Binary to decimal (on huge numbers) - algorithm

I am building a C library on big integer number. Basically, I'm seeking a fast algorythm to convert any integer in it binary representation to a decimal one
I saw JDK's Biginteger.toString() implementation, but it looks quite heavy to me, as it was made to convert the number to any radix (it uses a division for each digits, which should be pretty slow while dealing with thousands of digits).
So if you have any documentations / knowledge to share about it, I would be glad to read it.
EDIT: more precisions about my question:
Let P a memory address
Let N be the number of bytes allocated (and set) at P
How to convert the integer represented by the N bytes at address P (let's say in little endian to make things simpler), to a C string
N = 1
P = some random memory address storing '00101010'
out string = "42"
Thank for your answer still

The reason for the BigInteger.toString method looking heavy is doing the conversion in chunks.
A trivial algorithm would take the last digits and then divide the whole big integer by the radix until there is nothing left.
One problem with this is that a big integer division is quite expensive, so the number is subdivided into chunks that can be processed with regular integer division (opposed to BigInt division):
static String toDecimal(BigInteger bigInt) {
BigInteger chunker = new BigInteger(1000000000);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
do {
int current = bigInt.mod(chunker).getInt(0);
bigInt = bigInt.div(chunker);
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i ++) {
sb.append((char) ('0' + remainder % 10));
current /= 10;
if (currnet == 0 && bigInt.signum() == 0) {
} while (bigInt.signum() != 0);
return sb.reverse().toString();
That said, for a fixed radix, you are probably even better off with porting the "double dabble" algorithm to your needs, as suggested in the comments:

I recently got the challenge to print a big mersenne prime: 2**82589933-1. On my CPU that takes ~40 minutes with apcalc and ~120 minutes with python 2.7. It's a number with 24 million digits and a bit.
Here is my own little C code for the conversion:
// print 2**82589933-1
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>
const uint32_t exponent = 82589933;
//const uint32_t exponent = 100;
//outputs 1267650600228229401496703205375
const uint32_t blocks = (exponent + 31) / 32;
const uint32_t digits = (int)(exponent * log(2.0) / log(10.0)) + 10;
uint32_t num[2][blocks];
char out[digits + 1];
// blocks : number of uint32_t in num1 and num2
// num1 : number to convert
// num2 : free space
// out : end of output buffer
void conv(uint32_t blocks, uint32_t *num1, uint32_t *num2, char *out) {
if (blocks == 0) return;
const uint32_t div = 1000000000;
uint64_t t = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < blocks; ++i) {
t = (t << 32) + num1[i];
num2[i] = t / div;
t = t % div;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
*out-- = '0' + (t % 10);
t /= 10;
if (num2[0] == 0) {
conv(blocks, num2, num1, out);
int main() {
// prepare number
uint32_t t = exponent % 32;
num[0][0] = (1LLU << t) - 1;
memset(&num[0][1], 0xFF, (blocks - 1) * 4);
// prepare output
memset(out, '0', digits);
out[digits] = 0;
// convert to decimal
conv(blocks, num[0], num[1], &out[digits - 1]);
// output number
char *res = out;
while(*res == '0') ++res;
printf("%s\n", res);
return 0;
The conversion is destructive and tail recursive. In each step it divides num1 by 1_000_000_000 and stores the result in num2. The remainder is added to out. Then it calls itself with num1 and num2 switched and often shortened by one (blocks is decremented). out is filled from back to front. You have to allocate it large enough and then strip leading zeroes.
Python seems to be using a similar mechanism for converting big integers to decimal.
Want to do better?
For large number like in my case each division by 1_000_000_000 takes rather long. At a certain size a divide&conquer algorithm does better. In my case the first division would be by dividing by 10 ^ 16777216 to split the number into divident and remainder. Then convert each part separately. Now each part is still big so split again at 10 ^ 8388608. Recursively keep splitting till the numbers are small enough. Say maybe 1024 digits each. Those convert with the simple algorithm above. The right definition of "small enough" would have to be tested, 1024 is just a guess.
While the long division of two big integer numbers is expensive, much more so than a division by 1_000_000_000, the time spend there is then saved because each separate chunk requires far fewer divisions by 1_000_000_000 to convert to decimal.
And if you have split the problem into separate and independent chunks it's only a tiny step away from spreading the chunks out among multiple cores. That would really speed up the conversion another step. It looks like apcalc uses divide&conquer but not multi-threading.


Algorithm Challenge: Arbitrary in-place base conversion for lossless string compression

It might help to start out with a real world example. Say I'm writing a web app that's backed by MongoDB, so my records have a long hex primary key, making my url to view a record look like /widget/55c460d8e2d6e59da89d08d0. That seems excessively long. Urls can use many more characters than that. While there are just under 8 x 10^28 (16^24) possible values in a 24 digit hex number, just limiting yourself to the characters matched by a [a-zA-Z0-9] regex class (a YouTube video id uses more), 62 characters, you can get past 8 x 10^28 in only 17 characters.
