What function has replaced GlobalAlloc in Win32? - windows

Since GlobalAlloc has become local in the 32 bit model, it can't be used so that allocated memory to be shared between Win32 applications. What function is replacing GlobalAlloc and uses the same simplicity? (Like retrieving a handler to the memory block, which is converted to pointer later by the application that uses it.)

The way you share memory between processes in Win32 is with memory mapped files. Start with CreateFileMapping and MapViewOfFile.

If you are after general IPC rather than just shared memory, I would suggest reading the "Interprocess Communications" chapter. It seems you could use named memory mappings as the closest equivalent of GlobalAlloc().


Why is it "not necessary to free the resources loaded using LoadResource" for 32-bit Windows applications?

In FreeResource function - Microsoft Docs:
[This function is obsolete and is only supported for backward compatibility with 16-bit Windows. For 32-bit Windows applications, it is not necessary to free the resources loaded using LoadResource. If used on 32 or 64-bit Windows systems, this function will return FALSE.]
Why is that? Is it because that the memory is large?
The specialized resource-specific functions like LoadBitmap() "post-process" the actual resource into a usable GDI object, which consumes both additional memory and a slot in the system-wide GDI table (limited to 64K handles). Because of that, it is necessary to call DeleteObject() once done with the HBITMAP in order to release the associated resources.
Unlike LoadBitmap() (and unlike 16-bit Windows), LoadResource() does not allocate any additional resources in Win32, but rather "points" to the resource in the memory-mapped image of the already loaded module. Therefore, there is nothing for FreeResource() to clean up in Win32.
Quoting from Raymond Chen's What's the difference between FreeResource and, say, DestroyAcceleratorTable:
In 16-bit Windows, loading a resource entailed allocating a chunk of memory, then filling that memory block from the disk image. In Win32, resources are mapped into the address space as part of the image; there is no memory allocation and no explicit loading.

check if the mapped memory supports write combining

I write a kernel driver which exposes to the user space my I/O device.
Using mmap the application gets virtual address to write into the device.
Since i want the application write uses a big PCIe transaction, the driver maps this memory to be write combining.
According to the memory type (write-combining or non-cached) the application applies an optimal method to work with the device.
But, some architectures do not support write-combining or may support but just for part of the memory space.
Hence, it is important that the kernel driver tell to application if it succeeded to map the memory to be write-combining or not.
I need a generic way to check in the kernel driver if the memory it mapped (or going to map) is write-combining or not.
How can i do it?
here is part of my code:
vma->vm_page_prot = pgprot_writecombine(vma->vm_page_prot);
io_remap_pfn_range(vma, vma->vm_start, pfn, PAGE_SIZE, vma->vm_page_prot);
First, you can find out if an architecture supports write-combining at compile time, with the macro ARCH_HAS_IOREMAP_WC. See, for instance, here.
At run-time, you can check the return values from ioremap_wc, or set_memory_wc and friends for success or not.

Sharing GlobalAlloc() memory from DLL to multiple Win32 applications

I want to move my caching library to a DLL and allow multiple applications to share a single pointer allocated within the DLL using GlobalAlloc(). How could I accomplish this, and would it result in a significant performance decrease?
You could certainly do this and there won't be any performance implication for a single pointer.
Rather than use GlobalAlloc, a legacy API, you should opt for a different shared heap. For example the simplest to use is the COM allocator, CoTaskMemAlloc. Or you can use HeapAlloc passing the process heap obtained by GetProcessHeap.
For example, and neglecting to show error checking:
void *mem = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, size);
Note that you only need to worry about heap sharing if you expect the memory to be deallocated in a different module from where it was created. If your DLL both creates and destroys the memory then you can use plain old malloc. Because all modules live in the same process address space, memory allocated by any module in that process, can be used by any other module.
I failed on first reading of the question to pick up on the possibility that you may be wanting multiple process to have access to the same memory. If that's what you need then it is only possible with memory mapped files, or perhaps with some form of IPC.

