Most effective Algorithm to find maximum of double-precision values - performance

What is the most effective way of finding a maximum value in a set of variables?
I have seen solutions, such as
private double findMax(double... vals) {
double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (double d : vals) {
if (d > max) max = d;
return max;
But, what would be the most effective algorithm for doing this?

You can't reduce the complexity below O(n) if the list is unsorted... but you can improve the constant factor by a lot. Use SIMD. For example, in SSE you would use the MAXSS instruction to perform 4-ish compare+select operations in a single cycle. Unroll the loop a bit to reduce the cost of loop control logic. And then outside the loop, find the max out of the four values trapped in your SSE register.
This gives a benefit for any size list... also using multithreading makes sense for really large lists.

Assuming the list does not have elements in any particular order, the algorithm you mentioned in your question is optimal. It must look at every element once, thus it takes time directly proportional to the to the size of the list, O(n).
There is no algorithm for finding the maximum that has a lower upper bound than O(n).
Proof: Suppose for a contradiction that there is an algorithm that finds the maximum of a list in less than O(n) time. Then there must be at least one element that it does not examine. If the algorithm selects this element as the maximum, an adversary may choose a value for the element such that it is smaller than one of the examined elements. If the algorithm selects any other element as the maximum, an adversary may choose a value for the element such that it is larger than the other elements. In either case, the algorithm will fail to find the maximum.

EDIT: This was my attempt answer, but please look at the coments where #BenVoigt proposes a better way to optimize the expression
You need to traverse the whole list at least once
so it'd be a matter of finding a more efficient expression for if (d>max) max=d, if any.
Assuming we need the general case where the list is unsorted (if we keep it sorted we'd just pick the last item as #IgnacioVazquez points in the comments), and researching a little about branch prediction (Why is it faster to process a sorted array than an unsorted array? , see 4th answer) , looks like
if (d>max) max=d;
can be more efficiently rewritten as
The reason is, the first statement is normally translated into a branch (though it's totally compiler and language dependent, but at least in C and C++, and even in a VM-based language like Java happens) while the second one is translated into a conditional move.
Modern processors have a big penalty in branches if the prediction goes wrong (the execution pipelines have to be reset), while a conditional move is an atomic operation that doesn't affect the pipelines.
The random nature of the elements in the list (one can be greater or lesser than the current maximum with equal probability) will cause many branch predictions to go wrong.
Please refer to the linked question for a nice discussion of all this, together with benchmarks.


