Getting prevalue id from umbraco dropdown list - ajax

I'm currently trying to implement AJAX results filtering on a certain page.
I created the dropdowns(on the client side), so that they have the umbraco prevalue id as their value.
I will then send this id to the server, rather than the text value. Then I loop through my content to find items with this same id.
The problem, however, is that I can't figure out how to get the value id from the property. Everything either returns the text value, or just a 0 value.
This is being performed in an ApiController.
These are all of the options I've tried:
IPublishedContent root = Umbraco.TypedContentAtRoot().First();
var downloads = root.Children.Where(q => q.Name == "Downloads").SingleOrDefault();
foreach (var item in downloads.Children)
var test = item.GetPropertyValue<int>("classification");
var testing = item.GetProperty("classification");
var testVal = testing.DataValue;
var testValToo = testing.GetValue<int>();
var testThree = testing.Value;
These are the results in order:
- 0
- IPublishedProperty
- "textValue"
- 0
- "textValue"
Is it possible to get the selected value id from a dropdownlist property? Or is string matching my only option to compare values?
Nevermind, found the solution. Posting the answer here, in case someone else needs it.
I was using the data type dropdownlist. I should have been using dropdownlist:publishing keys.
dropdownlist only ever returns a value. dropdownlist:publishing keys, however, returns the prevalue id, rather than the text value.

Something like this perhaps.


Exception: while creating work item in TFS

I am using WorkItemTrackingHttpClient class to create work item in TFS,
I am already passing AreaId and ItrationId while creating workItem
patchDocument.Add(new JsonPatchOperation
Operation = Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.WebApi.Patch.Operation.Add,
Path = "/Fields/System.AreaId",
Value = rootAreaNode.Id
patchDocument.Add(new JsonPatchOperation
Operation = Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.WebApi.Patch.Operation.Add,
Path = "/Fields/System.IterationId",
Value = rootIterationsNode.Id
WorkItem result = workItemTrackingHttpClient.CreateWorkItemAsync(patchDocument, teamProjectReference.Name, "Task").Result;
But I am facing exception as :
New work item updates must specify Area and Iteration node ids. Parameter name: workItemUpdates
There are no /Fields/System.AreaId or /Fields/System.AreaId fields. You can only use System.AreaPath and System.IterationPath. Check the example below:
"System.AreaPath": "TestCase\\windows app",
"System.IterationPath": "TestCase\\Release 1\\Sprint 1",
Try to use "/Fields/System.AreaPath" and "/fields/System.IterationPath" with full path instead of "/Fields/System.AreaId" and "/Fields/System.IterationId". Because AreaId and IterationId based on System.AreaPath and System.IterationPath values.
Values for area and iteration paths you may find on work item form. You may create new work item and get default values:

For table cmdb_rel_ci, I want to retrieve unique parent.sys_class_name with count for "type=In Rack::Rack contains"

For table cmdb_rel_ci, I want to retrieve unique parent.sys_class_name with count for "type=In Rack::Rack contains". I am doing practice in out of the box instance.
At table level URL is as below:
I want to retrieve result from above URL with my below script.
var count = new GlideAggregate('cmdb_rel_ci');
count.addQuery('type','e76b8c7b0a0a0aa70082c9f7c2f9dc64');// sys_id of type In Rack::Rack contains e76b8c7b0a0a0aa70082c9f7c2f9dc64
count.addAggregate('COUNT', 'parent.sys_class_name');
var parentClassName = count.parent.sys_class_name.toString();
var parentClassNameCount = count.getAggregate('COUNT','parent.sys_class_name');
gs.log(parentClassName + " : " + parentClassNameCount );
The issue is I am getting parentClassName empty.
Try this instead:
var parentClassName = count.getValue("parent.sys_class_name")
Since it's a GlideAggregate query (instead of GlideRecord), the query being issued isn't returning all of the fields on the target table. With GlideRecord, dot-walking through a reference field (e.g. parent.sys_class_name) automatically resolves that referenced record to provide access to its field values. This is made possible by the fact that the driving/original query brought back the value of the parent field. This is not happening with GlideAggregate. The query in this case basically looks like:
SELECT cmdb1.`sys_class_name` AS `parent_sys_class_name`, count(*)
FROM (cmdb_rel_ci cmdb_rel_ci0 LEFT JOIN cmdb cmdb1 ON cmdb_rel_ci0.`parent` = cmdb1.`sys_id` )
WHERE cmdb_rel_ci0.`type` = 'e76b8c7b0a0a0aa70082c9f7c2f9dc64'
GROUP BY cmdb1.`sys_class_name`
ORDER BY cmdb1.`sys_class_name`
So, you actually have access specifically to that dot-walked sys_class_name that's being grouped, but not through the dot-walk. The call to getValue("parent.sys_class_name") is expectedly resolved to the returned column aliased as parent_sys_class_name.
That being said, what you're doing probably should also work, based on user expectations, so you've not done anything incorrect here.