I want an algorithm that will convert any string that is limited to a specific alphabet of characters to any other string with another alphabet of characters, where the value of each character c could be thought of as alphabet.indexOf(c).
Something of the form:
convert(value, sourceAlphabet, destinationAlphabet)
all parameters are strings
every character in value exists in sourceAlphabet
every character in sourceAlphabet and destinationAlphabet is unique
Simplest example
var hex = "0123456789abcdef";
var base10 = "0123456789";
var result = convert("12245589", base10, hex); // result is "bada55";
But I also want it to work to convert War & Peace from the Russian alphabet plus some punctuation to the entire unicode charset and back again losslessly.
Is this possible?
The only way I was ever taught to do base conversions in Comp Sci 101 was to first convert to a base ten integer by summing digit * base^position and then doing the reverse to convert to the target base. Such a method is insufficient for the conversion of very long strings, because the integers get too big.
It certainly feels intuitively that a base conversion could be done in place, as you step through the string (probably backwards to maintain standard significant digit order), keeping track of a remainder somehow, but I'm not smart enough to work out how.
That's where you come in, StackOverflow. Are you smart enough?
Perhaps this is a solved problem, done on paper by some 18th century mathematician, implemented in LISP on punch cards in 1970 and the first homework assignment in Cryptography 101, but my searches have borne no fruit.
I'd prefer a solution in javascript with a functional style, but any language or style will do, as long as you're not cheating with some big integer library. Bonus points for efficiency, of course.
Please refrain from criticizing the original example. The general nerd cred of solving the problem is more important than any application of the solution.
Here is a solution in C that is very fast, using bit shift operations. It assumes that you know what the length of the decoded string should be. The strings are vectors of integers in the range 0..maximum for each alphabet. It is up to the user to convert to and from strings with restricted ranges of characters. As for the "in-place" in the question title, the source and destination vectors can overlap, but only if the source alphabet is not larger than the destination alphabet.
recode version 1.0, 22 August 2015
Copyright (C) 2015 Mark Adler
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
Mark Adler
/* Recode a vector from one alphabet to another using intermediate
variable-length bit codes. */
/* The approach is to use a Huffman code over equiprobable alphabets in two
directions. First to encode the source alphabet to a string of bits, and
second to encode the string of bits to the destination alphabet. This will
be reasonably close to the efficiency of base-encoding with arbitrary
precision arithmetic. */
#include <stddef.h> // size_t
#include <limits.h> // UINT_MAX, ULLONG_MAX
# error recode() assumes that long long has more bits than int
/* Take a list of integers source[0..slen-1], all in the range 0..smax, and
code them into dest[0..*dlen-1], where each value is in the range 0..dmax.
*dlen returns the length of the result, which will not exceed the value of
*dlen when called. If the original *dlen is not large enough to hold the
full result, then recode() will return non-zero to indicate failure.
Otherwise recode() will return 0. recode() will also return non-zero if
either of the smax or dmax parameters are less than one. The non-zero
return codes are 1 if *dlen is not long enough, 2 for invalid parameters,
and 3 if any of the elements of source are greater than smax.
Using this same operation on the result with smax and dmax reversed reverses
the operation, restoring the original vector. However there may be more
symbols returned than the original, so the number of symbols expected needs
to be known for decoding. (An end symbol could be appended to the source
alphabet to include the length in the coding, but then encoding and decoding
would no longer be symmetric, and the coding efficiency would be reduced.
This is left as an exercise for the reader if that is desired.) */
int recode(unsigned *dest, size_t *dlen, unsigned dmax,
const unsigned *source, size_t slen, unsigned smax)
// compute sbits and scut, with which we will recode the source with
// sbits-1 bits for symbols < scut, otherwise with sbits bits (adding scut)
if (smax < 1)
return 2;
unsigned sbits = 0;
unsigned scut = 1; // 2**sbits
while (scut && scut <= smax) {
scut <<= 1;
scut -= smax + 1;
// same thing for dbits and dcut
if (dmax < 1)
return 2;
unsigned dbits = 0;
unsigned dcut = 1; // 2**dbits
while (dcut && dcut <= dmax) {
dcut <<= 1;
dcut -= dmax + 1;
// recode a base smax+1 vector to a base dmax+1 vector using an
// intermediate bit vector (a sliding window of that bit vector is kept in
// a bit buffer)
unsigned long long buf = 0; // bit buffer
unsigned have = 0; // number of bits in bit buffer
size_t i = 0, n = 0; // source and dest indices
unsigned sym; // symbol being encoded
for (;;) {
// encode enough of source into bits to encode that to dest
while (have < dbits && i < slen) {
sym = source[i++];
if (sym > smax) {
*dlen = n;
return 3;
if (sym < scut) {
buf = (buf << (sbits - 1)) + sym;
have += sbits - 1;
else {
buf = (buf << sbits) + sym + scut;
have += sbits;
// if not enough bits to assure one symbol, then break out to a special
// case for coding the final symbol
if (have < dbits)
// encode one symbol to dest
if (n == *dlen)
return 1;
sym = buf >> (have - dbits + 1);
if (sym < dcut) {
dest[n++] = sym;
have -= dbits - 1;
else {
sym = buf >> (have - dbits);
dest[n++] = sym - dcut;
have -= dbits;
buf &= ((unsigned long long)1 << have) - 1;
// if any bits are left in the bit buffer, encode one last symbol to dest
if (have) {
if (n == *dlen)
return 1;
sym = buf;
sym <<= dbits - 1 - have;
if (sym >= dcut)
sym = (sym << 1) - dcut;
dest[n++] = sym;
// return recoded vector
*dlen = n;
return 0;
/* Test recode(). */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
// Return a random vector of len unsigned values in the range 0..max.