Extended version of the set cover problem

I don't generally ask questions on SO, so if this question seems inappropriate for SO, just tell me (help would still be appreciated of course).
I'm still a student and I'm currently taking a class in Algorithms. We recently learned about the Branch-and-Bound paradigm and since I didn't fully understand it, I tried to do some exercises in our course book. I came across this particular instance of the Set Cover problem with a special twist:
Let U be a set of elements and S = {S1, S2, ..., Sn} a set of subsets of U, where the union of all sets Si equals U. Outline a Branch-and-Bound algorithm to find a minimal subset Q of S, so that for all elements u in U there are at least two sets in Q, which contain u. Specifically, elaborate how to split the problem up into subproblems and how to calculate upper and lower bounds.
My first thought was to sort all the sets Si in S in descending order, according to how many elements they contain which aren't yet covered at least twice by the currently chosen subsets of S, so our current instance of Q. I was then thinking of recursively solving this, where I choose the first set Si in the sorted order and make one recursive call, where I take this set Si and one where I don't (meaning from those recursive calls onwards the subset is no longer considered). If I choose it I would then go through each element in this chosen subset Si and increase a counter for all its elements (before the recursive call), so that I'll eventually know, when an element is already covered by two or more chosen subsets. Since I sort the not chosen sets Si for each recursive call, I would theoretically (in my mind at least) always be making the best possible choice for the moment. And since I basically create a binary tree of recursive calls, because I always make one call with the current best subset chosen and one where I don't I'll eventually cover all 2^n possibilities, meaning eventually I'll find the optimal solution.
My problem now is I don't know or rather understand how I would implement a heuristic for upper and lower bounds, so the algorithm can discard some of the paths in the binary tree, which will never be better than the current best Q. I would appreciate any help I could get.
Here's a simple lower bound heuristic: Find the set containing the largest number of not-yet-twice-covered elements. (It doesn't matter which set you pick if there are multiple sets with the same, largest possible number of these elements.) Suppose there are u of these elements in total, and this set contains k <= u of them. Then, you need to add at least u/k further sets before you have a solution. (Why? See if you can prove this.)
This lower bound works for the regular set cover problem too. As always with branch and bound, using it may or may not result in better overall performance on a given instance than simply using the "heuristic" that always returns 0.
First, some advice: don't re-sort S every time you recurse/loop. Sorting is an expensive operation (O(N log N)) so putting it in a loop or a recursion usually costs more than you gain from it. Generally you want to sort once at the beginning, and then leverage that sort throughout your algorithm.
The sort you've chosen, descending by the length of the S subsets is a good "greedy" ordering, so I'd say just do that upfront and don't re-sort after that. You don't get to skip over subsets that are not ideal within your recursion, but checking a redundant/non-ideal subset is still faster than re-sorting every time.
Now what upper/lower bounds can you use? Well generally, you want your bounds and bounds-checking to be as simple and efficient as possible because you are going to be checking them a lot.
With this in mind, an upper bounds is easy: use the shortest set-length solution that you've found so far. Initially set your upper-bounds as var bestQlength = int.MaxVal, some maximum value that is greater than n, the number of subsets in S. Then with every recursion you check if currentQ.length > bestQlength, if so then this branch is over the upper-bounds and you "prune" it. Obviously when you find a new solution, you also need to check if it is better (shorter) than your current bestQ and if so then update both bestQ and bestQlength at the same time.
A good lower bounds is a bit trickier, the simplest I can think of for this problem is: Before you add a new subset Si into your currentQ, check to see if Si has any elements that are not already in currentQ two or more times, if it does not, then this Si cannot contribute in any way to the currentQ solution that you are trying to build, so just skip it and move on to the next subset in S.

Finding the average of large list of numbers

Came across this interview question.
Write an algorithm to find the mean(average) of a large list. This
list could contain trillions or quadrillions of number. Each number is
manageable in hundreds, thousands or millions.
Googling it gave me all Median of Medians solutions. How should I approach this problem?
Is divide and conquer enough to deal with trillions of number?
How to deal with the list of the such a large size?
If the size of the list is computable, it's really just a matter of how much memory you have available, how long it's supposed to take and how simple the algorithm is supposed to be.
Basically, you can just add everything up and divide by the size.
If you don't have enough memory, dividing first might work (Note that you will probably lose some precision that way).
Another approach would be to recursively split the list into 2 halves and calculating the mean of the sublists' means. Your recursion termination condition is a list size of 1, in which case the mean is simply the only element of the list. If you encounter a list of odd size, make either the first or second sublist longer, this is pretty much arbitrary and doesn't even have to be consistent.
If, however, you list is so giant that its size can't be computed, there's no way to split it into 2 sublists. In that case, the recursive approach works pretty much the other way around. Instead of splitting into 2 lists with n/2 elements, you split into n/2 lists with 2 elements (or rather, calculate their mean immediately). So basically, you calculate the mean of elements 1 and 2, that becomes you new element 1. the mean of 3 and 4 is your new second element, and so on. Then apply the same algorithm to the new list until only 1 element remains. If you encounter a list of odd size, either add an element at the end or ignore the last one. If you add one, you should try to get as close as possible to your expected mean.
While this won't calculate the mean mathematically exactly, for lists of that size, it will be sufficiently close. This is pretty much a mean of means approach. You could also go the median of medians route, in which case you select the median of sublists recursively. The same principles apply, but you will generally want to get an odd number.
You could even combine the approaches and calculate the mean if your list is of even size and the median if it's of odd size. Doing this over many recursion steps will generate a pretty accurate result.
First of all, this is an interview question. The problem as stated would not arise in practice. Also, the question as stated here is imprecise. That is probably deliberate. (They want to see how you deal with solving an imprecisely specified problem.)
Write an algorithm to find the mean(average) of a large list.
The word "find" is rubbery. It could mean calculate (to some precision) or it could mean estimate.
The phrase "large list" is rubbery. If could mean a list or array data structure in memory, or the "list" could be the result of a database query, the contents of a file or files.
There is no mention of the hardware constraints on the system where this will be implemented.
So the first thing >>I<< would do would be to try to narrow the scope by asking some questions of the interviewer.
But assuming that you can't, then a complete answer would need to cover the following points:
The dataset probably won't fit in memory at the same time. (But if it does, then that is good.)
Calculating the average of N numbers is O(N) if you do it serially. For N this size, it could be an intractable problem.
An alternative is to split into sublists of equals size and calculate the averages, and the average of the averages. In theory, this gives you O(N/P) where P is the number of partitions. The parallelism could be implemented with multiple threads, with multiple processes on the same machine, or distributed.
In practice, the limiting factors are going to be computational, memory and/or I/O bandwidth. A parallel solution will be effective if you can address these limits. For example, you need to balance the problem of each "worker" having uncontended access to its "sublist" versus the problem of making copies of the data so that that can happen.
If the list is represented in a way that allows sampling, then you can estimate the average without looking at the entire dataset. In fact, this could be O(C) depending on how you sample. But there is a risk that your sample will be unrepresentative, and the average will be too inaccurate.
In all cases doing calculations, you need to guard against (integer) overflow and (floating point) rounding errors. Especially while calculating the sums.
It would be worthwhile discussing how you would solve this with a "big data" platform (e.g. Hadoop) and the limitations of that approach (e.g. time taken to load up the data ...)

