Kendo spreadsheet browser compatibility - kendo-ui

Does kendo spreadsheet supported in IE9? cause when I import excel into it, it's not working. If it is not supported in IE9, is there any workaround that I can do to load the excel in the spreadsheet?

The spreadsheet requires IE9 or latest as announced in Telerik website.
"The Spreadsheet supports Internet Explorer 9 and later versions. The widget is primarily targeted at desktop users and, therefore, its performance and functionalities on mobile devices are limited."
By my knowledge you may experience some issues regarding the styling in IE9. Better if you have the change to target above IE9


flexbox not working in safari 5.1 windows

I am new to CSS, Flexbox and Frontend development. I wanted to build a site with Flexbox, CSS3 and HTML5. (No Frameworks)
Safari 5.1 for Windows does not work with Flexbox .
I played with Chris Coyier's "Old and New Browser Comparability" solution and it worked but seems limited.
My questions are:
Do I have to build a second stylesheet specifically for Safari?
How do I integrate styling without messing up the "Coyier" Structure CSS in my Safari stylesheet?
How can I get the Safari browser to ignore the stylesheet created for other browsers?
Can you suggest reading, site examples or what you did to address this problem?
Thank you so much.
Safari for Windows was available from 2007 to 2012 before it was discontinued. As it hasn't been updated in five years, it doesn't support many modern web standards - and as such, virtually nobody is using it. You shouldn't need to test against it for compatibility.
More information:

Mozilla based web browser control for VB6

In my VB6 application I am using web-browser control(Microsoft internet control). I want to use Mozilla based web browser control instead of Microsoft internet control. I found several links about gecko control.It also had many references in Mozilla website and developed by Mozilla. But is it only available for .net , not for vb6? Then I found Mozilla ActiveX Control. It seems to work, but I want to know is it same as gecko and can be used in my application? Is there any disadvantage in using it?
I think the best you could hope for is that Mozilla has an API you can access from VB6.
That'll be a lot harder to use if you want to embed a browser in your app.

Old KendoUI Web - Grid and Upload widgets

There is an older version of the free KendoUI WEB that we are using on one of our application since 2011 I think, and that have been discontinued by the Telerik team.
This version contains Grid and Upload widgets, which are not available any more in the current version of free KendoUI (KendoUI Core).
Would update to the last version, mean that we would need to rework Grid and Upload using another framework? I did not find any topic on their website regarding this. Anyone has faced this problem ? Maybe someone here face this...
If so, can anyone recommend similar free framework for the Grid and Upload features ?
Yes you are correct. If you update to the latest version, you will no longer be able to use Grid and Upload for free under the GPLv3 license, and you will have to rework the Grid and Upload controls with another framework (unfortunately).
As far as I know, you are also not allowed to use Kendo UI core (Apache License, version 2.0) simultaneously with an older version of Kendo UI Web to take advantage of the missing controls/widgets, as that would imply a dual license.
The following snippet is from an email I received from Telerik:
What does this mean for the license holders of Kendo UI Web GPLv3?
Previous Kendo UI products — Web GPLv3, Web, DataViz, Mobile and Complete—have been streamlined into two licenses: open source Kendo UI Core and the commercial Kendo UI Professional.
To continue developing with Kendo UI you can:
Download Kendo UI Core and get access to new widgets previously not available open source
Upgrade to Kendo UI Professional and get access to all HTML5 widgets, plus dedicated technical support by the same developers who build the product
Or you can stay with the GPL v3 license, but know that there won’t be new product updates.
This outlines your options pretty clearly:
payup (Kendo UI Pro)
workaround (Kendo UI Core + replacement framework)
stay as it is but no longer receive new versions (Kendo UI Web)
As far as replacement frameworks go, I can only speak for the grid control as I don't use the upload control, but I would suggest taking a look at jQWidgets. Their grid is pretty well developed and has similar functionality to kendo grid. You can use it for free if you are using their controls for a non-profit project, otherwise it is NOT free.

Scripting disabled in WebBrowser control?

I have a VB6 application using the WebBrowser control. It displays HTML pages from a local folder (using file:// URI scheme). Some of those pages contain embedded JavaScript code.
It all works well for the vast majority of users, but occasionally we get reports from people who have problems with everything JavaScript-related in the pages. Basically, it looks like they have scripting disabled inside the WebBrowser control.
The problem is: I cannot even reproduce the problem. I was trying to fiddle with various settings in IE security (IE8 on Win XP Pro SP3), disabling various scripting-related options for different zones (which zone includes local file system, by the way?), - I'm always having JavaScript running well in my tests.
Does anybody have any idea of what may be going wrong?
I think I know why this is happening, it's because the IE version the WebBrowser control renders under is IE 7.0 in most, and if they are using a browser older than IE 7, it will render under IE 4.0 (seriously). They do this for backwards compatibility. So if some of your users have IE 6, their default IE rendering engine will be IE 4.0. Of course, since you are probably using IE 9, yors would be IE 7 engine.
You can change the engine, if this is what you want to do, to the current engine (ie: to the current version of internet explorer installed on the users system).
Also, I'd like you to go to on your IE browser, and then through the hosted WebBrowser control; you'll see the difference.
Also, ask your problemed users to go to through their hosted WebBrowser control if they can, and note the results, if they are running pre-IE-7 then most likely their hosted webbrowser control will show IE 4.0. This is almost certainly the reason for your problem.

How to run the Google Gears extension on Firefox 4?

I am running Firefox 4 beta for testing, and unfortunately Google hasn't updated their Gears extension for Firefox 4. At this point, it even seems that Google might not update Gears for Firefox 4. Do you guys know of any trick to get Gears to run on Firefox 4?
(For reference, here is where you can download the OS X XPI for Gears.)
Google have explicitly deprecated Gears; they no longer support it (as of about a year ago!).
They have switched to focus on HTML5 and other related new browser features. In effect they're saying that all the functionality provided by Gears can be done using HTML5.
Here's a link to an article about them dropping it (but there's plenty of others if you google for it):
The down-side is that not all browsers do support all the HTML5 features that are needed to replicate the Gears functionality, so by deprecating it they've cut off support for some browsers. Chrome is fine, of course! But the other browsers are catching up - certainly Firefox 4 should be fine.
A lot of the functionality provided by google-gears is becoming part of html5 - firefox has implemented local storage since 3.5.
Modernizr provides api detection - but not abstraction - I imagine there may be some out there on the internet (Google Gears / HTML5 has only recently appeared on my radar). So far I've not found any way for an html5 app to create a desktop shortcut though.
See also:
