I've successfully managed to get AppleScript to manipulate the background colors in my Numbers document by refering to the background color property. However, I would like to set the borders of a selection or range of cells as well.
I've looked in the Dictionary in AppleScript Editor for a command or property that could help me out here, but I haven't found anything. Is it the case that it's not possible to create borders in Numbers with AppleScript?
There is nothing in the AppleScript dictionary to allow this functionality (which is awful, IMO, but perhaps Apple will add this in the future if enough people complain).
You can use SystemEvents to interact with the interface of Numbers to add the borders:
-- Set the selection range
tell application "Numbers"
make new document
tell front document to tell active sheet to tell table 1
set selection range to range "A3:C6"
end tell
end tell
-- Asks System Events to interact with the interface
tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Numbers"
-- Asks the main window to click on the button called 'Cell' (the name depends of your system language)
tell window 1
click radio button "Cell" of radio group 1
-- Scroll area 4 is the inspector area
tell scroll area 4
-- The first incrementor of the inspector is the borders' one.
increment incrementor 1
end tell
end tell
end tell
If you want to manipulate other elements of the interface, I recommend using the Accessibility Inspector app that comes with Xcode.
Actually I have 3 questions about the same problem: controlling a window with applescript.
What should I do if I would press on button "Close Window" of application "Google Chrome"?
Is it possible to check if the window changes? For example, to see if appear a pop-up or something like that...
What about clicking on a specific place into a window? I mean, I know I can use
tell application "System Events"
click at {x,y}
end tell
but this command use the entire screen as reference system, and I want it works only on a specific window. For example, if at "{x,y}" i put "{1,1}", applescript will click on the first item on the menu bar. Is there a way I can say to "System Events" to click at "{1,1}", but on the window "Google Chrome"?
Here are three examples of how to close the front window of Google Chrome using AppleScript:
Note: The following assumes Google Chrome is running with at least one window open when you test each example AppleScript code in Script Editor.
Example one is the most straight forward way:
tell application "Google Chrome" to close front window
Example two directly clicks the close button:
tell application "System Events" to tell ¬
application process "Google Chrome" to ¬
click button 1 of front window
Example three calculates the center of the close button and clicks there:
activate application "Google Chrome"
delay 0.5
tell application "System Events" to tell ¬
application process "Google Chrome" to tell ¬
front window
set posB1 to (position of button 1)
set szB1 to (size of button 1)
set x to (item 1 of posB1) + (item 1 of szB1) / 2 as integer
set y to (item 2 of posB1) + (item 2 of szB1) / 2 as integer
end tell
tell application "System Events" to click at {x, y}
Note that in the first two examples, the front window of Google Chrome doesn't even need to be the frontmost window on the Desktop; however, with the third example it does, otherwise the click at {x, y} will not go to the intended target.
That said, example three really shouldn't be used when there it a straight forward way, as in example one, to get the job done. Example three was just a proof of concept to get the coordinates to click at. This method may be useful in some fringe cases, especially in an app that doesn't directly support AppleScript.
Note: The example AppleScript code is just that and does not contain any error handling as may be appropriate. The onus is upon the user to add any error handling as may be appropriate, needed or wanted. Have a look at the try statement and error statement in the AppleScript Language Guide. See also, Working with Errors.
In applescript GUI scripting you can simply refer to an element by name or index and tell it to click or to perform an action. For instance to click the close button on the first open window in Chrome you could use:
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Google Chrome"
tell window 1
tell button 1
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
You don't actually need to know its physical position to click one it; you just need to know that the first button in the window is the close button.
System Events always returns the position of any element in screen pixels, so if you want the position of an element in terms of its window, get the position of the element, get the position of the window, and do some addition or subtraction (e.g., if you want to click at {5,5} in a window whose position is {100, 125}, click at {105, 130})
AppleScript isn't really designed to monitor GUI changes, though if you want to be tricky and you know what change you're looking for you can do something like this:
tell application "System Events"
tell process "..."
tell window 1's pop up button 3
repeat until (exists menu 1)
delay 0.2
end repeat
-- menu 1 now exists, so the pop up button is open
end tell
end tell
end tell
...but note that this will hang the script until the menu is opened. A more elegant way to handle that is to write a script application with an idle handler, like so:
on run
-- whatever initialization is needed
end run
on idle
tell application "System Events"
tell process "..."
tell window 1's pop up button 3
if exists menu 1 then
-- menu 1 now exists
-- the pop up button is open
-- do what must be done
end if
end tell
end tell
on error errstr
display alert "Something went wrong" message "The script sent this error: " & errstr
end try
end tell
return 0.2
end idle
You can leave that running in the background watching for specific changes in the GUI (the 'try' statement is in case the app you're watching quits, the window closes, or something unexpected happens to the GUI).