Optimized Algorithm: Fastest Way to Derive Sets

I'm writing a program for a competition and I need to be faster than all the other competitors. For this I need a little algorithm help; ideally I'd be using the fastest algorithm.
For this problem I am given 2 things. The first is a list of tuples, each of which contains exactly two elements (strings), each of which represents an item. The second is an integer, which indicates how many unique items there are in total. For example:
# of items = 3
The same tuples can be repeated/ they are not necessarily unique.) My program is supposed to figure out the maximum number of tuples that can "agree" when the items are sorted into two groups. This means that if all the items are broken into two ideal groups, group 1 and group 2, what are the maximum number of tuples that can have their first item in group 1 and their second item in group 2.
For example, the answer to my earlier example would be 2, with "ball" in group 1 and "chair" and "box" in group 2, satisfying the first two tuples. I do not necessarily need know what items go in which group, I just need to know what the maximum number of satisfied tuples could be.
At the moment I'm trying a recursive approach, but its running on (n^2), far too inefficient in my opinion. Does anyone have a method that could produce a faster algorithm?
Speed up approaches for your task:
1. Use integers
Convert the strings to integers (store the strings in an array and use the position for the tupples.
String[] words = {"ball", "chair", "box"};
In tuppls ball now has number 0 (pos 0 in array) , chair 1, box 2.
comparing ints is faster than Strings.
2. Avoid recursion
Recursion is slow, due the recursion overhead.
For example look at binarys search algorithm in a recursive implementatiion, then look how java implements binSearch() (with a while loop and iteration)
Recursion is helpfull if problems are so complex that a non recursive implementation is to complex for a human brain.
An iterataion is faster, but not in the case when you mimick recursive calls by implementing your own stack.
However you can start implementing using a recursiove algorithm, once it works and it is a suited algo, then try to convert to a non recursive implementation
3. if possible avoid objects
if you want the fastest, the now it becomes ugly!
A tuppel array can either be stored in as array of class Point(x,y) or probably faster,
as array of int:
(1,2), (2,3), (3,4) can be stored as array: (1,2,2,3,3,4)
This needs much less memory because an object needs at least 12 bytes (in java).
Less memory becomes faster, when the array are really big, then your structure will hopefully fits in the processor cache, while the objects array does not.
4. Programming language
In C it will be faster than in Java.
Maximum cut is a special case of your problem, so I doubt you have a quadratic algorithm for it. (Maximum cut is NP-complete and it corresponds to the case where every tuple (A,B) also appears in reverse as (B,A) the same number of times.)
The best strategy for you to try here is "branch and bound." It's a variant of the straightforward recursive search you've probably already coded up. You keep track of the value of the best solution you've found so far. In each recursive call, you check whether it's even possible to beat the best known solution with the choices you've fixed so far.
One thing that may help (or may hurt) is to "probe": for each as-yet-unfixed item, see if putting that item on one of the two sides leads only to suboptimal solutions; if so, you know that item needs to be on the other side.
Another useful trick is to recurse on items that appear frequently both as the first element and as the second element of your tuples.
You should pay particular attention to the "bound" step --- finding an upper bound on the best possible solution given the choices you've fixed.

