I'm using Gradle 1.7 and Test-ING in my project along with selenium, the problem which I'm facing is that I have defined a xml file for the sequence of tests that I want to take place. The line for the test defined in build.gradle is as follows-
test {
Gradle is unable to recognize the sample.xml file and is not executing any test, its just skipping.
Can anyone please help me in this. I want the tests to be executed in the same order as defined in sample.xml as this already the current implementation of the project which can't be altered.
So we have a multi module project setup, with test all scattered in multiple modules, now we want to execute all of them but exclude 1 test file.
How could we achieve this?
I tried the following:
gradle test -PexcludeTests=*SpecificTests
but the tests get still executed.
for running a singular test I managed to fix it this way:
gradle :multi-module:test --tests '*SpecificTests'
but unfortunately the equivalent for executing all tests but 1 cannot be made with this.
Condition: we need a command we cannot use the testing filter
You can use a project property and define an optional exclude filter, which you can then use from the command line -PexcludeTests='*SpecificTests'.
test {
if (project.hasProperty('excludeTests')) {
I got some source code and was asked to build it. It was a Gradle project. So I changed to the project directory and ran:
$ gradle clean assemble
and the following error came up:
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'pcase'.
> Could not get unknown property 'postgresql.jdbc' for root project 'pcase' of type org.gradle.api.Project.
There is a settings.gradle file in the project folder too. It contains:
rootProject.name = 'pcase'
I took a look at build.gradle and found lots of occurrences like
For example:
buildscript {
dependencies {
// FlywayDB, JOOQ.
classpath "org.postgresql:postgresql:${project['postgresql.jdbc']}"
classpath "org.flywaydb:flyway-gradle-plugin:${project['flywaydb.plugin.version']}"
classpath "nu.studer:gradle-jooq-plugin:${project['jooq.plugin.version']}"
What could be ${project['x']}? Looks like associative array in bash and the build script tries to get the value of the key 'x'.
But I didn't find the place in code where this array would be declared and initialized.
The question is: Is the project buildable or is it better to consult the company that worked at it before me?
From the information provided, the project is perfectly buildable, to some certain extend. First of all, project['a.b.c'] is Groovy syntax to access properties from the project object. They're referred to as project properties.
They can be set via
Project properties via command line: gradle -Ppostgresql.jdbc=x.y.z
System properties via command line: gradle -Dorg.gradle.project.postgresql.jdbc=x.y.z
System properties via gradle.properties: org.gradle.project.postgresql.jdbc=x.y.z
All 3 properties (postgresql.jdbc, flywaydb.plugin.version, jooq.plugin.version) denote the version numbers of the particular build script dependencies. However, which versions to use best is beyond my knowledge. I would certainly consult the respective project websites, Maven artifact search or simply ask the company.
org.postgresql:postgresql is the database JDBC driver and certainly depends on the database version.
org.flywaydb:flyway-gradle-plugin is for database migrations. Try with the latest version.
I wasn't able to find gradle-jooq-plugin on Maven central. It's most likely available on the Gradle Plugin Portal.
println systemProperties['param']
Now I can either pass parameters in the command line:
gradle test -Dparam=10
or put them in gradle.properties:
Ideally I would like to put the defaults in the gradle.properties, and be able to overwrite them from the command line. Unfortunately if I do that, the gradle.properties has precedence, and -Dparam=10 is ignored.
Could you offer any solutions on that?
It works since 2.12 or 2.13 "the smart way" already!
The example above is working, the command line -D option overdrives the defaults in gradle.properties
I am using gradle 2.12 and sharing how I used it:
test {
// support passing -Dsystem.property=value to bootRun task
systemProperties = System.properties
I have JUnit tests that I wanted to skip unless a property was used to include such tests. Using JUnit Assume for including the tests conditionally:
//first line of test
Doing this with gradle required that the system property provided at the time of running gradle build, shown here,
gradle build -Ddeep.test.run=true
was indeed passed through to the tests.
Hope this helps others trying out this approach for running tests conditionally.
i am very new to gradle, i was trying to build a java file which is dependent on other jar file. It is building properly but when i try to execute it, it is giving "NoClassDefinitionFoundError".
my build.gradle file is:
apply plugin : 'java'
jar {
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': 'Hey'
compile files('lib/BuildBasicJavaProject.jar') ------line A
if i remove the above line A then it is not even building the project.
if i keep that line A then it is building properly and producing the jar file, but when i execute it using ,
java -jar jarfilename.jar
then it is giving me a NoClassDefinitionFoundError.
Where do i need to specify the dependents path while running the jar file??
May be its a basic doubt but i wasted 2 days already in it, i tried giving
1) absolute path of the dependency file
2) adding the following line,
runtime files('lib/BuildBasicJavaProject.jar')
But did not succeed.
Thanks in advance
First welcome to Gradle world.
Your Gradle scripts seems to be correct. When you have a dependency, one jar depends on another like in your case at compile time you define compile time dependency like you did. So if you need this jar to run it you need runtime dependency, in your case. But Gradle automatically put all your compile time dependencies to be runtime dependencies. So you do not need to specify them explicitly.
So why then your code does not working?
The classpath (-cp) option is ignored if using the -jar option. So you can not specify dependent jar using -cp when type jar.So you have to write If you are on Windows
java -cp myJar.jar;.\lib\BuildBasicJavaProject.jar Hey
or use (:) and slashes(/) for Linux.
Where Hey is the full-quallified name of your main class, which have to be defind in the Manifest.
So if your class Hey is in the package:com.alabala.dev and it's name is Hey it's full qualified name is com.alabala.dev.Hey. So you have to tell Gradle
mainClassName = "com.alabala.dev.Hey"
So now Gradle put it in the manifest and when you are trying to load this jar in the JVM, she will know that to start it, she have to execute com.alabala.dev.Hey.
What is cp and why you have to specify it? Said with simple word cp is classpath - directories and archives in which JVM searches when want to load something. So here there is nothing linekd with Gradle it is Java.
You'll want to specify dependency jar(s) as a part of classpath, when you are executing your jar.
Something along these these lines:
java -cp myJar.jar:./lib/BuildBasicJavaProject.jar my.package.MyMainClass
Bare in mind that classpath delimiters are different on different platforms (: is for *nix based systems).
Me and my team are working on a project with a lot of modules. We are using gradle for the project and everyone is new to gradle. We have a Main parent project i.e, parent build with the details of project dependencies. We want to add the integration_test task configuration to all the modules so that we can call the command gradle integration_test. So is there any way or concept of writing the configuration in the main module and make the child projects import the same configuration.
FYI: I tried it by directly adding it to the main project but got an error saying the classpath for the files which I specified does not exists. Any help or thought would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Is there a particular reason to split "integration tests" from the standard test task?
If so, you can run the same script for all subprojects from the main project's build file: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/multi_project_builds.html#sec:subproject_configuration
For instance:
subprojects {
task integrationTest {
// whatever you need
I am note sure if this is what you talk about in the last paragraph. If so, please attache the error message you get.
It is also possible to "import" some configuration by subprojects, but the above definition is better in most scenarios.