spring MVC how to convert String to TimeStamp automatically in form bean - spring

My APP will send a String time parameter to background, like "13/03/2014", if I used TimeStamp in form bean, My ajax request will raise a 400 error, if I used String in form bean, the request will raise smoothly, but I should convert this parameter into TimeStamp, it is not good I think, So I want to know if there is a converter or configuration for such situation?

Yes, you should use WebDataBinder.registerCustomEditor method within #InitBinder method.
Here is an example.


How to get the original handler URI (with wildcards, etc.) in a HandlerInterceptor in Spring?

I am collecting custom metrics for my controller endpoints via HandlerInterceptor. In postHandle I have everything I need and I would like to save the metrics for my endpoints along with the original route defined in the controller, so not the actual route filled with the data.
E.g. I have #GetMapping("/cats/{name}") and make GET request on /cats/tom I still want the defined route "cats/{name}"
I found that I can do this with the Object handler which is the parameter of postHandle -> I can cast it to HandlerMethod get the annotations of the method and find it from memberValues. This seems a bit overkill I also have to filter for Get-, Post-, Put-, Delete-, Patch-, RequestMapping annotations. Is there any easier or more straightforward way to do this? If so how? If not what else do I have to take into consideration with this solution?
It turns out Spring adds this data to the HttpServletRequest attributes. So it can be retrieved using:
String routePattern = (String) request.getAttribute("org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerMapping.bestMatchingPattern");

#ModelAttribute returns a new instance on form submit

I am working on a Spring MVC based application. The process flow is as follows:
Fetch the data from DB (table mapped to a POJO)
Display a form backed by the POJO (from step 1). Not all the fields are displayed (like Primary Key etc).
User can update some field value in the form and will then submit.
On receving the updated POJO using #ModelAttribute annotation in my Controller, I found that not all the fields are populated in the POJO received via #ModelAttribute. All the fields which were not mapped on the JSP (like primary key) are set to null or their default value in case of primitives. Due to this I am not able to update the same in the DB.
One solution that I found is I can use fields but that does not sound much efficient solution as I have a large number of attributes which are not displayed on the JSP page.
A model attribute is simply a glorified request attribute. Request attributes only live for the duration of one request-response cycle.
HTTP request -> Get POJO from DB -> Add POJO to model attributes -> Render JSP -> HTTP response
After that, the request attributes are eventually GC'ed since they are no longer reachable by the application (the servlet container makes sure of that).
The next request you send will have its set of new request attributes with no relation to the previous requests'.
When you generate a <form> from a model attribute, Spring creates the <input> elements from the fields of the model attribute which you choose. When you eventually submit the form, only those values will be sent as request parameters in the request. Your application will therefore only have access to those to generate the new model attribute.
You seem to need Session attributes or Flash attributes (which are really just short-lived session attributes).
Please if somebody know a better solution please let me know, but on my application we are always sending back all those id´s and others values that we want to persist in the request response with hidden fields, but I think is a little bit risk, for example in case of id´s. which could be used for SQLInjections attacks.
You could use path variable to transport the primary key (kind of rest url ...) and make use of all the magic of Spring :
create a DefaultFormattingConversionService bean (to keep default conversions)
register (in that ConversionService) a Converter converting a String in your POJO (string -> primary key -> object from database)
directly use the path variable in your controller methods
#RequestMapping(value=".../{data}/edit", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String edit(#ModelAttribute("data") Pojo pojo) {
return "view_with_form";
#RequestMapping(value=".../{data}/edit", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String update(#ModelAttribute("data") Pojo pojo, BindingResult result) {
if (result.hasErrors()) {
return "view_with_form";
return "redirect:.../data/edit";
When you give a ModelAttribute to a controller method, Spring tries to find it in the session or in a path variable. And even if you didn't asked for it, the error management is not very expensive ...

Jersey - data validation before sending entity object to REST api

I use Jersey framework to communicate (marshalling and unmarshalling object and xml) with REST api. I send data (object has lot attributes) this way:
ClientResponse response = webResource.type("application/xml").post(ClientResponse.class, object);
I would like to ask how can I validate some object attributes (for example private String code in Object should be in format of two numbers etc.)
aYou mean in the service that receives the object? How have you tried? It comes in as an object, or whatever you want it to come in as. We frequently take in Map<String,Object> and then do validation on that map (if we need to decide what subtype to create from the post for example). If you have Jersey unmarshall your request into the POJO for you, you can then do whatever validation you want and return a Response object with the validation error information to your client if the object doesn't pass.
So in other words, the validation is up to you. There are a few validation frameworks out there that you could try to help, such as javax.validation but IMHO it's usually easier to just test each property you need to validate yourself using conditionals, regexps, whatever.
In my opinion the validation comes with a webframework like struts, wicked, jfc... to name some. There the user inputs his data in a form to create the object he wants to post to a service. The webframeworks already got components to validate this data. When there was a positive validation you make the post call to your service.

Handling JSON and form data request with Spring MVC

I'm working on simple Spring-MVC application and I love new Spring REST features. I'd like to use the same method to process regular form and JSON data. It seems to be a little tricky, however. For example, method
public #ResponseBody String process(#RequestBody Bean bean);
will work for JSON request (Content-type: application/json), and
public #ResponseBody String process(Bean bean);
will match request with Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
These methods are obviously will have almost the same content, so I'd prefer to avoid such duplication. With Jersey it's possible with #Consumes annotations, but I can't figure out how to do it with Spring.
First, the above declaration won't compile, because you are having duplicate signature.
Btw, #Consumes wouldn't help, I think, because it only designates what content type the method can handle.
In spring you can specify the content-type with
Just add #RestController annotation for the controller class.

Spring webflow validation

complete and utter newbie on spring webflow (and indeed, spring mvc).
30 minutes in... got the first page of my flow appearing, which happens to be a captcha, an input field and a submit button.
The actual captcha value is stored in session and i need to validate that the input field values matches the value in session.
In order to do validation, my model is passed a 'ValidationContext'.
Question: i can't seem to access session data from the ValidationContext. How do i do this?
try MessageContext in place of validationContext
In spring webflow we have a model class and a model validator class. Make sure you have created a validator method in the validator class and it must have same name as the method you are trying to validate (The method where you have those input fields). This should give you a guideline on getting started.
