std::vector erase issue with MSVC 2010 - visual-studio-2010

I have a class defined that just holds the data (different types of data). I also have std::vector that holds a pointers to objects of this class.
Something like this:
class Foo
class Bar
std::vector<Foo *> m_fooVector;
At one point of time in my program I want to remove an element from this vector. And so I write following:
for (std::vector<Foo *>::iterator it = m_fooVector.begin(); it <= m_fooVector.end(); )
if( checking it condition is true )
delete (*it);
(*it) = NULL;
m_fooVector.erase( it );
The problem is that the erase operation fails. When I open the debugger I still see this element inside the vector and when the program finishes it crashes because the element is half way here.
In another function I am trying to remove the simple std::wstring from the vector and everything works fine - string is removed and the size of the vector decreased.
What could be the problem for such behavior? I could of course try to check the erase function in MSVC standard library, but I don't even know where to start.

Your loop is incorrect:
for (std::vector<Foo *>::iterator it = m_fooVector.begin(); it != m_fooVector.end(); )
if (/*checking it condition is true*/)
delete *it;
// *it = NULL; // Not needed
it = m_fooVector.erase(it);
} else {
Traditional way is erase-remove idiom, but as you have to call delete first (smart pointer would avoid this issue), you might use std::partition instead of std::remove:
auto it = std::partition(m_fooVector.begin(), m_fooVector.end(), ShouldBeKeptFunc);
for (std::vector<Foo *>::iterator it = m_fooVector.begin(); it != m_fooVector.end(); ++it) {
delete *it;
m_fooVector.erase(it, m_fooVector.end());


Passing a temporary stream object to a lambda function as part of an extraction expression

I have a function which needs to parse some arguments and several if clauses inside it need to perform similar actions. In order to reduce typing and help keep the code readable, I thought I'd use a lambda to encapsulate the recurring actions, but I'm having trouble finding sufficient info to determine whether I'm mistakenly invoking undefined behavior or what I need to do to actualize my approach.
Below is a simplified code snippet of what I have currently:
int foo(int argc, char* argv[])
Using ss = std::istringstream;
auto sf = [&](ss&& stream) -> ss& {
return stream;
int retVal = 0;
bool valA = false;
bool valB = false;
for(int i=1; i < argc; i++)
std::string arg( argv[i] );
if( !valA )
valA = true;
sf( ss(arg) ) >> myInt;
if( !valB )
valB = true;
sf( ss(arg) ) >> std::hex >> myOtherInt;
catch( std::exception& err )
retVal = -1;
std::cerr << err.what() << std::endl;
return retVal;
First, based on what I've read, I don't think that specifying the lambda argument as an rvalue reference (ss&&) is doing quite what I want it to do, however, trying to compile with it declared as a normal reference (ss&) failed with the error cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type 'ss&'. Changing ss& to ss&& got rid of the error and did not produce any warnings, but I'm not convinced that I'm using that construct correctly.
I've tried reading up on the various definitions for each, but the wording is a bit confusing.
I guess ultimately my questions are:
Can I expect the lifetime of my temporary ss(arg) object to extend through the entire extraction expression?
What is the correct way to define a lambda such that I can use the lambda in the way I demonstrate above, assuming that such a thing is actually possible?

Add an llvm instruction

I'm new to LLVM and I was wondering if you could help me building a pass to duplicate instructions in LLVM IR, the problem I'm facing is that the cloned instructions couldn't be returned using (user class), is this the correct way to do it ? are there any other ways (excluding this
My pass:
BasicBlock *B = I->getParent();
if (auto *op = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(&*I))
auto temp = op->clone();
B->getInstList().insert(op, temp);
if (temp->getOpcode() == Instruction::Add)
IRBuilder<> builder(temp); //building the cloned instruction
Value *lhs = temp->getOperand(0);
Value *rhs = temp->getOperand(1);
Value *add1 = builder.CreateAdd(lhs, rhs);
for (auto &v : temp->uses()) {
User *user = v.getUser(); // A User is anything with operands.
user->setOperand(v.getOperandNo(), add1);
BasicBlock *B = I->getParent();
if (auto *op = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(&*I))
auto temp = op->clone();
B->getInstList().insert(op, temp);
At this point you have successfully cloned your instruction and inserted it in the BasicBlock where the original instruction lives.
if (temp->getOpcode() == Instruction::Add)
IRBuilder<> builder(temp); //building the cloned instruction
Value *lhs = temp->getOperand(0);
Value *rhs = temp->getOperand(1);
Value *add1 = builder.CreateAdd(lhs, rhs);
Now you are building an IRBuilder. An IRBuilder as a helper class that allows you easy insertion of instructions in your code. But it does not build your temp instruction. The temp instruction is already there from calling clone an inserting it in the BasicBlock.
You create another copy of your original instruction (add1).
for (auto &v : temp->uses()) {
User *user = v.getUser(); // A User is anything with operands.
user->setOperand(v.getOperandNo(), add1);
Here you are updating all users of temp. But at this point temp has no users. temp is just a clone of your original instruction. You have created two copies of your original instruction that are not used and will be removed by dead code elimination.
What you want to do is to replace all uses of op by one of your copies.
An easier way to achieve this is to use RAUW ReplaceAllUsesWith.
BasicBlock *B = I->getParent();
if (auto *op = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(&*I))
auto temp = op->clone();
B->getInstList().insert(op, temp);
With RAUW now op is dead (i.e., has no users) and your cloned instruction is alive.

