I am doing some easy exercises to get a feel for the language.
my_flatten([X|Xs],RR) :-
(is_list(X), !, append(X,R,RR); RR = [X | R]).
Here is a version using cut, for a predicate that flattens a list one level.
my_flatten([X|Xs],RR) :-
if_(is_list(X), append(X,R,RR), RR = [X | R]).
Here is how I want to write it, but it does not work. Neither does is_list(X) = true as the if_ condition. How am I intended to use if_ here?
(Sorry, I somewhat skipped this)
Please refer to P07. It clearly states that it flattens out [a, [b, [c, d], e]], but you and #Willem produce:
?- my_flatten([a, [b, [c, d], e]], X).
X = [a,b,[c,d],e]. % not flattened!
And the solution given there succeeds for
?- my_flatten(non_list, X).
X = [non_list]. % unexpected, nothing to flatten
Your definition of is_list/1 succeeds for is_list([a|non_list]). Commonly, we want this to fail.
What you need is a safe predicate to test for lists. So let's concentrate on that first:
What is wrong with is_list/1 and if-then-else? It is as non-monotonic, as many other impure type testing predicates.
?- Xs = [], is_list([a|Xs]).
Xs = [].
?- is_list([a|Xs]). % generalization, Xs = [] removed
false. % ?!? unexpected
While the original query succeeds correctly, a generalization of it unexpectedly fails. In the monotonic part of Prolog, we expect that a generalization will succeed (or loop, produce an error, use up all resources, but never ever fail).
You have now two options to improve upon this highly undesirable situation:
Stay safe with safe inferences, _si!
Just take the definition of list_si/1 in place of is_list/1. In problematic situations, your program will now abort with an instantiation error, meaning "well sorry, I don't know how to answer this query". Be happy for that response! You are saved from being misled by incorrect answers.
In other words: There is nothing wrong with ( If_0 -> Then_0 ; Else_0 ), as long as the If_0 handles the situation of insufficient instantiations correctly (and does not refer to a user defined program since otherwise you will be again in non-monotonic behavior).
Here is such a definition:
my_flatten(Es, Fs) :-
phrase(flattenl(Es), Fs).
flattenl([]) --> [].
flattenl([E|Es]) -->
( {list_si(E)} -> flattenl(E) ; [E] ),
?- my_flatten([a, [b, [c, d], e]], X).
X = [a,b,c,d,e].
So ( If_0 -> Then_0 ; Else_0 ) has two weaknesses: The condition If_0 might be sensible to insufficient instantiations, and the Else_0 may be the source of non-monotonicity. But otherwise it works. So why do we want more than that?
In many more general situations this definition will now bark back: "Instantiation error"! While not incorrect, this still can be improved. This exercise is not the ideal example for this, but we will give it a try.
Use a reified condition
In order to use if_/3 you need a reified condition, that is, a definition that carries it's truth value as an explicit extra argument. Let's call it list_t/2.
?- list_t([a,b,c], T).
T = true.
?- list_t([a,b,c|non_list], T).
T = false.
?- list_t(Any, T).
Any = [],
T = true
; T = false,
; Any = [_],
T = true
; Any = [_|_Any1],
T = false,
; ... .
So list_t can also be used to enumerate all true and false situations. Let's go through them:
T = true, Any = [] that's the empty list
T = false, dif(Any, []), Any is not [_|_] note how this inequality uses when/2
T = true, Any = [_] that's all lists with one element
T = true, Any = [_|_Any1] ... meaning: we start with an element, but then no list
list_t(Es, T) :-
if_( Es = []
, T = true
, if_(nocons_t(Es), T = false, ( Es = [_|Fs], list_t(Fs, T) ) )
nocons_t(NC, true) :-
when(nonvar(NC), NC \= [_|_]).
nocons_t([_|_], false).
So finally, the reified definition:
:- meta_predicate( if_(1, 2, 2, ?,?) ).
my_flatten(Es, Fs) :-
phrase(flattenl(Es), Fs).
flattenl([]) --> [].
flattenl([E|Es]) -->
if_(list_t(E), flattenl(E), [E] ),
if_(C_1, Then__0, Else__0, Xs0,Xs) :-
if_(C_1, phrase(Then__0, Xs0,Xs), phrase(Else__0, Xs0,Xs) ).
?- my_flatten([a|_], [e|_]).
?- my_flatten([e|_], [e|_]).
; true
; true
; ... .
?- my_flatten([a|Xs], [a]).
Xs = []
; Xs = [[]]
; Xs = [[],[]]
; ... .
