Custom Sub Magento Theme Not Working - magento

Hi my theme just updated to a new file organization that uses sub custom themes so that I can update the theme without overwriting the files I changed myself.
I downloaded the new theme and set up the new file path, but the site still reads from
when it should read from
I set the current package name to “shopper” and set default (under Design/Themes) to custom. I know I want my custom files of the theme to go under shopper/custom, and then magento should check for files at shopper/default and finally check for files at base. For some reason its ignoring the shopper directory and still referencing from the old default directory.
And saved everything. I also disabled and flushed all the caches.
The two images attached show how I have it set up in magento via the admin and the ftp. I haven't been able to solve this for months.

The issue was not in System > Configuration > Design but in fact System > Design I discovered that System > Design had it set up for Default/Shopper and there wasn't a time frame for it. The following link helped me reach my conclusion.
You are supposed to System > Design for temporary theme changes, but my site had it set with no time frame thus always overwriting my settings in System > Configuration > Design


Why is OpenCart 2.3 custom theme not showing?

I've read through some guides and watched a YouTube video on how to create a custom theme for OpenCart. After trying various things it still doesn't seem to be working right.
If I go to 'Extensions > Themes > Edit Store' I can switch the theme directory but this doesn't seem right. The question bubble there says changing the theme directory here is only for legacy support of older themes. Current themes should be available through 'System > Settings > Edit Store > General Tab (Select Theme Dropdown).
Why doesn't this seem to work? The new version is supposed to fall back on the default theme if something isn't available but it can't if I change the theme directory. I've even tried simply copying the whole default folder and renaming it.
Opencart 2.3.0 :
Go to Extestions >> Extestions >> Choose the extension type >> Select Themes >> Edit Your themes >> change default theme. See screenshots:
1 :
2 :
In file <Your project name>/catalog/controller/event/theme.php
replace row 16 from:
$theme = $this->config->get('config_theme');
$theme = $this->config->get($this->config->get('config_theme') . '_directory');
I know it's bit late to answer but it can be helpful to others.
In OpenCart creating a custom theme is little complex , finally i found this doc here which helped me a lot
To start with copy the default folder found in
to a new folder in the same directory. Name it “mytheme“.
Then copy the theme_default.php file in
and place it in same directory. Name it “mytheme.php“.
Rename the class to (line 2):
+ Replace all “theme_default” text to “mytheme“. Yes there are a lot (197).
Copy the theme_default.tpl in
and place it in the same directory. Name it “mytheme.tpl“.
Replace all “theme_default” text to “mytheme“. (48)
Copy theme_default.php in
and place it in the same directory. Name it “mytheme.php“.
Set the new theme’s title in heading_title (line 3) to “My Theme”.
Finally for the thumnail image to show correctly in store settings rename default.png to mytheme.png in
Now go into your Administration > Extensions > Extensions and select Themes in “Choose the extension type”. You should be seeing your new theme. Install it with the green (+) button and edit it to enable it. Also ensure you set the correct theme directory whilst editing the theme!
Then in System > Settings edit your store to use your new theme.
That should do it. You can now go ahead and start chopping and changing the default theme

Prestashop theme not detected

I'm new to Prestashop development. The first thing I've tried is to create a new theme copying the default theme directory in Prestashop 1.6. The problem I have is that, once created, the theme is not detected by Prestashop: is like the directory wasn't there.
If I create a new theme from the admin panel and replace the directory content with the same files, it works ok.
What should I do to make Prestashop detect my theme? I haven't found any information about it.
Thanks a lot.
I already answered on similar question here, there are two ways to solve your issue through backoffice
Copy default theme in Preferences -> Theme press Add new theme
button and then at the bottom Create new theme + choosing Copy missing files from existing theme.
OR if you already copied theme dir/files by FTP
Same steps, but without copy missed files (of course if you have no
missed files) and just put correct new dir name in Name of the theme's directory
This is actually the way it is done - Copying the default theme.
There could be several reasons for that:
Have you changed the name of the copied folder?
Did you use only a single lowercase word as a name?
Did you copy it to the /themes folder?
Here is additonaly info after the copying to do some cleanup:
Also it is perfectly fine to create a copy of the default theme from the backend. You can find instructions here:'s+Foundations#LayingtheTheme'sFoundations-Standingontheshouldersofgiants:copyingthedefaulttheme
For people who are using Prestashop 1.7 or higher and is facing the same problem when copying the Starter Theme, I recommend you to check if you actually have a themes/your_theme/config/theme.yml configuration file because the one that is loaded by default is a theme.dist.yml so Prestashop won't recognize it.

