Add solution or selected project to SVN - visual-studio

I haven't used SVN for quite awhile and now I need to add my project/solution to SVN in order to keep track of changes.
When I right click on the solution node in Visual Studio 2013, there are 2 options for me:
Add soluction to SVN
Add selected project to SVN.
My initial thought was I'd like to add all things under this solution to SVN, so I chose option 1.
But since then, I found that only the Visual Studio solution file has a SVN enabled tick in font of it, but for the rest of other files(.proj, .js, .cs, .html, .css etc.) they have no SVN enabled tick/icon/whatever the name is in front of them. So I guess they are not added into the SVN repository.
So my question is: what is the proper way to add my entire solution(not just solution file) into SVN?
Thank you.

Option 1 will work when there's a common root. This means a structure like:
When there's no common root, it cannot be automatically created right now.


How to change SVN source control repository - Visual Studio 2013

This is a very simple question - How can I remove Source Control from my solution and projects in order to change the SVN repository ?
I have an old project linked to an old repository, trying to move to a new one, and unable to figure out how.
The Actual place in Visual Studio that suppose to enable this is Grayed out.
Removing the .svn files form the folder doesn't apply as they are not there....
using the latest version of ankhSVN.
In your Visual2013. Go--> Tool----> Optioins--->sourcesControl
And Cuurent Sources Plug in None.
just set This. if not retuen feedback...
You seem to want to change the SVN respository that you're pointing to. There is another Question And Answer, but it seems pretty ugly.
Having installed the latest version of ankhSVN on Visual Studio 2013, it seems pretty trivial to relocate to a different SVN respository.
Right click on the Solution -> Subversion -> Switch Solution
On the menu, you should have an entry pointing to the current location of the solution. If the repository is the same, but under a different URL e.g. changing hostname, directory, etc, then simply change the relevant pieces in the URL and hit enter.
It will prompt you that the root you've specified is different from the one that you're currently using and you can simply relocate it from one to the other - i.e. choose to relocate. It will then prompt you a second time to switch, but this should be a free change.
If the new repository is different to the old one i.e. it's somewhere completely different in a different repository with a different repository ID then you're going to have to do some form of manual changing by following the instructions on the other answer.
If you want to remove the svn metadata for the project, it's in a single directory called .svn at the root of the solution that was checked out from subversion, as well as removing the information in the .sln file that mentions AnkhSVN (it's probably the only entries mentioned in a specific GlobalSection in the file mentioning source control). That purges all the svn data from the solution.

How to Add VS2010 Project to Google Code SVN using AnkhSVN?

Hi I need to add the source files in my following project to Google Code SVN.
I have installed AnkhSVN in visual studio 2010 and tried the "Add Solution to Subversion" but i dont have a clue on what to specify as the repo URL etc or any other necessary steps as this is my first time using Subversion or a subversion client. I referred the Google Code getting started guide too but that didnt help.
Please help if you know how to add a VS2010 solution to google code via AnkhSVN. :(
Subversion is pretty straight forward. You may want to read up on svn repository layout
Your repository has been set up with a solid layout with branches, tags, and a trunk directories.
Add your project to the trunk using this for your repository URL:
Profide your google code credentials.
Then you'll be shown a list of files that will be added. AnkhSVN is pretty smart at automatically ignoring files that shouldn't be checked in including items that change every build (e.g. obj and bin directories) or personal user settings (e.g. files ending with .user).
You can safely accept the defaults, changing them later if you wish. Read about svn:ignore.
It may take a while to commit if your project is large, but you should be good.

