Stm32 cortex-m3 memory remap - memory-management

I am working on a stm32l152 now.
My boot up vector table is located on flash 0x0800 0000, where there is a valid reset handler vector and stack pointer. The rest of the exception/interrupt vectors are just endless loops.
Then I setup another vector table in ram, starting at 0x2000 0000. This vector table will have all necessary vectors.
My problem is that after doing a memory remap to map 0x0000 0000 to 0x2000 0000, and when my interrupt fires off, it seems the mcu is still looking for the vectors in 0x0800 0000. I have confirmed this by changing my related-vector in the flash table to that of the one in the ram table. If the flash table related-vector points to a endless loop, my program will loop endlessly. Also, I confirmed my memory remap is correct by writing/read back some memory locations across 0x0000 0000, 0x0800 0000, 0x2000 0000.
Next I use the other method of changing the VTOR in the mcu to offset the vector table by 0x2000 0000. Now, it works and the mcu will find the vector in the ram. Note that in this method, I did not do any above memory remapping.
My question is: can I use memory remap to relocate my vector table (Without changing VTOR)?
What other uses are there for memory remapping?
Can I write to 0x0000 0000 (mapped to 0x0800 0000 flash) and modify flash during runtime?

You probably have done it right in your first attempt. However, SystemInit() function supplied by the IDE silently sets VTOR = 0x8000000, so the table at the beginning of the flash is used regardless of your memory remap settings.


Question about memory space in microprocessor

My teacher has given me the question to differentiate the maximum memory space of 1MB and 4GB microprocessor. Does anyone know how to answer this question apart from size mentioned difference ?
A 32-bit microprocessor can address up to 4 GB of memory, because its registers can contain an address that is 32 bits in size. (A 32-bit number ranges from 0 to 4,294,967,295‬). Each of those values can represent a unique memory location.
The 16-bit 8086, on the other hand, has 16-bit registers which only range from 0 to 65,535. However, the 8086 has a trick up its sleeve- it can use memory segments to increase this range up to one megabyte (20 bits). There are segment registers whose values are automatically bit-shifted left by 4 then added to the regular registers to form the final address.
For example, let's look at video mode 13h on the 8086. This is the 256-color VGA standard with a resolution of 320x200 pixels. Each pixel is represented by a single byte and the desired color is stored in that byte. The video memory is located at address 0xA0000, but since this value is greater than 16 bits, typically the programmer will load 0xA000 into a segment register like ds or es, then load 0000 into si or di. Once that is done, the program can read from [ds:si] and write to [es:di] to access the video memory. It's important to keep in mind that with this memory addressing scheme, not all combinations of segment and offset represent a unique memory location. Having es = A100/di = 0000 is the same as es=A000/di=1000.

Why does 8086 segment addressing not overflow?

I know that the 8086 addressing mode is a left shift of the segment register by four bits then add an offset. But will the information of significant bit not be lost after shifting the 16-bit register?
For example, the segment register stores 0x1000, will it not become 0x0000 after shifting four bits to the left?
Address calculation happens with 20-bit math. Or more on later CPUs. Not the same width as the inputs. The CPU doesn't shift inside the segment reg!
In CPUs that don't support other modes (like protected mode where the base comes from the GDT), I assume the selected segment register is just hard-wired to bits [20:4] of an adder in the AGU, so the "shift" is just built-in to the wiring. Not like when you run a shift instruction and the result goes back into the destination.
(Actual 8086 didn't have an AGU separate from its ALU, so presumably that's what happens when using that block of logic to do address math instead of 16-bit normal integer math. It also supports a mul instruction which produces a 32-bit product, that has to get split across DX:AX when it's done, but internally the ALU has to shift and add numbers across 16-bit boundaries for multiply to work.)

