Transfer a big file in golang - go

Client send file, the size may be more than 5G, to slave server, and than slave send to master server.
Will the slave save temp file to itself? I do not want it happen because it will slow the upload speed and waste the slave's memory.
Any way to avoid this? And what is the best way to transfer a big file in golang?

Yes, there's a standard way to avoid store-and-forward approach: as soon as a client connects the slave server the latter should open a connection to the master server and then just stream the data from the client there. Typically this is done using the io.Copy() function. Thanks to Go's excellent duck typing using interfaces, this works for TCP connections and HTTP requests/responses.
(To get better explanation(s) you have to narrow your question down.)
A part of the solution does even appear in the similar questions suggested by stackoverflow—here it is.


Windows Named Pipes connections

I have search high and low for this answer. Can one code up a Named Pipes server where the connection that a client makes is persistent until you close the applications? This would be in C/C++. Not asking any one to actually do this, as I am capable. To explain in a little more detail if my question is not clear, I want to be able to have the client connect to the server and then be able to pass data back and forth without having to kill the connection at the end of each data transaction and then start a new one again for the next. It seams that in every example I have seen or read, the transaction only lasted for that one data exchange. That seems wasteful and extremely time consuming. Then I want to thread it so I can have up to 8 clients on the same named pipe. If you know of example code that does this, that would be great also. Already read the Microsoft examples, and they seem to be single data exchanges with new connections every time.
My confusion lies with the readfile() and writefile() functions. They need the pipe handle and pointers to the data structures just like a file R/W on the hard drive. Those files can be opened at program start, used, and then finally closed just before you exit your application. There are risks to doing this, but sometimes necessary. So I want my server application to be in control not the clients.
Thanks in advance. I will answer any questions if this is not clear to you.
I am not surprised at your answers. I was really wanting a way to keep the connection open per instance, but since this is not how pipes work, I get it. I have devised a better way to make my applications talk to each other. I originally had one server and many clients, so I turned that around and now have one client and many servers each with a different pipe name. Since my client, that was the server, did most of the initiating of the messages, I can now manage better they way I send and request the data via messages/pipes. The only draw back is not giving the data to all of them at once, but what is a few microseconds amount friends. Please let me know if this will not work as I expect it will, before I spend a lot of time on the code. Thanks. Any suggestions are welcomed.

How to upload 50gb file through SFTP efficiently?

I want to implement SFTP client using JSCH java library. I have below queries. Please suggest your ideas.
How to upload very big files( around 50gb) to SFTP server in best way?
While doing above operation, there is a high chance of getting error "session timeout". Is there any best way to solve it other than setting the time explicitly?
Transfer very large files at once is always not the best idea.
One option is to use a bigger buffer, if the upload/download is not used to max.
But my suggested option is: split up the file automatically or use a tempfile mechanic, which can handle interruptions at transfer (like e.g. jdownloader does)

Scripting a major multi-file multi-server FTP upload: is smart interrupted transfer resuming possible?

I'm trying to upload several hundred files to 10+ different servers. I previously accomplished this using FileZilla, but I'm trying to make it go using just common command-line tools and shell scripts so that it isn't dependent on working from a particular host.
Right now I have a shell script that takes a list of servers (in format) and spawns a new background instance of 'ftp < batch.file' for each server.
This works in principle, but as soon as the connection to a given server times out/resets/gets interrupted, it breaks. While all the other transfers keep going, I have no way of resuming whichever transfer(s) have been interrupted. The only way to know if this has happened is to check each receiving server by hand. This sucks!
Right now I'm looking at wput and lftp, but these would require installation on whichever host I want to run the upload from. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this in a simpler way?
I would recommend using rsync. It's really good at only transferring just the data that's been changed during a transfer. Much more efficient than FTP! More info on how to resume interrupted connections with an example can be found here. Hope that helps!

algorithm for synchronizing text between client/server

What is a low-latency, low-bandwidth algorithm for synchronizing, say, a text file between a client and a server?
Is there a design where the client send a delta of it's current state and it's last ACK'd state from the server? I am thinking Quake3 networking..
More specifically, how would a diff/delta algorithm behave in a client/server environment.
e.g. Is it more expensive to calculate a diff on the client side, send to server, server interprets and updates its store, sends ACK to client? Or is it cheaper to have a replication model where client sends its full state and server stores it..?
100 KB text file. Something small, not too large.
You mean like a diff?
Store the server-side's version of the file in the client. Whenever you need to synchronize, run a diff (you can either write your own or use a library). Then send the difference over to the server and have the server patch it's local version.
If a client also edits text, and has an undo/redo feature then undo stack can be used for delta. For large texts and small changes using undo stack should be more efficient than running a diff.
For text you can use delta algorithm, take a look, for example, on how rsync works.
Google uses a different approach to update chrome, you can "google" it to see.
Edit: If it was a server generating one change and replicating in lots of clients, it should be done in server. From the question's changes, I understood that a client (or many clients) will produce the changes and want them to be replicated on server.
Well... I'd take in account 4 things:
network performance
number of clients
number of changes expected
performance of the server and of the client
Too many clients sending and doing that on server: it's almost a DoS
I'd only do that on server if there were few clients, high server performance and low client performance.
Otherwise, I'd only do that on clients.

Creating proxy between application queries and Internet

Is it possible (for example with C++, but it does not really matter) to create a bridge/proxy application to get the data requested by another application? To be more detailed, I'm talking about a Adobe Air based game. (I want to create a report with stats based on the data acquired, but that is not actually part of this question.)
Rather than simple "boolean" answer please provide some link to example/documentation. Thanks
It would always be possible, and depending on the your target operating system, may require a fair amount of effort, which begs the question - is there a reason you cannot use Fiddler or some packet sniffing software for your target OS?
You can write a proxy by hand, in python can be quite easy. All you have to do is to set localhost as proxy, then forward the request and pass it back to the calling socket.
I've started writing something like this some times ago. The idea was to write a simple replacement for dansguardian.
I've uploaded it on github so you can give it a look if it can help.
I do not remember well (I've started writing it the last year) but maybe with some modification can fit well your requests.
Conceptually, this is your configuration:
app_client -> [app_channel] -> proxy -> [server_channel] -> app_server
Your proxy starts a server socket, the app_client connects to it. This is our app_channel. Now your proxy creates a connection to the app_server. This is your server_channel.
Now start 2 threads, one which reads from the app_channel and writes to the server_channel, the other reads from the server_channel and writes to the app_channel.
This will create a transparent connection to the app_server via your proxy. You can extract the data as you wish. If the data is encrypted though, there's very little you can actually do by way of analysis.
