I'm currently experimenting in three.js and i have a mesh to which i'd like to attach a particle system (Engine effects on a space ship). I've been experimenting a LOT, but i'm completely lost. Could anyone please point me in the right direction to get it done? or some example would be great!
i've tried just merging the geometry of the particle system to the space ship using THREE.GeometryUtils.merge, but it doesnt work like that.
i figured it out. a particleSystem has local coordinates, constanly updating the position and rotation of the particlesystem to that of the ship works.
once an emitter is declared, you only have to set the position to that of the mesh it should be attached to like so:
particleEmitter.position = controlledMesh.position;
all that remains is setting the rotation, this does have to be updated every update:
function update(){
particleEmitter.rotation = controlledMesh.rotation;
I need to get the camera up direction and i've tried many ways with no luck, i'm not an expert of quaternions so i'm doubting i did it right.
I've tried:
new THREE.Vertex3(0,1,0).applyMatrix4(camera.matrixWorld);
after this i create two planes passing by two points of my interest, and add the plane helper to the scene and i can see they are very far from where i was expecting them. (i'm expecting two planes that looks like the top and bottom of the camera frustum).
P.s. the camera is a shadow camera of a directional light so an orthographic camera, and i manipulate the directional light position and target before doing this operation, but i've called updateMatrixWorld on the light, on it's target and the camera, on the camera i've called also updateProjectionMatrix... still no results
I've made a sandbox to see what i've tried till now, and better visualize what i want to achieve:
once i manage to get the green arrow to point to the top of the blue triangle of the camera helper i'm good to go
In the normal render flow, shadow camera matrices are updated as part of rendering the shadow map (WebGLShadowMap.render).
However, if you want the updated matrix values before the render, then you'll need to update them manually (you already understand this part).
The shadow camera is a property of (not a child of) the DirectionalLight. As such, it doesn't follow the same rules as other scene objects when it comes to updating its matrices (because it's not really a child of the scene). Instead, you need to call the shadow property's updateMatrices method (inherited from LightShadow.updateMatrices).
const dl = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 1)
dl.shadow.updateMatrices(dl) // <<------------------------ Updates the shadow camera
This updates the shadow camera with information from the DirectionalLight's own matrix, and its target's matrix, to properly orient the shadow camera.
Finally, it looks like you're trying to get the "world up" of the camera. Personally, I'd use the convenience function localToWorld:
let up = new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0)
dl.shadow.camera.localToWorld(up) // destructively converts "up" from local-to-camera into world coordinates
via trial and errors i've figured out that what gave me the correct result was:
and then
new THREE.Vector3(0,1,0).applyQuaternion(directionalLight.shadow.camera.quaternion)
I've been struggling with an application where I'm trying to set the camera rotation initially so when the scene is loaded, you'll be looking where we want you to look.
The backstory, I'm creating a panorama viewer where the panorama is applied to a mesh with a sphere geometry.
The problem I'm having is I don't seem to be able to set the camera rotation. I've tried multiple attempts, but none have been working. I attempted setting the camera rotation after creating the camera, and I tried applying the target of my orbitcontrols and setting the object rotation in the orbit controls. I haven't had any luck yet with just setting an initial camera rotation.
I'm really hoping at this point that this is due to something minor that I'm over looking.
Here's a source: http://www.freeptools.com/mapster/testing-360s2.php
It shows the camera itself AND the orbit controls object. It also shows what their target is I'm setting, and what they really are. So far I haven't been able to get this to accept anything I give it.
THREE.js OrbitControls take over the camera completely, so you should not use that in conjunction with updating camera rotations.
Instead, OrbitControls has methods that help you do this: https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js
orbitControls.rotateLeft( angle );
orbitControls.rotateUp( angle );
In addition, you can move orbitControls.target around (it's a THREE.Vector3) and the camera will just look to that direction.
Can a three.js particle system somehow cast shadows? I put together a scene and only the cube was able to cast shadows. I've set castShadow to true on the particle system, a pointcloud in this case, as well.
I had a similar problem trying to cast shadows from a simple geometry.
At least in my case, looks like the faces must be oriented towards the element where the shadow must appear (And doublesided didn't fixed it).
So, you should orient you particle somehow in the wrong direction . May be rendering them 2 times ?
I am using the version THREE.js57. I want to hide selected face at run time. Is this possible in three.js
Thanks & Regards
Indeed this is possible, you'll want to look into the Raycaster library, here's the high level steps
unproject your mouse click coordinates into the 3D scene.
cast rays into your scene and return an intersected array of collided objects
this intersected object will have the affected face and faceIndex as parameters
on collision turn the face # faceIndex transparency to 0
Have a look at these doc pages:
And this example for a start:
Alright, well to then hide the face you can have a peak at this other SO post:
Can I hide faces of a mesh in three.js?
The gist is you have a multimaterial object, the first material is your default, and a second material that's fully opaque. Then when you intersect you set the face to use the second materialIndex. Anyway, the above link should do the job. Off to up vote that response. :)
I'm struggling with a visualization I'm working on that involves a stream of repeated images. I have it working with a single sprite with a ParticleSystem, but I can only apply a single material to the system. Since I want to choose between textures I tried creating a pool of Particle objects so that I could choose the materials individually, but I can't get an individual Particle to show up with the WebGL renderer.
This is my first foray into WebGL/Three.js, so I'm probably doing something bone-headed, but I thought it would be worth asking what the proper way to go about this is. I'm seeing three possibilities:
I'm using Particle wrong (initializing with a mapped material, adding to the scene, setting position) and I need to fix what I'm doing.
I need a ParticleSystem for each sprite I want to display.
What I'm doing doesn't fit into particles at all and I really should be using another object type.
All the examples I see using the canvas renderer use Particle directly, but I can't find an example using the WebGL renderer that doesn't use ParticleSystem. Any hints?
Ok, I am going from what I have read elsewhere on this github issues page. You should start by reading it. It seems that the Particle is simply for the Canvas Renderer, and it will become Sprite in a further edition of Three.JS. ParticleSystem, however is not going to fulfill your needs either it seems. I don't think these classes are going to help you accomplish this in WebGL in 3D. Depending on what you are doing you might be better off with the CanvasRenderer anyway. ParticleSystem will only allow you to apply a single material which will serve as the material for each particle in the system as you suggested.
Short answer:
You can render THREE.Particle using THREE.CanvasRenderer only.