Update picklist value to null with Sdk.Sync.Update does nothing

Is it possible to update a record's attribute of picklist type with null by using Sdk.Sync.Update? It's not working for me.
Here's what I do:
var detailsObj = updatedDetailsObj; // I get updatedDetailsObj from previous logic, not shown here
var operation = new Sdk.Entity("kcl_operation");
operation.setId(operationId, false); // I have operationId from previous logic, not shown here
operation.addAttribute(new Sdk.String("op_updatedAccount", detailsObj.UpdatedAccount)); // works, get updated
operation.addAttribute(new Sdk.OptionSet("op_updatedExplanation", null)); // doesn't get updated
After the completion of Sdk.Sync.update, the string field get updated, but the picklist field is left with its previous value, instead of null.
I also took a look inside the XML being sent inside Sdk.Sync.update, and indeed, it lacks the pair of "op_updatedExplanation" and null.
How can make it work?
I'm not doing it inside a form but inside a grid page, so that the user checks several records and I need to make the update on all of them.
standard CRM SDK code (assuming entity name and field name):
Entity operation = new Entity("kcl_operation");
operation.Id = operationId;
operation["op_updatedexplanation"] = null;
where service is an IOrganizationService instance
Please use this snippet to set value as null.
This will just set the value in the form. You may have to save the form to see the value getting stored in database.;
If the control is disabled - you have to set the submitmode attribute also.

Populating dropdown list with two columns from database

I'm working on MVC3 project.
At my controller I already have a code that gets the Descr column from StockClass table. After that I fill a ViewBag with this list in order to retrieve it from the view and populate the dropdown list.
Currently is working fine but only shows Descr field (obviously). What i want is populate the dropdown list with two fields (Code and Descr) in this format: "code - descr".
I tried several ways but i cannot find the way to code the #Html helper correctly.
In my controller...
var oc = dba.StockClass.OrderBy(q => q.Code).ToList();
ViewBag.OrderClass = new SelectList(oc, "StockClassId", "Descr");
In my view....
#Html.DropDownList("StockClassID", (SelectList)ViewBag.OrderClass)
Could you please help me?
I don't believe there is an HTML Helper which will do that for you, but you can get what you're after like this:
var oc = dba.StockClass
.OrderBy(q => q.Code)
.ToDictionary(q => q.StockClassId, q => q.Code + " - " + q.Descr);
ViewBag.OrderClass = new SelectList(oc, "Key", "Value");
This also has the advantage of making the uses of StockClassId, Code and Descr refactor-friendly - if you rename those properties you won't be able to compile without updating this bit of code to match.

