I couldn't find any enterprise level desktop application which is built on Ruby. I know only Sketchup built with Ruby. What do Ruby GUI SketchUp developers use to build SketchUp software? I'm also wondering if there any good enterprise level app built on Ruby?
I am trying to develop an Add-In for Microsoft Word on macOS. The Windows version of the Add-In is already in development, but I don't have access to its source code. It seems like the following is the 'landing' page for developing Add-Ins for Office:
The above documentation seems to say that Add-Ins have to developed using web-technologies, and, upon examination of existing, Third-party, Add-Ins, this seems to be the case at least for the UI. What I don't understand, is, if the entire plugin has to be written using web-oriented languages, or if there is a macOS oriented SDK that allows to implement at least the underlying logic using a macOS native SDK, perhaps using Objective-C or Swift. I was hoping that somebody more expert could bring me in the right direction. Thanks for your attention.
There is no platform specific SDK for developing Office add-ins. You can use web technologies for developing cross-platform Office add-ins, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/dev/add-ins/overview/office-add-ins for more information.
You also can use AppleScript for automating tasks in Word on the MacOS.
I have been attempting to create a Windows Application using Iron Ruby Version 1.1 and Ruby in Steel for Windows Visual Studio 2010. I have attempted many times to start a new Iron Ruby Windows Application project. I am able to create such a project, however, upon creation, the project is merely a .rb file. My question is how can I create a Windows Form file in [Design] mode?
Iron Ruby lacks any support for a designer in WinForms, currently. You'll have to manually code it, much of what the designer is doing for you.
Someone wrote a tool to convert C# designer code into Ruby, but that's as much support for a WinForms designer as Iron Ruby has.
There may be designer functionality support added later, either third party or official, but nothing exists like that right now. There is some promising progress though.
Whilst Visual Studio with Ruby in Steel does not have support for designing Windows Forms you could try using SharpDevelop at least for the Windows Forms code generation. SharpDevelop has support for creating Windows Forms projects in IronRuby and also has a forms designer that will generate IronRuby code.
As far as I am aware the IronRuby support that SapphireSteel were working on was stopped and they are concentrating on standard Ruby.
I'm planning on developing an Windows desktop-based GUI application, and I don't have a clue which language or IDE to choose. I'd REALLY like something with a WYSIWYG GUI editor. My application will rely on web-based XML feeds, so built in support for that would be great. I don't want the application to have any dependencies or require admin rights to run. Cross-platform is nice, not not required.
I'm willing to learn a new language if that's necessary.
Delphi is well reputed for Windows GUI application developpment. It's even a 'RAD' Studio (rapid application development studio) as they call it.
Check out Delphi. Alternatively FreePascal with its Lazarus IDE is pretty much an open-source Delphi clone, which while not as polished, offers cross-platform support.
For Windows, I will definitely go for C#.
If you know c++ and have MFC experiences, it should be fairly easy to learn.
Yes, it has WYSIWYG GUI editor.
Designing a User Interface (Visual C#)
and it seems this is what you are looking for?
SyndicationFeed Class
Good Luck!
There are several variants.
Windows only
C# + MSVS:
One of the best choices on Windows platform today
+good documentation
+big developers community
-you need a system which has .net installed.
+easy to start
all-in-one tool with GUI editor
not very widespread
Qt or wxWidgets or some other toolsets
If you're looking for a free solution, you can use SharpDevelop, which is a free IDE for C# or VB.NET, and has a GUI designer similar to the one in Visual Studio. You should be able to use any classes and libraries from/for the .NET Framework.
You'll need the .NET Framework, but starting with Windows Vista it's installed by default (.NET Framework 3.0, I think).
The application is simple and deals with showing images and simple image manipulation.
I know python and java, but haven't seen a sleek standalone application built in them on windows. I'm not sure how reliable py2exe is.
Going the .Net/C# seems to be the only way, which I dread, since I've never done any programming in those.
Is there another way ? I've heard about silverlight & prism. Don't know if they can access filesystems when you make a standalone application out of them.
Since you know Python maybe IronPython is an option for you? You can also use create a Swing Java app
It's a little fringe right now - but you can use the new Python tools for VS 2010
If you don't have VS, download the "Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Shell (Integrated) Redistributable Package" http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=8e5aa7b6-8436-43f0-b778-00c3bca733d3&displaylang=en
then you can install the python tools...
Keep in mind you'll still have to learn XAML or WinForms & it's still .net...
Hope the helps.
COM as we know is language and platform independent standard, but all the time I see only articles on developing COM components on Windows. Could you share your thoughts on how to develop a true cross-platform application.
I've written code using COM on Mac and Unix, with no supporting libraries. You actually just need C++. It's basically a protocol.
However, if you really want to write using cross-platform COM, I suggest you look at https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XPCOM
If you aren't opposed to commercial tools, MainSoft's MainWin let's you integrate Visual Studio COM/ATL development in a Linux environment. You actually develop on your windows box but the binaries are compiled on the native Linux box. You can check it out here:
I have personally used this at my company with great success.