Shortest distance/path between household addresses - performance

If you wanted to know the shortest distance/path between two household addresses, which data structure(s) would you use to return the answer efficiently?
Say you are considering the set of all households in the United States (~100 million).
I am struggling to come up with a practical data structure considering the input size is so big. Dijkstra's seems too inefficient, but I'm guessing there is a way to preprocess the paths to make such a query possible. I'm just not sure where to start.

Dijkstra's algorithm or something very similar it probably is the basis, although you can expect that it's highly optimized. If you put high weights on residential streets and reduce the weight as the roads' capacities increase, you narrow the search space pretty quickly.
You can also expect that there are pre-computed routes between major cities. So if you're in Miami and you want to get to Los Angeles, most of the route is pre-computed. You just need to figure out how to get from the house in Miami to the nearest highway interchange, and from the highway in Los Angeles to the destination.
Consider that the number of ZIP codes is less than 100,000, so it's not unthinkable to have a table that has pre-computed routes from every ZIP code to every other ZIP code. We're only talking 10 billion routes. Stored naively, that'd be a fair amount of data, but it's highly compressible. Consider, for example, if your ZIP code database just contained the route to the nearest major highway. Once you're on the major highways, the amount of data just isn't that large.
Although all of the roads are connected, it's not like you'd treat it as one huge graph. Rather, you have a bunch of smaller graphs--clusters--and you compute the routes between clusters. You'd also have clusters within clusters until the data gets to a manageable size.
At least, that's how I'd go about solving the problem.

The A* algorithm may be used here.
It's essentially an extension of Dijkstra's algorithm, where you add a 'heuristic' to each node's value, which is the estimated distance to the destination.
In this specific case, assuming you have access to the coordinates of each house, you can determine the straight-line distance to the destination as the heuristic.
Beyond this, Jim's suggestions are also good.


Reduce number of nodes in 3D A* pathfinding using (part of a) uniform grid representation

