How do I make iScroll5 work when the image is generated from a DB? - iscroll4

I am using iScroll5 in a PhoneGap project. On the index page, user will click on a series of thumbnails generated from a database, then the image ID chosen will be written to localstorage, the page will change, the image ID will be pulled from localstorage and the image displayed.
It works fine if I reference the image directly (not from the DB) this way (as a test):
<body onload="loaded()">
<div id='wrapper'><div id='scroller'>
<ul><li><a id='output' href='index.html' onclick='returnTo()'></a></li></ul>
var newWP = document.createElement('img');
newWP.src = '0buggies/0118_buggies/wallpaper-18b2.jpg';
I can pinch/zoom to resize the image for the screen (the main function my app requires), and scroll the image on the X and Y axis, then upon tapping the image, I will be returned to the index page. All of this works.
But if I pull the image out of a database and reference it the following way, all other aspects of the page code being the same, pinch/zoom does not work, though the picture is displayed and I can scroll on X and Y:
// ... DB code here ...
function querySuccess(tx, results) {
var path = results.rows.item.category +
"/" + results.rows.item.subcat +
"/" + results.rows.item.filename_lg;
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "<img src='" + path +
// ... more DB code here ...
<body onload="loaded()">
<div id='wrapper'> <ul><li><a id='output' href='index.html'
onclick='returnTo()'></a></li></ul> </div>
How do I make iScroll5 work when the image is generated from a DB? I'm using the same CSS and iScroll JS on both pages. (iScroll4 has the same problem as iScroll 5 above.) I am using the SQLite DB plugin (from which is my own site).

Try calling refresh on the scrollbar to get it to recognize the DOM change.
Best to wrap it in a 0-delay setTimeout, like so (Stolen from
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
If it takes time for the image to load, you'll want to wait until it's loaded entirely, unless you know the dimensions up-front.

When dealing with images loaded dynamically things get a little more complicated. The reason is that the image dimensions are known to the browser only when the image itself has been fully loaded (and not when the img tag has been added to the DOM).
Your best bet is to explicitly declare the image width/height. You'd do this like so:
function querySuccess (results) {
var path = results.rows.item.category +
"/" + results.rows.item.subcat +
"/" + results.rows.item.filename_lg;
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.width = 100;
img.height = 100;
img.src = path;
// need to refresh iscroll in case the previous img was smaller/bigger than the new one
If width/height are unknown you could save the image dimensions into the database and retrieve them together with the image path.
function querySuccess (results) {
var path = results.rows.item.category +
"/" + results.rows.item.subcat +
"/" + results.rows.item.filename_lg;
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.width = results.width;
img.height = results.height;
img.src = path;
// need to refresh iscroll in case the previous img was smaller/bigger than the new one
If you can't evaluate the image dimensions in any way then you have to wait for the image to be fully loaded and at that point you can perform an iScroll.refresh(). Something like this:
function querySuccess (results) {
var path = results.rows.item.category +
"/" + results.rows.item.subcat +
"/" + results.rows.item.filename_lg;
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.onload = function () {
setTimeout(iScrollInstance.refresh.bind(iScrollInstance), 10); // give 10ms rest
img.onerror = function () {
// you may want to deal with error404 or connection errors
img.src = path;

Why is the viewport user-scalable prop different on each sample? works=no, broken=yes
Just an observation.

fwiw, here are a few things to look into:
Uncomment the deviceReady addListener, as Cordova init really depends on this.
Your loaded() method assigns myScroll a new iScroll, then explicitly calls onDeviceReady(), which then declares var myScroll; -- this seems inherently problematic - rework this.
If 1 & 2 don't help, then I suggest moving queryDB(tx); from populateDB() to successCB() and commenting out the myScroll.refresh()
And just a note, I find that logging to console is less intrusive than using alerts when trying to track down a symptom that seems to be messing with events firing, or timing concerns.