Renaming files: Visual Studio vs Version control

The problem with renaming files is that if you want to take advantage of Visual Studio refactoring, you really need to do it from inside Visual Studio.
But most (not all*) version control system also want to be the ones doing the renaming.
One solution is to use integrated source control, but this is not always available, and in some cases is pretty clunky.
I'd personally be more comfortable using source control separately, outside of Visual Studio, but I'm not sure how to manage this question of file renames.
So, for those of you that use Visual Studio, which source control do you use? Do you use a VS integration (which one?) and otherwise, how do you resolve this renaming problem?
(* git is smart enough to work it out for itself)
I use SVN (TortiseSVN as the client) and use the Repair Move command from the commit dialog heavily. This allows me to rename the files within VS and resolve the rename when I'm ready to commit to keep version history.
As far as using the VS integration, like you, I find all VS integration clunky and do not use it.
mercurial usually prefers to do the renaming via hg rename however it can also detect renames from an outside source by using hg addremove -s 100 (or less than 100 if you want to match a rename with alterations) so clearly you can let VS do the rename and get mercurial to catchup with addremove.
We use SVN (TortoiseSVN to be exact), and i am always bothered with the renaming problem. The simplest solution i've found is to remove the files from the project, rename them via TSVN and add them back to the project. You have to manually update includes for renamed header files, but this is relatively easy using find&replace.
We use Team Foundation Server, and it works with no problems. I've also found that moving to using a fully integrated client has improved my workflow, as I don't need to flip between applications just to do trivial tasks.
We develop "Plastic SCM" and the Visual Studio Package supports move operations. But I see your point, I'm getting more and more comfortable with the idea of not having plugins/packages and then have the version control working behind the scenes and simply detecting what happened without having to be "plugged in" into the IDE. In fact we're working on it for next release...
Besides the above advice, for Visual Studio 2008 I found that after making all global changes to any file being renamed from within VS, including right clicking the file and renaming it, as well as a global search and replace for all strings, replacing the old file name with the new file name, you must, if the file is the initial startup file, right click and select it as "set as default page". Otherwise you'll may well get the "The resource cannot be found." error on runtime.

How to I tell VisualSVN to do a replace instead of a merge?

We're finding ourselves unable to open our project in Visual Studio because SVN is adding lines like
"<<<<<<< .mine"
to our .csproj files.
This is apparently something SVN inserts when it has trouble merging files, but we're not interested in merging things as two people can never have the same file checked out.
How do we set Visual SVN to Replace instead of Merge?
Thanks for any help.
It's doing that because SVN tries to preserve whatever changes you've made to your local working copy. Thats a pretty important aspect to the SVN method of version control so I don't know, and doubt, if its possible to do that. I do know you can tell svn to ignore files, but their changes then won't be committed to the repository, nor updated from the repository.
If its a problem, delete the csproj file, then when you update it will redownload the proper version. Do that whenever theres a problem. If it happens quite a bit, then one of the developers is messing with the file.
Past projects I've worked on had a dozen engineers working on the same projects, and we never had constant merge problems with the .csproj files.
What do you mean by "two people can never have the same file checked out"? I think you are misunderstanding how Subversion works - checkout is not an exclusive lock on a file.
Visual SVN uses Tortoise on the backend I believe. when you are in a conflicted situation (i.e. SVN cannot merge the two versions cleanly) you should have the option you should get a pop up where you have the option to either "Use Local" or "Use Repository". If you choose "Resolve Later" you'll get what you are describing.

Perforce integration with visual studio without project files being checked in to perforce

I am working on a large source base (approx 15K files) decomposed into about 25 projects. I want to keep the source in perforce (and am evaluating perforce to that end) but due to complications in the setup it isn't possible for me to keep the visual studio projects in source control, I know in theory the answer to this is to check the projects in, but that isn't feasible (we would end up with projects for several versions of VS checked in, and additionally several variants of each of these, instead they are generated automatically and this setup works very well).
Is there a way to get VS to checkout files for editing as it goes without adding the project to perforce, to avoid the user having to go to the perforce client and manually check out each file for editing as they go? Alternatively (and even better) is there a way to get VS to recognise that the files in a project are under source control, without having to add the project to source control also?
I know we could also take the tack of having every user check out for editing all files they might potentially want to edit ahead of time, then revert unmodified files before submitting their changes, is there a performance penalty in perforce in taking this approach?
In your case, I'd suggest not using the visual studio integration for Perforce.
You can either add Perforce commands to the Tools Menu, or try Nifty Perforce from Google:
One option is to use Perforce as if you were disconnected from the server and reconcile your changes later, rather than telling Perforce everything you do before you do it. (This is roughly equivalent to the workflow in CVS or Subversion.) You would synchronize your working copy, go off and develop, and then ask Perforce to figure out what you did while it wasn't watching.
Perforce has a nice document describing the process: Working Disconnected From The Perforce Server
One thing the document doesn't mention is the allwrite clientspec attribute, which marks all files in your working directory as writable instead of only the files you have checked out.
For the sake of completeness: There is a new tool for your wish called P4VS. I like it better that P4SCC which never worked for me as I wanted.
