Write the code necessary to count the number of perfect squares whose value is less than h , starting with 1 . - integer-programming

Assume there is a variable , h already associated with a positive integer value. Write the code necessary to count the number of perfect squares whose value is less than h , starting with 1 . (A perfect square is an integer like 9 , 16 , 25 , 36 that is equal to the square of another integer (in this case 3*3 , 4*4 , 5*5 , 6*6 respectively).) Assign the sum you compute to a variable q For example, if h is 19 , you would assign 4 to q because there are perfect squares (starting with 1 ) that are less than h are: 1 , 4 , 9 , 16 .
This is what I have so far, I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
q = 0
sqrt = int(h ** 0.5)
if sqrt != h:
h += 1
for i in range(1, sqrt):
q += 1


q = 0
sqrt = int(h ** 0.5)
if sqrt != h:
h += 1
for i in range(1, sqrt):
q += 1
This is bloated code.
Why are you incrementing h?
Why are you using a for loop to increment q?


Finding natural numbers having n Trailing Zeroes in Factorial

I need help with the following problem.
Given an integer m, I need to find the number of positive integers n and the integers, such that the factorial of n ends with exactly m zeroes.
I wrote this code it works fine and i get the right output, but it take way too much time as the numbers increase.
a = input()
while a:
x = []
m, n, fact, c, j = input(), 0, 1, 0, 0
z = 10*m
t = 10**m
while z - 1:
fact = 1
n = n + 1
for i in range(1, n + 1):
fact = fact * i
if fact % t == 0 and ((fact / t) % 10) != 0:
c = c + 1
z = z - 1
for p in range(c):
print x[p],
a -= 1
print c
Could someone suggest me a more efficient way to do this. Presently, it takes 30 seconds for a test case asking for numbers with 250 trailing zeros in its factorial.
To get number of trailing zeroes of n! efficiently you can put
def zeroes(value):
result = 0;
d = 5;
while (d <= value):
result += value // d; # integer division
d *= 5;
return result;
# 305: 1234! has exactly 305 trailing zeroes
print zeroes(1234)
In order to solve the problem (what numbers have n trailing zeroes in n!) you can use these facts:
number of zeroes is a monotonous function: f(x + a) >= f(x) if a >= 0.
if f(x) = y then x <= y * 5 (we count only 5 factors).
if f(x) = y then x >= y * 4 (let me leave this for you to prove)
Then implement binary search (on monotonous function).
E.g. in case of 250 zeroes we have the initial range to test [4*250..5*250] == [1000..1250]. Binary search narrows the range down into [1005..1009].
1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009 are all numbers such that they have exactly 250 trainling zeroes in factorial
Edit I hope I don't spoil the fun if I (after 2 years) prove the last conjecture (see comments below):
Each 5**n within facrtorial when multiplied by 2**n produces 10**n and thus n zeroes; that's why f(x) is
f(x) = [x / 5] + [x / 25] + [x / 125] + ... + [x / 5**n] + ...
where [...] stands for floor or integer part (e.g. [3.1415926] == 3). Let's perform easy manipulations:
f(x) = [x / 5] + [x / 25] + [x / 125] + ... + [x / 5**n] + ... <= # removing [...]
x / 5 + x / 25 + x / 125 + ... + x / 5**n + ... =
x * (1/5 + 1/25 + 1/125 + ... + 1/5**n + ...) =
x * (1/5 * 1/(1 - 1/5)) =
x * 1/5 * 5/4 =
x / 4
So far so good
f(x) <= x / 4
Or if y = f(x) then x >= 4 * y Q.E.D.
Focus on the number of 2s and 5s that makes up a number. e.g. 150 is made up of 2*3*5*5, there 1 pair of 2&5 so there's one trailing zero. Each time you increase the tested number, try figuring out how much 2 and 5s are in the number. From that, adding up previous results you can easily know how much zeros its factorial contains.
For example, 15!=15*...*5*4*3*2*1, starting from 2:
Number 2s 5s trailing zeros of factorial
2 1 0 0
3 1 0 0
4 2 0 0
5 2 1 1
6 3 1 1
10 5 2 2
15 7 3 3
24 12 6 6
25 12 8 8 <- 25 counts for two 5-s: 25 == 5 * 5 == 5**2
26 13 8 8
Refer to Peter de Rivaz's and Dmitry Bychenko's comments, they have got some good advices.

