Retrieving a parent tag with a given attribute that contains a subelement by using XPath - xpath

How I can retrieve multiple DIVs (with a given class attribute "a") that contain a span tag with a class attribute "b" by using Xpath?
<div class='a'>
<span class='b'/>
The structure of my XML is not defined so basically the span could be at any level of the div and the div itself could be at any level of the XML tree.

This should work:
// means search anywhere if it starts the expression.
If the span is deeper in the div, use descendant:: which can be shortened to // again:


How to prevent Xpath recursion

Given I have this (unknown) document structure, how do I write xpath to select div1 and div2, i.e. all divs, but not recursivelly (no divs, contained anywhere within another divs)?
I couldn't find any documentation that would point me in this direction, all I could manage is to select ALL divs, i.e. div1, div2 and div3 (with //div expression), but I want to exclude div2 here as it is the descendant div of another one.
(I need a generic solution to select tags not recursivelly, the ids here are for explanatory purposes only.)
...some unknown structure with no divs...
<div id="1">
...some unknown structure with no divs...
<div id="2"></div>
...some unknown structure with no divs...
...some unknown structure with no divs...
<div id="3"></div>
...some unknown structure with no divs...
If you select //div[not(ancestor::div)] you select all div elements that don't have any ancestor also being a div.
If you have access to XPath 3.1 or 3.0 you can also use the outermost function as it "returns every node within the sequence that does not have another node within the sequence as an ancestor" so "the expression outermost(//div) returns those div elements that are not contained within further div elements".

Selenium Webdriver / XPath: How to find element by attribute and the text of its children

Given html:
<div class="class1">
<div class="class2">1 2 3</div>
<div class="class3">a b c</div>
As i have several div elements in my html which uses the class "class1" and none has a id i want to find/fetch this parent element by the text of its children.
I tried different variants like
By.xpath("//div[contains(#class, 'class1') "
+ "and text()[contains(.,'1 2 3')] "
+ "and text()[contains(.,'a b c')]]"));
but nothing seems to work yet.
In the example above i guess the text of the class1 element is checked but not of its children.
Can anybody help?
So you're looking for a div with class class1 that has children with texts 1 2 3 and a b c. From your example of what you've tried, I'm assuming there are no further conditions (eg class) on the children:
//div[#class='class1' and div/text()='1 2 3' and div/text()='a b c']
You can make those children node names into * if you don't care whether they are divs or not. You can make the children node names prefixed by descendant:: if you don't require them to be direct children.
Try any of these below mentioned xpath.
Using class attribute of <div> tag.
Explanation of xpath: First locate both child elements using the class attribute of <div> tag and then move ahead with parent keyword with <div> tag along with class attribute.
Using text method along with <div> tag.
//div[text()= '1 2 3']/..//div[text()= 'a b c']/..//parent::div[#class='class1']
Explanation of xpath: First locate both child elements using the text method of <div> tag and then move ahead with parent keyword with <div> tag along with class attribute.
These above xpath will locate your parent element <div class="class1">

What is Valid Xpath for link extract by div class name?

What is Valid Xpath for link extract by div class name?
Here is html code:
<div class="poster">
<a href="/title/tt2091935/mediaviewer/rm4278707200?ref_=tt_ov_i"> <img alt="Mr. Right Poster" title="Mr. Right Poster" src=",0,182,268_AL_.jpg" itemprop="image">
</a> </div>
I want to know exact Xpath as if i found href link.
I try with //a/#href[#class='poster'] but it's doesn't work
The <div> contains the <a> so you can use that to navigate:
Remember that the "poster" class is defined on the <div> not on the <a> so that's where you need to apply the predicate.
//div returns all <div> elements
[#class='poster'] is a predicate that filters by class
/a returns all <a> elements that are children of those <div>s
/#href gives us the attribute we want
Depending on the system you're using you might need to wrap the whole expression in text() in order to bring back the attribute data rather than the DOM node.

Need a xpath : where parent having multiple child, but i required only parent value

In below code: parent "div" having three child "span", "script" and "span". but i required the value of Parent "div" which "N/A". "N/A" not comes under any attribute of div. Its just a value of parent "div".
<div class="ah-text-align-right ah-font-xsmall" style="">
<span id="_dcmanageinvestmentsportlet_WAR_ahdcmnginvportlet__FDROR_110hidden" style="display:none">
<script type="text/javascript">
<span class="ah-float-left">
For getting parent element you can use double dot .. after child element xpath.
For getting text of an element you can use xpath text() function, but depending on implementation of xpath in whatever environment and code you use, it might be unavailable. Note, that text of an element will return actual text node of this element as well as all text nodes of child elements.
For your case if you search a parent of a span with ah-float-left class, then xpath should be something like following:
For getting text of a parent, you'll need following:
Note: looking elements up by class name may return you a collection of elements which in turn will return you collection of parent elements and collection of parent nodes texts, which may not be desired. I would recommend lookup child element by id, since xhtml prescribes that elements ids are unique. Thus, an xpath for a parent div should better look like following:

Selenium WebDriver ruby accessing span value

What is the best way to to select this element using Selenium WebDriver?
I am trying to access the <span> element through the class mapResultNumber. This is the actual HTML:
<div class="mapResultInner">
<div class="mapResultNumber">
You could use xpath = //div[#class='mapResultNumber']/span
Using a css selector is a more readable way:
element = #driver.find_element(:css => "div.mapResultNumber span")
A dot (period) after a tag indicates the class to select.
A single space after the first selector (i.e. "div.mapResultNumber") indicates the next tag will be found inside the previous
You could also use div.mapResultNumber > span to indicate that the span tag is found directly beneath the div
