How to check the current shell and change it to bash via script? - bash

if [ ! -f readexportfile ]; then
echo "readexportfile does not exist"
exit 0
The above is part of my script. When the current shell is /bin/csh my script fails with the following error:
If: Expression Syntax
Then: Command not found
If I run bash and then run my script, it runs fine(as expected).
So the question is: If there is any way that myscript can change the current shell and then interpretate rest of the code.
PS: If i keep bash in my script, it changes the current shell and rest of the code in script doesn't get executed.

The other replies are correct, however, to answer your question, this should do the trick:
[[ $(basename $SHELL) = 'bash' ]] || exec /bin/bash
The exec builtin replaces the current shell with the given command (in this case, /bin/bash).

You can use SHEBANG(#!) to overcome your issue.
In your code you are already using she-bang but make sure it is first and foremost line.
$ cat
if [ ! -f readexportfile ]; then
echo "readexportfile does not exist"
exit 0
echo "No File"
$ ./
readexportfile does not exist
$ echo $SHELL
In the above code even though I am using CSH that code executed as we mentioned shebang in the code. In case if there is no shebang then it will take the help of shell in which you are already logged in.
In you case you also check the location of bash interpreter using
$ which bash
$ cat /etc/shells |grep bash


nesting if in a for loop for aws cli commands [duplicate]

I am trying to compare strings in bash. I already found an answer on how to do it on stackoverflow. In script I am trying, I am using the code submitted by Adam in the mentioned question:
string='My string';
if [[ "$string" == *My* ]]
echo "It's there!";
needle='y s'
if [[ "$string" == *"$needle"* ]]; then
echo "haystack '$string' contains needle '$needle'"
I also tried approach from ubuntuforums that you can find in 2nd post
if [[ $var =~ regexp ]]; then
#do something
In both cases I receive error:
[[: not found
What am I doing wrong?
[[ is a bash-builtin. Your /bin/bash doesn't seem to be an actual bash.
From a comment:
Add #!/bin/bash at the top of file
How you are running your script?
If you did with
$ sh myscript
you should try:
$ bash myscript
or, if the script is executable:
$ ./myscript
sh and bash are two different shells. While in the first case you are passing your script as an argument to the sh interpreter, in the second case you decide on the very first line which interpreter will be used.
Is the first line in your script:
the sh shell produces this error messages, not bash
As #Ansgar mentioned, [[ is a bashism, ie built into Bash and not available for other shells. If you want your script to be portable, use [. Comparisons will also need a different syntax: change == to =.
if [ $MYVAR = "myvalue" ]; then
echo "true"
echo "false"
I had this problem when installing Heroku Toolbelt
This is how I solved the problem
$ ls -l /bin/sh
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 ago 15 2012 /bin/sh -> dash
As you can see, /bin/sh is a link to "dash" (not bash), and [[ is bash syntactic sugarness. So I just replaced the link to /bin/bash. Careful using rm like this in your system!
$ sudo rm /bin/sh
$ sudo ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh
If you know you're on bash, and still get this error, make sure you write the if with spaces.
[[1==1]] # This outputs error
[[ 1==1 ]] # OK
Specify bash instead of sh when running the script. I personally noticed they are different under ubuntu 12.10:
bash arg0 ... argn
Execute in your terminal:
sudo update-alternatives --install /bin/sh sh /bin/bash 100
Make the file executable and then execute without sh.
make it executable by $ chmod +x filename
then instead of sh filename use ./filename

Definitively determine if currently running shell is bash or zsh

How can I definitively determine if the currently running shell is bash or zsh?
(being able to disambiguate between additional shells is a bonus, but only bash & zsh are 100% necessary)
I've seen a few ways to supposedly do this, but they all have problems (see below).
The best I can think of is to run some syntax that will work on one and not the other, and to then check the errors / outputs to see which shell is running. If this is the best solution, what command would be best for this test?
The simplest solution would be if every shell included a read-only parameter of the same name that identified the shell. If this exists, however, I haven't heard of it.
Non-definitive ways to determine the currently running shell:
# default shell, not current shell
basename "${SHELL}"
# current script rather than current shell
basename "${0}"
# BASH_VERSINFO could be defined in any shell, including zsh
if [ -z "${BASH_VERSINFO+x}" ]; then
echo 'zsh'
echo 'bash'
# executable could have been renamed; ps isn't a builtin
shell_name="$(ps -o comm= -p $$)"
echo "${shell_name##*[[:cntrl:][:punct:][:space:]]}"
# scripts can be sourced / run by any shell regardless of shebang
# shebang parsing
On $ prompt, run:
echo $0
but you can't use $0 within a script, as $0 will become the script's name itself.
To find the current shell (let's say BASH) if shebang / magic number executable was #!/bin/bash within a script:
echo "Script is: $0 running using $$ PID"
echo "Current shell used within the script is: `readlink /proc/$$/exe`"
script_shell="$(readlink /proc/$$/exe | sed "s/.*\///")"
echo -e "\nSHELL is = ${script_shell}\n"
if [[ "${script_shell}" == "bash" ]]
echo -e "\nI'm BASH\n"
Script is: /tmp/ running using 9808 PID
Current shell used within the script is: /usr/bin/bash
SHELL is = bash
This will work, if shebang was: #!/bin/zsh (as well).
Then, you'll get the output for SHELL:
SHELL is = zsh
While there is no 100% foolproof way to achieve it, it might help to do a
Both are shell variables (not environment variables), which are set by the respective shell. In the respective other shell, they are empty.
Of course, if someone on purpose creates a variable of this name, or exports such a variable and then creates a subshell of the different kind, i.e.
# We are in bash here
zsh # the subshell will see BASH_VERSION even though it is zsh
this approach will fail; but I think if someone is really doing such a thing, he wants to sabotage your code on purpose.
This should work for most Linux systems:
cat /proc/$$/comm
Quick and easy.
Working from comments by #ruakh & #oguzismail, I think I have a solution.
\shopt -u lastpipe 2> /dev/null
shell_name='bash'; : | shell_name='zsh'

Saving the result of an echo command in a shell script?