static void ranvec(unsigned *vec, size_t len, unsigned max) {
unsigned bits = 0;
unsigned long long mask = 1;
while (mask <= max) {
mask <<= 1;
unsigned long long ran = 0;
unsigned have = 0;
size_t n = 0;
while (n < len) {
while (have < bits) {
ran = (ran << 31) + random();
have += 31;
if ((ran & mask) <= max)
vec[n++] = ran & mask;
ran >>= bits;
have -= bits;
// Get a valid number from str and assign it to var
#define NUM(var, str) \
do { \
char *end; \
unsigned long val = strtoul(str, &end, 0); \
var = val; \
if (*end || var != val) { \
fprintf(stderr, \
"invalid or out of range numeric argument: %s\n", str); \
return 1; \
} \
} while (0)
/* "bet n m len count" generates count test vectors of length len, where each
entry is in the range 0..n. Each vector is recoded to another vector using
only symbols in the range 0..m. That vector is recoded back to a vector
using only symbols in 0..n, and that result is compared with the original
random vector. Report on the average ratio of input and output symbols, as
compared to the optimal ratio for arbitrary precision base encoding. */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// get sizes of alphabets and length of test vector, compute maximum sizes
// of recoded vectors
unsigned smax, dmax, runs;
size_t slen, dsize, bsize;
if (argc != 5) { fputs("need four arguments\n", stderr); return 1; }
NUM(smax, argv[1]);
NUM(dmax, argv[2]);
NUM(slen, argv[3]);
NUM(runs, argv[4]);
dsize = ceil(slen * ceil(log2(smax + 1.)) / floor(log2(dmax + 1.)));
bsize = ceil(dsize * ceil(log2(dmax + 1.)) / floor(log2(smax + 1.)));
// generate random test vectors, encode, decode, and compare
unsigned source[slen], dest[dsize], back[bsize];
unsigned mis = 0, i;
unsigned long long dtot = 0;
int ret;
for (i = 0; i < runs; i++) {
ranvec(source, slen, smax);
size_t dlen = dsize;
ret = recode(dest, &dlen, dmax, source, slen, smax);
if (ret) {
fprintf(stderr, "encode error %d\n", ret);
dtot += dlen;
size_t blen = bsize;
ret = recode(back, &blen, smax, dest, dlen, dmax);
if (ret) {
fprintf(stderr, "decode error %d\n", ret);
if (blen < slen || memcmp(source, back, slen)) // blen > slen is ok
if (mis)
fprintf(stderr, "%u/%u mismatches!\n", mis, i);
if (ret == 0)
printf("mean dest/source symbols = %.4f (optimal = %.4f)\n",
dtot / (i * (double)slen), log(smax + 1.) / log(dmax + 1.));
return 0;
As has been pointed out in other StackOverflow answers, try not to think of summing digit * base^position as converting it to base ten; rather, think of it as directing the computer to generate a representation of the quantity represented by the number in its own terms (for most computers probably closer to our concept of base 2). Once the computer has its own representation of the quantity, we can direct it to output the number in any way we like.
By rejecting "big integer" implementations and asking for letter-by-letter conversion you are at the same time arguing that the numerical/alphabetical representation of quantity is not actually what it is, namely that each position represents a quantity of digit * base^position. If the nine-millionth character of War and Peace does represent what you are asking to convert it from, then the computer at some point will need to generate a representation for Д * 33^9000000.
I don't think any solution can work generally because if ne != m for some integer e and some MAX_INT because there's no way to calculate the value of the target base in a certain place p if np > MAX_INT.
You can get away with this for the case where ne == m for some e because the problem is recursively doable (the first e digits of n can be summed and converted into the first digit of M, and then chopped off and repeated.
