algorithm for synchronizing text between client/server - algorithm

What is a low-latency, low-bandwidth algorithm for synchronizing, say, a text file between a client and a server?
Is there a design where the client send a delta of it's current state and it's last ACK'd state from the server? I am thinking Quake3 networking..
More specifically, how would a diff/delta algorithm behave in a client/server environment.
e.g. Is it more expensive to calculate a diff on the client side, send to server, server interprets and updates its store, sends ACK to client? Or is it cheaper to have a replication model where client sends its full state and server stores it..?
100 KB text file. Something small, not too large.

You mean like a diff?
Store the server-side's version of the file in the client. Whenever you need to synchronize, run a diff (you can either write your own or use a library). Then send the difference over to the server and have the server patch it's local version.

If a client also edits text, and has an undo/redo feature then undo stack can be used for delta. For large texts and small changes using undo stack should be more efficient than running a diff.

For text you can use delta algorithm, take a look, for example, on how rsync works.
Google uses a different approach to update chrome, you can "google" it to see.
Edit: If it was a server generating one change and replicating in lots of clients, it should be done in server. From the question's changes, I understood that a client (or many clients) will produce the changes and want them to be replicated on server.
Well... I'd take in account 4 things:
network performance
number of clients
number of changes expected
performance of the server and of the client
Too many clients sending and doing that on server: it's almost a DoS
I'd only do that on server if there were few clients, high server performance and low client performance.
Otherwise, I'd only do that on clients.


How to implement synchronization of browser-based online games when users refresh their browser

In implementing a browser-based simple game involving multiple users, I have the server save the game state at certain sync points (not time-based but event-specific). I identify each state by an integer.
When a user refreshes his browser, the server provides the latest state and restores the content in the browser. However, in those few seconds while the browser is loading the latest content after browser-refresh, the state could change again. I do not know how to handle this situation because sending the next state will again raise the same issue.
I want a seamless refresh so none of the other players are impacted when one user refreshes his browser (or for that matter leaves and comes back).
The implementation language is not relevant. I use websockets to communicate between the browser and the server. The server is the intermediary for all communication between users (I am not using WebRTC data channels). What is the best way to sync the application content in multiple browsers?
This is indeed a programming-based question though no code is provided.
Forget the fact that your client exists in a browser. Let's just talk about replication.
The usual approach in databases is to separate snapshots from Write Access Logging (WAL) logs. When you bring a new client up, you select a snapshot and transfer that. Then when the client is ready it asks for WAL logs from that snapshot forward. The same mechanism is used after crashes. The last available snapshot is loaded, then the WAL log is replayed, then the database comes up.
I would suggest the same strategy. This does require efficient storage of snapshots. Some kind of log. And some kind of replay mechanism. Which is a lot of easy to mess up code. If you can use something existing, that would be good.
The first thing that I looked into was using Emscripten to compile Redis to JS, and then try to use Redis' built-in asynchronous replication to replicate to your browser. That may be possible, but the fact that Redis is single-threaded and wants to be a client-server is probably a showstopper.
The next best option that I found is that you can use Here is how that could build what you need. You simply maintain your current state in a git repository, and keep a WAL log of everything that you've done with it. When a client connects, it clones the repository. Once done it connects to the websocket, tells you what commit it is at, and you send it the WAL log from that point forward. Locally in the browser you run those git commands. If the client simply loses its connection and then rejoins, it can do a git pull, and then follow the same strategy.
This will be a bunch of work for you. But a lot less work than implementing everything from scratch.

Is this a correct scenario to use WebSocket?

I have a browser plugin which will be installed on 40,000 dekstops.
This plugin will connect to a backend configuration file available via https, e.g. http://somesite/config_file.js.
The plugin is configured to poll this backend resource once/day.
But there is only one backend server. So if 40,000 endpoints start polling together the server might crash.
I could think of randomize the polling frenquency from the desktop plugins. But randomization still does not gurantee that there will not be a overload at the server.
Is using websocket in this scenario solves the scalability issue?
Polling once a day is very little.
I don't see any upside for Websockets unless you switch to Push and have more notifications.
However, staggering the polling does make a lot of sense, since syncing requests for the same time is like writing a DoS attack against your own server.
Staggering doesn't necessarily have to be random and IMHO, it probably shouldn't.
You could start with a fixed time and add a second per client ID, allowing for ~86K connections in 24 hours which should be easy for any server to handle.
As a side note, 40K concurrent connections might not as hard to achieve as you imagine.
EDIT (relating to the comments)
Websockets vs. Server Sent Events:
IMHO, when pushing data (vs. polling), I would prefer Websockets over Server Sent Events (SSE).
Websockets have a few advantages, such as client side communication which allows clients to ping the server and confirm that the connection is still alive.
The Specific Use-Case:
From the description in the question and the comments it seems that you're using browser clients with a custom plugin and that the updates you wish to install daily might require the browser to be active.
This raises different questions that effect the implementation (are the client browsers open all day? do you have any control over the client browsers and their environment? can you guarantee installation while the browser is closed?).
IMHO, you might consider having the client plugins test for an update each morning as they load for the first time during that day (first access).
People arrive at work in different times and they open their browsers for the first time at different schedules. So the 40K requests you're expecting will be naturally scattered across that timeline (probably a 20-30 minute timespan).
This approach makes sure that the browsers and computers are actually open (making the update possible) and that the update requests are staggered over a period of time (about 33.3 requests per second, if my assumption is correct).
If you're serving a pre-written static configuration file (perhaps updated by the server daily), avoiding dynamic content and minimizing any database calls, than 33 req/sec should be very easy to manage.