Can address space be recycled for multiple calls to MapViewOfFileEx without chance of failure?

Consider a complex, memory hungry, multi threaded application running within a 32bit address space on windows XP.
Certain operations require n large buffers of fixed size, where only one buffer needs to be accessed at a time.
The application uses a pattern where some address space the size of one buffer is reserved early and is used to contain the currently needed buffer.
This follows the sequence:
(initial run) VirtualAlloc -> VirtualFree -> MapViewOfFileEx
(buffer changes) UnMapViewOfFile -> MapViewOfFileEx
Here the pointer to the buffer location is provided by the call to VirtualAlloc and then that same location is used on each call to MapViewOfFileEx.
The problem is that windows does not (as far as I know) provide any handshake type operation for passing the memory space between the different users.
Therefore there is a small opportunity (at each -> in my above sequence) where the memory is not locked and another thread can jump in and perform an allocation within the buffer.
The next call to MapViewOfFileEx is broken and the system can no longer guarantee that there will be a big enough space in the address space for a buffer.
Obviously refactoring to use smaller buffers reduces the rate of failures to reallocate space.
Some use of HeapLock has had some success but this still has issues - something still manages to steal some memory from within the address space.
(We tried Calling GetProcessHeaps then using HeapLock to lock all of the heaps)
What I'd like to know is there anyway to lock a specific block of address space that is compatible with MapViewOfFileEx?
Edit: I should add that ultimately this code lives in a library that gets called by an application outside of my control
You could brute force it; suspend every thread in the process that isn't the one performing the mapping, Unmap/Remap, unsuspend the suspended threads. It ain't elegant, but it's the only way I can think of off-hand to provide the kind of mutual exclusion you need.
Have you looked at creating your own private heap via HeapCreate? You could set the heap to your desired buffer size. The only remaining problem is then how to get MapViewOfFileto use your private heap instead of the default heap.
I'd assume that MapViewOfFile internally calls GetProcessHeap to get the default heap and then it requests a contiguous block of memory. You can surround the call to MapViewOfFile with a detour, i.e., you rewire the GetProcessHeap call by overwriting the method in memory effectively inserting a jump to your own code which can return your private heap.
Microsoft has published the Detour Library that I'm not directly familiar with however. I know that detouring is surprisingly common. Security software, virus scanners etc all use such frameworks. It's not pretty, but may work:
HANDLE g_hndPrivateHeap;
HANDLE WINAPI GetProcessHeapImpl() {
return g_hndPrivateHeap;
struct SDetourGetProcessHeap { // object for exception safety
SDetourGetProcessHeap() {
// put detour in place
~SDetourGetProcessHeap() {
// remove detour again
void MapFile() {
g_hndPrivateHeap = HeapCreate( ... );
SDetourGetProcessHeap d;
These may also help:
How to replace WinAPI functions calls in the MS VC++ project with my own implementation (name and parameters set are the same)?
How can I hook Windows functions in C/C++?
Imagine if I came to you with a piece of code like this:
void *foo;
foo = malloc(n);
if (foo)
foo = malloc(n);
Then I came to you and said, help! foo does not have the same address on the second allocation!
I'd be crazy, right?
It seems to me like you've already demonstrated clear knowledge of why this doesn't work. There's a reason that the documention for any API that takes an explicit address to map into lets you know that the address is just a suggestion, and it can't be guaranteed. This also goes for mmap() on POSIX.
I would suggest you write the program in such a way that a change in address doesn't matter. That is, don't store too many pointers to quantities inside the buffer, or if you do, patch them up after reallocation. Similar to the way you'd treat a buffer that you were going to pass into realloc().
Even the documentation for MapViewOfFileEx() explicitly suggests this:
While it is possible to specify an address that is safe now (not used by the operating system), there is no guarantee that the address will remain safe over time. Therefore, it is better to let the operating system choose the address. In this case, you would not store pointers in the memory mapped file, you would store offsets from the base of the file mapping so that the mapping can be used at any address.
Update from your comments
In that case, I suppose you could:
Not map into contiguous blocks. Perhaps you could map in chunks and write some intermediate function to decide which to read from/write to?
Try porting to 64 bit.
As the earlier post suggests, you can suspend every thread in the process while you change the memory mappings. You can use SuspendThread()/ResumeThread() for that. This has the disadvantage that your code has to know about all the other threads and hold thread handles for them.
An alternative is to use the Windows debug API to suspend all threads. If a process has a debugger attached, then every time the process faults, Windows will suspend all of the process's threads until the debugger handles the fault and resumes the process.
Also see this question which is very similar, but phrased differently:
Replacing memory mappings atomically on Windows