C++11 Lambda Generator - How to signal last element or end?

I am looking at the lambda generators from and
I would like to adapt these to a template version and I'm wondering what I should return to signal that the generator has reached its end.
template<typename T>
std::function<T()> my_template_vector_generator(std::vector<T> &v) {
int idx = 0;
return [=,&v]() mutable {
return v[idx++];
The [=,&v] addition is mine and I hope it's correct. For now, it lets me change the vector outside as expected. Please comment on this if you have a bad feeling about it...
For reference, this works (REQUIRE is from catch):
std::vector<double> v({1.0, 2.0, 3.0});
auto vec_gen = my_template_vector_generator(v);
REQUIRE( vec_gen() == 1 );
REQUIRE( vec_gen() == 2 );
v[2] = 5.0;
REQUIRE( vec_gen() == 5.0 );
That vector version obviously requires knowledge of v.size() at the call site. I'd like to go without that by returning something that indicates the generator is empty.
Brainstorming, I can think of the following:
return pair<T, bool> and indicate false once there are no more values.
return iterators to the container values and iterate for (auto it=gen(); it!=gen.end(); it=gen()) {cout << *it << endl;}
wrapping the generator in a class and implementing an empty() method. Not entirely sure how that would work, however.
Does either of these versions feel good to you? Do you have another idea?
I'd particularly be interested in implications when mapping such a generator or combining them recursively (see this C++14 blog post for inspiration).
After hearing the optional suggestions, I implemented something based on unique_ptr.
template<typename T>
std::function<std::unique_ptr<T>()> my_pointer_template_vector_generator(std::vector<T> &v) {
int idx = 0;
return [=,&v]() mutable {
if (idx < v.size()) {
return std::unique_ptr<T>(new T(v[idx++]));
} else {
return std::unique_ptr<T>();
This seems to work, consider the following passing test.
TEST_CASE("Pointer generator terminates as expected") {
std::vector<double> v({1.0, 2.0, 3.0});
int k = 0;
auto gen = my_pointer_template_vector_generator(v);
while(auto val = gen()) {
REQUIRE( *val == v[k++] );
REQUIRE( v.size() == k );
I have some concerns about creating lots of new T. I suppose I could also return pointers into the vector and nullptr otherwise. That should work in the same way. What do you think about this?
As soon as it looks like just study example i could suggest to add exception as end of collection. But do not use it in real code.

Boost serialization end of file

I serialize multiple objects into a binary archive with Boost.
When reading back those objects from a binary_iarchive, is there a way to know how many objects are in the archive or simply a way to detect the end of the archive ?
The only way I found is to use a try-catch to detect the stream exception.
Thanks in advance.
I can think of a number of approaches:
Serialize STL containers to/from your archive (see documentation). The archive will automatically keep track of how many objects there are in the containers.
Serialize a count variable before serializing your objects. When reading back your objects, you'll know beforehand how many objects you expect to read back.
You could have the last object have a special value that acts as a kind of sentinel that indicates the end of the list of objects. Perhaps you could add an isLast member function to the object.
This is not very pretty, but you could have a separate "index file" alongside your archive that stores the number of objects in the archive.
Use the tellp position of the underlying stream object to detect if you're at the end of file:
Example (just a sketch, not tested):
std::streampos archiveOffset = stream.tellg();
std::streampos streamEnd = stream.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end).tellg();
while (stream.tellp() < streamEnd)
// Deserialize objects
This might not work with XML archives.
Do you have all your objects when you begin serializing? If not, you are "abusing" boost serialization - it is not meant to be used that way. However, I am using it that way, using try catch to find the end of the file, and it works for me. Just hide it away somewhere in the implementation. Beware though, if using it this way, you need to either not serialize pointers, or disable pointer tracking.
If you do have all the objects already, see Emile's answer. They are all valid approaches.
std::istream* stream_;
boost::iostreams::filtering_streambuf<boost::iostreams::input>* filtering_streambuf_;
stream_ = new std::istream(memoryBuffer_);
if (stream_) {
filtering_streambuf_ = new boost::iostreams::filtering_streambuf<boost::iostreams::input>();
if (filtering_streambuf_) {
archive_ = new eos::portable_iarchive(*filtering_streambuf_);
using zip when reading data from the archives, and filtering_streambuf have such method as
std::streamsize std::streambuf::in_avail()
Get number of characters available to read
so i check the end of archive as
bool IArchiveContainer::eof() const {
if (filtering_streambuf_) {
return filtering_streambuf_->in_avail() == 0;
return false;
It is not helping to know how many objects are last in the archive, but helping to detect the end of them
(i'm using eof test only in the unit test for serialization/unserialization my classes/structures - to make sure that i'm reading all what i'm writing)
Sample code which I used to debug the similar issue
(based on Emile's answer) :
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
struct A{
int a,b;
template <typename T>
void serialize(T &ar, int ){
ar & a;
ar & b;
int main(){
std::ofstream ofs( "" );
boost::archive::binary_oarchive ar( ofs );
for(int i=0;i<3;++i){
A a {2,3};
ar << a;
std::ifstream ifs( "" );
ifs.seekg (0, ifs.end);
int length = ifs.tellg();
ifs.seekg (0, ifs.beg);
boost::archive::binary_iarchive ar( ifs );
while(ifs.tellg() < length){
A a;
ar >> a;
std::cout << "a.a-> "<< a.a << " and a.b->"<< a.b << "\n";
return 0;
you just read a byte from the file.
If you do not reach the end,
backword a byte then.