I am attempting to store the result of an echo command as a variable to be used in a shell script. Debian 4.19.0-6-amd64
The command works in terminal: echo $HOSTNAME returns debian-base, the correct hostname.
I attempt to run it in a shell script, such as:
I have tried expansion:
And just to cover some more bases, I tried things like:
# or
# also, in case a problem with reserved names:
Works great in the terminal! Output is as follows:
root#debian-base:/scripts# echo $HOSTNAME
root#debian-base:/scripts# TEST_HOSTNAME=$HOSTNAME
root#debian-base:/scripts# echo $TEST_HOSTNAME
root#debian-base:/scripts# TEST_TWO_HOSTNAME=$(echo $HOSTNAME)
root#debian-base:/scripts# echo $TEST_TWO_HOSTNAME
As soon as I run the script (as above):
root#debian-base:/scripts# sh
What am I doing wrong?
You are using bash as your terminal. Bash has the variable $HOSTNAME set. You run your script with sh. sh does not have a $HOSTNAME.
Or run it as a program:
chmod +x
But I think you need to change your first line to:
As I don't think bash is installed in /usr/bin in most cases. But you need to try. To figure out where bash is installed use which bash
Another option is to use the hostname binary:
Which works in both bash and sh.
You can start sh by just running sh. You will see it has a bash-like terminal. You can try to do echo $HOSTNAME. It will not show, because it's not there. You can use set to see all the variables that are there (as sh does not have tab completion it's harder to figure out).

Reliable way to require only bash shell in script

I wonder if there are any reliable methods (cross-shell compatible) to require bash as shell interpreter for my script.
For example, I have shell script that can be run only with bash interpreter. Despite of #!/usr/bin/bash at the beginning of my script some smart user/hacker can run it directly with another shell: $ csh
This can lead to unwanted consequences.
I already thought about testing echo $0 output and exiting with error code but syntax for if statements (as long as for another conditional statements) is different among various shell interpreters. Testing directly for $BASH_VERSION variable is unreliable due to the same limitations.
Are there any cross-shell compatible and reliable way to determine current interpreter?
Thank you!
EDIT: as for now I have the following basic check for compatibility:
### error codes
# perform some checks
if [ -z "$BASH_VERSION" ]
echo -e "ERROR: this script support only BASH interpreter! Exiting" >&2
if [[ "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" -lt 4 ]]
echo -e "ERROR: this script needs BASH 4.0 or greater! Your current version is $BASH_VERSION. Exiting" >&2
exit $E_OLD_BASH
Not entirely sure I understand the scope of the question.
A #! /usr/bin/env bash shebang will fail if there's no bash, but to keep it from being explicitly parsed by another shell, um...
How about -
case "$BASH_VERSION" in
4.*) : bash version 4+ so ok ;;
*) echo "please run only with bash v4+. Aborting."
exit 1 ;;
If the syntax works, it is either right or hacked.
If it crashes, you're good. :)
you could check for the parent process id, command respectively
pstree -p $$ | grep -m 1 -oE '^[^\(]+'
ps $(ps -o ppid=$$)

Getting exit code of last shell command in another script

I am trying to beef up my notify script. The way the script works is that I put it behind a long running shell command and then all sorts of notifications get invoked after the long running script finished.
For example:
sleep 100; my_notify
It would be nice to get the exit code of the long running script. The problem is that calling my_notify creates a new process that does not have access to the $? variable.
~ $: ls nonexisting_file; echo "exit code: $?"; echo "PPID: $PPID"
ls: nonexisting_file: No such file or directory
exit code: 1
PPID: 6203
~ $: ls nonexisting_file; my_notify
ls: nonexisting_file: No such file or directory
exit code: 0
PPID: 6205
The my_notify script has the following in it:
echo "exit code: $?"
echo "PPID: $PPID"
I am looking for a way to get the exit code of the previous command without changing the structure of the command too much. I am aware of the fact that if I change it to work more like time, e.g. my_notify longrunning_command... my problem would be solved, but I actually like that I can tack it at the end of a command and I fear complications of this second solution.
Can this be done or is it fundamentally incompatible with the way that shells work?
My shell is Z shell (zsh), but I would like it to work with Bash as well.
You'd really need to use a shell function in order to accomplish that. For a simple script like that it should be pretty easy to have it working in both zsh and bash. Just place the following in a file:
my_notify() {
echo "exit code: $?"
echo "PPID: $PPID"
Then source that file from your shell startup files. Although since that would be run from within your interactive shell, you may want to use $$ rather than $PPID.
It is incompatible. $? only exists within the current shell; if you want it available in subprocesses then you must copy it to an environment variable.
The alternative is to write a shell function that uses it in some way instead.
One method to implement this could be to use EOF tag and a master script which will create your my_notify script.
if [ -f my_notify ] ; then
rm -rf my_notify
if [ -f my_temp ] ; then
rm -rf my_temp
retval=`ls non_existent_file &> /dev/null ; echo $?`
echo "retval=$retval"
echo "ppid=$ppid"
cat >> my_notify << 'EOF'
echo "exit code: $retval"
echo " PPID =$ppid"
sh my_notify
You can refine this script for your purpose.
