Sorting algorithm for expensive comparison - algorithm

Given is an array of n distinct objects (not integers), where n is between 5 and 15. I have a comparison function cmp(a, b) which is true if a < b and false otherwise, but it's very expensive to call. I'm looking for a sorting algorithm with the following properties:
It calls cmp(a, b) as few times as possible (subject to constraints below). Calls to cmp(a, b) can't be parallelized or replaced. The cost is unavoidable, i.e. think of each call to cmp(a, b) as costing money.
Aborting the algorithm should give good-enough results (best-fit sort of the array). Ideally the algorithm should attempt to produce a coarse order of the whole array, as opposed partially sorting one subset at a time. This may imply that the overall number of calls is not as small as theoretically possible to sort the entire array.
cmp(a, b) implies not cmp(b, a) => No items in the array are equal => Stability is not required. This is always true, unless...
In rare cases cmp(a, b) violates transitivity. For now I'll ignore this, but ultimately I would like this to be handled as well. Transitivity could be violated in short chains, i.e. x < y < z < x, but not in longer chains. In this case the final order of x y z doesn't matter.
Only the number of calls to cmp() needs to be optimized; algorithm complexity, space, speed and other factors are irrelevant.
Back story
Someone asked where this odd problem arose. Well, despite at my shallow attempt at formalism, the problem is actually not formal at all. A while back a friend of mine found a web page on the internets, that allowed him to put some stuff in a list, and make comparisons on that list in order to get it sorted. He since lost that web page, and asked me to help him out. Sure, I said and smashed my keyboard arriving at this implemtation. You are welcome to peruse the source code to see how i pretended to solve the problem above. Since I was quite inebriated when all this happened, I decided to outsource the real thinking to stack overflow.

Your best bet to start with would be Chp 5 of Knuth's TAOCP Vol is about optimal sorting (ie with minimal number of comparisons). OTOH, since the number of objects you are sorting is very small I doubt there will be any noticeable difference between an optimal algorithm vs, say, bubble sort. So perhaps you will need to focus on making the comparisons cheaper. Strange problem though...would you mind giving details? Where does it arise?


Simple ordering for a linked list

I want to create a doubly linked list with an order sequence (an integer attribute) such that sorting by the order sequence could create an array that would effectively be equivalent to the linked list.
given: a <-> b <-> c
a.index > b.index
b.index > c.index
This index would need to handle efficiently arbitrary numbers of inserts.
Is there a known algorithm for accomplishing this?
The problem is when the list gets large and the index sequence has become packed. In that situation the list has to be scanned to put slack back in.
I'm just not sure how this should be accomplished. Ideally there would be some sort of automatic balancing so that this borrowing is both fast and rare.
The naive solution of changing all the left or right indecies by 1 to make room for the insert is O(n).
I'd prefer to use integers, as I know numbers tend to get less reliable in floating point as they approach zero in most implementations.
This is one of my favorite problems. In the literature, it's called "online list labeling", or just "list labeling". There's a bit on it in wikipedia here:
Probably the simplest algorithm that will be practical for your purposes is the first one in here:
It handles insertions in amortized O(log N) time, and to manage N items, you have to use integers that are big enough to hold N^2. 64-bit integers are sufficient in almost all practical cases.
What I wound up going for was a roll-my-own solution, because it looked like the algorithm wanted to have the entire list in memory before it would insert the next node. And that is no good.
My idea is to borrow some of the ideas for the algorithm. What I did was make Ids ints and sort orders longs. Then the algorithm is lazy, stuffing entries anywhere they'll fit. Once it runs out of space in some little clump somewhere it begins a scan up and down from the clump and tries to establish an even spacing such that if there are n items scanned they need to share n^2 padding between them.
In theory this will mean over time the list will be perfectly padded, and given that my IDs are ints and my sort orders are longs, there will never be a scenario where you will not be able to achieve n^2 padding. I can't speak to the upper bounds on the number of operations, but my guts tell me that by doing polynomial work at 1/polynomial frequency, that I'll be doing just fine.