idPrefix usage in jqGrid

Given a jqGrid populated with local data and created with the option of idPrefix:"custTable" , all the generated rows get the prefix in the html id i.e. custTableRow_1 custTableRow_2 etc. Does this idPrefix'ed version of the id need to be passed in to the jqGrid methods, if so which ones?
for example to delete a row with deleteRowData does it need the prefixed id? how about setRowData or addRowData? when adding after row x it seems to need the prefixed for the srcrowid parameter. How about multiselect rows?
If I delete a row using the prefixed id of the row it disappears from the display but when I reload the grid the delete item shows up again in the grid, like it wasn't removed. This doesn't happen when idPrefix is not used.
thanks for any help.
The option idPrefix was introduced to hold ids on the HTML page unique even you have on the page the ids like the rowids loaded from the server. Typical example is two grids with the data loaded from the server. Let us you have two tables in the database where you use IDENTITY or AUTOINCREMENT in the definition of the PRIMARY KEY. In the case the primary key will be generated automatically in the table and will be unique inside the table, but there are not unique over the tables. So if you would use the primary keys as ids of the grids and place on one page two grids you can have id duplicates.
To solve the problem you can use idPrefix: "a" as additional option in the first grid and use idPrefix: "b" in the second grid. In the case locally jqGrid will uses everywhere ids with the prefix, but the prefix will be cut if the ids will be sent to the server.
So you will see locally in all callbacks (events) and in all methods (like setRowData, addRowData etc) the ids with the prefix, but on the server side the ids the prefixes will be removed immediately before sending to the server.
I recommend you additionally to read another answer about the restrictions in the ids which I posted today.
UPDATED: I looked through the code which you posed on jsfiddle and found some clear bugs in your code. You current code
1) use wrong algorithm to generate id of the new row. For example the following code
// generic way to create an animal
function newAnimal(collection, defaults) {
var next = collection.length + 1;
var newpet = {
id : next,
name: + next,
breed: defaults.breed
return newpet;
use collection.length + 1 for the new id. It's wrong if you allows to delete the items. By adding of two items, deleting one from there and adding new item one more time follows to id duplicates. Instead of that it's more safe to use some variable which will be only incremented. You can use $.jgrid.randId() for example which code is very simple.
2) you call addRowData with adding a prefix manually (see below). It's wrong because jqGrid adds the prefix one more time to the rows.
// add dog button actions
$('#dogAddAtEnd').click(function() {
var newdog = newAnimal(dogs, dogDefaults);
dogsTable.jqGrid('addRowData',, newdog);
Probably there are more problems, but at least these problems can explain the problems which you described.
UPDATED 2: I examined new demo which you posted. It has still the lines
grid.jqGrid('addRowData',, newanimal,
"after", prefix+ followingId);
dogsTable.jqGrid('addRowData',, newdog);
which must be fixed to
grid.jqGrid('addRowData',, newanimal,
"after", followingId);
dogsTable.jqGrid('addRowData',, newdog);
Nevertheless I tested the demo after the changes and found bugs in code of addRowData, delRowData and setRowData. The problem are in the line of the delRowData and the same line of setRowData
var pos = $t.p._index[rowid];
can be fixed to the following
var id = $.jgrid.stripPref($t.p.idPrefix, rowid), pos = $t.p._index[id];
Inside of addRowData I suggest to include the line
var id = rowid; // pure id without prefix
before the line
rowid = t.p.idPrefix + rowid;
of addRowData. Another tow lines of addRowData
lcdata[] = rowid;
t.p._index[rowid] =;
should be changed to
lcdata[] = id;
t.p._index[id] =;
where unprefixed id will be used.
The modified code of you demo which uses the fixed version of jquery.jqGrid.src.js you can test here.
I will post my bug report to trirand later to inform the developer of the jqGrid. I hope that soon the bug fix will be included in the main code of jqGrid.
Additionally I recommend you to use $.jgrid.stripPref method to strip prefixes from the rowids. For example the function
//general delete selected
function deleteSelectedAnimal(list, grid, prefix)
var sel = grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow');
if (sel.length)
var gridrow = sel;
//get the unprefixed model id
var modelid = gridrow;
if (prefix.length !== 0)
modelid = modelid.split(prefix)[1];
// make it a numeric
modelid = Number(modelid);
//delete the row in the collection
list = RemoveAnimal(list, modelid);
//delete the row in the grid
grid.jqGrid('delRowData', gridrow);
from your demo can be rewritten to the following
//general delete selected
function deleteSelectedAnimal(list, grid)
var sel = grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow'),
gridPrefix = grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'idPrefix');
if (sel !== null)
//delete the row in the collection
// ??? the gogs list will be not modified in the way !!!
list = RemoveAnimal(list, $.jgrid.stripPref(gridPrefix, sel));
//delete the row in the grid
grid.jqGrid('delRowData', sel);
I am not sure that the line list = RemoveAnimal(list, $.jgrid.stripPref(gridPrefix, sel)); or the function RemoveAnimal do what you want, but it's not a problem which connected with jqGrid.
One more small remark about your code. You use already in the objects which you add to the grid the id property. It's the same name as defined in the In the case the data from the id property will be used as id attribute of the grid rows (<tr>). The local data parameter will save the id additionally to other properties which are build from the name property of the items of colModel. So I see no sense to define hidden column
{ key: true, name: 'id', align: 'left', hidden: true }
How you can see on the demo all stay works exactly as before if you remove id column from the grids which you use.
UPDATED 3: As promised before I posted the corresponding bug report here.