?- my_flatten([X,a], [a]).
X = []
; X = [[]]
; X = [[[]]]
; X = [[[[]]]]
; ... .
?- my_flatten(Xs, [a]).
loops. % at least it does not fail
In Prolog, the equivalen of an if … then … else … in other languages is:
(condition -> if-true; if-false)
With condition, if-true and if-false items you need to fill in.
So in this specific case, you can implement this with:
my_flatten([X|Xs],RR) :-
( is_list(X)
-> append(X,R,RR)
; RR = [X | R] ).
or we can flatten recursively with:
my_flatten([X|Xs],RR) :-
( flatten(X, XF)
-> append(XF,R,RR)
; RR = [X | R] ).
Your if_/3 predicate is used for reified predicates.
This worked for me:
myflat([], []).
myflat([H|T], L) :-
myflat(H, L1),
myflat(T, L2),
append(L1, L2, L).
myflat(L, [L]).
So I am trying to convert a grammar that defines variable definitions in a programming language. This is my first every prolog, and its very different from typical languages so I am confused. The grammar goes as follows:
S -> T S | T
T -> char F semicolon | int F semicolon
F -> id | id G
G -> comma F
So effectively it would return true for things like "char id semicolon" or "int id comma id semicolon char id semicolon".
I am trying to turn this into a prolog program to recognize this grammar. What I have so far is:
def([id|T], T).
com([comma|T], T).
semi([semicolon|T], T).
vardef(L,S) :-
variable_definition(L) :-
However, this obviously only recognizes something that specifically "int/char id comma id semicolon". I don't know how to make it so it has a variable number of "id comma id" before a semicolon, or even have a full new variable definition after the first one. Other questions on this site about the same thing typically have to deal with grammars that are set in place like this, not ones that can have a variable amount of inputs.
EDIT: So the question is two-fold. First, how do I make it so it recognizes two different variable definitions, one right after the other. I assume I have to change the last line in order to complete this, but I am unsure how.
Second, how do I make it recognize a variable amount of "id"s followed by commas. So if I want it to recognize "char id semicolon" as well as "char id comma id semicolon".
The most natural way to express a grammar like this in Prolog is using Prolog's DCG notation:
S -> T S | T
T -> char F semicolon | int F semicolon
F -> id | id G
G -> comma F
s --> t, s | t.
t --> [char], f, [semicolon] | [int], f, [semicolon].
f --> [id] | [id], g.
g --> [comma], f.
The nice thing about DCG is that it expresses the notation more directly. You can then use phrase/2 to run it:
| ?- phrase(s, [char, id, semicolon]).
true ? ;
You can with this grammar, to some extent, generate valid phrases:
| ?- phrase(t, S).
S = [char,id,semicolon] ? ;
S = [char,id,comma,id,semicolon] ? ;
S = [char,id,comma,id,comma,id,semicolon] ? ;
| ?- phrase(s, S).
Fatal Error: local stack overflow (size: 16384 Kb, reached: 16384 Kb,
environment variable used: LOCALSZ)
The word s is defined in such a way that it doesn't terminate. We can fix this by moving the recursive case later:
s --> t | t, s.
| ?- phrase(s, S).
S = [char,id,semicolon] ? ;
S = [char,id,comma,id,semicolon] ? ;
S = [char,id,comma,id,comma,id,semicolon] ? ;
You can see how this is implemented in standard notation by listing the Prolog code for the predicate:
| ?- listing(t).
% file: user
t(A, B) :-
( A = [char|C],
f(C, D),
D = [semicolon|B]
; A = [int|E],
f(E, F),
F = [semicolon|B]
| ?-
You could write this more succinctly as:
t([char|T], B) :-
f(T, [semicolon|B]).
t([int|T], B) :-
f(T, [semicolon|B]).
Which would be called as t(L, []) (the equivalent result as phrase(t, L)).
If we list the rest of the predicates, you can get a complete solution in the form you are asking for:
| ?- listing.
s(A, B) :-
( t(A, B)
; t(A, C),
s(C, B)
t(A, B) :-
( A = [char|C],
f(C, D),
D = [semicolon|B]
; A = [int|E],
f(E, F),
F = [semicolon|B]
f(A, B) :-
( A = [id|B]
; A = [id|C],
g(C, B)
g([comma|A], B) :-
f(A, B).
Refactoring slightly (making it less verbose):
s(L, S) :-
t(L, S).
s(L, S) :-
t(L, S1),
s(S1, S).
t([char|T], S) :-
f(T, [semicolon|S]).
t([int|T], S) :-
f(T, [semicolon|S]).
f([id|S], S).
f([id|S1], S) :-
g(S1, S).
g([comma|S1], S) :-
f(S1, S).