Finding median of large set of numbers too big to fit into memory

I was asked this question in an interview recently.
There are N numbers, too many to fit into memory. They are split across k database tables (unsorted), each of which can fit into memory. Find the median of all the numbers.
Wasn't quite sure about the answer to this one.
There's a few potential solutions:
External merge sort - O(n log n)
You basically sort the numbers on the first pass, then find the median on the second.
Order statistics distributed selection algorithm - O(n)
Simplify the problem to the original problem of finding the kth number in an unsorted array.
Counting sort histogram O(n)
You have to assume some properties about the range of the numbers - can the range fit in the memory?
If anything is known about the distribution of the numbers other
algorithms can be produced.
For more details and implementation see:
This answer on quora explains the whole process clearly step by step Simply copying it down for non Quorans
Suppose you have a master node (or are able to use a consensus protocol to elect a master from among your servers). The master first queries the servers for the size of their sets of data, call this n, so that it knows to look for the k = n/2 largest element.
The master then selects a random server and queries it for a random element from the elements on that server. The master broadcasts this element to each server, and each server partitions its elements into those larger than or equal to the broadcasted element and those smaller than the broadcasted element.
Each server returns to the master the size of the larger-than partition, call this m. If the sum of these sizes is greater than k, the master indicates to each server to disregard the less-than set for the remainder of the algorithm. If it is less than k, then the master indicates to disregard the larger-than sets and updates k = k - m. If it is exactly k, the algorithm terminates and the value returned is the pivot selected at the beginning of the iteration.
If the algorithm does not terminate, recurse beginning with selecting a new random pivot from the remaining elements.
Let n be the total number of elements and s be the number of servers. Assume that the elements are roughly randomly and evenly distributed among servers (each server has O(n/s) elements). In iteration i, we expect to do about O(n/(s*2^i)) work on each server, as the size of each servers element sets will be approximately cut in half (remember, we assumed roughly random distribution of elements) and O(s) work on the master (for broadcasting/receiving messages and adding the sizes together). We expect O(log(n/s)) iterations. Adding these up over all iterations gives an expected runtime of O(n/s + slog(n/s)), and assuming s << sqrt(n) which is normally the case, this becomes simply (O(n/s)), which is the best you could possibly hope for.
Note also that this works not just for finding the median but also for finding the kth largest value for any value of k.
Have a look at the "Median of Medians" algorithm in this Wikipedia article.
Related question: Median-of-medians in Java.
Another way to look at this is to go back to the definition of "median." Authors vary in their language, but basically the median is the value which splits a probability distribution into two equal parts.
So instead of spending a lot of effort sorting enormous data sets, estimate the distribution and find the middle. As noted above for some distributions the median equals the mean, which is quick and easy to compute. Also, if an exact answer isn't necessary you can use the empirical relationship: mean - mode = 3 * (mean - median).
Here is what I would do:
Sample the data to get a general idea about the distribution.
Using the information about the distribution, choose a "bucket" (a range), large enough to get the median inside and small enough to fit into the memory.
With one pass (O(N)) count the numbers before the bucket (L1_size), after the bucket (L3_size) and put numbers within the range into the bucket (L2). You will see if the chosen bucket contains the median. If not - go to step 2.
Use quickselect or other method to find the k=(L1_size + L2_size/2) element in the bucket.
Requires O(N) + O(L2_size) steps.
I was also asked the same question and i couldn't tell an exact answer so after the interview i went through some books on interviews and here is what i found.
Example: Numbers are randomly generated and stored into an (expanding) array. How
wouldyoukeep track of the median?
Our data structure brainstorm might look like the following:
• Linked list? Probably not. Linked lists tend not to do very well with accessing and
sorting numbers.
• Array? Maybe, but you already have an array. Could you somehow keep the elements
sorted? That's probably expensive. Let's hold off on this and return to it if it's needed.
• Binary tree? This is possible, since binary trees do fairly well with ordering. In fact, if the binary search tree is perfectly balanced, the top might be the median. But, be careful—if there's an even number of elements, the median is actually the average
of the middle two elements. The middle two elements can't both be at the top. This is probably a workable algorithm, but let's come back to it.
• Heap? A heap is really good at basic ordering and keeping track of max and mins.
This is actually interesting—if you had two heaps, you could keep track of the bigger
half and the smaller half of the elements. The bigger half is kept in a min heap, such
that the smallest element in the bigger half is at the root.The smaller half is kept in a
max heap, such that the biggest element of the smaller half is at the root. Now, with
these data structures, you have the potential median elements at the roots. If the
heaps are no longer the same size, you can quickly "rebalance" the heaps by popping
an element off the one heap and pushing it onto the other.
Note that the more problems you do, the more developed your instinct on which data
structure to apply will be. You will also develop a more finely tuned instinct as to which of these approaches is the most useful.
If an approximate answer is sufficient, a method similar to #piccolbo works well. I'll assume all the points are integers, but if not you can multiply by ten or a hundred or whatever to normalize the data to integers. Make one pass over the data calculating an average (arithmetic mean. Call that number the provisional median. Then make a second pass over the data. If the data point is less than the provisional median, reduce the provisional median by one. If the data point is greater than the provisional median, increase the provisional median by one. If the data point is the same as the provisional median, leave the provisional median unchanged. After the end of the data, return the provisional median. What will happen is that the provisional median will initially change from time to time, but eventually it will stabilize over a very small range, which will be very close to the actual median.