I am calculating pathfinding inside a mesh which I have build a uniform grid around. The nodes (cells in the 3D grid) close to what I deem a "standable" surface I mark as accessible and they are used in my pathfinding. To get alot of detail (like being able to pathfind up small stair cases) the ammount of accessible cells in my grid have grown quite large, several thousand in larger buildings. (every grid cell is 0.5x0.5x0.5 m and the meshes are rooms with real world dimensions). Even though I only use a fraction of the actual cells in my grid for pathfinding the huge ammount slows the algorithm down. Other than that it works fine and finds the correct path through the mesh, using a weighted manhattan distance heuristic.
Imagine my grid looks like that and the mesh is inside it (can be more or less cubes but its always cubical), however the pathfinding will not be calculated on all the small cubes just a few marked as accessible (usually at the bottom of the grid but that can depend on how many floors the mesh has).
I am looking to reduce the search space for the pathfinding... I have looked at clustering like how HPA* does it and other clustering algorithms like Markov but they all seem to be best used with node graphs and not grids. One obvious solution would be to just increase the size of the small cubes building the grid but then I would lose alot of detail in the pathfinding and it would not be as robust. How could I cluster these small cubes? This is how a typical search space looks when I do my pathfinding (blue are accessible, green is path):
and as you see there is a lot of cubes to search through because the distance between them is quite small!
Never mind that the grid is an unoptimal solution for pathfinding for now.
Does anyone have an idea on how to reduce the ammount of cubes in the grid I have to search through and how would I access the neighbors after I reduce the space? :) Right now it only looks at the closest neighbors while expanding the search space.
A couple possibilities come to mind.
Higher-level Pathfinding
The first is that your A* search may be searching the entire problem space. For example, you live in Austin, Texas, and want to get into a particular building somewhere in Alberta, Canada. A simple A* algorithm would search a lot of Mexico and the USA before finally searching Canada for the building.
Consider creating a second layer of A* to solve this problem. You'd first find out which states to travel between to get to Canada, then which provinces to reach Alberta, then Calgary, and then the Calgary Zoo, for example. In a sense, you start with an overview, then fill it in with more detailed paths.
If you have enormous levels, such as skyrim's, you may need to add pathfinding layers between towns (multiple buildings), regions (multiple towns), and even countries (multiple regions). If you were making a GPS system, you might even need continents. If we'd become interstellar, our spaceships might contain pathfinding layers for planets, sectors, and even galaxies.
By using layers, you help to narrow down your search area significantly, especially if different areas don't use the same co-ordinate system! (It's fairly hard to estimate distance for one A* pathfinder if one of the regions needs latitude-longitude, another 3d-cartesian, and the next requires pathfinding through a time dimension.)
More efficient algorithms
Finding efficient algorithms becomes more important in 3 dimensions because there are more nodes to expand while searching. A Dijkstra search which expands x^2 nodes would search x^3, with x being the distance between the start and goal. A 4D game would require yet more efficiency in pathfinding.
One of the benefits of grid-based pathfinding is that you can exploit topographical properties like path symmetry. If two paths consist of the same movements in a different order, you don't need to find both of them. This is where a very efficient algorithm called Jump Point Search comes into play.
Here is a side-by-side comparison of A* (left) and JPS (right). Expanded/searched nodes are shown in red with walls in black:
Notice that they both find the same path, but JPS easily searched less than a tenth of what A* did.
As of now, I haven't seen an official 3-dimensional implementation, but I've helped another user generalize the algorithm to multiple dimensions.
Simplified Meshes (Graphs)
Another way to get rid of nodes during the search is to remove them before the search. For example, do you really need nodes in wide-open areas where you can trust a much more stupid AI to find its way? If you are building levels that don't change, create a script that parses them into the simplest grid which only contains important nodes.
This is actually called 'offline pathfinding'; basically finding ways to calculate paths before you need to find them. If your level will remain the same, running the script for a few minutes each time you update the level will easily cut 90% of the time you pathfind. After all, you've done most of the work before it became urgent. It's like trying to find your way around a new city compared to one you grew up in; knowing the landmarks means you don't really need a map.
Similar approaches to the 'symmetry-breaking' that Jump Point Search uses were introduced by Daniel Harabor, the creator of the algorithm. They are mentioned in one of his lectures, and allow you to preprocess the level to store only jump-points in your pathfinding mesh.
Clever Heuristics
Many academic papers state that A*'s cost function is f(x) = g(x) + h(x), which doesn't make it obvious that you may use other functions, multiply the weight of the cost functions, and even implement heatmaps of territory or recent deaths as functions. These may create sub-optimal paths, but they greatly improve the intelligence of your search. Who cares about the shortest path when your opponent has a choke point on it and has been easily dispatching anybody travelling through it? Better to be certain the AI can reach the goal safely than to let it be stupid.
For example, you may want to prevent the algorithm from letting enemies access secret areas so that they avoid revealing them to the player, and so that they AI seems to be unaware of them. All you need to achieve this is a uniform cost function for any point within those 'off-limits' regions. In a game like this, enemies would simply give up on hunting the player after the path grew too costly. Another cool option is to 'scent' regions the player has been recently (by temporarily increasing the cost of unvisited locations because many algorithms dislike negative costs).
If you know what places you won't need to search, but can't implement in your algorithm's logic, a simple increase to their cost will prevent unnecessary searching. There's a lot of ways to take advantage of heuristics to simplify and inform your pathfinding, but your biggest gains will come from Jump Point Search.
EDIT: Jump Point Search implicitly selects pathfinding direction using the same heuristics as A*, so you may be able to implement heuristics to a small degree, but their cost function won't be the cost of a node, but rather, the cost of traveling between the two nodes. (A* generally searches adjacent nodes, so the distinction between a node's cost and the cost of traveling to it tends to break down.)
Although octrees/quad-trees/b-trees can be useful in collision-detection, they aren't as applicable to searches because they section a graph based on its coordinates; not on its connections. Layering your graph (mesh in your vocabulary) into super graphs (regions) is a more effective solution.
Hopefully I've covered anything you'll find useful.
Good luck!