And from here you can call: variable_definition(D) :- s(D, []).
I have a list like: [a([x,y]), b([u,v])] and I want my result as [[x,y], [u,v]].
Here is my code:
p(L, Res) :-
findall(X, (member(a(X), L)), A1), append([A1],[],L1),
findall(Y, (member(b(Y), L)), A2), append(L1,[A2],L2),
append(L2, Res).
This provides a partially good result but if my list is [a([x,y]), c([u,v])], I would like the result to be: [[x,y],[]] and it is [[x,y]].
More examples:
p([b([u,v]), a([x,y]), c([s,t]), d([e,f])], R)
The result I get: [[x,y],[u,v]] (as expected).
p([b([u,v]), z([x,y]), c([s,t]), d([e,f])], R)
The result I get: [[u,v]]'.
The result I want: [[],[u,v]].
EDIT: Added more examples.
Now that it's clear what the problem statement really is, the solution is a little more understood. Your current solution is a little bit overdone and can be simplified. Also, the case where you want to have a [] element when the term isn't found falls a little outside of the paradigm, so can be handled as an exception. #AnsPiter has the right idea about using =../2, particularly if you need a solution that handles multiple occurrences of a and/or b in the list.
p(L, Res) :-
find_term(a, L, As), % Find the a terms
find_term(b, L, Bs), % Find the b terms
append(As, Bs, Res). % Append the results
find_term(F, L, Terms) :-
Term =.. [F, X],
findall(X, member(Term, L), Ts),
( Ts = [] % No results?
-> Terms = [[]] % yes, then list is single element, []
; Terms = Ts % no, then result is the list of terms
| ?- p([b([u,v]), z([x,y]), c([s,t]), d([e,f])], R).
R = [[],[u,v]]
| ?- p([b([x,y]), a([u,v])], L).
L = [[u,v],[x,y]]
| ?-
The above solution will handle multiple occurrences of a and b.
If the problem really is restricted to one occurrence of each, then findall/3 and append/3 are way overkill and the predicate can be written:
p(L, [A,B]) :-
( member(a(A), L)
-> true
; A = []
( member(b(B), L)
-> true
; B = []
Term =.. List : Unifies List with a list whose head is the atom corresponding to the principal functor of
Term and whose tail is a list of the arguments of Term.
Example :
| ?- foo(n,n+1,n+2)=..List.
List = [foo,n,n+1,n+2] ?
| ?- Term=..[foo,n,n+1,n+2].
Term = foo(n,n+1,n+2)
rely on your suggestion; you have a term contains a single argument List
so ;
p([X|Xs], Result) :-
\+(F='c')-> % not(F=c)
Result = Res % Result = [Res] ==> [[x,y],[]]
Test :
| ?- p([a([x,y]), c([u,v])],R).
R = [[x,y]] ?
| ?- p([a([x,y]), b([u,v])],R).
R = [[x,y],[u,v]] ?
I'm trying to write a predicate twice(El,L) which will return true. when El is on list exactly twice. Here is what I have:
twice(El,L) :- select(El,L,L1), member(El,L1), \+ twice(El,L1).
It works nice for twice(2,[1,2,2,3,4])
but for twice(X,[1,1,2,2,3,3]) it doubles every number X = 1 ; X = 1 ; X = 2... How could I avoid this without using any accumulator?
You want to describe a sequence of elements. For such, there is a special formalism in Prolog called Definite Clause Grammars. Before using the formalism, let's try to figure out how a sequence with E occurring exactly twice looks like:
First, is a possibly empty sequence which does not contain E
then, there is one occurrence of E
then again a possibly empty sequence without E
then, there is the second occurrence of E
then again a possibly empty sequence without E.
Now, to put this into the DCG formalism
twice(E, L) :-
phrase(twice_occurring(E), L). % Interface
twice_occurring(E) -->
seq_without(E), % 1.
[E], % 2.
seq_without(E), % 3.
[E], % 4.
seq_without(E). % 5.
seq_without(_E) -->
seq_without(E) -->
Or, more compactly by using all//1 and avoiding auxiliary definitions:
twice(E, L) :-
phrase(( all(dif(E)), [E], all(dif(E)), [E], all(dif(E)) ), L).
There is essentially only one drawback with these definitions: On current systems, they are not optimally implemented. See this if you want to know more.