Most effective Algorithm to find maximum of double-precision values

What is the most effective way of finding a maximum value in a set of variables?
I have seen solutions, such as
private double findMax(double... vals) {
double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (double d : vals) {
if (d > max) max = d;
return max;
But, what would be the most effective algorithm for doing this?
You can't reduce the complexity below O(n) if the list is unsorted... but you can improve the constant factor by a lot. Use SIMD. For example, in SSE you would use the MAXSS instruction to perform 4-ish compare+select operations in a single cycle. Unroll the loop a bit to reduce the cost of loop control logic. And then outside the loop, find the max out of the four values trapped in your SSE register.
This gives a benefit for any size list... also using multithreading makes sense for really large lists.
Assuming the list does not have elements in any particular order, the algorithm you mentioned in your question is optimal. It must look at every element once, thus it takes time directly proportional to the to the size of the list, O(n).
There is no algorithm for finding the maximum that has a lower upper bound than O(n).
Proof: Suppose for a contradiction that there is an algorithm that finds the maximum of a list in less than O(n) time. Then there must be at least one element that it does not examine. If the algorithm selects this element as the maximum, an adversary may choose a value for the element such that it is smaller than one of the examined elements. If the algorithm selects any other element as the maximum, an adversary may choose a value for the element such that it is larger than the other elements. In either case, the algorithm will fail to find the maximum.
EDIT: This was my attempt answer, but please look at the coments where #BenVoigt proposes a better way to optimize the expression
You need to traverse the whole list at least once
so it'd be a matter of finding a more efficient expression for if (d>max) max=d, if any.
Assuming we need the general case where the list is unsorted (if we keep it sorted we'd just pick the last item as #IgnacioVazquez points in the comments), and researching a little about branch prediction (Why is it faster to process a sorted array than an unsorted array? , see 4th answer) , looks like
if (d>max) max=d;
can be more efficiently rewritten as
The reason is, the first statement is normally translated into a branch (though it's totally compiler and language dependent, but at least in C and C++, and even in a VM-based language like Java happens) while the second one is translated into a conditional move.
Modern processors have a big penalty in branches if the prediction goes wrong (the execution pipelines have to be reset), while a conditional move is an atomic operation that doesn't affect the pipelines.
The random nature of the elements in the list (one can be greater or lesser than the current maximum with equal probability) will cause many branch predictions to go wrong.
Please refer to the linked question for a nice discussion of all this, together with benchmarks.

Improving Box Factory solution

Box Factory is a problem in Google Code Jam 2012 Round 1C. It is similar to the Longest Common Subsequence problem, and they have given an O(n^4) solution for it. However, at the end of the analysis it says that another improvement can reduce this again to O(n^3). I am wondering what optimization can be done to the solution.
O(n^4) Algorithm
The dynamic programming approach solves for f[x][y] = the maximum number of toys that could be placed in boxes using the first x runs of boxes and the first y runs of toys.
It solves this by considering the boxes of the last type for runs between a+1 and x, and toys of the last type for runs between b+1 and y.
The O(n^4) algorithm loops over all choices for a and b, but we can simplify by only considering critical values of a and b.
O(n^3) Algorithm
The key point is that if we have a,b such that we have more boxes than toys, then there is no point changing a to get even more boxes (as this will never help us make any more products). Similarly, if we have more toys than boxes, then we can skip considering all the cases of b which would gives us even more toys.
This suggests a O(n) algorithm for the inner loop in which we trace out the boundary of a,b between having more toys and having more boxes. This is quite simple as we can just start with a=x-1, and b=y-1 and then decrease either a or b according to whether we currently have more toys or boxes. (If equal then you can decrease both.)
Each step of the algorithm decreases either a or b by 1, so this iteration will require x+y steps instead of the x*y steps of the original method.
It needs to be repeated for all values of x,y so overall the complexity is O(n^3).
Additional Improvements
A further improvement would be to store the index of the previous run of each type as this would allow several steps of the algorithm to be collapsed into a single move (because we know that our score can only improve once we work back to a run of the correct type). However, this would still be O(n^3) in the worst case (all boxes/toys of the same type).
Another practical improvement is to coalesce any runs in which the type was the same at consecutive positions, as this may significantly simplify test cases designed to expose the worst case behaviour in the previous improvement.