Prestashop smarty is not removing the cache

In prestashop I wanted to customize the default bankwire payment module. I have changed many things there in the payment.php file which is working file, but when I tried to change the smarty file(payment_execution.tpl) it did not showed any changes. I tried to remove cache from the cache folder then I tried every process which tells to remove cache, disable cache from the store. But it did not showed the changes in the frontend. I also made the same changes inside prestashop theme folder (themes/default-bootstrap/module/bankwire) but still it did not showed the changes. So can someone tell me what's the issue here?
Delete everything inside cache/smarty/cache and cache/smarty/compile
Set the option Template compilation in ADVANCED PARAMETERS > PERFORMANCE
to Recompile templates if the files have been updated
Search for all files named payment_execution.tpl in PrestaShop
If it doesn't work you'll need to check the file modules\bankwire\controllers\front\payment.php and follow the instruction $this->setTemplate('payment_execution.tpl'); step by step to see the path of the tpl (you will need a php debugger for that)

My theme is falling back to default theme in my package

I have installed a magento website and configured one store.In configuration design i added the package and theme i have created for it in website level, store level as well as default store level
folder structure is like
I have added catalog.xml to packagename/mytheme/layout folder to remove some of my right side elements like compare products.since it was not working i tried it with local.xml also
but it falls back to packagename/default/layout/catalog.xml
Can anybody give some idea what am i doing wrong
I remain
Check System > Configuration > GENERAL > Design > Themes > Layout, it should be "default"
and check System > Configuration > GENERAL > Design > Package > Current Package Name it should be "packagename".
If these settings are correct, delete the cache as .suggested by Cags and everything should work fine
I find that normally, if you changed something in xml and it's not working, it's because of cache. My preferred option for purging the cache is with rm -rf var/cache/mage--*.

Remove a magento theme - Rollback to default

This is my first time working with Magento and here is what happend: I spent two days reading the documentation and tweaking the settings to fit my needs. I then installed this theme:
The problem is that the theme didn't work the way I was expecting and now I'd like to rollback to the default theme and completely remove everything added by this theme to my installation.
Unfortunately, I didn't backup the installation and database before I installed the new theme and I have no idea where to start.
Thanks in advance.
1. Switching back to default theme
Go to the admin area and then system > configuration > design
Change "Current Package Name" to 'default' and make sure all inputs under the "Themes" section are empty. This will return you to the default theme.
2. Completely remove everything added by this theme
I take it from your question that you are not using any form of source control. Might be an idea to look into this for the future :)
Magento 1.7 has introduced backup and rollback features so you may also want to check that out.
If this is the case, backup everything before you start removing files and directories as described below
Anyway, to completely remove all files and directories added when you installed the module, unfortunately it will simply be a case of manually finding the files and directories deleting.
The easiest way to do this will be to find the original source code you received when you purchased the theme and removing the corresponding files from your site. When removing directories be careful to only remove those specific to the theme - It will have been sent to you structured so that you can easily drag straight in to your web root - so will contain some other directories required by Magento, simply to give it the correct hierarchy.
At the very least there will be files and folders specific to the theme located in the following directories:
and also most likely some more in the following:
I know the result for this can be different for everyone, but in case someone else comes across my specific case, it was the N98 folder under app/code/community/N98 that caused the problem. Particularly their CustomerGroupCheckout plugin as shown here:
Removing the N98 folder brought back the configuration page.