Redundant code constructs

The most egregiously redundant code construct I often see involves using the code sequence
if (condition)
return true;
return false;
instead of simply writing
return (condition);
I've seen this beginner error in all sorts of languages: from Pascal and C to PHP and Java. What other such constructs would you flag in a code review?
if (foo == true)
do stuff
I keep telling the developer that does that that it should be
if ((foo == true) == true)
do stuff
but he hasn't gotten the hint yet.
if (condition == true)
instead of
if (condition)
or even worse and turning around the conditional test:
if (condition == false)
which is easily read as
if (condition) then ...
Using comments instead of source control:
-Commenting out or renaming functions instead of deleting them and trusting that source control can get them back for you if needed.
-Adding comments like "RWF Change" instead of just making the change and letting source control assign the blame.
Somewhere I’ve spotted this thing, which I find to be the pinnacle of boolean redundancy:
return (test == 1)? ((test == 0) ? 0 : 1) : ((test == 0) ? 0 : 1);
Redundant code is not in itself an error. But if you're really trying to save every character
return (condition);
is redundant too. You can write:
return condition;
Declaring separately from assignment in languages other than C:
int foo;
foo = GetFoo();
Returning uselessly at the end:
// stuff
I once had a guy who repeatedly did this:
bool a;
bool b;
if (a == true)
b = true;
b = false;
void myfunction() {
if(condition) {
// Do some stuff
if(othercond) {
// Do more stuff
instead of
void myfunction() {
// Do some stuff
// Do more stuff
Using .tostring on a string
Putting an exit statement as first statement in a function to disable the execution of that function, instead of one of the following options:
Completely removing the function
Commenting the function body
Keeping the function but deleting all the code
Using the exit as first statement makes it very hard to spot, you can easily read over it.
Fear of null (this also can lead to serious problems):
if (name != null)
person.Name = name;
Redundant if's (not using else):
if (!IsPostback)
// do something
if (IsPostback)
// do something else
Redundant checks (Split never returns null):
string[] words = sentence.Split(' ');
if (words != null)
More on checks (the second check is redundant if you are going to loop)
if (myArray != null && myArray.Length > 0)
foreach (string s in myArray)
And my favorite for ASP.NET: Scattered DataBinds all over the code in order to make the page render.
Copy paste redundancy:
if (x > 0)
// a lot of code to calculate z
y = x + z;
// a lot of code to calculate z
y = x - z;
instead of
if (x > 0)
y = x + CalcZ(x);
y = x - CalcZ(x);
or even better (or more obfuscated)
y = x + (x > 0 ? 1 : -1) * CalcZ(x)
Allocating elements on the heap instead of the stack.
char buff = malloc(1024);
/* ... */
instead of
char buff[1024];
/* ... */
struct foo *x = (struct foo *)malloc(sizeof(struct foo));
x->a = ...;
instead of
struct foo x;
x.a = ...;
The most common redundant code construct I see is code that is never called from anywhere in the program.
The other is design patterns used where there is no point in using them. For example, writing "new BobFactory().createBob()" everywhere, instead of just writing "new Bob()".
Deleting unused and unnecessary code can massively improve the quality of the system and the team's ability to maintain it. The benefits are often startling to teams who have never considered deleting unnecessary code from their system. I once performed a code review by sitting with a team and deleting over half the code in their project without changing the functionality of their system. I thought they'd be offended but they frequently asked me back for design advice and feedback after that.
I often run into the following:
function foo() {
if ( something ) {
} else {
But it doesn't help telling them that the else is useless here. It has to be either
function foo() {
if ( something ) {
or - depending on the length of checks that are done before do_something():
function foo() {
if ( !something ) {
From nightmarish code reviews.....
char s[100];
followed by
followed by
s[strlen(s)] = 0;
with lots of nasty
if (strcmp(s, "1") == 0)
littered about the code.
Using an array when you want set behavior. You need to check everything to make sure its not in the array before you insert it, which makes your code longer and slower.
Redundant .ToString() invocations:
const int foo = 5;
Console.WriteLine("Number of Items: " + foo.ToString());
Unnecessary string formatting:
const int foo = 5;
Console.WriteLine("Number of Items: {0}", foo);
