Need Assistance with VBSCRIPT to capture screenshots of user's desktop - windows

I am a novice when it comes to object oriented program. That said, I have been trying to construct a vbscript that will capture a screenshot of the desktop and immediately save it to a folder I specify. Here is the code I have so far:
Dim screenSize
screenSize = New screenSize.Size(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.X,Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Y)
Dim screenGrab
screenGrab = New screenGrab.Bitmap(My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Width, my.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Height)
Dim g
g = g.System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(screenGrab)
dim copyS
copyS = Graphics.CopyPixels4.PaintEventArgs
dim copyS2
copyS2 = copyS.Graphics.CopyFromScreen(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.X, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Y, 0, 0, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Size, CopyPixelOperation)
dim saveTo
saveTo = screenGrab.Save("C:\temp\screenGrab.bmp")
I prefer to keep this in VBSCRIPT as this script will be incorporated into an existing vbscript I created. I currently get an error at line 3 stating "class not defined 'screensize". I am also concerned that even if I fix the error at line 3 I may run into other syntax issues afterward. The overall intent of the script is to 1) get the screen dimensons ; 2) perform the screenshot ; 3) and save the file to a destination. I am open to any suggestions to make this work.
I appreciate any help I can get at this point. Thank you.

It seems like you have messed VB.NET with VBScript.
screenSize, screenGrab, System.Drawing.Graphics - there are no such classes in VBScript by default.
What I'd suggest is to use some screen capture ActiveX (google it).
Or create your own ActiveX with VB6 by using code like this. Create new ActiveX project in VB6, add that module and compile.
And remember to run regsvr32.exe youractivex.ocx before using it in your script.


VBScript passing value by reference (VarPtr) to ActiveX function

I'm trying this:
Dim oApp
Dim iReturnedResult
Set oApp = CreateObject("Some.Application")
Set F_Ord = oApp.Documents.Open("Window 1", VarPtr(iReturnedResult))
The ActiveX control expects the second parameter to be a Long by reference.
This works perfectly well inside Excel VBA.
I can run this step by step, and see the result is returned like it should.
But, when I move this code to a VBS file and run it from the command line (CScript.exe), I get an error 800A000D, meaning it's the wrong type.
I have also tried creating an array instead, and tested with these commands, without any luck:
Set F_Ord = oApp.Documents.Open("Window 1", VarPtr(iReturnedResult(0)))
Set F_Ord = oApp.Documents.Open("Window 1", iReturnedResult(0))
Does anyone know how to pass a long variable by reference to an ActiveX control from VBScript?
The simple answer is VarPtr() is not supported by VBScript.
To my knowledge, there is no equivalent that allows you to pass a pointer to a variables memory address.
Useful Links
Visual Basic for Applications Features Not In VBScript

SAS Enterprise Guide with VBScript. Looping through SAS programs get stuck

I'm facing a random problem. When executing SAS programs with VBScript and the SASEGObjectModel.Application.7.1, looping through CodeCollection get stuck sometimes, even if the program execution was succeeded (the final data bases are correctly created in our server). The script simple doesn't go to the next program of CodeCollection (the prompt executing the script still open... ad infinitum). The SAS program It happens is random, also the frequency. I'm going with something like this:
Dim oSasApp
Set oSasApp = CreateObject("SASEGObjectModel.Application.7.1")
Dim oSasProj
Set oSasProj = oSasApp.Open("some-project.egp", "")
Dim oProgramList
Set oProgramList = oSasProj.CodeCollection
Dim programOrder
Set programOrder = I assign the SAS programs order array reading from a .txt...
For Each program in programOrder
For Each sasProgram in oProgramList
If sasProgram.Name = program Then
sasProgram.Log.SaveAs "some-folder/" & sasProgram.Name & ".txt"
End If
The problem is not the Log saving, as the log txt file of the stucked program is also correctly created.
Any idea? Maybe problems in our SAS server? Should I declare some kind of options?
SAS Guide version: 7.15
Windows: 10
So... for people facing the same problem. As I commented above, if I press enter on prompt the script flows again. So it is waiting for my input, for reasons I can't tell. I did 2 things to get around it. Not sure if all of them are necessary or if only one solves it, but here it goes:
First, by VBScript I turned off a list of generations and I applied a delay after the SAS program runs:
For Each program in programOrder
For Each sasProgram i oProgramList
If sasProgram.Name = program Then
sasProgram.GenSasReport = False
sasProgram.GenHTML = False
sasProgram.GenListing = False
sasProgram.GenPDF = False
sasProgram.GenRTF = False
sasProgram.Log.SaveAs "some-folder/" & sasProgram.Name & ".txt"
End If
Them, in my batch file, wich I use to call the VBScript with the "cscript" command, I set it to apply "y" to every single message the VBScript could ask:
cd ./script-folder
echo y | cscript script-file-name.vbs
And that is it.

