unable to execute jar file(consists dependencies), which is build from gradle - gradle

i am very new to gradle, i was trying to build a java file which is dependent on other jar file. It is building properly but when i try to execute it, it is giving "NoClassDefinitionFoundError".
my build.gradle file is:
apply plugin : 'java'
jar {
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': 'Hey'
compile files('lib/BuildBasicJavaProject.jar') ------line A
if i remove the above line A then it is not even building the project.
if i keep that line A then it is building properly and producing the jar file, but when i execute it using ,
java -jar jarfilename.jar
then it is giving me a NoClassDefinitionFoundError.
Where do i need to specify the dependents path while running the jar file??
May be its a basic doubt but i wasted 2 days already in it, i tried giving
1) absolute path of the dependency file
2) adding the following line,
runtime files('lib/BuildBasicJavaProject.jar')
But did not succeed.
Thanks in advance

First welcome to Gradle world.
Your Gradle scripts seems to be correct. When you have a dependency, one jar depends on another like in your case at compile time you define compile time dependency like you did. So if you need this jar to run it you need runtime dependency, in your case. But Gradle automatically put all your compile time dependencies to be runtime dependencies. So you do not need to specify them explicitly.
So why then your code does not working?
The classpath (-cp) option is ignored if using the -jar option. So you can not specify dependent jar using -cp when type jar.So you have to write If you are on Windows
java -cp myJar.jar;.\lib\BuildBasicJavaProject.jar Hey
or use (:) and slashes(/) for Linux.
Where Hey is the full-quallified name of your main class, which have to be defind in the Manifest.
So if your class Hey is in the package:com.alabala.dev and it's name is Hey it's full qualified name is com.alabala.dev.Hey. So you have to tell Gradle
mainClassName = "com.alabala.dev.Hey"
So now Gradle put it in the manifest and when you are trying to load this jar in the JVM, she will know that to start it, she have to execute com.alabala.dev.Hey.
What is cp and why you have to specify it? Said with simple word cp is classpath - directories and archives in which JVM searches when want to load something. So here there is nothing linekd with Gradle it is Java.

You'll want to specify dependency jar(s) as a part of classpath, when you are executing your jar.
Something along these these lines:
java -cp myJar.jar:./lib/BuildBasicJavaProject.jar my.package.MyMainClass
Bare in mind that classpath delimiters are different on different platforms (: is for *nix based systems).


Is there a simple way to access project resource files from a gradle task?

I am working on a Gradle task for a java project. The task needs to read files from a subfolder of the project’s resources directory. I was expecting to find a standard way for Gradle to access project resources but have been unable to find one. Does Gradle provide simple way to find and import resource files? Maybe through a plugin?
If you mean the src/main/resources folder, then no. That is by convention used by the Java plugin to hold resources for the actual module and not the build classpath. But if you just want to read a file in it from a task, just use normal Java, Groovy or Kotlin APIs. You don't need a plugin for that.
Here is one for Groovy:
task printMyResource {
doLast {
(The file method resolves a path to a File object relative to the project folder.)

Could not get unknown property 'a.b.c' for root project

I got some source code and was asked to build it. It was a Gradle project. So I changed to the project directory and ran:
$ gradle clean assemble
and the following error came up:
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'pcase'.
> Could not get unknown property 'postgresql.jdbc' for root project 'pcase' of type org.gradle.api.Project.
There is a settings.gradle file in the project folder too. It contains:
rootProject.name = 'pcase'
I took a look at build.gradle and found lots of occurrences like
For example:
buildscript {
dependencies {
// FlywayDB, JOOQ.
classpath "org.postgresql:postgresql:${project['postgresql.jdbc']}"
classpath "org.flywaydb:flyway-gradle-plugin:${project['flywaydb.plugin.version']}"
classpath "nu.studer:gradle-jooq-plugin:${project['jooq.plugin.version']}"
What could be ${project['x']}? Looks like associative array in bash and the build script tries to get the value of the key 'x'.
But I didn't find the place in code where this array would be declared and initialized.
The question is: Is the project buildable or is it better to consult the company that worked at it before me?
From the information provided, the project is perfectly buildable, to some certain extend. First of all, project['a.b.c'] is Groovy syntax to access properties from the project object. They're referred to as project properties.
They can be set via
Project properties via command line: gradle -Ppostgresql.jdbc=x.y.z
System properties via command line: gradle -Dorg.gradle.project.postgresql.jdbc=x.y.z
System properties via gradle.properties: org.gradle.project.postgresql.jdbc=x.y.z
All 3 properties (postgresql.jdbc, flywaydb.plugin.version, jooq.plugin.version) denote the version numbers of the particular build script dependencies. However, which versions to use best is beyond my knowledge. I would certainly consult the respective project websites, Maven artifact search or simply ask the company.
org.postgresql:postgresql is the database JDBC driver and certainly depends on the database version.
org.flywaydb:flyway-gradle-plugin is for database migrations. Try with the latest version.
I wasn't able to find gradle-jooq-plugin on Maven central. It's most likely available on the Gradle Plugin Portal.