What is a good way to find pairs of numbers, each stored in a different array, such that the difference between the first and second number is 1?

Suppose you have several arrays of integers. What is a good way to find pairs of integers, not both from the same list, such that the difference between the first and second integer is 1?
Naturally I could write a naive algorithm that just looks through each other list until it finds such a number or hits one bigger. Is there a more elegant solution?
I only mention the condition that the difference be 1 because I'm guessing there might be some use to that knowledge to speed up the computation. I imagine that if the condition for a 'hit' were something else, the algorithm would work just the same.
Some background: I'm engaged in a bit of research mathematics and I seek to find examples of a certain construction. Any help would be much appreciated.
I'd start by sorting each array. Preferably with an algorithm that runs in O( n log(n) ) time.
When you've got a bunch of sorted arrays, you can set a pointer to the start of each array, check for any +/- 1 differences in the values of the pointers, and increment the value of the smallest-valued pointer, repeating until you've reached the max length of all but one of the arrays.
To further optimize, you could keep the pointers-values in a sorted linked list, and build the check function into an insertion sort. For each increment, you could remove the previous value from the list, and step through the list checking for +/- 1 comparison until you get to a term that is larger than a possible match. That way, if you're searching a bazillion arrays, you needn't check all bazillion pointer-values - you only need to check until you find a value that is too big, and ignore all larger values.
If you've got any more information about the arrays (such as the range of the terms or number of arrays), I can see how you could take advantage of that to make much faster algorithms for this through clever uses of array properties.
This sounds like a good candidate for the classic merge sort where the final stage is not a unification but comparison.
And the magnitude of the difference wouldn't affect this, but thanks for adding the information.
Even though you state the second list is in an array, if you could put it in a hashmap of some sort then you could make it faster than just the naive approach.
Loop through the first array.
Look to see if there exists an object in the hashmap that is one larger than the current array value.
That way you can build up pairs of numbers that meet your requirements.
I don't know if it would be as flexible as you would like though.
Basically, you may want to consider other data structures, to help you find a better solution.
You have o(n log n) from the sorting.
You can also the the search in o(log n) for each element, if you have some dynamic queryset. You can sort the arrays and then for each element in the first array binary search his upper_bound and lower_bound in the second array and check the difference.
