WebSphere console config setting? - websphere

I don't have access to a WebSphere console, but I need to check if encryption is enabled between the console and appserver connection. The docs I have come across are almost all console related, and I am unable to find what I need. Where would I be able to find this config file setting?

I suppose you are looking for WCInboundAdminSecure : it should be located in :
{WAS_HOME}/config/cells/{your cell}/nodes/{your node}/servers/{your server}/server.xml


ClassPath resource not found

I'm trying to deploy my Spring Boot based application to a CloudControl container.
I've added the mysql.free add-on and configured it through my application.properties:
On my local development system, everything works perfectly fine, but on the CloudControl container, the app won't start.
I added the StackTrace here. I'm trying to solve the problem for days, but I am not able to solve it by my own.
Spring apps are very memory consuming and the mysqls.free addon allows only a limited number of parallel connections. Although your Stacktrace doesn't show any of these problems. It's hard to solve this issue without more context like logs or environment settings.
The following commands may help:
cctrlapp app_name/default log error # shows startup log
cctrlapp app_name/default addon.creds # shows DB credentials
I've uploaded some spring-boot example code at https://github.com/cloudControl/spring-boot-example-app which I've tested on cloudControl today.
Please take a look at the configuration there. If you want to deploy it, make sure your container has memory size >= 768mb.
cctrlapp app_name/default deploy --memory 768MB
If you still have issues, please contact cloudControl support to help you.

How to connect to oracle from a java servlet?

I have a problem connecting to oracle from within a java servlet running in Jetty (as part of Eclipse). The identical code runs fine from a standalone java app.
My entire development environment is on a single mac. I am using Eclipse and have included the ojdbc6.jar in the main 'Referenced Libraries' and have also dragged and dropped this file in the war/web-inf/lib folder.
As soon as the line
OracleConnectionPoolDataSource ocpds = new
is called (within the servlet) I get the exception:
java.security.AccessControlException: access denied
(javax.management.MBeanServerPermission createMBeanServer)
Am I missing some security policy or so? If so, exactly what do I do need to do to rectify this? And where does this BeanServer come in?
Thanks in advance.
Every web container has its own way of defining data sources, and making them available through JNDI. You should do that instead.
The native oracle connection pool seems to be creating an MBeanServer, and this is not probably not allowed by the security manager used by Jetty. See http://wiki.eclipse.org/Jetty/Feature/Secure_Mode and http://wiki.eclipse.org/Jetty/Tutorial/Jetty-Policy.
Worked it out - not entirely clear why but created a new GWT app in Eclipse but this time NOT included the Google App Engine (which is ticked by default). This seems to add some restrictions to the code when it is running in Jetty....
I now have copied the sample code over and all is working well!

Oracle application server logging

Can somebody tell me where I can set the path for the application log files which are on the Oracle application server because I can't find nothing in the web.
For an example I have a web app which I have been deployed on the server and this one have redirect errors output log and my question is from where the file path of the log is set?
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure what you're looking for, but sounds like you need the OPMN configurations.
These can be found usually (and depends on your version) in 'ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/'.
The file you probably want is 'opmn.xml'
Here is a link for some documentation

WebSphere 7 - class loader trace

I have just upgraded to WebSphere 7 (from 6.1), and I am having new class loading conflicts which I didn't have before.
I have looked a lot over the internet but couldn't find directions on how:
1. How to enable class loading trace.
2. Where does the output go to?
Thank you very much.
To enable the classloading information you need to go in application server > server_name > Java and Process Management > Process definition > Java Virtual Machine, there you will find the verbose classloading option. Enable it and restart the application server.
You should then find the classloading informations in the native_stderr.log in the <WAS_install_root>/profiles/<profile>/logs/<server> directory.
To add to Olivier.Roger's response (I don't have the permissions to respond inline), the information is in native_stderr.log.
(late, but for anyone else who finds this thread like I did)
I would recommend the class loader MustGather that is used by IBM support when you open a PMR. Expand the "Collecting data manually" section.

WebSphere app server 7.0 GUI admin console and MBeans

I am new to WAS, and currently using WAS 7.0 The application I am deploying in WAS registers some MBeans when it starts up , I would like to know how to monitor/get info related to these registered MBeans from the admin console( GUI) of WAS. I see many options there in the admin console, but getting confused where to find the info related to MBeans that got registered within the WAS JMX Infrastructure when the application started up? or is it only possible programmatically to obtain it? If you can suggest some resources, it will be helpful?
You could get to these mbeans you've registered through either:
JConsole - A bit tricky to connect to WAS with, here's my batch for running it:
echo URL connection string is: service:jmx:iiop://you-hostname-here:2809/jndi/JMXConnector
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Progra~1\IBM\SDP\jdk
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\jconsole.jar
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;tools.jar;com.ibm.ws.admin.client_7.0.0.jar
"C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP\jdk\bin\jconsole.exe" -J-Djava.class.path=%CLASSPATH%
WSAdmin script - example:
beanNameString = AdminControl.queryNames('type=youMbeanName,*')
print AdminControl.getAttribute(beanNameString, 'someAttribute')
AdminControl.invoke(beanNameString, 'someMethod', 'parameter1')
I'll leave this to you :)