Clustering elements based on highest similarity

I'm working with Docker images which consist of a set of re-usable layers. Now given a collection of images, I would like to combine images which have a large amount of shared layers.
To be more exact: Given a collection of N images, I want to create clusters where all images in a cluster share more than X percent of services with eachother. Each image is only allowed to belong to one cluster.
My own research points in the direction of cluster algorithms where I use a similarity measure to decide which images belong in a cluster together. The similarity measure I know how to write. However, I'm having difficulty finding an exact algorithm or pseudo-algorithm to get started.
Can someone recommend an algorithm to solve this problem or provide pseudo-code please?
EDIT: after some more searching I believe I'm looking for something like this hierarchical clustering ( ) but with a threshold X so that neighbors with less than X% similarity don't get combined and stay in a separate cluster.
I believe you are a developer and you have no experience with data science?
There are a number of clustering algorithms and they have their advantages and disadvantages (please consult, but I think solution for your problem is easier than one can think.
I assume that N is small enough so you can store a matrix with N^2 float values in RAM memory? If this is the case, you are in a very comfortable situation. You write that you know how to implement similarity measure, so just calculate the measure for all N^2 pairs and store it in a matrix (it is a symmetric matrix, so only half of it can be stored). Please ensure that your similarity measure assigns special value for pair of images, where similarity measure is less than some X%, like 0 or infinity (it depends on that you treat a function like similarity measure or like a distance). I think perfect solution is to assign 1 for pairs, where similarity is greater than X% threshold and 0 otherwise.
After that, treat is just like a graph. Get first vertex and make, e.g., deep first search or any other graph walking routine. This is your first cluster. After that get first not visited vertex and repeat graph walking. Of course you can store graph as an adjacency list to save memory.
This algorithm assumes that you really do not pay attention to that how much images are similar and which pairs are more similar than other, but if they are similar enough (similarity measure is greater than a given threshold).
Unfortunately in cluster analysis it is common that 100% of possible pairs has to be computed. It is possible to save some number of distance calls using some fancy data structures for k-nearest neighbor search, but you have to assure that your similarity measure hold triangle inequality.
If you are not satisfied with this answer, please specify more details of your problem and read about:
K-means (main disadvantage: you have to specify number of clusters)
Hierarchical clustering (slow computation time, at the top all images are in one cluster, you have to cut a dendrogram at proper distance)
Spectral clustering (for graphs, but I think it is too complicated for this easy problem)
I ended up solving the problem by using hierarchical clustering and then traversing each branch of the dendrogram top to bottom until I find a cluster where the distance is below a threshold. Worst case there is no such cluster but then I'll end up in a leaf of the dendrogram which means that element is in a cluster of its own.

Pathfinding through four dimensional data

The problem is finding an optimal route for a plane through four dimensional winds (winds at differing heights and that change as you travel (predicative wind model)).
I've used the traditional A* search algorithm and hacked it to get it to work in 3 dimensions and with wind vectors.
It works in a lot the cases but is extremely slow (im dealing with huge amounts of data nodes) and doesnt work for some edge cases.
I feel like I've got it working "well" but its feels very hacked together.
Is there a better more efficient way for path finding through data like this (maybe a genetic algorithm or neural network), or something I havent even considered? Maybe fluid dynamics? I dont know?
Edit: further details.
Data is wind vectors (direction, magnitude).
Data is spaced 15x15km at 25 different elevation levels.
By "doesnt always work" I mean it will pick a stupid path for an aircraft because the path weight is the same as another path. Its fine for path finding but sub-optimal for a plane.
I take many things into account for each node change:
Cost of elevation over descending.
Wind resistance.
Ignoring nodes with too high of a resistance.
Cost of diagonal tavel vs straight etc.
I use euclidean distance as my heuristic or H value.
I use various factors for my weight or G value (the list above).
You can always have a trade off of time-optimilaity by using a weighted A*.
Weighted A* [or A* epsilon], is expected to find a path faster then A*, but the path won't be optimal [However, it gives you a bound on its optimality, as a paremeter of your epsilon/weight].
A* isn't advertised to be the fastest search algorithm; it does guarantee that the first solution it finds will be the best (assuming you provide an admissible heuristic). If yours isn't working for some cases, then something is wrong with some aspect of your implementation (maybe w/ the mechanics of A*, maybe the domain-specific stuff; given you haven't provided any details, can't say more than that).
If it is too slow, you might want to reconsider the heuristic you are using.
If you don't need an optimal solution, then some other technique might be more appropriate. Again, given how little you have provided about the problem, hard to say more than that.
Are you planning offline or online?
Typically for these problems you don't know what the winds are until you're actually flying through them. If this really is an online problem you may want to consider trying to construct a near-optimal policy. There is a quite a lot of research in this area already, one of the best is "Autonomous Control of Soaring Aircraft by Reinforcement Learning" by John Wharington.

