Gradle using terminal with Android Studio install on Ubuntu 12.04 - gradle

Can not get the terminal commands to work with gradle. I am trying to get Gradle to work outside of Android Studio as a prelude to scripting up various flavors of my app. I got the flavors to build within Android Studio but I find the interface confusing.
Gradle was installed either with ADT or Android Studio at: /home/mark/.gradle
Would like to use the install of Gradle at /home/mark/.gradle. Would like to avoid the Gradle in the repo since Android Studio updates frequently and their a possibility that I could wind up with two different versions of Gradle that could cause more headaches.
So far I have tried setting the PATH various ways in .bashrc bash.bashrc environment
files. Nothing worked.
Not sure if I put the wrong terms/commands in those files or the files are wrong ones. Tried the gradle term with and with out the dot as well. I would appreciate explicit instructions on terms/commands and in what files.

The gradle executable is usually installed here (when installed by by android-studio):
So be sure that your PATH variable include this path.
Alternativelly, you can download the gradle distribution, unzipping it in a more convenient location and use that location in your PATH.
Wathever your choice is (i.e. using the gradle installed by Android-Studio or download and install a distribution of gradle yourself) : you have to take care to maintain your PATH variable up-to-date when you install a newer version of Android-Studio.


Gradle WSL: unknown property from buildSrc

I have a project with a buildSrc that has a package (eg abc).
I use that package in my other project build.gradle files (eg abc.test()). Given that it's under buildSrc, it is imported automatically, and it's been working on my macbook.
I am now trying to do the same thing with windows + WSL.
My current setup involves having java and gradle installed in windows (and working via Android Studio), while also having java and gradle installed in WSL. The short story is that WSL's gradle kept complaining about bad java_home paths when they were shared, so I installed everything as if it were pure linux.
When trying to run gradle build, the command now complains:
> Could not get unknown property 'abc' for object of type org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.dependencies.DefaultDependencyHandler.
Is there a way around this? Is there a better workaround to running gradle tasks from WSL? I'm using this in a pre-commit, so I'm even open to having it run the command "through windows" if it helps. As of now, I suspect it's a pathing issue, because build commands work fine in the IDE.

TeamCity unmet requirement: MSBuildTools12.0_x86_Path exists (Mac only)

I've seen this question asked but never specifically for Mac. My company is using TeamCity on a Mac Mini to do our iOS and android builds. We would use windows but, iOS builds require a Mac with Xcode. I have not been able to satisfy this condition. I can see that there are multiple versions of MSBuild (and Xbuild) already on my machine. Here is what I tried:
set an environment variable for MSBuildTools12.0_x86_Path using launchctl setenv (tried the bin directory of every instance of MSBuild existing on my machine), rebooted before checking TC
setting env.MSBuildTools12.0_x86_Path entry in
setting system.MSBuildTools12.0_x86_Path entry in
logging into TeamCity, going to my build configuration, going to the "parameters" tab and adding a new parameter for env.MSBuildTools12.0_x86_Path
After all of the above failed to satisfy the condition, I tried grabbing version 12 of MSBuild from a Windows machine, copying it to my Mac and pointing to its "Bin" directory instead, and repeating all bullets above.
The path was /Users/myusername/MSBuild/12.0/Bin. This bin directory contains MSBuild.exe, an MSBuild folder, a bunch of DLLs and more.
Again, this failed to change the outcome of the unmet condition in TeamCity. The frustrating thing is that TeamCity isn't giving me details. I don't know if it's still complaining that the path isn't even set (and where it is even looking for that path definition), or if it SEES that the path is set but it's not pointing to a folder it recognizes as MSBuild. I'm completely in the dark.
Does anyone have any guidance for me on this? I feel I've exhausted all paths to a solution. Thank you so much, in advance.
I figured it out on my own. On the Mac, you have to do an "MSBuild" runner type and pick "Mono xbuild 4.5" for the version. I used "x86" for the run platform and set a parameter for Mono4.5_x86 to point to xbuild. But it was trying to run the 64 bit version of mono and I found no way to set a command line argument for mono to tell it I want --arch=32 so I ended up having to link the mono executable to mono-sgen32 to get the build to finally work.

How can I install older version (0.13.x) sbt on my MAC?

I need sbt version 0.13.x for a course in Scala and I am having difficulties installing it. I tried with the brew install sbt#0.13 command, but when I then check with sbt about it gives a message No such file or directory. 
However, if I again try and do brew install sbt#0.13, it gives Warning: sbt#0.13 0.13.16 is already installed, although sbt about does not find anything.
In addition to that, I tried installing the latest version of sbt with brew install sbt and then manually changing the version each of my projects is using by entering sbt.version=0.13.12 in a given file. This seemed to work initially, when I check with the terminal the version of sbt inside the project. However, I am still not able to import already existing projects.
Finally, I downloaded the version from but then I need to do some corrections to my PATH from what I've read online and I am not sure what that means.
So, I would be grateful if someone could help me with the installation of an older version.
The way sbt works is that it will look in project/ for the sbt version to use to build your project. So the way you described - installing the latest sbt and set the version you want to use for the build in project/ - should work just fine.
not able to import already existing projects
these existing projects also should have project/ indicating the sbt version.
Note that even with installing 0.13.12 locally, when building your project sbt will still use the version specified in project/, it will just download it as necessary.
If you absolutely want to run a specific version from the command line, as you already discovered, you can download it. Regarding updating your PATH - PATH is an environment variable that tells your command line where to look for executable files. It's a list of directories, so if you unpacked the downloaded file in say "$HOME/tools", you have so say something like export PATH=$HOME/tools/sbt/bin:$PATH. See for a more detailed description.

Error while importing projects

While importing projects into eclipse i have this error:
Cannot find System Java Compiler. Ensure that you have installed a JDK (not just a JRE) and configured your JAVA_HOME system variable to point to the according directory. Could not execute build using Gradle distribution ''.
As I have checked i need to set JAVA_HOME (i have the JDK on my computer), but i dont have a clue how to do that.
I had lots of similar problems and I think that the best solution is to specify JDK location manually. In order to do it:
Add two files to project root folder Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_03
and Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_03
You should change value to JDK path in your system. If you will have the same problem with android SDK add sdk.dir=/Users/alonzilberman/Android/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20130917/sdk to your
After adding files refresh gradle build.
I got the same message while trying to build a project in Android Studio.
After hours of research, trying different versions of JDK (from 8 to 6) I found this answer that fixed my problem:
The reason was that the AUSKey package installed a tools.jar in /Library/Java/Extensions directory that derailed Gradle looking for the compiler. Removing that file fixed the problem and I can now build in Android Studio.
Create a new system variable called JAVA_HOME and add
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25
It's because your environment variable isn't pointing to your jdk folder. Don't point it to your bin folder.

Using Android NDK on Windows without Cygwin?

Does anyone know if it's possible to use the NDK from Eclipse without having Cygwin installed? If not, what do I need to do in the Eclipse IDE to call the ndk-build executable from within Cygwin?
I ask because I get all kinds of 'invalid directory' messages when I try to compile sample NDK apps, owing to spaces in the directory paths.
There is a project on googlecode called vs-android that lets you build from visual studio, without cygwin.
I recently downloaded the lastest version of the ndk for windows and noticed that it includes a ndk-build.cmd that seems to let you build from windows cli. I need to give that a spin.
edit : it worked for me :)
