Why is it "not necessary to free the resources loaded using LoadResource" for 32-bit Windows applications? - winapi

In FreeResource function - Microsoft Docs:
[This function is obsolete and is only supported for backward compatibility with 16-bit Windows. For 32-bit Windows applications, it is not necessary to free the resources loaded using LoadResource. If used on 32 or 64-bit Windows systems, this function will return FALSE.]
Why is that? Is it because that the memory is large?

The specialized resource-specific functions like LoadBitmap() "post-process" the actual resource into a usable GDI object, which consumes both additional memory and a slot in the system-wide GDI table (limited to 64K handles). Because of that, it is necessary to call DeleteObject() once done with the HBITMAP in order to release the associated resources.
Unlike LoadBitmap() (and unlike 16-bit Windows), LoadResource() does not allocate any additional resources in Win32, but rather "points" to the resource in the memory-mapped image of the already loaded module. Therefore, there is nothing for FreeResource() to clean up in Win32.
Quoting from Raymond Chen's What's the difference between FreeResource and, say, DestroyAcceleratorTable:
In 16-bit Windows, loading a resource entailed allocating a chunk of memory, then filling that memory block from the disk image. In Win32, resources are mapped into the address space as part of the image; there is no memory allocation and no explicit loading.


When Resources of a PE file are loaded

When using a resource included in a PE file (for example a binary resource) in C++ . we have to
first call
1 )FindResource and then
2 )LoadResource
to access the resource .
Being accurate about the function name "LoadResource" i wonder if the "Windows Loader" does load all resource of an application in memory just when loading other parts (like code or data section) or they are delay loaded only when we need them ?
If so can we unload these resources after we have used them in order to free allocated memory?
These functions are old, they date back to Windows versions that did not yet support virtual memory. Back in the olden days they would actually physically load a resource into RAM.
Those days are long gone, the OS loader creates a memory-mapped file to map the executable file into memory. And anything from the file (code and resources) are only mapped into RAM when the program dereferences a pointer. You only pay for what you use.
So LoadResource() does very little, it simply returns a pointer, disguised as a HGLOBAL handle. LockResource() does nothing interesting, it simply casts the HGLOBAL back to a pointer. When you actually start using it then you'll trip a page fault and the kernel reads the file, loading it into RAM. UnlockResource() and FreeResource() do nothing. If the OS needs RAM for another process then it can unmap the RAM for the resource. Nothing needs to be preserved since the memory is backed by the file, the page can simply be discarded. Paged back in when necessary if you use the resource again.

What function has replaced GlobalAlloc in Win32?

Since GlobalAlloc has become local in the 32 bit model, it can't be used so that allocated memory to be shared between Win32 applications. What function is replacing GlobalAlloc and uses the same simplicity? (Like retrieving a handler to the memory block, which is converted to pointer later by the application that uses it.)
The way you share memory between processes in Win32 is with memory mapped files. Start with CreateFileMapping and MapViewOfFile.
If you are after general IPC rather than just shared memory, I would suggest reading the "Interprocess Communications" chapter. It seems you could use named memory mappings as the closest equivalent of GlobalAlloc().

Does mlock prevent the page from appearing in a core dump?

I have a process with some sensitive memory which must never be written to disk.
I also have a requirement that I need core dumps to satisfy first-time data capture requirements of my client.
Does locking a page using mlock() prevent the page from appearing in a core dump?
Note, this is an embedded system and we don't actually have any swap space.
Taken from man 2 madvise:
The madvise() system call advises the kernel about how to handle
paging input/output in the address range beginning at address addr and
with size length bytes. It allows an application to tell the kernel
how it expects to use some mapped or shared memory areas, so that the
kernel can choose appropriate read-ahead and caching techniques.
This call does not influence the semantics of the application (except
in the case of MADV_DONTNEED), but may influence its performance. The
kernel is free to ignore the advice.
Particularly check the option MADV_DONTDUMP :
Exclude from a core dump those pages in the range specified by addr
and length. This is useful in applications that have large areas of
memory that are known not to be useful in a core dump. The effect of
MADV_DONTDUMP takes precedence over the bit mask that is set via the
/proc/PID/coredump_filter file (see core(5)).