Lotus Notes - lotusscript: shell function: illegal function call

I have a problem: I want to run a file from lotusscript code:
Dim result As Integer
result = Shell("D:\testF.dsx", 1)
And I get the following error: Illegal function call.
If I want to execute it from formula it works:
#Command([Execute]; "D:\\testF.dsx")
Thanks a lot!
I had the same problem with the shell function in lotus script with PDF files. And my workaround is to use the windows scripting host to launch the file. I am pretty sure this will solve your problem too.
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
returnValue = objShell.Run("d:\testF.dsx", 3, false)enter code here
It is not possible to "Execute" a Textfile. usually there is no "run" function defined for dsx- files.
You could do it like:
Dim result as Integer
result = Shell("notepad.exe D:\testF.dsx", 1)
Or find out, which program is linked to dsx (via registry) and execute the corresponding exe with filename as Parameter. If the filename contains spaces, then it has to be enclosed:
Dim result as Integer
result = Shell({notepad.exe "D:\testF.dsx"}, 1)
And reading your last question this approach for sure is NOT the right for your request. You have to use "open" in order to process files... Like Per Hendrik told you in his response.
I had similar problems passing parameters to Outlook.
On some windows machines, this #Formula worked perfectly:
#Command([Execute]; "Outlook.exe"; "/recycle")
On Windows Terminal Servers, it caused Outlook to be unable to parse the "/recycle"
The Shell-command from LotusScript wasn't even able to locate the Outlook.exe, as it was not in the PATH.
Ralf's code helped me in this respect. The "WScript.Shell" seems able to interact with Windows registry settings. Anyway, here is the code that works for activating an open Outlook window.
Dim objShell, returnValue
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
returnValue = objShell.Run("outlook.exe /recycle", 3, False)