Stay both logically pure and efficient by using if_/3 and
(=)/3 by #false. It goes like this:
list_member1x([X|Xs],E) :-
if_(X=E, maplist(dif(E),Xs), list_member1x(Xs,E)).
list_member2x([X|Xs],E) :-
if_(X=E, list_member1x(Xs,E), list_member2x(Xs,E)).
twice(E,Xs) :-
That's it. Let's run some queries!
?- twice(E,[1,2,3,4,5,2,3,4]).
E = 2 ;
E = 3 ;
E = 4 ;
Now something a little more general:
?- twice(X,[A,B,C,D]).
A=X , B=X , dif(C,X), dif(D,X) ;
A=X , dif(B,X), C=X , dif(D,X) ;
A=X , dif(B,X), dif(C,X), D=X ;
dif(A,X), B=X , C=X , dif(D,X) ;
dif(A,X), B=X , dif(C,X), D=X ;
dif(A,X), dif(B,X), C=X , D=X ;
Here are the queries the OP gave:
?- twice(2,[1,2,2,3,4]).
?- twice(E,[1,1,2,2,3,3]).
E = 1 ;
E = 2 ;
E = 3 ;
As an alternative, use meta-predicate tcount/3 in combination with (=)/3 like this:
twice(E,Xs) :- tcount(=(E),Xs,2).
twice(E,L) :-
\+ member(E,B1),
\+ member(E,B2),
\+ member(E,A2).
In case that the list of number could be (partially) unbound, following variant solves the issues. It uses "dif" instead of "\=", "+". In addition, it is a few optimized ("append" and "member" have been joined to a single "appendchk"):
appendchk([E|Q2],[H|R]) :-
notmember(X,[H|Q]) :-
twice(E,L) :-
X = 3
A = B, B = X
A = B, B = X,
dif(X, C)
A = C, C = X,
dif(B, X)
B = C, C = X,
dif(A, X)
Here is how we can declare, courtesy library(aggregate), the required constraint:
twice(El, L) :-
aggregate(count, P^nth1(P,L,El), 2).
Where list' elements are restricted to integers, library(clpfd) reification hint hosts another solution:
twice(El, L) :- vs_n_num(L,El,2).
% aggregate(count, P^nth1(P,L,El), 2).
I have to define some more constraints for my list.
I want to split my list is separate lists.
I need three Lists which i get from the main list:
[[_,0],[_,0],[_,0]] and [[_,0]] and [[2,0],[4,0]]
SO I always need a group of lists between a term with [X,1].
It would be great if u could give me a tip. Don’t want the solution, only a tip how to solve this.
This implementation tries to preserve logical-purity without restricting the list items to be [_,_], like
#false's answer does.
I can see that imposing above restriction does make a lot of sense... still I would like to lift it---and attack the more general problem.
The following is based on if_/3, splitlistIf/3 and reified predicate, marker_truth/2.
marker_truth(M,T) reifies the "marker"-ness of M into the truth value T (true or false).
is_marker([_,1]). % non-reified
marker_truth([_,1],true). % reified: variant #1
marker_truth(Xs,false) :-
Easy enough! Let's try splitlistIf/3 and marker_truth/2 together in a query:
?- Ls=[[1,1],[_,0],[_,0],[_,0],[3,1],[_,0],[9,1],[2,0],[4,0]],
Ls = [[1,1],[_A,0],[_B,0],[_C,0],[3,1],[_D,0],[9,1],[2,0],[4,0]],
Pss = [ [[_A,0],[_B,0],[_C,0]], [[_D,0]], [[2,0],[4,0]]] ? ; % OK
Ls = [[1,1],[_A,0],[_B,0],[_C,0],[3,1],[_D,0],[9,1],[2,0],[4,0]],
Pss = [ [[_A,0],[_B,0],[_C,0]], [[_D,0],[9,1],[2,0],[4,0]]],
prolog:dif([9,1],[_E,1]) ? ; % BAD
%% query aborted (6 other BAD answers omitted)
The second answer shown above is certainly not what we wanted.
Clearly, splitlistIf/3 should have split Ls at that point,
as the goal is_marker([9,1]) succeeds. It didn't. Instead, we got an answer with a frozen dif/2 goal that will never be woken up, because it is waiting for the instantiation of the anonymous variable _E.
