Old KendoUI Web - Grid and Upload widgets - kendo-ui

There is an older version of the free KendoUI WEB that we are using on one of our application since 2011 I think, and that have been discontinued by the Telerik team.
This version contains Grid and Upload widgets, which are not available any more in the current version of free KendoUI (KendoUI Core).
Would update to the last version, mean that we would need to rework Grid and Upload using another framework? I did not find any topic on their website regarding this. Anyone has faced this problem ? Maybe someone here face this...
If so, can anyone recommend similar free framework for the Grid and Upload features ?

Yes you are correct. If you update to the latest version, you will no longer be able to use Grid and Upload for free under the GPLv3 license, and you will have to rework the Grid and Upload controls with another framework (unfortunately).
As far as I know, you are also not allowed to use Kendo UI core (Apache License, version 2.0) simultaneously with an older version of Kendo UI Web to take advantage of the missing controls/widgets, as that would imply a dual license.
The following snippet is from an email I received from Telerik:
What does this mean for the license holders of Kendo UI Web GPLv3?
Previous Kendo UI products — Web GPLv3, Web, DataViz, Mobile and Complete—have been streamlined into two licenses: open source Kendo UI Core and the commercial Kendo UI Professional.
To continue developing with Kendo UI you can:
Download Kendo UI Core and get access to new widgets previously not available open source
Upgrade to Kendo UI Professional and get access to all HTML5 widgets, plus dedicated technical support by the same developers who build the product
Or you can stay with the GPL v3 license, but know that there won’t be new product updates.
This outlines your options pretty clearly:
payup (Kendo UI Pro)
workaround (Kendo UI Core + replacement framework)
stay as it is but no longer receive new versions (Kendo UI Web)
As far as replacement frameworks go, I can only speak for the grid control as I don't use the upload control, but I would suggest taking a look at jQWidgets. Their grid is pretty well developed and has similar functionality to kendo grid. You can use it for free if you are using their controls for a non-profit project, otherwise it is NOT free.


Kendo spreadsheet browser compatibility

Does kendo spreadsheet supported in IE9? cause when I import excel into it, it's not working. If it is not supported in IE9, is there any workaround that I can do to load the excel in the spreadsheet?
The spreadsheet requires IE9 or latest as announced in Telerik website.
"The Spreadsheet supports Internet Explorer 9 and later versions. The widget is primarily targeted at desktop users and, therefore, its performance and functionalities on mobile devices are limited."
By my knowledge you may experience some issues regarding the styling in IE9. Better if you have the change to target above IE9

UWP how to export RadGridView`s content

I've been working recently with Telerik UI for UWP on a personal app with a RadDataGrid component, but I can not find a method of exporting data to Excel format. Is this implemented the extension methods or the fuctionality was dropped? Could you please guide me about it? Thank you so much!
Currently, the UWP DataGrid doesn't have built-in exporting. We do have it logged in the Feedback Portal, you can add your "upvote" by clicking the Like button.
If you are using the open source version of UI for UWP (i.e. the nuget packages vs the Extensions SDK), StackOverflow is the correct place to ask questions.
If you have a licensed version (trial or paid), then you can submit a support ticket here (directly from the engineering team).
See here for the official support options.

Using JQuery mobile to create apps

I have tried to create simple apps for android. For this I used Eclipse.
I want to find out what there is out there (Good frameworks) for building platform independent apps. I fell over JQuery Mobile and PhoneGap/Apache Cordova (and some other frameworks).
What I was not able to find out, is what editor are used with JQuery Mobile. Am I wrong thinking that anything can be used, since it is just Javascript and css3? Can one use Visual studio for this?
I also read that JQuery mobile can be used with PhoneGap, with out further explanation. What does this mean exactly? Why would you use JQuery with PhoneGap, instead of using pure phoneGaP?
So to recap the questions
Can JQuery mobile be used with Visual Studio? If not, what editors do you suggest?
What does it mean that JQuery mobile can be used with PhoneGaP? I thought these 2 were separate frameworks?
1.Can JQuery mobile be used with Visual Studio? If not, what editors do you suggest?
You can use any UI framework ( Jquery Mobile, Sencha touch, Dojo toolit, Kendo UI, Ionic, ..etc) as all the frameworks are based on Javascript, HTML5 and CSS3.
As such you can choose any editors which you are comfortable with.
Some popular editors to name a few WebStorm, Sublime Text, Eclipse, Visual Studio.
2. What does it mean that JQuery mobile can be used with PhoneGaP? I thought these 2 were separate frameworks?
JQuery is a HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript framework.
PhoneGap is a Webview Framework.
PHoneGap allows you to use ANY HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript framework ( UI frameworks mentioned above) OR you could just use plain HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript without ANY framework to build apps and then wrap it in PhoneGap.
Using PhoneGap you can have access to DEVICE APIs (like Device contact list, Acceloremeter, Camera etc), which otherwise would not have been possible using only HTML5, CSS and JS.

How to make asp.net mvc3 have split template for desktop version and mobile version like mvc 4

I currently developing a website with my team http://www.peoplehope.com using asp.net mvc3, and I want to developing the mobile version for this website. Do I need to make another website to handle the mobile version or I can tweak the desktop code to handle the mobile version.
I have already looking to upgrade it to mvc4 that have this functionality, but I have limited time to develop it, and I affraid if i migrate to mvc 4, my desktop version become broken.
Any suggestion or reference to do this kind of split in mvc3??
If you want just use another Layout you can switch them in your _ViewStart file
if (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice){
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_LayoutMobile.vbhtml";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.vbhtml";
If you want change the entire site so, just detect the mobile site the same way and redirect to initial controller of mobile site
to a better answer please, tell us how far you want go, this can be so easy or become more complicated than you think, all depends how far you want go
If you don't want to upgrade to MVC4 and would like to still get advantage of using .Mobile extensions here is a nice approach on how you can use .Mobile views for mobile devices
This way you will have more control on your views

JQuery mobile vs Phone Gap

I want to convert an existing website for mobile version, what will be the best choice for me.
Using JQuery Mobile on asp.net webform or asp.net mvc
Create application on phonegap for the targeted mobiles
Any Other ?
You would need to provide a lot more information about your goals and your background to answer the best solution for you.
However, I can clarify your title: PhoneGap is a complementary solution to jQuery Mobile. They provide different capabilities and work together. You can use one or both of them. Here's a picture.
PhoneGap does two major functions:
Converts JavaScript/HTML/CSS assets to a native app
Provides a set of JavaScript APIs that map to device capabilities, not otherwise accessible to a web app, like Contacts, Accelerometer, Telephony, GPS, etc
jQuery Mobile is a cross-platform user interface system. It is an extension to jQuery that provides a set of UI libraries specialized for mobile device programming including small screens and touch and swipe events.