Online game's alive connections count

In online multiplayer games where the world around you changes frequently (user gets updates from the server about that) - how many alive connections usually are made?
For example WebSockets can be used. Is it an effective way to send all data through the one connection? You will have to check every received message type:
if it's info about the world -> make changes to the world around you;
if it's info about user's personal data -> make changes in your profile;
if it's local chat message -> add new message to the chat window.
I think this if .. else if .. else if .. else if .. for every incoming data decreases client-side performance very much. Wouldn't it be better to get world changes from the second WS connection? Then you won't have to check it's type every time. But another types are not so frequent, so the first connection can be for them.
So the question is how developers usually deal with connections count and message types to increase performance?
It depends on clientside vs serverside load. You need to balance whether you want to place the load of having more open connections on the server, or the analysis of the payload on the client. If you have a simple game, and your server is terrible, I would suggest placing more clientside load. However, for high-performance gaming functioning with an excellent server, using more WebSockets would be the recommended approach.

Testing file transfer speed across LAN/WAN

Is there a utility for Windows that allows you to test different aspects of file transfer operations across a Lan or a Wan.
How long does it take to move a file of a known size (500 MB or 1 GB) from Server A (on site) to Server B (on site) or to Server C (off site-Satellite location)?
D-ITG will allow you to test many aspects of your links. It does not necessarily allow you transfer a file directly, but it allows you to control almost all aspects of the transmission of data across the wire.
If all you are interested in is bulk transfer time (and not all the nitty-gritty details) you could just use a basic FTP application and time the transfer.
Probably nothing you've not already figured out. You could get some coarse grain metrics using a batch file to coordinate:
start monitoring
copy file
stop monitoring
Copy file might just be initiating a file copy between two nodes on the LAN, or it might initiate a FTP copy between two nodes on the WAN.
Monitoring could be as basic as writing the current time to output or file, or it could be as complex as adding performance counter metrics from the network adapter on the two machines.
A commercial WAN emulator would also give you the information your looking for. I've used the Shunra Appliance successfully in the past. Its pretty expensive, so I'd really only recommend it if critical business success is riding on understanding how application behavior could change based on network conditions and is something you could incorporate into regular testing activities.

Handle Unstable Internet Connection in Server-Client App

what technology can i use to manage unstable internet connection in a Server-Client App. i know mainly PHP (+Zend Framework), learning C# & ASP.NET MVC. i heard WCF/MSMQ is something that can help... but how ... is there something PHP (which i am more familiar) can do? but it is also good to know a .NET alternative if its better
the background:
client***s*** will connect to server db to do CRUDs. but if the internet connection fails this will not be possible. so how do i fix this?
the solution used now was have localhost db's. at the end of the day, all clients will upload to server and morning download "consolidated" db from server. this is not foolproof as upload/download may still fail. and considering large amts of data transfered, it actually increases the chances.
UPDATE: is there a PHP/Zend Framework/MySQL replacement for MSMQ/WCF?
WCF can help, because it supports various technologies for reliable message transfer.
One thing that might help you is to have the clients make their data changes locally, then upload those changes to a reliable message queue. You would not upload all changes in a single transaction. You might upload 10 at a time, possibly one at a time. As the uploaded messages are processed on the server, the server would write the transaction results to another queue, unique to each client. After the upload (or maybe at the same time), the client would check that queue to see what the result of each upload was. If the result was success, then the client can remove their local database. If the result was a failure, then the client should try uploading it again.
Of course, you should always be careful that your attempts at error recovery don't make things worse. Too much retry traffic on a bad link may very well cause more traffic, which may itself need recovery, etc.
And, of course, the ultimate solution is to move towards links that are more reliable. Not necessarily faster, but just more reliable.