What data do I need to implement k nearest neighbor?

I currently have a reddit-clone type website. I'm trying to recommend posts based on the posts that my users have previously liked.
It seems like K nearest neighbor or k means are the best way to do this.
I can't seem to understand how to actually implement this. I've seen some mathematical formulas (such as the one on the k means wikipedia page), but they don't really make sense to me.
Could someone maybe recommend some pseudo code, or places to look so I can get a better feel on how to do this?
K-Nearest Neighbor (aka KNN) is a classification algorithm.
Basically, you take a training group of N items and classify them. How you classify them is completely dependent on your data, and what you think the important classification characteristics of that data are. In your example, this may be category of posts, who posted the item, who upvoted the item, etc.
Once this 'training' data has been classified, you can then evaluate an 'unknown' data point. You determine the 'class' of the unknown by locating the nearest neighbors to it in the classification system. If you determine the classification by the 3 nearest neighbors, it could then be called a 3-nearest neighboring algorithm.
How you determine the 'nearest neighbor' depends heavily on how you classify your data. It is very common to plot the data into N-dimensional space where N represents the number of different classification characteristics you are examining.
A trivial example:
Let's say you have the longitude/latitude coordinates of a location that can be on any landmass anywhere in the world. Let us also assume that you do not have a map, but you do have a very large data set that gives you the longitude/latitude of many different cities in the world, and you also know which country those cities are in.
If I asked you which country the a random longitude latitude point is in, would you be able to figure it out? What would you do to figure it out?
Longitude/latitude data falls naturally into an X,Y graph. So, if you plotted out all the cities onto this graph, and then the unknown point, how would you figure out the country of the unknown? You might start drawing circles around that point, growing increasingly larger until the circle encompasses the 10 nearest cities on the plot. Now, you can look at the countries of those 10 cities. If all 10 are in the USA, then you can say with a fair degree of certainty that your unknown point is also in the USA. But if only 6 cities are in the USA, and the other 4 are in Canada, can you say where your unknown point is? You may still guess USA, but with less certainty.
The toughest part of KNN is figuring out how to classify your data in a way that you can determine 'neighbors' of similar quality, and the distance to those neighbors.
What you described sounds like a recommender system engine, not a clustering algorithm like k-means which in essence is an unsupervised approach. I cannot make myself a clear idea of what reddit uses actually, but I found some interesting post by googling around "recommender + reddit", e.g. Reddit, Stumbleupon, and Hacker News Algorithms Exposed! Anyway, the k-NN algorithm (described in the top ten data mining algorithm, with pseudo-code on Wikipedia) might be used, or other techniques like Collaborative filtering (used by Amazon, for example), described in this good tutorial.
k-Means clustering in its simplest form is averaging values and keep other average values around one central average value. Suppose you have the following values
Now if I do k-means clustering and remember that the k-means clustering will have a biasing (means/averaging) mechanism that shall either put values close to the center or far away from it. And we get the following.
Remember I just made up these cluster centers (cluster 1-5).
So the next, time you do clustering, the numbers would end up around any of these central means (also known as k-centers). The data above is single dimensional.
When you perform kmeans clustering on large data sets, with multi dimension (A multidimensional data is an array of values, you will have millions of them of the same dimension), you will need something bigger and scalable. You will first average one array, you will get a single value, like wise you will repeat the same for other arrays, and then perform the kmean clustering.
Read one of my questions Here
Hope this helps.
To do k-nearest neighbors you mostly need a notion of distance and a way of finding the k nearest neighbours to a point that you can afford (you probably don't want to search through all your data points one by one). There is a library for approximate nearest neighbour at It's a very simple classification algorithm - to classify a new point p, find its k nearest neighbours and classify p according to the most popular classes amongst those k neighbours.
I guess in your case you could provide somebody with a list of similar posts as soon as you decide what nearest means, and then monitor click-through from this and try to learn from that to predict which of those alternatives would be most popular.
If you are interested in finding a particularly good learning algorithm for your purposes, have a look at - it allows you to try out a large number of different algorithms, and also to write your own as plug-ins.
Here is a very simple example of KNN for the MINST dataset
Once you are able to calculate distance between your documents, the same algorithm would work

