Cross platform COM development - windows

COM as we know is language and platform independent standard, but all the time I see only articles on developing COM components on Windows. Could you share your thoughts on how to develop a true cross-platform application.

I've written code using COM on Mac and Unix, with no supporting libraries. You actually just need C++. It's basically a protocol.
However, if you really want to write using cross-platform COM, I suggest you look at

If you aren't opposed to commercial tools, MainSoft's MainWin let's you integrate Visual Studio COM/ATL development in a Linux environment. You actually develop on your windows box but the binaries are compiled on the native Linux box. You can check it out here:
I have personally used this at my company with great success.


Does Linux have anything equivalent to Microsoft .Net other than the Java APIs or .Net for linux

The international manufacturing company that I am working for is considering moving from Windows to Linux. The only reason for this that I am aware of is that the Windows automatic updates occassionaly cause some of their applications to fail. Apparently, they do not know how to turn this off. What other reasons they may have, I do not know (cost, the mobile phone effect?). My question is does Linux or some popular variant of Linux have a development environment equivalent in power and functionality to Microsoft .Net other than what Java offers, the Linux version of .Net (Mono) offers, or running Windows as a virtual machine on Linux?
It's kind of unclear what you are looking for... a Mono IDE that runs on Linux?
Have you looked at ? It's not Visual Studio, but it's really not bad as IDE's go, and I think it's cross-compatible with VS project files. Should be packages available for any major Linux distro -- I know all the Debian based ones have it.
Mono's API is pretty compatible with .NET, though there are differences in some of the supporting libraries. There are apache extensions to do ASP.NET, but they are fiddly to get set up correctly.
It's a usable platform though, and it's possible to write Mono code that's 100% .NET compatible if you stay away from certain assemblies that haven't been ported yet.
I know I am 9 months late. You may have found your solution. You may look at IronPython.

Easy Language/IDE to Develop GUI Program?

I'm planning on developing an Windows desktop-based GUI application, and I don't have a clue which language or IDE to choose. I'd REALLY like something with a WYSIWYG GUI editor. My application will rely on web-based XML feeds, so built in support for that would be great. I don't want the application to have any dependencies or require admin rights to run. Cross-platform is nice, not not required.
I'm willing to learn a new language if that's necessary.
Delphi is well reputed for Windows GUI application developpment. It's even a 'RAD' Studio (rapid application development studio) as they call it.
Check out Delphi. Alternatively FreePascal with its Lazarus IDE is pretty much an open-source Delphi clone, which while not as polished, offers cross-platform support.
For Windows, I will definitely go for C#.
If you know c++ and have MFC experiences, it should be fairly easy to learn.
Yes, it has WYSIWYG GUI editor.
Designing a User Interface (Visual C#)
and it seems this is what you are looking for?
SyndicationFeed Class
Good Luck!
There are several variants.
Windows only
C# + MSVS:
One of the best choices on Windows platform today
+good documentation
+big developers community
-you need a system which has .net installed.
+easy to start
all-in-one tool with GUI editor
not very widespread
Qt or wxWidgets or some other toolsets
If you're looking for a free solution, you can use SharpDevelop, which is a free IDE for C# or VB.NET, and has a GUI designer similar to the one in Visual Studio. You should be able to use any classes and libraries from/for the .NET Framework.
You'll need the .NET Framework, but starting with Windows Vista it's installed by default (.NET Framework 3.0, I think).

Does it possible to run C++ apps for every type of OS?

I would like to use C/C++ for coding my apps, but I need my apps running on all versions of Windows from XP to Win8, independently by any platforms, run time libraries and so on.
Briefly: What kind/type of C/C++ I suppose to use, be able to run my apps on every type of Windows without any additional installation, just default one. e.g Windows XP SP1
C++ can run on just about any OS, as long as you avoid (or, via conditional compilation, provide alternatives for) anything specific to one OS or version. Win32 code is almost all the same between versions; the main difference is added functionality in newer versions. Between Windows and, say Linux, though? Not so much. You kinda need to pick a platform, unless you want to either stick to text mode (which is pretty close between OSes, thanks to standards) or learn some whole other platform-neutral API like OpenGL, wxWidgets, GTK, etc.
As for which compiler to use, if you're sticking with Windows, I'd recommend Visual Studio. Microsoft has a free (Express) edition that will let you compile Win32 code or .net. (You'll need the paid version, or some playing around with the Platform SDK, to play with 64-bit though.) And the IDE isn't too bad either. If you just want a compiler, the Platform SDK has the same compilers VS has, and includes 64-bit support (and even a bunch of code samples and tools) as well.
As for being independent of any runtime libs: Every C++ compiler that's worth using has a runtime library. If you link statically against it, though, the parts you need will be embedded in your EXE. Alternatively, you have permission to distribute the runtime libs with your app (though you may need to install it via a package they provide, that you bundle together with your app...i forget how all that works).
All popular C++ compilers support XP up. You can statically link the runtime, or, for mingw, you can link against the runtime supplied with Windows.

GUI Development for Audio Software development?

I am new to GUI programming and I would like some suggestions with how to get started with this subject. I need to develop GUI parts for software prototypes and interfaces for software products.
I currently have a Windows computer running Win 7 and I have Visual Studio 2008 and 2010. I would truly appreciate any help on to what software tools (frameworks, IDE's, programming languages,etc) I could pickup to get the job done and be able to proficiently create good applications.
I have experience in C++ and some java, however I am completely open to learning any other language if its the best choice for what I want to accomplish. Thank you very much in advance.
for cross platform app production, Nokia Qt Toolkit is the best option. For windows only, Visual Studio has a builtin Windows Forms Designer or you could use the WPF Designer for GUI. Do you need audio libraries as well (your question is unclear)?
Try JUCE, it designed for this stuff.

How to rapidly develop Windows applications that don't depend on other runtimes?

I'm a C# developer and I see how .NET makes developing Windows applications easier. Type-safety, memory management and a great IDE are but a few things that make developing .NET applications a breeze. Unfortunately these applications require the user to install .NET framework before they install the application itself. This can confuse the users and scare away potential customers.
Is there any other development environment that would allow one to develop Windows applications as easily as in C#, but without the requirement to install other runtimes beforehand?
Embarcadero Delphi is another good candidate
There also is a free multiplatform Delphi-alike, Lazarus, see
less polished but free and quite powerful. (source code compatible to Delphi to a very high degree)
Have you looked at RealBasic yet?