If you don't have this useful property, then eventually you're going to have to try to take some part of the original base and try to perform modulus in np and np is going to be greater than MAX_INT, which means it's impossible.

Get the last 1000 digits of 5^1234566789893943

I saw the following interview question on some online forum. What is a good solution for this?
Get the last 1000 digits of 5^1234566789893943
Simple algorithm:
1. Maintain a 1000-digits array which will have the answer at the end
2. Implement a multiplication routine like you do in school. It is O(d^2).
3. Use modular exponentiation by squaring.
Iterative exponentiation:
array ans;
int a = 5;
while (p > 0) {
if (p&1) {
ans = multiply(ans, a)
p = p>>1;
ans = multiply(ans, ans);
multiply: multiplies two large number using the school method and return last 1000 digits.
Time complexity: O(d^2*logp) where d is number of last digits needed and p is power.
A typical solution for this problem would be to use modular arithmetic and exponentiation by squaring to compute the remainder of 5^1234566789893943 when divided by 10^1000. However in your case this will still not be good enough as it would take about 1000*log(1234566789893943) operations and this is not too much, but I will propose a more general approach that would work for greater values of the exponent.
You will have to use a bit more complicated number theory. You can use Euler's theorem to get the remainder of 5^1234566789893943 modulo 2^1000 a lot more efficiently. Denote that r. It is also obvious that 5^1234566789893943 is divisible by 5^1000.
After that you need to find a number d such that 5^1000*d = r(modulo 2^1000). To solve this equation you should compute 5^1000(modulo 2^1000). After that all that is left is to do division modulo 2^1000. Using again Euler's theorem this can be done efficiently. Use that x^(phi(2^1000)-1)*x =1(modulo 2^1000). This approach is way faster and is the only feasible solution.
The key phrase is "modular exponentiation". Python has that built in:
Python 3.4.1 (v3.4.1:c0e311e010fc, May 18 2014, 10:38:22) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> help(pow)
Help on built-in function pow in module builtins:
pow(x, y[, z]) -> number
With two arguments, equivalent to x**y. With three arguments,
equivalent to (x**y) % z, but may be more efficient (e.g. for ints).
>>> digits = pow(5, 1234566789893943, 10**1000)
>>> len(str(digits))
>>> digits
The technique we need to know is exponentiation by squaring and modulus. We also need to use BigInteger in Java.
Simple code in Java:
BigInteger m = //BigInteger of 10^1000
BigInteger pow(BigInteger a, long b) {
if (b == 0) {
return BigInteger.ONE;
BigInteger val = pow(a, b/2);
if (b % 2 == 0)
return (val.multiply(val)).mod(m);
return (val.multiply(val).multiply(a)).mod(m);
In Java, the function modPow has done it all for you (thank Java).
Use congruence and apply modular arithmetic.
Square and multiply algorithm.
If you divide any number in base 10 by 10 then the remainder represents
the last digit. i.e. 23422222=2342222*10+2
So we know:
5=5(mod 10)
5^2=25=5(mod 10)
5^4=(5^2)*(5^2)=5*5=5(mod 10)
5^8=(5^4)*(5^4)=5*5=5(mod 10)
... and keep going until you get to that exponent
OR, you can realize that as we keep going you keep getting 5 as your remainder.
Convert the number to a string.
Loop on the string, starting at the last index up to 1000.
Then reverse the result string.
I posted a solution based on some hints here.
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
vector<char> multiplyArrays(const vector<char> &data1, const vector<char> &data2, int k) {
int sz1 = data1.size();
int sz2 = data2.size();
vector<char> result(sz1+sz2,0);
for(int i=sz1-1; i>=0; --i) {
char carry = 0;
for(int j=sz2-1; j>=0; --j) {
char value = data1[i] * data2[j]+result[i+j+1]+carry;
carry = value/10;
result[i+j+1] = value % 10;
vector<char> lastKElements(result.begin()+(sz1+sz2-k), result.end());
return lastKElements;
return result;
vector<char> calculate(unsigned long m, unsigned long n, int k) {
if(n == 0) {
return vector<char>(1, 1);
} else if(n % 2) { // odd number
vector<char> tmp(1, m);
vector<char> result1 = calculate(m, n-1, k);
return multiplyArrays(result1, tmp, k);
} else {
vector<char> result1 = calculate(m, n/2, k);
return multiplyArrays(result1, result1, k);
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){
vector<char> v=calculate(5,8,1000);
for(auto c : v){
I don't know if Windows can show a big number (Or if my computer is fast enough to show it) But I guess you COULD use this code like and algorithm:
ulong x = 5; //There are a lot of libraries for other languages like C/C++ that support super big numbers. In this case I'm using C#'s default `Uint64` number.