Make a simple JAR in gradle

I am new to gradle builds. I wrote a custom service for cloudera manager which needs to build a JAR file with few directories. It is a simple archive file with few directories(descriptor, images and scripts). I created it with below jar command manually.
jar -cf CSDNAME.jar descriptor images scripts
Now I want to include this as part of gradle build for which I need to write a task. I searched online where I found java related stuff which is not required in my case. Can someone help with this?
That's a code snippet using the kotlin dsl. It's based on the JAR task of the java plugin.
plugins {
tasks.jar {
doFirst {
archiveBaseName.set("CSDNAME") // By default the JAR will have the project name
from("content") // source folder where you have your content
N.B: If you already have a build file, you will need to change its extension to .kts, else you'll need of course to create one.

Including a second jar file that's not a dependency into a fat onejar

I have a project that only builds the fat onejar file for testing purposes. Thus, there's a separate testing class that I don't want as a dependency to the main source, but I do want it included into the onejar. Odd scenario, I know.
I'm using the com.smokejumperit.gradle.OneJarPlugin plugin (source here), and clearly it gets the list of files to include in the onejar here:
project.task('oneJar', dependsOn:[project.tasks.jar, project.tasks.typedefOneJar]) {
inputs.files([jar.outputs.files, project.configurations.getByName("compile"), project.configurations.getByName("runtime")])
jar.output.files is used for publishing, so I don't want a this second jar file being published, and the two project.configurations would define dependencies for the main source jar, and I don't want this second jar to be a dependency of that either.
This second jar file is built with a task:
task integrationJar(type: Jar) {
from sourceSets.integrationTest.output
classifier = 'integration'
... so I can access the resulting FileCollection via integrationJar.outputs.files. If there was a clear way to add that to oneJar.input.files, I'd be golden, but I can't figure out how to do that. I've tried something like this:
oneJar {
dependsOn 'integrationJar'
println integrationJar.outputs.files.getAsPath()
println inputs.files.getAsPath()
... but the result for the last print is still missing the integration jar file.
I'm not familiar with the implementation of that plugin, but I'd be surprised if inputs.files determined what gets included. (Usually, inputs is just consumed by Gradle's up-to-date check.) I recommend to try the gradle-one-jar plugin, which appears to be more flexible.

OSGi bundle build issue in Gradle

I have a simple use case of building an OSGi bundle using Gradle build tool. The build is successful if there are java files present in the build path, but it fails otherwise.
I am using 'osgi' plugin inside the gradle script and trying to build without any java files. The build always fails with following error:
Could not copy MANIFEST.MF to
I am sure there must be some way to do it in Gradle but not able to fine. Any idea what can be done to resolve this depending on your experience.
I ran into this today as well, and #Peter's fix didn't work for me (I hadn't applied the java plugin in the first place...). However, after hours of Googling I did find this thread, which helped me find the problem.
Basically, it seems that the error occurs (as Peter stated) when no class files are found in the jar - my guess is because the plugin then cannot scan the classes for package names on which to base all the Import and Export information.
My solution was to add the following to the manifest specification:
classesDir = theSourceSet.output.classesDir
classpath = theSourceSet.runtimeClasspath
In my actual build code, I loop over all source sets to create jar tasks for them, so then it looks like this:
sourceSets.each { ss ->
assemble.dependsOn task("jar${ss.name.capitalize()}", type: Jar, dependsOn: ss.getCompileTaskName('Java')) {
from ss.output
into 'classes'
manifest = osgiManifest {
classesDir = ss.output.classesDir
classpath = ss.runtimeClasspath
// Other properties, like name and symbolicName, also set based on
// the name of the source set
baseName = ss.name
Running with --stacktrace indicates that the osgi plugin doesn't deal correctly with the case where both the osgi and the java plugins are applied, but no Java code is present. Removing the java plugin should solve the problem.
I had the same issue also when java code was present.
Adding these two lines to the osgiManifest closure fixed the problem:
classesDir = sourceSets.main.output.classesDir
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
-- erik