Guess who's to blame! The second clause of marker_truth/2:
marker_truth(Xs,false) :- dif(Xs,[_,1]). % BAD
What can we do about it? Use our own inequality predicate that doesn't freeze on a variable which will never be instantiated:
marker_truth(Xs,Truth) :- % variant #2
freeze(Xs, marker_truth__1(Xs,Truth)).
marker_truth__1(Xs,Truth) :-
( Xs = [_|Xs0]
-> freeze(Xs0, marker_truth__2(Xs0,Truth))
; Truth = false
marker_truth__2(Xs,Truth) :-
( Xs = [X|Xs0]
-> when((nonvar(X);nonvar(Xs0)), marker_truth__3(X,Xs0,Truth))
; Truth = false
marker_truth__3(X,Xs0,Truth) :- % X or Xs0 have become nonvar
( nonvar(X)
-> ( X == 1
-> freeze(Xs0,(Xs0 == [] -> Truth = true ; Truth = false))
; Truth = false
; Xs0 == []
-> freeze(X,(X == 1 -> Truth = true ; Truth = false))
; Truth = false
All this code, for expressing the safe logical negation of is_marker([_,1])? UGLY!
Let's see if it (at least) helped above query (the one which gave so many useless answers)!
?- Ls=[[1,1],[_,0],[_,0],[_,0],[3,1],[_,0],[9,1],[2,0],[4,0]],
Ls = [[1,1],[_A,0],[_B,0],[_C,0],[3,1],[_D,0],[9,1],[2,0],[4,0]],
Pss = [[ [_A,0],[_B,0],[_C,0]], [[_D,0]], [[2,0],[4,0]]] ? ;
It works! When considering the coding effort required, however, it is clear that either a code generation scheme or a
variant of dif/2 (which shows above behaviour) will have to be devised.
Edit 2015-05-25
Above implementation marker_truth/2 somewhat works, but leaves a lot to be desired. Consider:
?- marker_truth(M,Truth). % most general use
freeze(M, marker_truth__1(M, Truth)).
This answer is not what we would like to get. To see why not, let's look at the answers of a comparable use of integer_truth/2:
?- integer_truth(I,Truth). % most general use
Truth = true, freeze(I, integer(I)) ;
Truth = false, freeze(I, \+integer(I)).
Two answers in the most general case---that's how a reified predicate should behave like!
Let's recode marker_truth/2 accordingly:
marker_truth(Xs,Truth) :- subsumes_term([_,1],Xs), !, Truth = true.
marker_truth(Xs,Truth) :- Xs \= [_,1], !, Truth = false.
marker_truth(Xs ,false) :- nonMarker__1(Xs).
nonMarker__1(T) :- var(T), !, freeze(T,nonMarker__1(T)).
nonMarker__1(T) :- T = [_|Arg], !, nonMarker__2(Arg).
nonMarker__2(T) :- var(T), !, freeze(T,nonMarker__2(T)).
nonMarker__2(T) :- T = [_|_], !, dif(T,[1]).
Let's re-run above query with the new implementation of marker_truth/2:
?- marker_truth(M,Truth). % most general use
Truth = true, M = [_A,1] ;
Truth = false, freeze(M, nonMarker__1(M)).
It is not clear what you mean by a "group of lists". In your example you start with [1,1] which fits your criterion of [_,1]. So shouldn't there be an empty list in the beginning? Or maybe you meant that it all starts with such a marker?
And what if there are further markers around?
First you need to define the criterion for a marker element. This for both cases: When it applies and when it does not apply and thus this is an element in between.
nonmarker([_,C]) :-
dif(1, C).
Note that with these predicates we imply that every element has to be [_,_]. You did not state it, but it does make sense.
split(Xs, As, Bs, Cs) :-
phrase(three_seqs(As, Bs, Cs), Xs).
marker -->
three_seqs(As, Bs, Cs) -->
all_seq(nonmarker, As),
all_seq(nonmarker, Bs),
all_seq(nonmarker, Cs).
For a definition of all_seq//2 see this
In place of marker, one could write all_seq(marker,[_])
You can use a predicate like append/3. For example, to split a list on the first occurence of the atom x in it, you would say:
?- L = [a,b,c,d,x,e,f,g,x,h,i,j], once(append(Before, [x|After], L)).
L = [a, b, c, d, x, e, f, g, x|...],
Before = [a, b, c, d],
After = [e, f, g, x, h, i, j].
As #false has pointed out, putting an extra requirement might change your result, but this is what is nice about using append/3:
"Split the list on x so that the second part starts with h:
?- L = [a,b,c,d,x,e,f,g,x,h,i,j], After = [h|_], append(Before, [x|After], L).
L = [a, b, c, d, x, e, f, g, x|...],
After = [h, i, j],
Before = [a, b, c, d, x, e, f, g].
This is just the tip.