Scheme function that returns a function - scheme

I need to write a scheme function that returns as a function which then takes another argument, eg a list and in turn return the desired result. In this example (c?r "arg") would return -- (car(cdr -- which then subsequently takes the list argument to return 2
> ((c?r "ar") '(1 2 3 4))
> ((c?r "ara") '((1 2) 3 4))
The problem I have is how can I return a function that accepts another arg in petite?

Here's how you might write such a function:
(define (c?r cmds)
(lambda (lst)
(let recur ((cmds (string->list cmds)))
(if (null? cmds)
(case (car cmds)
((#\a) (car (recur (cdr cmds))))
((#\d) (cdr (recur (cdr cmds))))
(else (recur (cdr cmds))))))))
Note that I'm using d to signify cdr, not r (which makes no sense, to me). You can also write this more succinctly using string-fold-right (requires SRFI 13):
(define (c?r cmds)
(lambda (lst)
(string-fold-right (lambda (cmd x)
(case cmd
((#\a) (car x))
((#\d) (cdr x))
(else x)))
lst cmds)))

Just wanted to add my playing with this. Uses SRFI-1.
(import (rnrs)
(only (srfi :1) fold)) ;; require fold from SRFI-1
(define (c?r str)
(define ops (reverse (string->list str)))
(lambda (lst)
(fold (lambda (x acc)
((if (eq? x #\a) car cdr) ; choose car or cdr for application
Its very similar to Chris' version (more the previous fold-right) but I do the reverseso i can use fold in the returned procedure. I choose which of car or cdr to call by looking at the character.
Here is an alternative version with much more preprocessing. It uses tail-ref and list-tail as shortcuts when there are runs of #\d's.
(define (c?r str)
(let loop ((druns 0) (ops (string->list str)) (funs '()))
(cond ((null? ops)
(let ((funs (reverse
(if (zero? druns)
(cons (lambda (x)
(list-tail x druns))
(lambda (lst)
(fold (lambda (fun lst)
(fun lst))
((eq? (car ops) #\d) (loop (+ druns 1) (cdr ops) funs))
((= druns 0) (loop 0 (cdr ops) (cons car funs)))
(else (loop 0 (cdr ops) (cons (lambda (x)
(list-ref x druns))
This can be made even simpler in #!racket. we skip the reverse and just do (apply compose1 funs).
(define (c?r str)
(let loop ((druns 0) (ops (string->list str)) (funs '()))
(cond ((null? ops)
(let ((funs (if (zero? druns)
(cons (lambda (x)
(list-tail x druns))
(apply compose1 funs)))
((eq? (car ops) #\d) (loop (+ druns 1) (cdr ops) funs))
((= druns 0) (loop 0 (cdr ops) (cons car funs)))
(else (loop 0 (cdr ops) (cons (lambda (x)
(list-ref x druns))

Assuming a compose procedure:
(define (compose funs . args)
(if (null? funs)
(apply values args)
(compose (cdr funs) (apply (car funs) args))))
(compose (list cdr car) '(1 2 3 4))
=> 2
c?r can be defined in terms of compose like so:
(define (c?r funs)
(lambda (e)
(lambda (f) (if (char=? f #\a) car cdr))
(reverse (string->list funs)))
((c?r "ar") '(1 2 3 4))
=> 2
((c?r "ara") '((1 2) 3 4))
=> 2


Looking for cleaner way to make association list out of list of numbers

I'm looking to write a procedure that will take a list in the form '(0 7 10 14) and transform it into a list '((0 . 7) (7 . 10) (10 . 14)). The procedure below will do exactly that. I think it's rather messy and can't find a simpler way to write it. Maybe I can use a built-in racket function to do this?
(define (simplify-path path)
(if (null? (cddr path))
(cons (cons (car path) (cadr path)) '())
(begin (cons (cons (car path) (cadr path))
(simplify-path (cdr path))))))
Using Racket, we can do this:
(define (simplify-path path)
(map cons
(drop-right path 1)
(rest path)))
It works as expected:
(simplify-path '(0 7 10 14))
=> '((0 . 7) (7 . 10) (10 . 14))
(define (simplify-path path)
(for/list ([x path] [y (cdr path)]) (cons x y)))
Does it too.
In contrast to map, for/list can take two different length lists - cuts down to length of shortest.
written in mit-scheme.
(define list->assocs
(lambda (l)
(define pair-first-second
(lambda (l)
(cons (car l) (cadr l))))
(define iter
(lambda (l k)
(if (eq? '() (cddr l))
(k (pair-first-second l))
(iter (cdr l)
(lambda (r)
(k (cons (pair-first-second l) r)))))))
(if (or (eq? '() l)
(eq? '() (cdr l)))
(iter l
(lambda (x) x)))))
(list->assocs '(0 7 10 14))