How can you compute a shortest addition chain for an arbitrary n <= 600 within one second?

How can you compute a shortest addition chain (sac) for an arbitrary n <= 600 within one second?
This is the programming competition on codility for this month.
Addition chains are numerically very important, since they are the most economical way to compute x^n (by consecutive multiplications).
Knuth's Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2, Seminumerical Algorithms has a nice introduction to addition chains and some interesting properties, but I didn't find anything that enabled me to fulfill the strict performance requirements.
What I've tried (spoiler alert)
Firstly, I constructed a (highly branching) tree (with the start 1-> 2 -> ( 3 -> ..., 4 -> ...)) such that for each node n, the path from the root to n is a sac for n. But for values >400, the runtime is about the same as for making a coffee.
Then I used that program to find some useful properties for reducing the search space. With that, I'm able to build all solutions up to 600 while making a coffee. But for n, I need to compute all solutions up to n. Unfortunately, codility measures the class initialization's runtime, too...
Since the problem is probably NP-hard, I ended up hard-coding a lookup table. But since codility asked to construct the sac, I don't know if they had a lookup table in mind, so I feel dirty and like a cheater. Hence this question.
If you think a hard-coded, full lookup table is the way to go, can you give an argument why you think a full computation/partly computed solutions/heuristics won't work?
I have just got my Golden Certificate for this problem. I will not provide a full solution because the problem is still available on the site.I will instead give you some hints:
You might consider doing a deep-first search.
There exists a minimal star-chain for each n < 12509
You need to know how prune your search space.
You need a good lower bound for the length of the chain you are looking for.
Remember that you need just one solution, not all.
Good luck.
Addition chains are numerically very important, since they are the
most economical way to compute x^n (by consecutive multiplications).
This is not true. They are not always the most economical way to compute x^n. Graham et. all proved that:
If each step in addition chain is assigned a cost equal to the product
of the numbers at that step, "binary" addition chains are shown to
minimize the cost.
Situation changes dramatically when we compute x^n (mod m), which is a common case, for example in cryptography.
Now, to answer your question. Apart from hard-coding a table with answers, you could try a Brauer chain.
A Brauer chain (aka star-chain) is an addition chain where each new element is formed as the sum of the previous element and some element (possibly the same). Brauer chain is a sac for n < 12509. Quoting Daniel. J. Bernstein:
Brauer's algorithm is often called "the left-to-right 2^k-ary method",
or simply "2^k-ary method". It is extremely popular. It is easy to
implement; constructing the chain for n is a simple matter of
inspecting the bits of n. It does not require much storage.
BTW. Does anybody know a decent C/C++ implementation of Brauer's chain computation? I'm working partially on a comparison of exponentiation times using binary and Brauer's chains for both cases: x^n and x^n (mod m).