for(ulong i=1; i<1234566789893943; i++)
x = x * x; //I will make the multiplication raise power over here
string term = x.ToString(); //Store the number to a string. I remember strings can store up to 1 billion characters.
char[] number = term.ToCharArray(); //Array of all the digits
int tmp=0;
while(number[tmp]!='.') //This will search for the period.
tmp++; //After finding the period, I will start storing 1000 digits from this index of the char array
string thousandDigits = ""; //Here I will store the digits.
for (int i = tmp; i <= 1000+tmp; i++)
thousandDigits += number[i]; //Storing digits
Using this as a reference, I guess if you want to try getting the LAST 1000 characters of this array, change to this in the for of the above code:
string thousandDigits = "";
for (int i = 0; i > 1000; i++)
thousandDigits += number[number.Length-i]; //Reverse array... ¿?
As I don't work with super super looooong numbers, I don't know if my computer can get those, I tried the code and it works but when I try to show the result in console it just leave the pointer flickering xD Guess it's still working. Don't have a pro Processor. Try it if you want :P

Simple random number generator that can generate nth number in series in O(1) time

I do not intend to use this for security purposes or statistical analysis. I need to create a simple random number generator for use in my computer graphics application. I don't want to use the term "random number generator", since people think in very strict terms about it, but I can't think of any other word to describe it.
it has to be fast.
it must be repeatable, given a particular seed.
Eg: If seed = x, then the series a,b,c,d,e,f..... should happen every time I use the seed x.
Most importantly, I need to be able to compute the nth term in the series in constant time.
It seems, that I cannot achieve this with rand_r or srand(), since these need are state dependent, and I may need to compute the nth in some unknown order.
I've looked at Linear Feedback Shift registers, but these are state dependent too.
So far I have this:
int rand = (n * prime1 + seed) % prime2
n = used to indicate the index of the term in the sequence. Eg: For
first term, n ==1
prime1 and prime2 are prime numbers where
prime1 > prime2
seed = some number which allows one to use the same function to
produce a different series depending on the seed, but the same series
for a given seed.
I can't tell how good or bad this is, since I haven't used it enough, but it would be great if people with more experience in this can point out the problems with this, or help me improve it..
EDIT - I don't care if it is predictable. I'm just trying to creating some randomness in my computer graphics.
Use a cryptographic block cipher in CTR mode. The Nth output is just encrypt(N). Not only does this give you the desired properties (O(1) computation of the Nth output); it also has strong non-predictability properties.
I stumbled on this a while back, looking for a solution for the same problem. Recently, I figured out how to do it in low-constant O(log(n)) time. While this doesn't quite match the O(1) requested by the author, It may be fast enough (a sample run, compiled with -O3, achieved performance of 1 billion arbitrary index random numbers, with n varying between 1 and 2^48, in 55.7s -- just shy of 18M numbers/s).
First, the theory behind the solution:
A common type of RNGs are Linear Congruential Generators, basically, they work as follows:
random(n) = (m*random(n-1) + b) mod p
Where m and b, and p are constants (see a reference on LCGs for how they are chosen). From this, we can devise the following using a bit of modular arithmetic:
random(0) = seed mod p
random(1) = m*seed + b mod p
random(2) = m^2*seed + m*b + b mod p
random(n) = m^n*seed + b*Sum_{i = 0 to n - 1} m^i mod p
= m^n*seed + b*(m^n - 1)/(m - 1) mod p
Computing the above can be a problem, since the numbers will quickly exceed numeric limits. The solution for the generic case is to compute m^n in modulo with p*(m - 1), however, if we take b = 0 (a sub-case of LCGs sometimes called Multiplicative congruential Generators), we have a much simpler solution, and can do our computations in modulo p only.
In the following, I use the constant parameters used by RANF (developed by CRAY), where p = 2^48 and g = 44485709377909. The fact that p is a power of 2 reduces the number of operations required (as expected):
#include <cassert>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <cstdlib>
class RANF{
// MCG constants and state data
static const uint64_t m = 44485709377909ULL;
static const uint64_t n = 0x0000010000000000ULL; // 2^48
static const uint64_t randMax = n - 1;
const uint64_t seed;
uint64_t state;
// Constructors, which define the seed
RANF(uint64_t seed) : seed(seed), state(seed) {
assert(seed > 0 && "A seed of 0 breaks the LCG!");
// Gets the next random number in the sequence
inline uint64_t getNext(){
state *= m;
return state & randMax;
// Sets the MCG to a specific index
inline void setPosition(size_t index){
state = seed;
uint64_t mPower = m;
for (uint64_t b = 1; index; b <<= 1){
if (index & b){
state *= mPower;
index ^= b;
mPower *= mPower;
#include <cstdio>
void example(){
RANF R(1);
// Gets the number through random-access -- O(log(n))
R.setPosition(12345); // Goes to the nth random number
printf("fast nth number = %lu\n", R.getNext());
// Gets the number through standard, sequential access -- O(n)
for(size_t i = 0; i < 12345; i++) R.getNext();
printf("slow nth number = %lu\n", R.getNext());
While I presume the author has moved on by now, hopefully this will be of use to someone else.