Understanding flash composition of Arduino bootloader

I'm trying to understand the Arduino bootloader. I've found some intro here: Arduino Bootloader, but I need more details and because of it I'm asking for help.
During my research i found a start point: OK, Arduino (atmega family) has a specific block of flash dedicated to bootloader. Once the mcu has a bootloader, it can download the new program via serial and store it on flash, at address 0x00.
Let's asign the atmega328p for this question.
#1 - If you take a look at datasheet page 343, you will see a table, showing some info about the bootloader size:
By this table I understood: if i set BOOTSZ1/0 to 0/0, I can have a 2K bootloader and it will be stored in flash stack: 0x3800 ~ 0x3FFF.
#2 - If you open the hex file of ATMEGA328_BOOTLOADER generated by Arduino, you will see the bootloader stored at:
If you consider 7FF0 - 7800 you will get 7F0 (2K bytes of program)
#3 - If you open the makefile (C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\bootloaders\atmega) you will see this argument for atmega328:
atmega328: LDSECTION = --section-start=.text=0x7800
Where 0x7800 matches the hexa file from bootloader.
1- Why the datasheet tells me that I have an special place for bootloader and the makefile of Arduino force it to be stored in a different place?
2- What means the line of an hexa file?
:10 : (?)
E000 : Address
00 : (?)
0D9489F10D94B2F10D94B2F10D94B2F1 : data (?)
29 : CRC (?)
First of all, I'm not sure we have the same atmel datasheet; your table was 27-7 on my one, but anyway the data is the same.
Disclaimer: I'm not 100% sure about this, but I'm pretty confident.
I think that the "problem" here is that "words". Reading in the overview of the core they wrote
Most AVR instructions have a single 16-bit word format. Every program memory address contains a 16- or 32-bit instruction
This means that instructions are 2 byte wide. So your address 0x3800 corresponds to 0x7000 byte from the start of the memory, while the end of the bootloader 0x3FFF corresponds to the bytes 0x7FFE and 0x7FFF.
This is confirmed by the memory size: 0x7FFF corresponds to 32k, which is the available flash. Since the bootloader is at the end of the memory (as the pictures from the DS imply), this means that 0x3FFF should be the last memory cell.
When I answered, I did not read the second part of the question. The format is the so-called Intel Binary format. See Wikipedia for the detailed information. Here is a brief summary.
You correctly identified the field division:
: : Start code
10 : Number of data bytes (in this case: 16)
E000 : Starting address of the data bytes
00 : Record type (in this case: data)
0D9489F10D94B2F10D94B2F10D94B2F1 : data payload (in this case: 16 bytes)
29 : CRC
The record type can be
00: data
01: end of file
02: extended segment address
03: start segment address
04: extended linear address
05: start linear address
The CRC is obtained summing all the bytes (starting from the length one, so the very beginning), then getting the LSB and finally making the 2 complement. In this case the sum is 2519, which is 0x9D7 in hex. The lower byte, D7, corresponds to 215. Its 2 complement can be calculated as 256 - x, so 41, which means 0x29 in hex.

Need Clarification on Memory Accessing (ISA/MIPS)

I'm doing a theoretical assignment where I design my own ISA. I'm doing a Memory-Memory design where the ALU receives inputs from memory and outputs back to memory without using any registers. This is an outdated method and registers are more effective now, but that doesn't matter for my assignment.
My question:
If the encoding of one of my instructions looks like this
00 0001 0011 1100 00
the function "00" stands for addition and the opcode 00 stands for an ALU operation.
My RTN looks like this for that function:
Mem[0001] <--- Mem[0011] + Mem[1100]
0001, 0011, 1100 are memory addresses, what I'm trying the accomplish is to sum the values INSIDE those memory addresses and then store it in the memory address of 0001 (overwriting it).
So if the value in memory address 0011 was '2' and the value in memory address 1100 was '3', my instruction would store '5' in memory address 0001.
Also lets say I want to overwrite the value '3' that's in address 1100 with '4'. I can just do Mem[1100] <--- 0100(binary for 4) ?
Is what I'm implementing correct? Or am I approaching memory addressing completely wrong?
These architectures usually have one accumulator. Otherwise you'd need a dual port ram to access two operands at the same time.
You could latch one memory value, but that's just a less versatile accumulator.
Memory writes are done on a different clock/ clock flank than reads.
Memory-const operations use a different opcode than memory-memory operations of the same type.
Finally, if your const is too big for your instruction size, you need to first copy the const to a memory address, then use it on a memory-memory operation.

AVR Internal Data bus width

I got a doubt about the width of internal data bus of AVR controllers connected to flash memory. I was mainly referring to Atmega328. Datasheet says (Page 17) "Since all AVR instructions are 16 or 32 bits wide, the Flash is organized as
2/4/8/16K x 16.". That means flash memory data bus width must be 16 bit? I could not see anywhere mentioning about 16 bit wide program memory data bus (Of course internal to the controller). But bus for RAM seems to be again 8 bit. Just want a clarification.
BitThe 8-bit AVR family is based on a (modified) Harvard architecture, where you have dedicated program and data storages. The data path to program memory is indeed 16-bit, while it is 8-bit only to data memory.
The funny part is, that in the beginning Atmel points out, that these are 8-bit CPUs. This makes them look very competitive when compared to other 8-bit products like 8051 or Rabbit. Due to the 16-bit program data path the AVRs perform very well in benchmark tests. Later, when 8-bit sounds a bit old-fashioned, Atmel decided to call them 8/16-bit CPUs.
Figure 7.1 on page 9 of the data sheet/complete shows that the flash isn't at all connected to the (8 bit) data bus but only to an address bus. The "data" of the flash memory primarily goes into the instruction register and by use of the LPM instruction this data is transferred into a register. Note that when writing data to the flash you always write 16 bit (R1:R0) addressed by the Z pointer (SPM instruction) ... and that the SPM instruction cannot be expressed in "clock cycles" (pg. 617)