What are possible reasons for not mapping Win32 Portable Executable images at offset 0?

I've been looking into Window's PE format lately and I have noticed that in most examples,
people tend to set the ImageBase offset value in the optional header to something unreasonably high like 0x400000.
What could make it unfavorable not to map an image at offset 0x0?
First off, that's not a default of Windows or the PE file format, it is the default for the linker's /BASE option when you use it to link an EXE. The default for a DLL is 0x10000000.
Selecting /BASE:0 would be bad choice, no program can ever run at that base address. The first 64 KB of the address space is reserved and can never be mapped. Primarily to catch null pointer dereference bugs. And expanded to 64KB to catch pointer bugs in programs that started life in 16-bits and got recompiled to 32-bits.
Why 0x40000 and not 0x10000 is the default is a historical accident as well and goes back to at least Windows 95. Which reserved the first 4 megabytes of the address space for the "16-bit/MS-DOS Compatibility Arena". I don't remember much about it, Windows 9x had a very different 16-bit VM implementation from NT. You can read some more about it in this ancient KB article. It certainly isn't relevant anymore these days, a 64-bit OS will readily allocate heap memory in the space between 0x010000 and 0x400000.
There isn't any point in changing the /BASE option for an EXE. However, there's lots of point changing it for a DLL. They are much more effective if they don't overlap and thus don't have to be relocated, they won't take any space in the paging file and can be shared between processes. There's even an SDK tool for it so you can change it after building, rebase.exe
Practically, the impact of setting /BASE to 0 depends on the Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) setting of your image (which is also put by the Linker - /DYNAMICBASE:NO).
Should your image have /BASE:0 and ASLR is on (/DYNAMICBASE:YES), then your image will start and run because the loader will automatically load it at a "valid" address.
Should your image have /BASE:0 and ASLR is off (/DYNAMICBASE:NO), then your image will NOT start because the loader will NOT load it at the desired based address (which is, as explained above, unvalid/reserved).
If you map it to address 0 then that means the code expects to be running starting at address zero.
For the OS, address zero is NULL, which is an invalid address.
(Not "fundamentally", but for modern-day OSes, it is.)
Also, in general you don't want anything in the lower 16 MiB of memory (even virtual), for numerous reasons.
But what's the alternative? It has to be mapped somewhere, so they chose 0x400000... no particular reason for that particular address, probably. It was probably just handy.
Microsoft chose that address as the default starting address specified by the linker at which the PE file will be memory mapped. The linker assumes this address and and can optimize the executable with that assumption. When the file is memory mapped at that address the code can be run without needing to modify any internal offsets.
If for some reason the file cannot be loaded to that location (another exe/dll already loaded there) relocations will need to occur before the executable can run which will increase load times.
Lower memory addresses are usually assumed to contain low level system routines and are generally left alone. The only real requirement for the ImageBase address is that it is a multiple of 0x10000.
Recommended reading:

Sharing GlobalAlloc() memory from DLL to multiple Win32 applications

I want to move my caching library to a DLL and allow multiple applications to share a single pointer allocated within the DLL using GlobalAlloc(). How could I accomplish this, and would it result in a significant performance decrease?
You could certainly do this and there won't be any performance implication for a single pointer.
Rather than use GlobalAlloc, a legacy API, you should opt for a different shared heap. For example the simplest to use is the COM allocator, CoTaskMemAlloc. Or you can use HeapAlloc passing the process heap obtained by GetProcessHeap.
For example, and neglecting to show error checking:
void *mem = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, size);
Note that you only need to worry about heap sharing if you expect the memory to be deallocated in a different module from where it was created. If your DLL both creates and destroys the memory then you can use plain old malloc. Because all modules live in the same process address space, memory allocated by any module in that process, can be used by any other module.
I failed on first reading of the question to pick up on the possibility that you may be wanting multiple process to have access to the same memory. If that's what you need then it is only possible with memory mapped files, or perhaps with some form of IPC.
