I need to make a selection of an alpha channel in a photoshop file. I have tried about everything I can think would work.
Make selection of channel 4
Create selection of channel 4 select
channel 4 I have tried setting the current channel to channel 4 and then selecting all
I just can't get the selection. I am working with this tell block and just playing with the line after activate.
tell application id "com.adobe.Photoshop"
tell current document
create selection channel 4
end tell
end tell
Note: Working in PS CC
tell application id "com.adobe.Photoshop"
tell current document
load selection of it from channel 4 of it
end tell
end tell
(See page 46 of PS CC scripting guide)
The following script will open a track in iTunes
use application "iTunes"
property trackURL : "itmss://itunes.apple.com/us/album/brahms-violin-concerto-in-d-major-op-77-iii-allegro/145533236?i=145533044&uo=4"
open location trackURL
Now, asking "iTunes" to play it does not work because the track is highlighted but not properly selected, i.e., it requires a manual mouse click to select it and play it.
How can I select the highlighted track? Or how could I ask "iTunes" to play the song?! Alternatively, is there a way to add a music to my library from an URL directly?
Disclaimer: I don't have the Apple Music subscription, so the UI on my end may not be exactly the same as yours. However, if I click the "Play" button, I get the little advertisement asking me to sign up for the service, which I assume would just play the music if you had the service. So, these are the steps I've been able to follow to get that box to pop up:
The first, and most convenient from AppleScript, thing to try is just to hit the space bar to start the music playing. This actually works great if I've selected the item manually by clicking on it. However, after open location, it doesn't work, and this appears to be because even though the row is highlighted in the viewer, the actual keyboard focus seems to be on the page itself (the iTunes Store and Apple Music appear to have their entire UI presented as web pages rendered by WebKit). You can verify this by tapping the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard; the page scrolls up and down instead of you switching to adjacent tracks.
My opinion is that this is actually a bug in iTunes; I'd consider the true solution to the problem to be to report this to Apple via the bug reporter. Using open location really should set the keyboard focus to the track you navigated to.
With that said, we can work around it in the short term by simulating a click on the "Play" button. Note that you'll probably need to add your app in System Preferences > Security and Privacy > Accessibility. Note also that this is incredibly fragile, and if Apple ever changes anything in the layout of the web pages they're serving, this whole thing will break. Finally, please note that this code is extremely ugly; the whole thing gives me hives just by looking at it, but it's the only thing I was able to get to work. Side effects of reading this code may include nausea, headaches, and suicidal thoughts. Do not read this code immediately after eating. Consult your doctor before reading this code if you have a history of depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder.
property trackURL : "itmss://itunes.apple.com/us/album/brahms-violin-concerto-in-d-major-op-77-iii-allegro/145533236?i=145533044&uo=4"
property trackTitle : "III. Allegro giocoso, ma non troppo vivace"
tell application "iTunes"
open location trackURL
delay 1 -- give the page a second to load
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell process "iTunes"
set theRows to the rows of table 1 of UI element 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1 of group 1 of front window
-- "repeat with eachRow in theRows" isn't working. I don't know why. Freaking AppleScript
repeat with i from 1 to the number of theRows
set eachRow to item i of theRows
if exists group 2 of UI element 2 of eachRow then
if value of static text 1 of group 1 of group 2 of UI element 2 of eachRow is trackTitle then
tell group 1 of UI element 2 of eachRow to click
end if
end if
end repeat
end tell
end tell
If Apple ever fixes the bug, of course, we should be able to just:
tell application "iTunes"
open location trackURL
delay 1 -- give the page a second to load
end tell
tell application "System Events" to keystroke space
I am looking for a script that will place the cursor in the text field in the Messages App. I have looked for a keyboard shortcut to do this but cannot find one. Can anyone provide a script, or a similar one I can modify.
NB I am not a programmer or very familiar with AppleScript, but have been able to modify scripts that are close to my needs.
I need this as I am trying to make the messages app controllable using the built in dictation feature in Mac OS. I need a script I can assign to a voice command to place the cursor in the text field so that I can then dictate a message.
Many thanks.
If you are using dictation commands, in any application all you need to do is say the command “Show Numbers” and you will see this:
Then you would just say the command “Twenty” which will place your cursor right where you want it… in this case it would be the text field
Also speaking the command “Show Comands” Will open up this window listing tons of dictation commands.
The following was tested and works under OS X 10.8.5 and Messages 7.0.1 and may need to be adjusted for other versions of OS X/macOS/Messages:
tell application "Messages"
tell application "System Events"
set focused of text area 1 of scroll area 4 of splitter group 1 of window 1 of application process "Messages" to true
end tell
end tell
Note: This is coded with the assumption that Messages is already open with an open window. Additional coding will be necessary, in the form of try and or delay and or on error statements as needed and appropriate otherwise.