Generate a random number which is far enough from another number

Let x, range, d be integers. We'd like to generate a number y, such that
1 <= y <= range
abs(x-y) >= d
One idea I came up with is to generate some smaller range and then make some adjustments to handle the numbers which too close to x. But that's really tedious.
Is there any better way to do it?
Here is a Python function that you should be able to adapt to the language of your choice:
import random
def distantRand(a,b,x,d):
#returns a random integer in range a ... b
#which is greater than or equal to d units from x
lb = max(a,x-d+1)
ub = min(b,x+d-1)
k = ub-lb+1 #number of numbers ruled out
if b-k < a:
return None
y = random.randint(a,b-k)
if y > x - d:
y = y + k
return y
For example, distantRand(1,10,5,3) should return a number in the range 1 to 10 which is at least units away from 5. This rules out 3,4,5,6,7 as return values, leaving 10-5 = 5 valid numbers. The function picks one such in the range 1 to 5. If the number chosen is >2, 5 is added to it to make it a number which is >7 (but still <= 10). For example:
>>> for i in range(20):
I have done it like this in Python.
import random
if abs(x-y)>=d:
print abs(x-y)
print y
And here it is as a def
import random
def yourandom (x,d,r):
if abs(x-y)>=d:
print "abs(x-y)=",abs(x-y)
print "y=",y

Data transformation for permutation

I have a square matrix MxN, with elements xij. Each of this values is used into a function of the form some_function(i,j).
That function is applied in column order. What I want to achieve is a kernel function k(i, j) that will be placed inside some_function:
def some_function(i, j):
i', j' = k(i, j)
I will return another set (i', j') so that (i'!=i, j'!=j) and (i', j') correspond to a real value on the initial square matrix. This function applied to each of the values (i,j) wont produce any repeated pairs. The numbers produced by the kernel function (i',j') should be distributed.
My first idea was to precompute the permutations in another list and pass that values to some_function. I would like to know if there is any better way to do it. Thank you.
Consider MxN matrix as one-dimensional array of length M*N. You want to create a transformation that uniquely maps every number in range 0..MN-1 to another number in this range (and after MN steps returns to initial index).
The simplest way to achieve this goal is to make steps of size P that is mutually prime with M and N and large than M
indx = M * i + j /start cell
for k = 0.. M*N - 1 do begin
indx = (indx + P) % (M*N) //integer modulus
i = indx / M //integer division
j = indx % M //integer modulus
end // indx returns to the start value
for M=2,N=4, P=5
indx i j
0 0 0
5 2 1
2 1 0
7 3 1
4 2 0
1 0 1
6 3 0
3 1 1
Note that both i and j changes every time.

Number of ways of distributing n identical balls into groups such that each group has atleast k balls?

I am trying to do this using recursion with memoization ,I have identified the following base cases .
I) when n==k there is only one group with all the balls.
II) when k>n then no groups can have atleast k balls,hence zero.
I am unable to move forward from here.How can this be done?
As an illustration when n=6 ,k=2
That is 4 different groupings can be formed.
This can be represented by the two dimensional recursive formula described below:
T(0, k) = 1
T(n, k) = 0 n < k, n != 0
T(n, k) = T(n-k, k) + T(n, k + 1)
^ ^
There is a box with k balls, No box with k balls, advance to next k
put them
In the above, T(n,k) is the number of distributions of n balls such that each box gets at least k.
And the trick is to think of k as the lowest possible number of balls, and seperate the problem to two scenarios: Is there a box with exactly k balls (if so, place them and recurse with n-k balls), or not (and then, recurse with minimal value of k+1, and same number of balls).
Example, to calculate your example: T(6,2) (6 balls, minimum 2 per box):
T(6,2) = T(4,2) + T(6,3)
T(4,2) = T(2,2) + T(4,3) = T(0,2) + T(2,3) + T(1,3) + T(4,4) =
= T(0,2) + T(2,3) + T(1,3) + T(0,4) + T(4,5) =
= 1 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0
= 2
T(6,3) = T(3,3) + T(6,4) = T(0,3) + T(3,4) + T(2,4) + T(6,5)
= T(0,3) + T(3,4) + T(2,4) + T(1,5) + T(6,6) =
= T(0,3) + T(3,4) + T(2,4) + T(1,5) + T(0,6) + T(6,7) =
= 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0
= 2
T(6,2) = T(4,2) + T(6,3) = 2 + 2 = 4
Using Dynamic Programming, it can be calculated in O(n^2) time.
This case can be solved pretty simple:
Number of buckets
The maximum-number of buckets b can be determined as follows:
b = roundDown(n / k)
Each valid distribution can use at most b buckets.
Number of distributions with x buckets
For a given number of buckets the number of distribution can be found pretty simple:
Distribute k balls to each bucket. Find the number of ways to distribute the remaining balls (r = n - k * x) to x buckets:
total_distributions(x) = bincoefficient(x , n - k * x)
EDIT: this will onyl work, if order matters. Since it doesn't for the question, we can use a few tricks here:
Each distribution can be mapped to a sequence of numbers. E.g.: d = {d1 , d2 , ... , dx}. We can easily generate all of these sequences starting with the "first" sequence {r , 0 , ... , 0} and subsequently moving 1s from the left to the right. So the next sequence would look like this: {r - 1 , 1 , ... , 0}. If only sequences matching d1 >= d2 >= ... >= dx are generated, no duplicates will be generated. This constraint can easily be used to optimize this search a bit: We can only move a 1 from da to db (with a = b - 1), if da - 1 >= db + 1 is given, since otherwise the constraint that the array is sorted is violated. The 1s to move are always the rightmost that can be moved. Another way to think of this would be to view r as a unary number and simply split that string into groups such that each group is atleast as long as it's successor.
sequence[0] = r
sequenceCount = 1
while true
int i = findRightmostMoveable(sequence)
if i == -1
return sequenceCount
sequence[i] -= 1
sequence[i + 1] -= 1
for i in [length(sequence) - 1 , 0)
if sequence[i - 1] > sequence[i] + 1
return i - 1
return -1
Actually findRightmostMoveable could be optimized a bit, if we look at the structure-transitions of the sequence (to be more precise the difference between two elements of the sequence). But to be honest I'm by far too lazy to optimize this further.
Putting the pieces together
range(1 , roundDown(n / k)).map(b -> countSequences(b)).sum()