Visio to image command line conversion

At work we make pretty extensive use of Visio drawing as support for documentation. Unfortunately vsd files don't play nicely with our wiki or documentation extraction tools like javadoc, doxygen or naturaldocs. While it is possible to convert Visio files to images manually, it's just a hassle to keep the image current and the image files are bound to get out of date. And let's face it: Having generated files in revision control feels so wrong.
So I'm looking for a command line tool that can convert a vsd file to jpeg, png, gif or any image that can be converted to an image that a browser can display. Preferably it will run under unix, but windows only is also fine. I can handle the rest of the automation chain, cron job, image to image conversion and ssh, scp, multiple files, etc.
And that's why I'm turning to you: I can't find such a tool. I don't think I can even pay for such a tool. Is my Google-fu completely off? Can you help me?
I mean, it has got to be possible. There has to be a way to hook into Visio with COM and get it to save as image. I'm using Visio 2007 by the way.
Thanks in advance.
I slapped something together quickly using VB6, and you can download it at:
You just pass in the input visio file path, then the output file path (visio exports based on file extension) and optionally the page number to export.
Also here is the source code I used, if you want to mess with it or turn it into a VBScript or something, it should work, though you'd need to finish converting it to late-bound code.
hope that helps,
Dim TheCmd As String
Const visOpenRO = 2
Const visOpenMinimized = 16
Const visOpenHidden = 64
Const visOpenMacrosDisabled = 128
Const visOpenNoWorkspace = 256
Sub Main()
' interpret command line arguments - separated by spaces outside of double quotes
TheCmd = Command
Dim TheCmds() As String
If SplitCommandArg(TheCmds) Then
If UBound(TheCmds) > 1 Then
Dim PageNum As Long
If UBound(TheCmds) >= 3 Then
PageNum = Val(TheCmds(3))
PageNum = 1
End If
' if the input or output file doesn't contain a file path, then assume the same
If InStr(1, TheCmds(1), "\") = 0 Then
TheCmds(1) = App.Path & "\" & TheCmds(1)
End If
If InStr(1, TheCmds(2), "\") = 0 Then
TheCmds(2) = App.Path & "\" & TheCmds(2)
End If
ConvertVisToImg TheCmds(1), TheCmds(2), PageNum
' no good - need an in and out file
End If
End If
End Sub
Function ConvertVisToImg(ByVal InVisPath As String, ByVal OutImgPath As String, PageNum As Long) As Boolean
ConvertVisToImg = True
On Error GoTo PROC_ERR
' create a new visio instance
Dim VisApp As Visio.Application
Set VisApp = CreateObject("Visio.Application")
' open invispath
Dim ConvDoc As Visio.Document
Set ConvDoc = VisApp.Documents.OpenEx(InVisPath, visOpenRO + visOpenMinimized + visOpenHidden + visOpenMacrosDisabled + visOpenNoWorkspace)
' export to outimgpath
If Not ConvDoc.Pages(PageNum) Is Nothing Then
ConvDoc.Pages(PageNum).Export OutImgPath
MsgBox "Invalid export page"
ConvertVisToImg = False
End If
' close it off
On Error Resume Next
Set VisApp = Nothing
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description & vbCr & "Num:" & Err.Number
End Function
Function SplitCommandArg(ByRef Commands() As String) As Boolean
SplitCommandArg = True
'read through command and break it into an array delimited by space characters only when we're not inside double quotes
Dim InDblQts As Boolean
Dim CmdToSplit As String
CmdToSplit = TheCmd 'for debugging command line parser
'CmdToSplit = Command
Dim CharIdx As Integer
ReDim Commands(1 To 1)
For CharIdx = 1 To Len(CmdToSplit)
Dim CurrChar As String
CurrChar = Mid(CmdToSplit, CharIdx, 1)
If CurrChar = " " And Not InDblQts Then
'add another element to the commands array if InDblQts is false
If Commands(UBound(Commands)) <> "" Then ReDim Preserve Commands(LBound(Commands) To UBound(Commands) + 1)
ElseIf CurrChar = Chr(34) Then
'set InDblQts = true
If Not InDblQts Then InDblQts = True Else InDblQts = False
Commands(UBound(Commands)) = Commands(UBound(Commands)) & CurrChar
End If
Next CharIdx
End Function
F# 2.0 script:
// Generates images for all Visio diagrams in folder were run according to pages names
// Visio 2010 32bit is needed to open diagrams (I also installed VisioSDK32bit.exe on my Windows 7 64bit)
#r "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0/Visual Studio Tools for Office/PIA/Office14/Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.dll"
open System
open System.IO
open Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio
let visOpenRO = 2
let visOpenMinimized = 16
let visOpenHidden = 64
let visOpenMacrosDisabled = 128
let visOpenNoWorkspace = 256
let baseDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
let getAllDiagramFiles = Directory.GetFiles(baseDir,"*.vsd")
let drawImage fullPathToDiagramFile =
let diagrammingApplication = new ApplicationClass()
let flags = Convert.ToInt16(visOpenRO + visOpenMinimized + visOpenHidden + visOpenMacrosDisabled + visOpenNoWorkspace)
let document = diagrammingApplication.Documents.OpenEx(fullPathToDiagramFile,flags)
for page in document.Pages do
let imagePath = Path.Combine(baseDir, page.Name + ".png")
page.Export (imagePath)
let doItAll =
Array.iter drawImage getAllDiagramFiles
You can try "Visio to image" converter
Tested with MS Visio 2007 and 2010
There has to be a way to hook into Visio with COM and get it to save as image.
Why not try writing something yourself, then, if you know how to use COM stuff? After all, if you can't find anything already made to do it, and you know you can figure out how to do it yourself, why not write something to do it yourself?
EDIT: Elaborating a bit on what I stated in my comment: writing a script of some sort does seem to be your best option in this situation, and Python, at least, would be quite useful for that, using the comtypes library found here: Of course, as I said, if you prefer to use a different scripting language, then you could try using that; the thing is, I've only really used COM with VBA and Python at this point (As an aside, Microsoft tends to refer to "Automation" these days rather than specifically referencing COM, I believe.) The nice thing about Python is that it's an interpreted language, and thus you just need a version of the interpreter for the different OSes you're using, with versions for Windows, OSX, Linux, Unix, etc. On the other hand, I doubt you can use COM on non-Windows systems without some sort of hack, so you may very well have to parse the data in the source files directly (and even though Visio's default formats appear to use some form of XML, it's probably one of those proprietary formats Microsoft seems to love).
If you haven't used Python before, the Python documentation has a good tutorial to get people started:
And, of course, you'll want the Python interpreter itself: (Note that you may have to manually add the Python directory to the PATH environment variable after installation.)
When you write the script, you could probably have the syntax for running the script be something like "python <source/original file[ with path]>[ <new file[ with path]>]" (assuming the script file is in your Python directory), with the new file defaulting to a file of the same name and in the same folder/directory as the original (albeit with a different extension; in fact, if you wish, you could set it up to export to multiple formats, with the format defaulting to that of whatever default extension you choose and being specified by an alternate extension of you specify one in the file name. As well, you could likely set it up so that if you only have the new file name after the source file, no path specified, it'll save with that new file name to the source file's directory. And, of course, if you don't specify a path for the source file, just a file name, you could set it up to get the file from the current directory).
On the topic of file formats: it seems to me that converting to SVG might be the best thing to do, as it would be more space-efficient and would better reflect the original images' status as vectored images. On the other hand, the conversion from a Visio format to SVG is not perfect (or, at least, it wasn't in Visio 2003; I can't find a source of info similar to this one for Visio 2007), and as seen here, you may have to modify the resultant XML file (though that could be done using the script, after the file is exported, via parts of the Python standard library). If you don't mind the additional file size of bitmaps, and you'd rather not have to include additional code to fix resultant SVG files, then you probably should just go with a bitmap format such as PNG.

Progress bar in VB 6.0 from Transcoding process in FFMPEG

firts excuse me for my English it`s super Freak. Sorry
I have a big problem , i need finish my applicatión in VB6.0 for a test in my High Schooll and i can`t find the solution, My app open a FFmpeg.EXE file which open a cmd window Prompt and start a trascoding process, i need link the last line generated into the Prompt of the CMD window (Or top Bottom) , in this line exists Values what change , in this trascoding process the result are bit Rates , which fluctuates acording to others var.
The idea it´s what into the form of my app i can read this line in real time to bulid a progress bar (File Size/Bitrate average)=time to process.
Can you help me. Thanks for the answer....
Put a reference to Windows Scripting Host Object Model and try this snippet
Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim oExec As WshExec
Dim sRow As String
With New WshShell
Set oExec = .Exec("tasklist.exe")
End With
Do While oExec.Status = WshRunning
sRow = oExec.StdOut.ReadLine
If InStr(1, sRow, "vb6.exe", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
MsgBox sRow, vbExclamation
End If
End Sub
Basicly try executing FFmpeg.EXE and ReadLine until you find some key text.
Send the output to a textfile then read this textfile.
Should look something like this:
ping >e:\test.txt
Where ping is the FFmpge.EXE and e:\test.txt the output textfile
I read your answer and this is great work very good , only that it shows in the log a death value "text", and i need the value of fluctuates bitrates of conversion , which changes in real time in the prompt of the cmd window. i'm trying now with the source code of wqw , i'm working in there.
Thak's for your answer..