If you're really concerned about runtime performance, the above can be made about 10x faster with lookup tables, at the cost of compilation time and binary size (it also is O(1) w.r.t the desired random index, as requested by OP)
In the version below, I used c++14 constexpr to generate the lookup tables at compile time, and got to 176M arbitrary index random numbers per second (doing this did however add about 12s of extra compilation time, and a 1.5MB increase in binary size -- the added time may be mitigated if partial recompilation is used).
class RANF{
// MCG constants and state data
static const uint64_t m = 44485709377909ULL;
static const uint64_t n = 0x0000010000000000ULL; // 2^48
static const uint64_t randMax = n - 1;
const uint64_t seed;
uint64_t state;
// Lookup table
struct lookup_t{
uint64_t v[3][65536];
constexpr lookup_t() : v() {
uint64_t mi = RANF::m;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++){
v[i][0] = 1;
uint64_t val = mi;
for (uint16_t j = 0x0001; j; j++){
v[i][j] = val;
val *= mi;
mi = val;
friend struct lookup_t;
// Constructors, which define the seed
RANF(uint64_t seed) : seed(seed), state(seed) {
assert(seed > 0 && "A seed of 0 breaks the LCG!");
// Gets the next random number in the sequence
inline uint64_t getNext(){
state *= m;
return state & randMax;
// Sets the MCG to a specific index
// Note: idx.u16 indices need to be adapted for big-endian machines!
inline void setPosition(size_t index){
static constexpr auto lookup = lookup_t();
union { uint16_t u16[4]; uint64_t u64; } idx;
idx.u64 = index;
state = seed * lookup.v[0][idx.u16[0]] * lookup.v[1][idx.u16[1]] * lookup.v[2][idx.u16[2]];
Basically, what this does is splits the computation of, for example, m^0xAAAABBBBCCCC mod p, into (m^0xAAAA00000000 mod p)*(m^0xBBBB0000 mod p)*(m^CCCC mod p) mod p, and then precomputes tables for each of the values in the 0x0000 - 0xFFFF range that could fill AAAA, BBBB or CCCC.
RNG in a normal sense, have the sequence pattern like f(n) = S(f(n-1))
They also lost precision at some point (like % mod), due to computing convenience, therefore it is not possible to expand the sequence to a function like X(n) = f(n) = trivial function with n only.
This mean at best you have O(n) with that.
To target for O(1) you therefore need to abandon the idea of f(n) = S(f(n-1)), and designate a trivial formula directly so that the N'th number can be calculated directly without knowing (N-1)'th; this also render the seed meaningless.
So, you end up have a simple algebra function and not a sequence. For example:
int my_rand(int n) { return 42; } // Don't laugh!
int my_rand(int n) { 3*n*n + 2*n + 7; }
If you want to put more constraint to the generated pattern (like distribution), it become a complex maths problem.
However, for your original goal, if what you want is constant speed to get pseudo-random numbers, I suggest to pre-generate it with traditional RNG and access with lookup table.
EDIT: I noticed you have concern with a table size for a lot of numbers, however you may introduce some hybrid model, like a table of N entries, and do f(k) = g( tbl[k%n], k), which at least provide good distribution across N continue sequence.
This demonstrates an PRNG implemented as a hashed counter. This might appear to duplicate R.'s suggestion (using a block cipher in CTR mode as a stream cipher), but for this, I avoided using cryptographically secure primitives: for speed of execution and because security wasn't a desired feature.
If we were trying to create a secure stream cipher with your requirement that any emitted sequence be trivially repeatable, given knowledge of its index...
...then we could choose a secure hash algorithm (like SHA256) and a counter with a lot of bits (maybe 2048 -> sequence repeats every 2^2048 generated numbers without reseeding).
HOWEVER, the version I present here uses Bob Jenkins' famous hash function (simple and fast, but not secure) along with a 64-bit counter (which is as big as integers can get on my system, without needing custom incrementing code).
Code in main demonstrates that knowledge of the RNG's counter (seed) after initialization allows a PRNG sequence to be repeated, as long as we know how many values were generated leading up to the repetition point.
Actually, if you know the counter's value at any point in the output sequence, you will be able to retrieve all values generated previous to that point, AND all values which will be generated afterward. This only involves adding or subtracting ordinal differences to/from a reference counter value associated with a known point in the output sequence.
It should be pretty easy to adapt this class for use as a testing framework -- you could plug in other hash functions and change the counter's size to see what kind of impact there is on speed as well as the distribution of generated values (the only uniformity analysis I did was to look for patterns in the screenfuls of hexadecimal numbers printed by main()).