Optimal algorithm for path-finding in a matrix that does not fit entirely into memory

I'm facing a hard problem:
Imagine I have a map of an entire country, represented by a huge matrix of Cells. Each cell represents a 1 square meter of territory. Each Cell is represented as a double value between 0 and 1 that represents the cost of traversing the cell.
The map obviously is not fittable in memory.
I am trying to wrap my mind arround a way to calculate the optimal path for a robot, from a start point to a end position. The first idea I had was to make a TCP-like moving window, with a minimap of the real map arround the moving robot, and executing the A* algorithm inside there, but I'm facing some problems with maps with huge walls, bad pathfinding, etc...
I am searching the literature about A*-like algorithms and I could not visualize an approximation of what would be a good solution for this problem.
I'm wondering if someone has faced a similar problem or can help with a idea of a possible solution!
Thanks in advance :)
Since I do not know exact data, here's some information that could be useful:
A partial path of a shortest path is itself a shortest path. I.e. you might split up your matrix into submatrices and find (all) shortest paths in there. Note that you do not have to store all results: You e.g. can save memory by not saving a complete path but just the information: Path goes from A to B. The intermediate nodes might be computed later again or stored in a file for later. You might even be able to precompute some shortest paths for certain areas.
Another approach is that you might be able to compress your matrix in some way. I.e. if you have large areas consisting only of one and the same number, it might be good to store just that number and the dimensions of that area.
Another approach (in connection to precompute some shortest paths) is to generate different levels of detail of your map. Considering a map of the USA, this might look the following: The coarsest level of detail contains just the cities New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Philadelphia, Houston und Phoenix. The finer the levels get, the more cities they contain, but - on the other hand - the smaller area of your whole map is shown by them.
Does your problem have any special structure, e.g., does the triangle inequality hold/can you guarantee that the shortest path doesn't jog back and forth? Do you want to perform the query many times? (If so you can do pre-processing that will amortize over multiple queries.) Do you need the exact minimum solution, or will something within an epsilon factor be OK?
One thought was that you can coarsen the matrix - form 100 meter by 100 meter squares, and determine the shortest path distances through the 100 \times 100 squares. Now this will fit in memory (about 1 Gigabyte), you can run Dijkstra, and then expand each step through the 100 \times 100 square.
Also, have you tried running a forward-backward version of Dijkstra's algorithm? I.e., expand from the source and search forthe sink at the same time, and stop when there's an intersection.
Incidentally, why do you need such a fine level of granularity?
Here are some ideas that may work
You can model your path as a piecewise linear curve. If you have 31 line segments then your curve is fully described by 60 numbers. Each of the possible curves have a cost, so the cost is a function on the following form
cost(x1, x2, x3 ..... x60)
Now your problem is to find the global optimum of a function of 60 variables. You can use standard methods to do this. One idea is to use genetic algorithms. Another idea is to use a monte carlo method such as parallel tempering
Whenever you have a promising path then you can use it as a starting point to find a local minimum of the cost function. Maybe you can use some interpolation to make your cost function is differentiable. Then you can use Newtons method (or rather BFGS) to find local mimima of the cost function.
Your problem is somewhat similar to the problem of finding reaction paths in chemical systems. Maybe you can find some inspiration in the book "Energy Landscapes" by Davis Wales.
But I also have some questions:
Is it necessary for you to find the optimal path, or are you just looking for an path that is OK?
How much computer power and time do you have at hand?
Can the robot make sharp turns, or do you need extra physics modelling to improve the cost function?
