Magento - cannot use guest checkout, error in opcheckout.js - magento

I am trying to use the Guest checkout on Magento 1.7, for some reason when I attempt to use guest checkout option I get the following error (the page doesn't change)
// on line 114
TypeError: sectionElement is null
that actual block in that js files looks like as follows:
gotoSection: function(section)
var sectionElement = $('opc-'+section);
Can anyone suggest any reason for the error - our theme has been modified recently obviously however I am sure where is best to check to debug this problem.
Having used the debugger tools in Firefox I can see within this function the section variable is set to 'org' - this page has since been removed and will no longer be required within the checkout process. Can anyone suggest where this 'org' value is being set in the code?

I believe that 'opcheckout.js' is looking for the element 'opc' and it cannot be found for the guest checkout steps. I would first check the file:
as a starting point to troubleshoot the problem.
Double check you do not have any extensions, modules, etc. conflicting with your checkout process.
You can enable System > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > Debug > Template Path Hints, set to Yes and Add Block Names to Hints, set to Yes. This will help you identify which module/block is outputting the code block which is incorrect on the checkout page. If you can identify the main content area template path, you can then inspect the template file using FTP.
Try disabling modules in the System > Configuration > Advanced > Advanced > Disable Modules Output > Disable any Modules which may be in conflict, flush magento caches and retest guest checkout.

Fixed - for anyone else that may find this useful I had references as follows within the opcheckout.js
As this section had been removed it needed to be removed from the same js file.. magento never simple :)


Unable to find header tab under system->configuration->design in magento 1.9.1

I have try to change default welcome message in magento 1.9.1.after some analysis i found that i need to change it in header in system->configuration->design tab.But am unable to find the header tab in magento 1.9.1
You are missing a step..
System > Configuration > GENERAL > Design
There are two ways to solve this issue.
First is to install new fresh magento which takes long process.
Copy the core file system.xml in app/code/core/Mage/Page/etc
Create a similar directory folder in local folder (app/code/local/Mage/Page/etc)
Paste the system.xml on that directory
Clear your cache and refresh your page.
If the tab is still missing check your local folder and its file names. If there are no discrepancy, proceed to the first option.
I'm not sure if this is a bug of magento. It usually occurs during installation of magento upgrade.
You can refer to this links.
Missing HTML Head section from admin system->configuration->Design in magento
Magento html-head dropdown missing

Can't change the word on a button on Magento

I have installed a cookie bar extension via Magento Connect and it works just fine. I want now to change the text inside the that says "Close".
I have written it in the translation files, cleaned my cache and nothing happened.
I have also read this and tried to find the button on the extension's files, but I can't find it.
Anyone has more ideas of how to solve this issue or point me to a solution? Thanks in advance!
I am using this extension
Image of the issue:
To create translate you need to follow below steps :
Place your language package in /app/locale directory.
Now got to Admin c-panel > System > Configuration > General > Locale Options > Locale select you language pack from the Dropdown list.
you can also translate the words through Inline. Go to System > configuration > Developers > Translate Inline. After enabling this you can translate directly through UI

Magento wysiwyg editor not working (tinymce not showing)

In my Magento admin panel when editing the page or anything else like product descr. the editor is not showing up. I did enable it by default and also clicking the button show editor does not help.
In firebug I get this 404 :
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found -"
I already reinstalled the tinymce core but this did not help, also nothing to find on google..
Anyone ?
In my case, i solved my problem by following the below mentioned steps:-
Login to Admin Panel
System > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > Javascript Settings > Merge JavaScript Files > No
Hope this will solve your problem.
This issue is seems from the side of JS Conflicts if Magento is merging them, for sure we will select no option for JS merge in admin the problem will be resolved, However this will cause a issue with optimization and Google insigt as the all the JS files will not be compressed in case of System > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > Javascript Settings > Merge JavaScript Files > No
So We must need to keep yes in the admin and we need to resolve the JS conflict issue else it will cause the issue with the site performance
I would suggest to check if the file is accessible or not directly in the browser first.
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found -"
I doubt something is wrong in the path you specified to load js file.

Custom Sub Magento Theme Not Working

Hi my theme just updated to a new file organization that uses sub custom themes so that I can update the theme without overwriting the files I changed myself.
I downloaded the new theme and set up the new file path, but the site still reads from
when it should read from
I set the current package name to “shopper” and set default (under Design/Themes) to custom. I know I want my custom files of the theme to go under shopper/custom, and then magento should check for files at shopper/default and finally check for files at base. For some reason its ignoring the shopper directory and still referencing from the old default directory.
And saved everything. I also disabled and flushed all the caches.
The two images attached show how I have it set up in magento via the admin and the ftp. I haven't been able to solve this for months.
The issue was not in System > Configuration > Design but in fact System > Design I discovered that System > Design had it set up for Default/Shopper and there wasn't a time frame for it. The following link helped me reach my conclusion.
You are supposed to System > Design for temporary theme changes, but my site had it set with no time frame thus always overwriting my settings in System > Configuration > Design

My theme is falling back to default theme in my package

I have installed a magento website and configured one store.In configuration design i added the package and theme i have created for it in website level, store level as well as default store level
folder structure is like
I have added catalog.xml to packagename/mytheme/layout folder to remove some of my right side elements like compare products.since it was not working i tried it with local.xml also
but it falls back to packagename/default/layout/catalog.xml
Can anybody give some idea what am i doing wrong
I remain
Check System > Configuration > GENERAL > Design > Themes > Layout, it should be "default"
and check System > Configuration > GENERAL > Design > Package > Current Package Name it should be "packagename".
If these settings are correct, delete the cache as .suggested by Cags and everything should work fine
I find that normally, if you changed something in xml and it's not working, it's because of cache. My preferred option for purging the cache is with rm -rf var/cache/mage--*.
