCommandLine and CCommandLineInfo (note, if you're dealing with a Wizard-generated program, chances are that WinApp::ParseCommandLine is already being called by default).

std::vector erase issue with MSVC 2010

I have a class defined that just holds the data (different types of data). I also have std::vector that holds a pointers to objects of this class.
Something like this:
class Foo
class Bar
std::vector<Foo *> m_fooVector;
At one point of time in my program I want to remove an element from this vector. And so I write following:
for (std::vector<Foo *>::iterator it = m_fooVector.begin(); it <= m_fooVector.end(); )
if( checking it condition is true )
delete (*it);
(*it) = NULL;
m_fooVector.erase( it );
The problem is that the erase operation fails. When I open the debugger I still see this element inside the vector and when the program finishes it crashes because the element is half way here.
In another function I am trying to remove the simple std::wstring from the vector and everything works fine - string is removed and the size of the vector decreased.
What could be the problem for such behavior? I could of course try to check the erase function in MSVC standard library, but I don't even know where to start.
Your loop is incorrect:
for (std::vector<Foo *>::iterator it = m_fooVector.begin(); it != m_fooVector.end(); )
if (/*checking it condition is true*/)
delete *it;
// *it = NULL; // Not needed
it = m_fooVector.erase(it);
} else {
Traditional way is erase-remove idiom, but as you have to call delete first (smart pointer would avoid this issue), you might use std::partition instead of std::remove:
auto it = std::partition(m_fooVector.begin(), m_fooVector.end(), ShouldBeKeptFunc);
for (std::vector<Foo *>::iterator it = m_fooVector.begin(); it != m_fooVector.end(); ++it) {
delete *it;
m_fooVector.erase(it, m_fooVector.end());

Boost serialization end of file

I serialize multiple objects into a binary archive with Boost.
When reading back those objects from a binary_iarchive, is there a way to know how many objects are in the archive or simply a way to detect the end of the archive ?
The only way I found is to use a try-catch to detect the stream exception.
Thanks in advance.
I can think of a number of approaches:
Serialize STL containers to/from your archive (see documentation). The archive will automatically keep track of how many objects there are in the containers.
Serialize a count variable before serializing your objects. When reading back your objects, you'll know beforehand how many objects you expect to read back.
You could have the last object have a special value that acts as a kind of sentinel that indicates the end of the list of objects. Perhaps you could add an isLast member function to the object.
This is not very pretty, but you could have a separate "index file" alongside your archive that stores the number of objects in the archive.
Use the tellp position of the underlying stream object to detect if you're at the end of file:
Example (just a sketch, not tested):
std::streampos archiveOffset = stream.tellg();
std::streampos streamEnd = stream.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end).tellg();
while (stream.tellp() < streamEnd)
// Deserialize objects
This might not work with XML archives.
Do you have all your objects when you begin serializing? If not, you are "abusing" boost serialization - it is not meant to be used that way. However, I am using it that way, using try catch to find the end of the file, and it works for me. Just hide it away somewhere in the implementation. Beware though, if using it this way, you need to either not serialize pointers, or disable pointer tracking.
If you do have all the objects already, see Emile's answer. They are all valid approaches.
std::istream* stream_;
boost::iostreams::filtering_streambuf<boost::iostreams::input>* filtering_streambuf_;
stream_ = new std::istream(memoryBuffer_);
if (stream_) {
filtering_streambuf_ = new boost::iostreams::filtering_streambuf<boost::iostreams::input>();
if (filtering_streambuf_) {
archive_ = new eos::portable_iarchive(*filtering_streambuf_);
using zip when reading data from the archives, and filtering_streambuf have such method as
std::streamsize std::streambuf::in_avail()
Get number of characters available to read
so i check the end of archive as
bool IArchiveContainer::eof() const {
if (filtering_streambuf_) {
return filtering_streambuf_->in_avail() == 0;
return false;
It is not helping to know how many objects are last in the archive, but helping to detect the end of them
(i'm using eof test only in the unit test for serialization/unserialization my classes/structures - to make sure that i'm reading all what i'm writing)
Sample code which I used to debug the similar issue
(based on Emile's answer) :
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
struct A{
int a,b;
template <typename T>
void serialize(T &ar, int ){
ar & a;
ar & b;
int main(){
std::ofstream ofs( "" );
boost::archive::binary_oarchive ar( ofs );
for(int i=0;i<3;++i){
A a {2,3};
ar << a;
std::ifstream ifs( "" );
ifs.seekg (0, ifs.end);
int length = ifs.tellg();
ifs.seekg (0, ifs.beg);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive ar( ifs );
while(ifs.tellg() < length){
A a;
ar >> a;
std::cout << "a.a-> "<< a.a << " and a.b->"<< a.b << "\n";
return 0;
you just read a byte from the file.
If you do not reach the end,
backword a byte then.