fineuploader - Read file dimensions / Validate by resolution

I would like to validate by file dimensions (resolution).
on the documentation page there is only information regarding file name and size, nothing at all in the docs about dimensions, and I also had no luck on Google.
The purpose of this is that I don't want users to upload low-res photos to my server. Thanks.
As Ray Nicholus had suggested, using the getFile method to get the File object and then use that with the internal instance object qq.ImageValidation to run fineuploader's validation on the file. A promise must be return because this proccess is async.
function onSubmit(e, id, filename){
var promise = validateByDimensions(id, [1024, 600]);
return promise;
function validateByDimensions(id, dimensionsArr){
var deferred = new $.Deferred(),
file = uploaderElm.fineUploader('getFile', id),
imageValidator = new qq.ImageValidation(file, function(){}),
result = imageValidator.validate({
minWidth : dimensionsArr[0],
minHeight : dimensionsArr[1]
if( status )
return deferred.promise();
Remained question:
Now I wonder how to show the thumbnail of the image that was rejected, while not uploading it to the server, the UI could mark in a different color as an "invalid image", yet the user could see which images we valid and which weren't...
- Update - (regarding the question above)
While I do not see how I could have the default behavior of a thumbnail added to the uploader, but not being uploaded, but there is a way to generate thumbnail manually, like so:
var img = new Image();
uploaderElm.fineUploader("drawThumbnail", id, img, 200, false);
but then I'll to create an item to be inserted to qq-upload-list myself, and handle it all myself..but still it's not so hard.
Update (get even more control over dimensions validation)
You will have to edit (currently) the qq.ImageValidation function to expose outside the private function getWidthHeight. just change that function deceleration to:
this.getWidthHeight = function(){
Also, it would be even better to change the this.validate function to:
this.validate = function(limits) {
var validationEffort = new qq.Promise();
log("Attempting to validate image.");
if (hasNonZeroLimits(limits)) {
var failingLimit = getFailingLimit(limits, dimensions);
if (failingLimit) {
validationEffort.failure({ fail:failingLimit, dimensions:dimensions });
else {
validationEffort.success({ dimensions:dimensions });
}, validationEffort.success);
else {
return validationEffort;
So you would get the fail reason, as well as the dimensions. always nice to have more control.
Now, we could write the custom validation like this:
function validateFileDimensions(dimensionsLimits){
var deferred = new $.Deferred(),
file = this.holderElm.fineUploader('getFile', id),
imageValidator = new qq.ImageValidation(file, function(){});
var minWidth = dimensions.width > dimensionsLimits.width,
minHeight = dimensions.height > dimensionsLimits.height;
// if min-width or min-height satisfied the limits, then approve the image
if( minWidth || minHeight )
return deferred.promise();
This approach gives much more flexibility. For example, you would want to have different validation for portrait images than landscape ones, you could easily identify the image orientation and run your own custom code to do whatever.

Jscript image tag creation gives an error

function pushImage () {
var img = new Image();
img.src = '/waroot/chart/chart.png';
document.getElementById("test1").innerHTML = "<img src='/waroot/chart/chart.png'>";
document.getElementById("test2").innerHTML = img;
Test 1 works and shows the image, but test 2 doesn't. I am not sure how to solve it but i will need the way test 2 works further along my project since i'm going to have to circle through a large amount of images.
The images are created by JFreeCharts, saved to png and then have to be posted to a site. As a side question: is it possible to push the freecharts objects straight to the jscript instead of having to save them prior (i could throw them into the dictionary and then look them up later but i'm not sure if this works)
Use .appendChild(img) instead of .innerHTML:
function pushImage () {
var img = new Image();
img.src = '/waroot/chart/chart.png';
document.getElementById("test1").innerHTML = "<img src='/waroot/chart/chart.png'>";
This is because img is an image object, not an html string, so you have to append it to the DOM.
P.S., don't forget that the alt attribute is required in the img tag!

jQuery — a .live() > each() >.load.() finella

EDIT - URL to see the issue
I am dynamically resizing images bigger than the browser to equal the size of the browser.
This was no easy feat as we had to wait for the images to load first in order to check first if the image was bigger than the window.
We got to this stage (which works):
var maxxxHeight = $(window).height();
$(".theImage").children('img').each(function() {
$(this).load( function() { // only if images can be loaded dynamically
function handleImageLoad(img)
var $img = $(img), // declare local and cache jQuery for the argument
myHeight = $img.height();
if ( myHeight > maxxxHeight ){
$"Browser " + maxxxHeight + " image height " + myHeight);
The thing is, the page is an infinite scroll (I'm using this)
I know that you are not able to attach 'live' to 'each' as 'live' deals with events, and 'each' is not an event.
I've looked at things like the livequery plugin and using the ajaxComplete function.
With livequery i changed
$(".theImage").children('img').each(function() {
But that didnt work.
ajaxComplete seemed to do nothing so i'm guessing the inifinte scroll i'm using is not ajax based. (surely it is though?)
Use delegate:
$(".theImage").delegate('img', function() {
$(this).load( function() { // only if images can be loaded dynamically
The problem is that your infinite scroll plugin does not provide the callback functionality. Once your pictures are loaded there is no way to affect them.
I have tried to modify your plugin, so that it will serve your needs, please see
Scroll down the JS section till you see a bunch of comments.
This looks really complicated, and I probably don't get it at all, but I'll try anyway :-)
$("img", ".theImage").bind("load", function() {
var winH = $(window).height();
var imgH = $(this).height();
if (winH < imgH) {
$(this).next().text("Browser " + winH + " image height " + imgH);