Usage of CoTaskMemAlloc?

When is it appropriate to use CoTaskMemAlloc? Can someone give an example?
Use CoTaskMemAlloc when returning a char* from a native C++ library to .NET as a string.
[DllImport("test.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
extern static string Foo();
char* Foo()
std::string response("response");
int len = response.length() + 1;
char* buff = (char*) CoTaskMemAlloc(len);
strcpy_s(buff, len, response.c_str());
return buff;
Since .NET uses CoTaskMemFree, you have to allocate the string like this, you can't allocate it on the stack or the heap using malloc / new.
Gosh, I had to think for a while for this one -- I've done a fair amount of small-scale COM programming with ATL and rarely have had to use it.
There is one situation though that comes to mind: Windows Shell extensions. If you are dealing with a set of filesystem objects you might have to deal with PIDLs (pointer to an ID list). These are bizarre little filesystem object abstractions and they need to be explicitly allocated/deallocated using a COM-aware allocator such as CoTaskMemAlloc. There is also an alternative, the IMalloc interface pointer obtained from SHGetMalloc (deprecated) or CoGetMalloc -- it's just an abstraction layer to use, so that your code isn't tied to a specific memory allocator and can use any appropriate one.
The point of using CoTaskMemAlloc or IMalloc rather than malloc() is that the memory allocation/deallocation needs to be something that is "COM-aware" so that its allocation and deallocation are performed consistently at run-time, even if the allocation and deallocation are done by completely unrelated code (e.g. Windows allocates memory, transfers it to your C++ code which later deallocates, or your C++ code allocates, transfers it to someone else's VB code which later deallocates). Neither malloc() nor new are capable of interoperating with the system's run-time heap so you can't use them to allocate memory to transfer to other COM objects, or to receive memory from other COM objects and deallocate.
This MSDN article compares a few of the various allocators exposed by Win32, including CoTaskMemAlloc. It's mainly used in COM programming--most specifically when the implementation of a COM server needs to allocate memory to return back to a client. If you aren't writing a COM server, then you probably don't need to use it.
(However, if you call code that allocates memory using CoTaskMemAlloc and returns it back to you, you'll need to free the returned allocation(s) using CoTaskMemFree.)
there is not really much which can go wrong as the following calls all end up with the same allocation:
CoTaskMemAlloc/SHAlloc -> IMalloc.Alloc -> GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED)
only if you use non-windows (compiler-library) calls like malloc() things will go wrong.
Officially one should use CoTaskMemAlloc for COM calls (like allocating a FORMATETC.ptd field)
That CoTaskMemAlloc equals GlobalAlloc() will stay this way 'till eternity is seen at the clipboard api versus com STGMEDIUM. The STGMEDIUM uses the clipboard structures and method and while STGMEDIUM is com and thus CoTaskMemAlloc, the clipboard apis prescribe GlobalAlloc()
CoTaskMemAlloc is same as malloc except that former is used to allocate memory which is used across process boundaries.
i.e., if we have two processes, process1 and process2, assume that process1 is a COM server, and process2 is a COM Client which uses the interfaces exposed by process1.
If process1 has to send some data, then he can allocate memory using CoTaskMemAlloc to allocate the memory and copies the data.
That memory location can be accessed by process2.
COM library automatically does the marshalling and unmarshalling.