What is definition of “map” in Racket

What would be the definition of "map" function without using any other high-level functional in Racket?
I need a stack recursion version.
A simple definition of a map function could be:
(define (map f l)
(if (null? l)
(cons (f (car l)) (map f (cdr l)))))
(map (lambda (n) (* n n)) '(1 2 3 4)) ;; => (1 4 9 16)
Usually you'll find map being made with fold, but I prefer doing everything with pair-for-each (maplist in CL). This defines pair-for-each, map, filter-map, filter, zip and unzip compatible with the same procedures in SRFI-1 List library.
(define-values (pair-for-each map filter-map filter zip unzip)
(let ((%MAP-PASS (list 'MAP-PASS))
(%MAP-END (list 'MAP-END)))
;; pair-for-each-1 applies proc to every cons
;; in order until proc returns %MAP-END
;; when proc evaluates to %MAP-PASS the result is skipped
(define (pair-for-each-1 proc lst (next cdr))
(let loop ((lst lst))
(let ((res (proc lst)))
(cond ((eq? res %MAP-END) '())
((eq? res %MAP-PASS) (loop (next lst)))
(else (cons res
(loop (next lst))))))))
;; Transform a typical map procedure to include
;; a %MAP-END when the list argument is eq? a certain value
(define (stop-at value proc)
(lambda (lst)
(if (eq? value lst)
(proc lst))))
;; Takes a lists of lists and returns a
;; new list with the cdrs
(define (cdrs lsts)
(pair-for-each-1 (stop-at '() cdar) lsts))
;; Takes a list of lists and returns a
;; new list with the cars except if one of
;; the sublists are nil in which the result is also nil
(define (cars lsts)
(call/cc (lambda (exit)
(pair-for-each-1 (stop-at '()
(lambda (x)
(let ((x (car x)))
(if (null? x)
(exit '())
(car x)))))
;; Takes a list of lists and returns #t if any are null
(define (any-null? lsts)
(if (null? lsts)
(or (null? (car lsts))
(any-null? (cdr lsts)))))
;; Return value definitions starts here
;; pair-for-each is called maplist in CL
(define (pair-for-each proc lst . lsts)
(if (null? lsts)
(pair-for-each-1 (stop-at '() (lambda (x) (proc x))) lst)
(pair-for-each-1 (lambda (args)
(if (any-null? args)
(apply proc args)))
(cons lst lsts)
;; Multi arity map
(define (map f lst . lsts)
(if (null? lsts)
(pair-for-each-1 (stop-at '() (lambda (x) (f (car x)))) lst)
(pair-for-each-1 (lambda (x)
(let ((args (cars x)))
(if (null? args)
(apply f args))))
(cons lst lsts)
;; filter-map is like map except it skips false values
(define (filter-map proc . lsts)
(apply map (lambda x
(or (apply proc x) %MAP-PASS)))
;; filter only takes one list and instead of the result it
;; takes the original argument as value (which may be #f)
(define (filter predicate? lst)
(pair-for-each-1 (stop-at '()
(lambda (x)
(let ((x (car x)))
(if (predicate? x)
;; zip (zip '(1 2 3) '(a b c)) ; ==> ((1 a) (2 b) (3 c))
(define (zip lst . lsts)
(apply map list (cons lst lsts)))
;; unzip does the same except it takes a list of lists as argument
(define (unzip lsts)
(apply map list lsts))
;; return procedures
(values pair-for-each map filter-map filter zip unzip)))
It was unclear to me what kind of implementation the OP asked for, so here is yet another variation of map.
; map : function list -> list
; (map f '()) = '()
; (map f (cons x xs)) = (cons (f x) (map f xs))
(define (my-map f xs)
; loop : list list -> list
; (loop (list x1 ... xn) (list y1 ... ym)) = (list (f x1) ... (f xn) ym ... y1)
(define (loop xs ys)
(match xs
['() (reverse ys)]
[(cons x xs) (loop xs (cons (f x) ys))]))
(loop xs '()))
(my-map sqrt '(1 4 9 16))
'(1 2 3 4)