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
class CHashedCounterRng {
static unsigned JenkinsHash(const void *input, unsigned len) {
unsigned hash = 0;
for(unsigned i=0; i<len; ++i) {
hash += static_cast<const unsigned char*>(input)[i];
hash += hash << 10;
hash ^= hash >> 6;
hash += hash << 3;
hash ^= hash >> 11;
hash += hash << 15;
return hash;
unsigned long long m_counter;
void IncrementCounter() { ++m_counter; }
unsigned long long GetSeed() const {
return m_counter;
void SetSeed(unsigned long long new_seed) {
m_counter = new_seed;
unsigned int operator ()() {
// the next random number is generated here
const auto r = JenkinsHash(&m_counter, sizeof(m_counter));
return r;
// the default coontructor uses time()
// to seed the counter
CHashedCounterRng() : m_counter(time(0)) {}
// you can supply a predetermined seed here,
// or after construction with SetSeed(seed)
CHashedCounterRng(unsigned long long seed) : m_counter(seed) {}
int main() {
CHashedCounterRng rng;
// time()'s high bits change very slowly, so look at low digits
// if you want to verify that the seed is different between runs
const auto stored_counter = rng.GetSeed();
cout << "initial seed: " << stored_counter << endl;
for(int i=0; i<20; ++i) {
for(int j=0; j<8; ++j) {
const unsigned x = rng();
cout << setfill('0') << setw(8) << hex << x << ' ';
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The last line again:" << endl;
rng.SetSeed(stored_counter + 19 * 8);
for(int j=0; j<8; ++j) {
const unsigned x = rng();
cout << setfill('0') << setw(8) << hex << x << ' ';
cout << endl << endl;
return 0;

How to find a binary logarithm very fast? (O(1) at best)

Is there any very fast method to find a binary logarithm of an integer number? For example, given a number
x=52656145834278593348959013841835216159447547700274555627155488768 such algorithm must find y=log(x,2) which is 215. x is always a power of 2.
The problem seems to be really simple. All what is required is to find the position of the most significant 1 bit. There is a well-known method FloorLog, but it is not very fast especially for the very long multi-words integers.
What is the fastest method?
A quick hack: Most floating-point number representations automatically normalise values, meaning that they effectively perform the loop Christoffer Hammarström mentioned in hardware. So simply converting from an integer to FP and extracting the exponent should do the trick, provided the numbers are within the FP representation's exponent range! (In your case, your integer input requires multiple machine words, so multiple "shifts" will need to be performed in the conversion.)
If the integers are stored in a uint32_t a[], then my obvious solution would be as follows:
Run a linear search over a[] to find the highest-valued non-zero uint32_t value a[i] in a[] (test using uint64_t for that search if your machine has native uint64_t support)
Apply the bit twiddling hacks to find the binary log b of the uint32_t value a[i] you found in step 1.
Evaluate 32*i+b.
The answer is implementation or language dependent. Any implementation can store the number of significant bits along with the data, as it is often useful. If it must be calculated, then find the most significant word/limb and the most significant bit in that word.
If you're using fixed-width integers then the other answers already have you pretty-well covered.
If you're using arbitrarily large integers, like int in Python or BigInteger in Java, then you can take advantage of the fact that their variable-size representation uses an underlying array, so the base-2 logarithm can be computed easily and quickly in O(1) time using the length of the underlying array. The base-2 logarithm of a power of 2 is simply one less than the number of bits required to represent the number.
So when n is an integer power of 2:
In Python, you can write n.bit_length() - 1 (docs).
In Java, you can write n.bitLength() - 1 (docs).
You can create an array of logarithms beforehand. This will find logarithmic values up to log(N):
#define N 100000
int naj[N];
naj[2] = 1;
for ( int i = 3; i <= N; i++ )
naj[i] = naj[i-1];
if ( (1 << (naj[i]+1)) <= i )
The array naj is your logarithmic values. Where naj[k] = log(k).
Log is based on two.
This uses binary search for finding the closest power of 2.
public static int binLog(int x,boolean shouldRoundResult){
// assuming 32-bit integer
int lo=0;
int hi=31;
int rangeDelta=hi-lo;
int expGuess=0;
int guess;
expGuess=(lo+hi)/2; // or (loGuess+hiGuess)>>1
} else if(guess>x){
} else {
if(shouldRoundResult && hi>lo){
int loGuess=1<<lo;
int hiGuess=1<<hi;
int loDelta=Math.abs(x-loGuess);
int hiDelta=Math.abs(hiGuess-x);
} else {
int result=expGuess;
return result;
The best option on top of my head would be a O(log(logn)) approach, by using binary search. Here is an example for a 64-bit ( <= 2^63 - 1 ) number (in C++):
int log2(int64_t num) {
int res = 0, pw = 0;
for(int i = 32; i > 0; i --) {
res += i;
if(((1LL << res) - 1) & num)
res -= i;
return res;
This algorithm will basically profide me with the highest number res such as (2^res - 1 & num) == 0. Of course, for any number, you can work it out in a similar matter:
int log2_better(int64_t num) {
var res = 0;
for(i = 32; i > 0; i >>= 1) {
if( (1LL << (res + i)) <= num )
res += i;
return res;
Note that this method relies on the fact that the "bitshift" operation is more or less O(1). If this is not the case, you would have to precompute either all the powers of 2, or the numbers of form 2^2^i (2^1, 2^2, 2^4, 2^8, etc.) and do some multiplications(which in this case aren't O(1)) anymore.