If you haven't already, open the System Events scripting definition in Script Editor and look at the Processes Suite. That will show you all the things you can do with GUI scripting.
I'm trying to create script for application which doesn't have dictionary. How to get selected list item?
I need something like this
tell application "System Events"
tell process "process"
get selected item of list 1 of splitter group 1 of window 1
end tell
end tell
choose from list list 1... fails with 1700 error (can't convert to string)
Unfortunately the selected property of each of those particular elements (which are static text UI Elements) seems to be inaccessible.
Doing the following:
activate application "SongOfGod_1_2"
--(this line above is just to make sure
-- we don't miss anything by not having the app frontmost;
--for many commands it is unnecessary)
tell application "System Events"
tell process "SongOfGod"
properties of static text 2 of list 1 of splitter group 1 of group 1 of splitter group 1 of window 1
end tell
end tell
{class:static text, minimum value:missing value, orientation:missing value, position:{595, 259}, accessibility description:"2. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.", role description:"text", focused:false, title:missing value, size:{1605, 18}, help:missing value, entire contents:{}, enabled:true, maximum value:missing value, role:"AXStaticText", value:missing value, subrole:missing value, selected:missing value, name:missing value, description:"2. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."}
You'll notice, if you scroll way out there, that the selected property returns missing value, which means you cannot determine if it is selected. I also tried focused, which doesn't work. Nor do click or select work. Trying to get the selected property of the list containing it also doesn't work.
You apparently cannot get what you want out of this app, I'm sorry to say.
The following script will open a track in iTunes
use application "iTunes"
property trackURL : "itmss://itunes.apple.com/us/album/brahms-violin-concerto-in-d-major-op-77-iii-allegro/145533236?i=145533044&uo=4"
open location trackURL
Now, asking "iTunes" to play it does not work because the track is highlighted but not properly selected, i.e., it requires a manual mouse click to select it and play it.
How can I select the highlighted track? Or how could I ask "iTunes" to play the song?! Alternatively, is there a way to add a music to my library from an URL directly?
Disclaimer: I don't have the Apple Music subscription, so the UI on my end may not be exactly the same as yours. However, if I click the "Play" button, I get the little advertisement asking me to sign up for the service, which I assume would just play the music if you had the service. So, these are the steps I've been able to follow to get that box to pop up:
The first, and most convenient from AppleScript, thing to try is just to hit the space bar to start the music playing. This actually works great if I've selected the item manually by clicking on it. However, after open location, it doesn't work, and this appears to be because even though the row is highlighted in the viewer, the actual keyboard focus seems to be on the page itself (the iTunes Store and Apple Music appear to have their entire UI presented as web pages rendered by WebKit). You can verify this by tapping the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard; the page scrolls up and down instead of you switching to adjacent tracks.
My opinion is that this is actually a bug in iTunes; I'd consider the true solution to the problem to be to report this to Apple via the bug reporter. Using open location really should set the keyboard focus to the track you navigated to.
With that said, we can work around it in the short term by simulating a click on the "Play" button. Note that you'll probably need to add your app in System Preferences > Security and Privacy > Accessibility. Note also that this is incredibly fragile, and if Apple ever changes anything in the layout of the web pages they're serving, this whole thing will break. Finally, please note that this code is extremely ugly; the whole thing gives me hives just by looking at it, but it's the only thing I was able to get to work. Side effects of reading this code may include nausea, headaches, and suicidal thoughts. Do not read this code immediately after eating. Consult your doctor before reading this code if you have a history of depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder.
