Spring webflow validation - spring

complete and utter newbie on spring webflow (and indeed, spring mvc).
30 minutes in... got the first page of my flow appearing, which happens to be a captcha, an input field and a submit button.
The actual captcha value is stored in session and i need to validate that the input field values matches the value in session.
In order to do validation, my model is passed a 'ValidationContext'.
Question: i can't seem to access session data from the ValidationContext. How do i do this?

try MessageContext in place of validationContext

In spring webflow we have a model class and a model validator class. Make sure you have created a validator method in the validator class and it must have same name as the method you are trying to validate (The method where you have those input fields). This should give you a guideline on getting started.


Java Bean Validation - Intercepting Validations

I have the following scenario: I am trying to process a form and the model attribute is a bean with String and Long properties. As you all guys know, bean validation offers a lot of annotation to help us determine the validity of the data.
What I am facing is that, for the case of the Long attributes, I can only use #NotNull and another annotation (I dont recall its name) to force the user to enter positive numbers. If the user enters for instance "sdf", the application throws a BIG exception. So what I would like to know is If I can intercept the form processing and validate by my own if the user entered a numeric thing before it explodes (because I cant use #Pattern)... and I cant switch that attribute to String...
Was it clear ?.
Use Spring Custom validation. That is Annotation-based validation and you have the ability to create your own custom validation logic. Spring Custom Validation In this link you can find out more examples and how to use it.

Displaying Data Table And Submiting Form In One Page Struts

I'm new in Struts, currently I'm using struts 1.3 to build simple Contact application
I want to display data table contains contact list from the database, in the same page I want to create a form for creating new contact and then insert it to database.
I'm using Spring bean and hibernate to do database operation and logic. So here is my flow, my action class will call spring bean, and the spring bean will call dao classes for database operation do some logic, then my action class will put the list into request object named contactList, then in jsp file I'm iterate it using logicLiterate tag.
Displaying the table and submiting all works fine, but when I do validating in ActionForm, and I want to display the error message, I have an error 500. This is because the jsp cannot find attribute named contactList in the request object, because if there is an error in ActionForm classes, Struts not calling the method at my Action class that will read the database and put it into the request object. I can try calling the spring bean in my ActionForm, but I'm afraid it not appropriate, because if there is no error then I will call the spring bean twice for the same work. What do you suggest me to do?
My bad not to read the doc carefully, now i understand that action tag in struts-config.xml have "input" attribute, this attribute specifies the physical page to which the request has to be forwarded if there is an error.
In my case, i just have to specified the input attribute to current path (eg. /contacts.do, etc) so the Action class can do its Action method.
Please note that, this request is forward requuest, not redirect.

Spring annotation validation - Check for unique on update vs add

I have a POJO named sport with properties sportID, sportName, number of players. Using annotated validation I wrote my own annotation constraint to check if sportName exists in the database already or not. It works great when trying to add a sportName, however if I try to update players without changing the sportName the validation fails as well.
Is there any way to pass in a parameter in annotated validation? For example I would like to pass in sportID to the sportName contraint check so that I can exclude that ID in the db query.
Or is there a better way of doing this? In my controller should I let Spring validate inputs (with #Valid) and then if there are no errors call a validate function to check for business rules?
A better way would be using Validation Groups. (Spring MVC and JSR-303 Validation Groups)
Then you can have the default validation group without the "not exits validator". And have an extra group with the "not exits validator". This would allow you to trigger the "not exits validator" only when you need it. (Unfortunately it is not direct supported in Spring 3.0, there you have to start the validation "by hand")
An other way would be not to implement the validator like a field validator, but more like a class validator. -- Have a look at the different solutions discussed for cross field validation in this Stack Overflow Question. It will give you an idea how to access the id field.

Best practice for using #SessionAttributes

I am trying to share data between two controllers in a Spring mvc application.
In Controller A I have annotated the class with #SessionAttributes({"mymodel1"}) and in the method which receives the first GET request I add it to the ModelMap:
model.addAttribute("mymodel1", MyModel1);
I now want to read myModel1 from Controller B.
In this Controller I have the following method which intercepts the POST requests and already has a different model in its parameters:
public String processSubmit(#ModelAttribute("mymodel2") MyModel2 mymodel2, BindingResult result, SessionStatus status, HttpServletRequest httpRequest)
Up to this point everything works fine and I am able to read mymodel2 from processSubmit however if I now want to add another #ModelAttribute("mymodel1") MyModel1 mymodel1 to this method signature I would have expected to be able to read the value I was setting in Controller A however I'm getting exceptions that the first model is no longer recognised.
So my question is: how can I read mymodel2 from Controller B?
You can't do that with #SessionAttributes :
Session attributes as indicated using this annotation correspond to a specific handlers model attributes, getting transparently stored in a conversational session. Those attributes will be removed once the handler indicates completion of its conversational session. Therefore, use this facility for such conversational attributes which are supposed to be stored in the session temporarily during the course of a specific handlers conversation.
For example I use this annotation when I want to validate elements with Hibernate validation, and after I submit the page and SOME elements are invalid I want the rest to be still on the page, but this is not your case. I think that the only way to do it would be with:
The javadoc excerpt above is the most typical way #SessionAttributes is used. However, what Joly is describing should also work. Session attributes are stored via DefaultSessionAttributeStore, which by default does not prefix attribute names when it stores them in the session. That means if ControllerA and ControllerB both list an attribute called "mymodel1", they're actually referring to the same session attribute. You'll need to provide a little more information on the error you're getting and the actual controller code.

Is it possible to set a domain object as a hidden field in spring forum bean?

greetings all
i have a domain class named car
and i have an object from car retrieved from the DB
and i want to save this object in the form as a hidden field
in order when submitting to get this object
but when i tried
<form:hidden path=carObj />
it didn't work, any ideas why, and how to do such behaviour ?
Well carObj is a java object, and an HTML hidden field can only hold text, so how would Spring store one inside the other? If you want to use hidden fields, you're going to have to break down the object into individual fields.
It sounds like what you need is to tell Spring to store carObj in the session, so that's visible when the form is posted. You can use the #SessionAttributes annotation for this (see docs).
Spring's form tag library does indeed support hidden fields as you described.
See the Spring Reference for more information.