The example in the OP is an integer string of 65 characters, which is not representable by a INT64 or even INT128. It is still very easy to get the Log(2,x) from this string by converting it to a double-precision number. This at least gives you easy access to integers upto 2^1023.
Below you find some form of pseudocode
# 1. read the string
# 2. extract the length of the string
l=length(string) # l = 65
# 3. read the first min(l,17) digits in a float
float=to_float(string(1: min(17,l) ))
# 4. multiply with the correct power of 10
float = float * 10^(l-min(17,l) ) # float = 5.2656145834278593E64
# 5. Take the log2 of this number and round to the nearest integer
log2 = Round( Log(float,2) ) # 215
some computer languages can convert arbitrary strings into a double precision number. So steps 2,3 and 4 could be replaced by x=to_float(string)
Step 5 could be done quicker by just reading the double-precision exponent (bits 53 up to and including 63) and subtracting 1023 from it.
Quick example code: If you have awk you can quickly test this algorithm.
The following code creates the first 300 powers of two:
awk 'BEGIN{for(n=0;n<300; n++) print 2^n}'
The following reads the input and does the above algorithm:
awk '{ l=length($0); m = (l > 17 ? 17 : l)
x = substr($0,1,m) * 10^(l-m)
print log(x)/log(2)
So the following bash-command is a convoluted way to create a consecutive list of numbers from 0 to 299:
$ awk 'BEGIN{for(n=0;n<300; n++) print 2^n}' | awk '{ l=length($0); m = (l > 17 ? 17 : l); x = substr($0,1,m) * 10^(l-m); print log(x)/log(2) }'

How can I count the digits in an integer without a string cast?

I fear there's a simple and obvious answer to this question. I need to determine how many digits wide a count of items is, so that I can pad each item number with the minimum number of leading zeros required to maintain alignment. For example, I want no leading zeros if the total is < 10, 1 if it's between 10 and 99, etc.
One solution would be to cast the item count to a string and then count characters. Yuck! Is there a better way?
Edit: I would not have thought to use the common logarithm (I didn't know such a thing existed). So, not obvious - to me - but definitely simple.
This should do it:
int length = (number ==0) ? 1 : (int)Math.log10(number) + 1;
int length = (int)Math.Log10(Math.Abs(number)) + 1;
You may need to account for the negative sign..
A more efficient solution than repeated division would be repeated if statements with multiplies... e.g. (where n is the number whose number of digits is required)
unsigned int test = 1;
unsigned int digits = 0;
while (n >= test)
test *= 10;
If there is some reasonable upper bound on the item count (e.g. the 32-bit range of an unsigned int) then an even better way is to compare with members of some static array, e.g.
// this covers the whole range of 32-bit unsigned values
const unsigned int test[] = { 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000 };
unsigned int digits = 10;
while(n < test[digits]) --digits;
If you are going to pad the number in .Net, then
num.ToString().PadLeft(10, '0')
might do what you want.
You can use a while loop, which will likely be faster than a logarithm because this uses integer arithmetic only:
int len = 0;
while (n > 0) {
n /= 10;
I leave it as an exercise for the reader to adjust this algorithm to handle zero and negative numbers.
I would have posted a comment but my rep score won't grant me that distinction.
All I wanted to point out was that even though the Log(10) is a very elegant (read: very few lines of code) solution, it is probably the one most taxing on the processor.
I think jherico's answer is probably the most efficient solution and therefore should be rewarded as such.
Especially if you are going to be doing this for a lot of numbers..
Since a number doesn't have leading zeroes, you're converting anyway to add them. I'm not sure why you're trying so hard to avoid it to find the length when the end result will have to be a string anyway.
One solution is provided by base 10 logarithm, a bit overkill.
You can loop through and delete by 10, count the number of times you loop;
int num = 423;
int minimum = 1;
while (num > 10) {
num = num/10;
Okay, I can't resist: use /=:
#include <stdio.h>
int num = 423;
int count = 1;
while( num /= 10)
count ++;
printf("Count: %d\n", count);
return 0;
534 $ gcc count.c && ./a.out
Count: 3
535 $