All possible N choose K WITHOUT recusion

I'm trying to create a function that is able to go through a row vector and output the possible combinations of an n choose k without recursion.
For example: 3 choose 2 on [a,b,c] outputs [a,b; a,c; b,c]
I found this: How to loop through all the combinations of e.g. 48 choose 5 which shows how to do it for a fixed n choose k and this: https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/7001/generating-all-combinations-of-an-array which shows how to get all possible combinations. Using the latter code, I managed to make a very simple and inefficient function in matlab which returned the result:
function [ combi ] = NCK(x,k)
%x - row vector of inputs
%k - number of elements in the combinations
combi = [];
letLen = 2^length(x);
for i = 0:letLen-1
for j=0:length(x)-1
if (bitand(i,2^j))
temp(k) = x(j+1);
if (nnz(temp) == k)
combi=[combi; derp];
combi = sortrows(combi);
This works well for very small vectors, but I need this to be able to work with vectors of at least 50 in length. I've found many examples of how to do this recursively, but is there an efficient way to do this without recursion and still be able to do variable sized vectors and ks?
Here's a simple function that will take a permutation of k ones and n-k zeros and return the next combination of nchoosek. It's completely independent of the values of n and k, taking the values directly from the input array.
function [nextc] = nextComb(oldc)
nextc = [];
o = find(oldc, 1); %// find the first one
z = find(~oldc(o+1:end), 1) + o; %// find the first zero *after* the first one
if length(z) > 0
nextc = oldc;
nextc(1:z-1) = 0;
nextc(z) = 1; %// make the first zero a one
nextc(1:nnz(oldc(1:z-2))) = 1; %// move previous ones to the beginning
nextc = zeros(size(oldc));
nextc(1:nnz(oldc)) = 1; %// start over
(Note that the else clause is only necessary if you want the combinations to wrap around from the last combination to the first.)
If you call this function with, for example:
A = [1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1]
nextCombination = nextComb(A)
the output will be:
A =
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
nextCombination =
1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
You can then use this as a mask into your alphabet (or whatever elements you want combinations of).
C = ['a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f' 'g' 'h' 'i' 'j' 'k']
ans = abcdegjk
The first combination in this ordering is
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
and the last is
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
To generate the first combination programatically,
n = 11; k = 8;
nextCombination = zeros(1,n);
nextCombination(1:k) = 1;
Now you can iterate through the combinations (or however many you're willing to wait for):
for c = 2:nchoosek(n,k) %// start from 2; we already have 1
nextCombination = nextComb(A);
%// do something with the combination...
For your example above:
nextCombination = [1 1 0];
for c = 2:nchoosek(3,2)
nextCombination = nextComb(nextCombination);
ans = ab
ans = ac
ans = bc
Note: I've updated the code; I had forgotten to include the line to move all of the 1's that occur prior to the swapped digits to the beginning of the array. The current code (in addition to being corrected above) is on ideone here. Output for 4 choose 2 is:
allCombs =
1 2
1 3
2 3
1 4
2 4
3 4