jQuery $.get being called multiple times...why?

I am building this slideshow, hereby a temp URL:
There are multiple ways to navigate, clicking the big image goes to the next image, clicking the arrows go to the next or previous image, and you can use your keyboard arrows as well. All of these events call a method loadImage (in slideshow.js).
The image loading is fine, however at the end of that routine I'm making a remote Ajax call using $.get. The purpose of this call is to count the view of that image. Here is the pseudo, snipped:
function loadImage(id,url) {
// general image loading routine
// enable loader indicator
var imagePreloader = new Image();
imagePreloader.src = url;
loading = true;
$(imagePreloader).imagesLoaded(function() {
// load completed, hide the loading indicator
// set the image src, this effectively shows the image
var img = $("#bigimage img");
img.attr({ src: url, id: id });
imageStartTime = new Date().getTime();
// reset the image dimensions based upon its orientation
var wide = imagePreloader.width >= imagePreloader.height;
if (wide) {
} else {
// update thumb status
$("#li-" + id).addClass('active');
// get the title and other attributes from the active thumb and set it on the big image
var imgTitle = $("#li-" + id + " a").attr('title');
var userID = $("#li-" + id + " a").attr('data-user_id');
var userName = $("#li-" + id + " a").attr('data-user_name');
$(".caption h1").html('' + imgTitle + '');
$(".caption small").html('Uploaded by ' + userName + '');
// update counter
$(".counter").fadeOut(400,function() { $(".counter").text(parseInt($('.photos .photo').attr('rel'))+1).fadeIn(); });
// call image view recording function
$.get(basepath + "image/" + id + "/record/human");
// loading routine completed
loading = false;
There is a lot of stuff in there that is not relevant. At the end you can see I am doing the $.get call. The problem is that it is triggered in very strange ways. The first time I navigate to a tumb, it is called once. The next time it is triggered twice. After that, it is triggered 2 or 3 times per navigation action, usually 3.
I figured it must be that my events return multiple elements and therefore call the loadimage routine multiple times. So I placed log statements in both the events and the loadimage routine. It turns out loadimage is called correctly, only once per click.
This means that it seems that the $.get is doing this within the context of a single call. I'm stunned.
Your problem may be:.imagesLoaded is a jQuery plug in that runs through all images on the page. If you want to attach a load event to the imagePreloader only, use
$(imagePreloader).load(function() {
Otherwise, please provide the code where you call the loadImage() function.
when clicking on a thumb That is the problem. $(".photos li a").live('click',... should only be called once on page load. Adding a click handler every time a thumb is clicked will not remove the previous handlers.
Another option is to change the code to $(".photos li a").unbind('click').live('click', ... which will remove the previously registered click handlers.

importing image on canvas html5

var img = new Image();
img.src = '/images/backdrop.jpg';
I wanted to load an image from local disk on to canvas using dialog box mechanism rather than the path directly specified as in above example. I tried different sorts using JavaScript but in vain, even tried using the input type as file. What else can I try?
Take a look here:
It's important to have drawImage call after the image has loaded:
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
var ctx = document.getElementById('ctx').getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
img.src = 'images/backdrop.jpg';
Also, note that you probably want to use images/backdrop.jpg instead of /images/backdrop.jpg (note there's no slash in front), as using the latter would get the image from root directory, I would assume that's probably not where your images are.
As far as loading from a dialog box, you can replace the last line from the above with something like this:
var name = prompt("Enter the name of the file", "backdrop.jpg");
img.src = 'images/' + name;
This way, the user would be able to enter the name of the image file to load it. Of course, you need to have that file in your images folder.
Hope this helps.