Here's an example of how I'd code it otherwise, which handles whether or not Messages is open, has its window showing, etc.
on setFocusToTextArea()
tell application "System Events"
if (count of windows of application process "Messages") is equal to 0 then
click UI element "Messages" of list 1 of application process "Dock"
delay 0.25
end if
set focused of text area 1 of scroll area 4 of splitter group 1 of window 1 of application process "Messages" to true
end try
end tell
end setFocusToTextArea
tell application "Messages"
if running then
my setFocusToTextArea()
delay 2
my setFocusToTextArea()
end if
end tell
Note: If Messages is closed when this script is run, the delay 2 command gives time for Messages to open before the other code runs. The value of the delay command can be adjusted as appropriate for the speed of your system.
I've successfully managed to get AppleScript to manipulate the background colors in my Numbers document by refering to the background color property. However, I would like to set the borders of a selection or range of cells as well.
I've looked in the Dictionary in AppleScript Editor for a command or property that could help me out here, but I haven't found anything. Is it the case that it's not possible to create borders in Numbers with AppleScript?
There is nothing in the AppleScript dictionary to allow this functionality (which is awful, IMO, but perhaps Apple will add this in the future if enough people complain).
You can use SystemEvents to interact with the interface of Numbers to add the borders:
-- Set the selection range
tell application "Numbers"
make new document
tell front document to tell active sheet to tell table 1
set selection range to range "A3:C6"
end tell
end tell
-- Asks System Events to interact with the interface
tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Numbers"
-- Asks the main window to click on the button called 'Cell' (the name depends of your system language)
tell window 1
click radio button "Cell" of radio group 1
-- Scroll area 4 is the inspector area
tell scroll area 4
-- The first incrementor of the inspector is the borders' one.
increment incrementor 1
end tell
end tell
end tell
If you want to manipulate other elements of the interface, I recommend using the Accessibility Inspector app that comes with Xcode.
How can I set focus to a specific window of a given application using applescript?
I have several iTerm2 windows running on different displays. I want to set focus to a specified window using applescript.
I need two things, one script that collects the window ID's and prints them to stdout. I've got this:
tell application "iTerm"
set wins to id of every window
end tell
which prints 6 integers: 3034, 2528, -1, -1, -1, -1
Bonus Question: What are the four -1's ?
Then I try:
tell application "System Events"
activate window 3034
end tell
Upon which the only thing happening is that I lose focus of my current terminal (in which I am typing these commands), not matter whether I specify 3034 or 2528 as the ID.
You almost have it. You can filter out the "-1" window IDs as by only looking at visible windows:
tell application "iTerm 2"
set wins to id of every window whose visible is true
end tell
I figured this out by looking at the results of:
tell application "iTerm 2" to properties of every window
I noticed that the "-1" windows have the property visible:false
Then you can tell the window ID directly to the iTerm application instead of system events:
tell application "iTerm 2"
activate window 13195
end tell
10.7.4 OSX Lion
I am working with an application (built in house and has no Applescript dictionary) that has a static text element I want to copy to the clipboard and send to another app but I'm having a hard time getting it to work.
The script I was using for targeting the element looked like this:
Tell application "System Events" to set frontmost of process "*application*" to true
Tell application "System Events"
Tell process "*application*"
Tell static text 1 of tab view 1 scroll area 1 of splitter group 1 of splitter group 1 of splitter group 1 of window 1
keystroke "a" using command down
delay 0.1
keystroke "c" using command down
delay 0.1
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
What would happen was that the wrong text from the wrong element was copied to the clipboard every time I clicked in a different spot on the application (there are numerous text fields).
I noticed in UI Accessor/Accessibility Accessor that each UI element in the application has a unique AXIdentifier value when you mouse over them.
Is there anyway to accomplishing what I am trying to do, using AXIdentifier values to target that element and copy the text from it?
Thanks for all the help this is my first post and I hope it was worthy! ~TheLarkInn
You can do this by using AppleScript's filtering. For example, to get the From: pop-up menu in a message composition window in Apple Mail, there is no accessibility description you can match on, however there is a unique AXIdentifier which you can match as follows:
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "Mail"
tell window 1
get first pop up button whose value of attribute "AXIdentifier" is "popup_from"
end tell
end tell
end tell
This is more efficient than looping in AppleScript as it only involves sending one Apple Event to System Events.
I don't think there is a way to directly do what you're trying to do. It seems like you can only access attributes once you have a handle on an element via selector. Here is a very ugly solution that does what you're asking by iterating over all UI elements, but it is really slow with bigger UIs and probably not ideal for any production level code.
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Some Process"
set tElements to entire contents of window "Some Window"
repeat with tElement in tElements
if (exists attribute "AXIdentifier" of tElement) then
if value of attribute "AXIdentifier" of tElement = "Some AXIdentifier" then set tText to value of tElement
end if
end repeat
end tell
end tell
I think using UIElementInspector or Accessibility Inspector from Xcode to build a selector string is the way to go!
Tell application "*application*" to activate
Tell application "System Events"
Tell application process "*application*"
set textStaticTextValue to value of static text 1 of tab view 1 scroll area 1 of splitter group 1 of splitter group 1 of splitter group 1 of window 1
end tell
end tell