Lexicographical ordering of multiple doubles

Consider a class of type doubles
class path_cost {
double length;
double time;
If I want to lexicographically order a list of path_costs, I have a problem. Read on :)
If I use exact equal for the equality test like so
bool operator<(const path_cost& rhs) const {
if (length == rhs.length) return time < rhs.time;
return length < rhs.length;
the resulting order is likely to be wrong, because a small deviation (e.g. due to numerical inaccuracies in the calculation of the length) may cause the length test to fail, so that e.g.
{ 231.00000000000001, 40 } < { 231.00000000000002, 10 }
erroneously holds.
If I alternatively use a tolerance like so
bool operator<(const path_cost& rhs) const {
if (std::fabs(length-rhs.length)<1-e6)) return time < rhs.time;
return length < rhs.length;
then the sorting algorithm may horribly fail since the <-operator is no longer transitive (that is, if a < b and b < c then a < c may not hold)
Any ideas? Solutions? I have thought about partitioning the real line, so that numbers within each partition is considered equal, but that still leaves too many cases where the equality test fails but should not.
(UPDATE by James Curran, hopefully explaining the problem):
Given the numbers:
A = {231.0000001200, 10}
B = {231.0000000500, 40}
C = {231.0000000100, 60}
A.Length & B.Length differ by 7-e7, so we use time, and A < B.
B.Length & C.Length differ by 4-e7, so we use time, and B < C.
A.Length & C.Length differ by 1.1-e6, so we use length, and A > C.
(Update by Esben Mose Hansen)
This is not purely theoretical. The standard sort algorithms tends to crash or worse when given a non-transitive sort operator. And this is exactly what I been contending with (and boy was that fun to debug ;) )
Do you really want just a compare function?
Why don't you sort by length first, then group the pairs into what you think are the same length and then sort within each group by time?
Once sorted by length, you can apply whatever heuristic you need, to determine 'equality' of lengths, to do the grouping.
I don't think you are going to be able to do what you want. Essentially you seem to be saying that in certain cases you want to ignore the fact that a>b and pretend a=b. I'm pretty sure that you can construct a proof that says if a and b are equivalent when the difference is smaller than a certain value then a and b are equivalent for all values of a and b. Something along the lines of:
For a tolerance of C and two numbers A and B where without loss of generality A > B then there exist D(n) = B+n*(C/10) where 0<=n<=(10*(A-B))/(C) such that trivially D(n) is within the tolerance of D(n-1) and D(n+1) and therefore equivalent to them. Also D(0) is B and D((10*(A-B))/(C))=A so A and B can be said to be equivalent.
I think the only way you can solve that problem is using a partitioning method. Something like multiplying by 10^6 and then converting to an int shoudl partition pretty well but will mean that if you have 1.00001*10^-6 and 0.999999*10^-6 then they will come out in different partitions which may not be desired.
The problem then becomes looking at your data to work out how to best partition it which I can't help with since I don't know anything about your data. :)
P.S. Do the algorithms actually crash when given the algorithm or just when they encounter specific unsolvable cases?
I can think of two solutions.
You could carefully choose a sorting algorithm that does not fail when the comparisons are intransitive. For example, quicksort shouldn't fail, at least if you implement it yourself. (If you are worried about the worst case behavior of quicksort, you can first randomize the list, then sort it.)
Or you could extend your tolerance patch so that it becomes an equivalence relation and you restore transitivity. There are standard union-find algorithms to complete any relation to an equivalence relation. After applying union-find, you can replace the length in each equivalence class with a consensus value (such as the average, say) and then do the sort that you wanted to do. It feels a bit strange to doctor floating point numbers to prevent spurious reordering, but it should work.
Actually, Moron makes a good point. Instead of union and find, you can sort by length first, then link together neighbors that are within tolerance, then do a subsort within each group on the second key. That has the same outcome as my second suggestion, but it is a simpler implementation.
I'm not familiar with your application, but I'd be willing to bet that the differences in distance between points in your graph are many orders of magnitude larger than the rounding errors on floating point numbers. Therefore, if two entries differ by only the round-off error, they are essentially the same, and it makes no difference in which order they appear in your list. From a common-sense perspective, I see no reason to worry.
You will never get 100% precision with ordinary doubles. You say that you are afraid that using tolerances will affect the correctness of your program. Have you actually tested this? What level of precision does your program actually need?
In most common applications I find a tolerance of something like 1e-9 suffices. Of course it all depends on your application. You can estimate the level of accuracy you need and just set the tolerance to an acceptable value.
If even that fails, it means that double is simply inadequate for your purposes. This scenario is highly unlikely, but can arise if you need very high precision calculations. In that case you have to use an arbitrary precision package (e.g. BigDecimal in Java or something like GMP for C). Again, only choose this option when there is no other way.
