How can I install older version (0.13.x) sbt on my MAC? - macos

I need sbt version 0.13.x for a course in Scala and I am having difficulties installing it. I tried with the brew install sbt#0.13 command, but when I then check with sbt about it gives a message No such file or directory. 
However, if I again try and do brew install sbt#0.13, it gives Warning: sbt#0.13 0.13.16 is already installed, although sbt about does not find anything.
In addition to that, I tried installing the latest version of sbt with brew install sbt and then manually changing the version each of my projects is using by entering sbt.version=0.13.12 in a given file. This seemed to work initially, when I check with the terminal the version of sbt inside the project. However, I am still not able to import already existing projects.
Finally, I downloaded the version from but then I need to do some corrections to my PATH from what I've read online and I am not sure what that means.
So, I would be grateful if someone could help me with the installation of an older version.

The way sbt works is that it will look in project/ for the sbt version to use to build your project. So the way you described - installing the latest sbt and set the version you want to use for the build in project/ - should work just fine.
not able to import already existing projects
these existing projects also should have project/ indicating the sbt version.
Note that even with installing 0.13.12 locally, when building your project sbt will still use the version specified in project/, it will just download it as necessary.
If you absolutely want to run a specific version from the command line, as you already discovered, you can download it. Regarding updating your PATH - PATH is an environment variable that tells your command line where to look for executable files. It's a list of directories, so if you unpacked the downloaded file in say "$HOME/tools", you have so say something like export PATH=$HOME/tools/sbt/bin:$PATH. See for a more detailed description.


Installing two different yt versions in two different directories

I am using yt 3.1 on a cluster and the current version is installed in a directory /work/../../sw/yt-3.1/yt-x86_64/bin/yt , now I would like to try the new version 3.3.1 but I still want to use the older version in parallel to compare. Please let me know what is the procedure to get a different version in a different directory.
Just run the latest version of the install script in a folder like /work/../../sw/yt-3.3. The install script creates an isolated environment that is entirely contained in the installation folder.
Keep in mind that the install script was updated for yt 3.3 to build a conda environment by default. This makes the install script run much more quickly and is also more robust on most machines, particularly ones with old or nonexistent OpenSSL installs. If you want to make the install script build everything from source like it did for yt 3.1, set INST_YT_SOURCE=1 and INST_CONDA=0 in the install script.

sdk is not pulling down gradle

I'm looking to develop an application using gradle, groovy, maven other other products supported by sdkman. I'm using cygwin on a windows 10 machine. All seems good and updates most software packages that are needed. When I get to the point of installing gradle, sdk simply can't download ANY version of gradle. Is this a bug or am I missing something. Here's what I'm getting from my cygwin console.
Admin#Dale-PC ~
$ sdk install gradle
Downloading: gradle 2.14.1
In progress...
######################################################################## 100.0%
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of /home/Admin/.sdkman/archives/ or
/home/Admin/.sdkman/archives/, and cannot find /home/Admin/.sdkman/archives/, period.
Stop! The archive was corrupt and has been removed! Please try installing again.
Admin#Dale-PC ~
It seems as though sdk thinks it knows where it is however when it goes to pull it down, it doesn't pull down. Then sdk goes to unpack it and it can't find it. Any advice would be appreciated. Btw, I'm not going through a proxy and everything else seems to install just fine. It is just gradle that has the issue. Also, why is it trying to pull down an old version of gradle (2.14.1)?
I've downloaded the v2.14.1-all version, renamed the file to be and placed it in the /home/Admin/.sdkman/archives/ directory and then did the install for gradle again. This time it found it and installed it as though it had downloaded the correct version. It's a solution for now.
v2.14.1 is the newest version of gradle. See here and here (3 is currently in beta-ish)
The filename seems erroneous. Possibly a defect in sdkman. Unsure if it was you who reported this on github, but:

trouble installing capybara-webkit on Windows8

I am following the tutorial:
and get stuck at step 11, where I get an error saying Command 'qmake -spec win32-g++ CONFIG+=test' not avalable.
I have no idea how to solve this, and I did add Qt/4.8.6/bin in the path.
I just spent a while getting this to work. I found that the QT environment/system variables were not set up correctly when QT installed. Short version: I found a problem with my Qt install: although it was in my path and qmake would run (I could do qmake -v and get output), that wasn't enough. The variables that Qt uses for paths (e.g. QT_INSTALL_HEADERS, etc.) were not correct. I had to run the Qt configuration program configure.exe. That correctly set all of the Qt variables and all was fixed.
I figured that it must be some kind of issue on my end, since I saw that others have installed it successfully. I went through each of the components required to verify the installation and setup -- and found the problem. I've been able to compile gems just fine using just DevKit, so suspected that it had something to do with Qt. (and it did) Here's what I did to check and verify each component:
DevKit: made sure it was installed in the ruby versions needed, and
verified that it worked:
checked '/devkit/config.yml' to make sure it listed each of different installed ruby versions, and then
re-ran the DevKit install script (ruby dk.rb install) to be sure that DevKit had installed the right files into each of those ruby versions.
I verified that DevKit was working using the recommendation on the DevKit page []: I installed the json gem. It was able to build the native version so that verified that DevKit was installed and working properly.
Qt: I downloaded the Qt files (I used 4.8.5; glad to know I can upgrade). I ran the .exe file downloaded to install them.
made sure that Qt directories were in my path (see the list below).
made sure that the environment variable QMAKESPEC was defined:QMAKESPEC=win32-g++
made the edits to the qmake.conf file (the 'Frommel workaround') as described on
ran qmake -version to verify that qmake would run and to verify the version
ran qmake -query to verify the set-up for Qt. This is where I saw the problem with my Qt install: the paths were all wrong.
ran the Qt configure.exe program to fully configure my Qt install. This was the key step. (I thought that the initial installation program would have configured things, but obviously it didn't.) Running this will build all of the demos and examples and so takes a while. But when it completed, all was well.
ran qmake -query to verify that the Qt settings and been fixed and were correct.
System path and ENV variables: the following need to be in your path:
[devkit dir] (ex: C:\rubys\devkit-mingw64-32-4.7.2)
[devkit dir]\mingw\bin;
[devkit dir]\bin;
[qt dir] (ex: C:\Qt\qt-4.8.5-x86-mingw)
[qt dir]\bin;
[ruby version]\bin (ex: C:\rubys\ruby-2.0.0-p598-i386-mingw32\bin)
[ruby version]\lib\ruby\gems\
define the environment (system) variable QMAKESPEC=win32-g++ (If you don't give qmake/Qt the specification about which system to build for, it will look for this ENV.)
I know it's been a while since you posted your question, so hopefully you've solved it. If not, try these steps and see if they help.

Eclipse crashed, files got corrupted, now I can't install or uninstall EGit plugin

I am trying to configure Eclipse for Windows to meet my workplace's requirements, and in doing so the program ran out of memory and crashed. I am trying again with a fresh install (deleted all files I could find related to Eclipse and recopied).
I have a Git perspective available, but it is completely blank. Git is not listed in my current plugins, and not present in my plugins folder that I can find. If I try to install it, however, I am told it already exists.
Eclipse Version: 3.6.2
EGit Version:
You can usually fix a lot of problems like this by doing a
$ eclipse -clean
You may have to add this to your eclipse.ini file.
If this doesn't work, start from a clean install (the eclipse directory & the workspace).

How do I manually install an old cygwin package?

A project I am working on requires an old version of SLAPD (the LDAP
server) and must run on Windows, hence I am using cygwin packages:
I've found a binary package of slapd version I need 2.2.x here:
How do I manually install it in cygwin? It does not seem to be a package-manager file format (like an RPM or a Deb), but is there a tool to install it for me?
FYI, I'm operating behind a corporate firewall that prevents me from viewing the main cygwin site (including the documentation), so please nobody tell me to RTFM - I wish I could!
If you need an older version, the Cygwin time machine might help. To use it, I had to invoke setup.exe from the command line, giving it the --no-verify/-X option and it still wouldn't let me downgrade the "cygwin" package itself but at least it is, albeit very slowly, allowing me to install the version I wanted to test as a parallel installation.
If you are using the cygwin package installer to install this package, usually if you select to view the full info and scroll to the package you need you will see some info about the version.
Now if you click on the version number you will see that it changes from the oldest in the repository to the current. If your repository has the version you need then just finish the wizard.
Some cygwin mirrors keep old package files, for example,
You can use Sonatype nexus to mirror an existing cygwin repository, but provide your own setup.ini .
Copy the already downloaded repo content to c:\progs\nexus\sonatype-work\nexus\storage\\
Put your own setup.ini and setup.bz2 there.
Start setup.exe with --no-verify
into the mirror selection box and click "Add"