Encapsulating Certain Parts of List

I'm trying to write a procedure that "encapsulates" (i.e. puts in a list) elements of a list between a "separator" element.
(my-proc '(1 + 2))
=> ((1) (2))
(my-proc '(x * y + z ^ 2 + 1 + 5))
=> ((x * y) (z ^ 2) (1) (5))
(my-proc '((x + 1) * y + 5))
=> (((x + 1) * y) (5))
In this case the procedure can be hard-coded to define the + symbol as the separator.
Assume that foldr (fold right operation) is defined, I'd prefer that it'd be in terms of it.
I'm not giving a full solution since this looks really homework-y.
(define (split-expr expr)
(foldr (lambda (e es)
(if (eq? e '+)
<???> ; do split
(cons (cons e (car es))
(cdr es))))
<???> ; what should start be?
Just for fun, here's a version in continuation-passing style (no foldr, probably not suitable as a homework answer):
(define split/cps
(λ (sep ls)
(let loop ([ls ls] [k (λ (item acc)
(if item (cons item acc) acc))])
[(null? ls)
(k #f '())]
[(eq? sep (car ls))
(loop (cdr ls)
(λ (item acc)
(k #f (if item (cons item acc) acc))))]
(loop (cdr ls)
(λ (item acc)
(k (if item
(cons (car ls) item)
(list (car ls)))
Here's another way to do it, also without foldr:
(define split/values
(λ (sep ls)
(let loop ([ls ls])
[(null? ls)
(let-values ([(a d) (car-to-sep sep ls)])
(if (null? a)
(loop d)
(cons a (loop d))))]))))
(define car-to-sep
(λ (sep ls)
(let loop ([ls ls] [a '()])
[(null? ls)
(values '() '())]
[(eq? sep (car ls))
(values '() (cdr ls))]
(let-values ([(a d) (loop (cdr ls) a)])
(values (cons (car ls) a) d))]))))

Partitioning a list in Racket

In an application I'm working on in Racket I need to take a list of numbers and partition the list into sub-lists of consecutive numbers:
(In the actual application, I'll actually be partitioning pairs consisting of a number and some data, but the principle is the same.)
i.e. if my procedure is called chunkify then:
(chunkify '(1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11)) -> '((1 2 3) (5 6 7) (9 10 11))
(chunkify '(1 2 3)) -> '((1 2 3))
(chunkify '(1 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 13)) -> '((1) (3 4 5) (7) (9 10 11) (13))
(chunkify '(1)) -> '((1))
(chunkify '()) -> '(())
I've come up with the following in Racket:
#lang racket
(define (chunkify lst)
(lambda ()
(for/fold ([chunk '()] [tail '()]) ([cell (reverse lst)])
[(empty? chunk) (values (cons cell chunk) tail)]
[(equal? (add1 cell) (first chunk)) (values (cons cell chunk) tail)]
[else (values (list cell) (cons chunk tail))])))
This works just fine, but I'm wondering given the expressiveness of Racket if there isn't a more straightforward simpler way of doing this, some way to get rid of the "call-with-values" and the need to reverse the list in the procedure etc., perhaps some way comepletely different.
My first attempt was based very loosely on a pattern with a collector in "The Little Schemer" and that was even less straightforward than the above:
(define (chunkify-list lst)
(define (lambda-to-chunkify-list chunk) (list chunk))
(let chunkify1 ([list-of-chunks '()]
[lst lst]
[collector lambda-to-chunkify-list])
[(empty? (rest lst)) (append list-of-chunks (collector (list (first lst))))]
[(equal? (add1 (first lst)) (second lst))
(chunkify1 list-of-chunks (rest lst)
(lambda (chunk) (collector (cons (first lst) chunk))))]
(chunkify1 (append list-of-chunks
(collector (list (first lst)))) (rest lst) list)])))
What I'm looking for is something simple, concise and straightforward.
Here's how I'd do it:
;; chunkify : (listof number) -> (listof (non-empty-listof number))
;; Split list into maximal contiguous segments.
(define (chunkify lst)
(cond [(null? lst) null]
[else (chunkify/chunk (cdr lst) (list (car lst)))]))
;; chunkify/chunk : (listof number) (non-empty-listof number)
;; -> (listof (non-empty-listof number)
;; Continues chunkifying a list, given a partial chunk.
;; rchunk is the prefix of the current chunk seen so far, reversed
(define (chunkify/chunk lst rchunk)
(cond [(and (pair? lst)
(= (car lst) (add1 (car rchunk))))
(chunkify/chunk (cdr lst)
(cons (car lst) rchunk))]
[else (cons (reverse rchunk) (chunkify lst))]))
It disagrees with your final test case, though:
(chunkify '()) -> '() ;; not '(()), as you have
I consider my answer more natural; if you really want the answer to be '(()), then I'd rename chunkify and write a wrapper that handles the empty case specially.
If you prefer to avoid the mutual recursion, you could make the auxiliary function return the leftover list as a second value instead of calling chunkify on it, like so:
;; chunkify : (listof number) -> (listof (non-empty-listof number))
;; Split list into maximal contiguous segments.
(define (chunkify lst)
(cond [(null? lst) null]
(let-values ([(chunk tail) (get-chunk (cdr lst) (list (car lst)))])
(cons chunk (chunkify tail)))]))
;; get-chunk : (listof number) (non-empty-listof number)
;; -> (values (non-empty-listof number) (listof number))
;; Consumes a single chunk, returns chunk and unused tail.
;; rchunk is the prefix of the current chunk seen so far, reversed
(define (get-chunk lst rchunk)
(cond [(and (pair? lst)
(= (car lst) (add1 (car rchunk))))
(get-chunk (cdr lst)
(cons (car lst) rchunk))]
[else (values (reverse rchunk) lst)]))
I can think of a simple, straightforward solution using a single procedure with only primitive list operations and tail recursion (no values, let-values, call-with-values) - and it's pretty efficient. It works with all of your test cases, at the cost of adding a couple of if expressions during initialization for handling the empty list case. It's up to you to decide if this is concise:
(define (chunkify lst)
(let ((lst (reverse lst))) ; it's easier if we reverse the input list first
(let loop ((lst (if (null? lst) '() (cdr lst))) ; list to chunkify
(cur (if (null? lst) '() (list (car lst)))) ; current sub-list
(acc '())) ; accumulated answer
(cond ((null? lst) ; is the input list empty?
(cons cur acc))
((= (add1 (car lst)) (car cur)) ; is this a consecutive number?
(loop (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) cur) acc))
(else ; time to create a new sub-list
(loop (cdr lst) (list (car lst)) (cons cur acc)))))))
Yet another way to do it.
#lang racket
(define (split-between pred xs)
(let loop ([xs xs]
[ys '()]
[xss '()])
(match xs
[(list) (reverse (cons (reverse ys) xss))]
[(list x) (reverse (cons (reverse (cons x ys)) xss))]
[(list x1 x2 more ...) (if (pred x1 x2)
(loop more (list x2) (cons (reverse (cons x1 ys)) xss))
(loop (cons x2 more) (cons x1 ys) xss))])))
(define (consecutive? x y)
(= (+ x 1) y))
(define (group-consecutives xs)
(split-between (λ (x y) (not (consecutive? x y)))
(group-consecutives '(1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11))
(group-consecutives '(1 2 3))
(group-consecutives '(1 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 13))
(group-consecutives '(1))
(group-consecutives '())
I want to play.
At the core this isn't really anything that's much different from what's
been offered but it does put it in terms of the for/fold loop. I've
grown to like the for loops as I think they make for much
more "viewable" (not necessarily readable) code. However, (IMO --
oops) during the early stages of getting comfortable with
racket/scheme I think it's best to stick to recursive expressions.
(define (chunkify lst)
(define-syntax-rule (consecutive? n chunk)
(= (add1 (car chunk)) n))
(if (null? lst)
(map reverse
(for/fold ([store `((,(car lst)))])
([n (cdr lst)])
(let*([chunk (car store)])
[(consecutive? n chunk)
(cons (cons n chunk) (cdr store))]
(cons (list n) (cons chunk (cdr store)))])))))))
(ƛ (lst)
(printf "input : ~s~n" lst)
(printf "output : ~s~n~n" (chunkify lst)))
'((1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11)
(1 2 3)
(1 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 13)
Here's my version:
(define (chunkify lst)
(let loop ([lst lst] [last #f] [resint '()] [resall '()])
(if (empty? lst)
(append resall (list (reverse resint)))
(let ([ca (car lst)] [cd (cdr lst)])
(if (or (not last) (= last (sub1 ca)))
(loop cd ca (cons ca resint) resall)
(loop cd ca (list ca) (append resall (list (reverse resint))))))))))
It also works for the last test case.

Removing null elements from the scheme list

(define filter-in
(lambda (predicate list)
(lambda (l)
(filter-in-sexpr predicate l))))
(map f list))))
(define filter-in-aux
(lambda (pred lst)
(if (null? lst) '()
(cons (filter-in-sexpr pred (car lst))
(filter-in-aux pred (cdr lst))))))
(define filter-in-sexpr
(lambda (pred sexpr)
(if (equal? (pred sexpr) #t)
Calling (filter-in number? ’(a 2 (1 3) b 7)) produces ( () 2 () () 7).
How I can skip null elements from the generated list to get final outcome of (2 7) ?
The problem is that you're mapping filter-in-sxpr over the list. You can either run another filter pass to remove the nulls, or use a modified filter-in-aux like this:
(define filter-in-aux
(lambda (pred lst)
(if (null? lst) '()
(let ((h (filter-in-sexpr pred (car lst)))
(t (filter-in-aux pred (cdr lst))))
(if (null? h) t
(cons h t))))))