property trackURL : "itmss://itunes.apple.com/us/album/brahms-violin-concerto-in-d-major-op-77-iii-allegro/145533236?i=145533044&uo=4"
property trackTitle : "III. Allegro giocoso, ma non troppo vivace"
tell application "iTunes"
open location trackURL
delay 1 -- give the page a second to load
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell process "iTunes"
set theRows to the rows of table 1 of UI element 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1 of group 1 of front window
-- "repeat with eachRow in theRows" isn't working. I don't know why. Freaking AppleScript
repeat with i from 1 to the number of theRows
set eachRow to item i of theRows
if exists group 2 of UI element 2 of eachRow then
if value of static text 1 of group 1 of group 2 of UI element 2 of eachRow is trackTitle then
tell group 1 of UI element 2 of eachRow to click
end if
end if
end repeat
end tell
end tell
If Apple ever fixes the bug, of course, we should be able to just:
tell application "iTunes"
open location trackURL
delay 1 -- give the page a second to load
end tell
tell application "System Events" to keystroke space
I am looking for a script that will place the cursor in the text field in the Messages App. I have looked for a keyboard shortcut to do this but cannot find one. Can anyone provide a script, or a similar one I can modify.
NB I am not a programmer or very familiar with AppleScript, but have been able to modify scripts that are close to my needs.
I need this as I am trying to make the messages app controllable using the built in dictation feature in Mac OS. I need a script I can assign to a voice command to place the cursor in the text field so that I can then dictate a message.
Many thanks.
If you are using dictation commands, in any application all you need to do is say the command “Show Numbers” and you will see this:
Then you would just say the command “Twenty” which will place your cursor right where you want it… in this case it would be the text field
Also speaking the command “Show Comands” Will open up this window listing tons of dictation commands.
The following was tested and works under OS X 10.8.5 and Messages 7.0.1 and may need to be adjusted for other versions of OS X/macOS/Messages:
tell application "Messages"
tell application "System Events"
set focused of text area 1 of scroll area 4 of splitter group 1 of window 1 of application process "Messages" to true
end tell
end tell
Note: This is coded with the assumption that Messages is already open with an open window. Additional coding will be necessary, in the form of try and or delay and or on error statements as needed and appropriate otherwise.
Here's an example of how I'd code it otherwise, which handles whether or not Messages is open, has its window showing, etc.
on setFocusToTextArea()
tell application "System Events"
if (count of windows of application process "Messages") is equal to 0 then
click UI element "Messages" of list 1 of application process "Dock"
delay 0.25
end if
set focused of text area 1 of scroll area 4 of splitter group 1 of window 1 of application process "Messages" to true
end try
end tell
end setFocusToTextArea
tell application "Messages"
if running then
my setFocusToTextArea()
delay 2
my setFocusToTextArea()
end if
end tell
Note: If Messages is closed when this script is run, the delay 2 command gives time for Messages to open before the other code runs. The value of the delay command can be adjusted as appropriate for the speed of your system.
The following script, when run in AppleScript Editor returns as text the autoshape type of the objects on the page. However, when run from the applescript menu from within PowerPoint, it returns a script constant instead.
I'm using a more complicated version of this to send properties of the objects to different applications based on what auto shape type it is... tables go one place, placeholders another, and rectangles et al to third. I'm also launching this from within PPT to push out the data, and can't really pull it from any of the other apps, so the AppleScript menu would be where I want it to be.
Can anyone tell me why the same script gives two results?
tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
set currentSlideNumber to slide index of slide range of selection of document window 1
set theSlide to slide currentSlideNumber of active presentation
end tell
to getProperty(theSlide)
tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
repeat with thisShape in (get every shape of theSlide)
set shapeType to shape type of thisShape
set shapeContent to content of text range of text frame of thisShape
display alert (shapeType as string)
end repeat
end tell
end getProperty
Converting constants (or application properties which standard applescript doesn't understand) to text is tricky. My guess is that when in the powerpoint menu the script understands the constant better and thus you see that.
In any case, I had the same issue with Finder constants and decided to handle the conversion to text myself with an if statement. It's a cumbersome solution because you have to account for every constant but at least you know it will happen properly.
Here's an example. Suppose there is a shape constant of "rect" which stands for a rectangle, and "circ" standing for circle.
NOTE: you can probably use the name of the actual property instead of the constant in the code.
to getProperty(theSlide)
tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
repeat with thisShape in (get every shape of theSlide)
set shapeType to shape type of thisShape
if shapeType is <<rect>> then
set shapeTypeText to "rectangle"
else if shapeType is <<circ>> then
set shapeTypeText to "circle"
end if
set shapeContent to content of text range of text frame of thisShape
display alert (shapeTypeText)
end repeat
end tell
end getProperty