I have an Object3D containting multiple Cubes which represent a grid. However when I move my camera (OrbitControls) the view dosn't rotate around the center of my grid but rather the center of my initial view.
function createGrid(x, y) {
const field = new THREE.Object3D()
for(let col = 0; col < x; col++){
for (let row = 0; row < y; row++) {
let cube = createCube()
cube.position.x = col
cube.position.z = row
return field
The createCube() function creats a simple cube (size 1 for all dimensions) and sets some default values (Material, Color). filed is then appended to the scene via scene.add(createGrid(10, 10)).
Now, how can I translate my "center" to the actual center of the Object3D element?
I'm new to Three.js and WebGL in general. Any advice is appreciated.
get the area of merged planes
I can get area of each plane, but planes overlapped with each other, I can get a area of them all, but it's not what I want, the overlapped areas should excluded.
var geom = plane.geometry;
var area = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < geom.faces.length; i++) {
var face = geom.faces[i];
var tri = new THREE.Triangle(geom.vertices[face.a], geom.vertices[face.b], geom.vertices[face.c]);
var area = area + tri.getArea();
There should be a method to calculate the area.
THREE.ShapeUtils.area( contour) gives a negative result.
If you want to highlight the edges of your geometry, you can use EdgesHelper:
var helper = new THREE.EdgesHelper( mesh, 0x00ffff );
helper.material.linewidth = 2;
scene.add( helper )
and get contour from Edges helper if required
How I can fill a loaded STL mesh ( like suzane NOT SIMPLE SHAPES LIKE CUBE etc) with random particles and animate it inside this geometry bounds with three.js ?
I see many examples but all of it for simple shapes with geometrical bounds like cube or sphere with limit by coordinates around center
A concept, using a ray, that counts intersections of the ray with faces of a mesh, and if the number is odd, it means that the point is inside of the mesh:
function fillWithPoints(geometry, count) {
var ray = new THREE.Ray()
var size = new THREE.Vector3();
let bbox = geometry.boundingBox;
let points = [];
var dir = new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, 1).normalize();
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
let p = setRandomVector(bbox.min, bbox.max);
function setRandomVector(min, max){
let v = new THREE.Vector3(
THREE.Math.randFloat(min.x, max.x),
THREE.Math.randFloat(min.y, max.y),
THREE.Math.randFloat(min.z, max.z)
if (!isInside(v)){return setRandomVector(min, max);}
return v;
function isInside(v){
ray.set(v, dir);
let counter = 0;
let pos = geometry.attributes.position;
let faces = pos.count / 3;
let vA = new THREE.Vector3(), vB = new THREE.Vector3(), vC = new THREE.Vector3();
for(let i = 0; i < faces; i++){
vA.fromBufferAttribute(pos, i * 3 + 0);
vB.fromBufferAttribute(pos, i * 3 + 1);
vC.fromBufferAttribute(pos, i * 3 + 2);
if (ray.intersectTriangle(vA, vB, vC)) counter++;
return counter % 2 == 1;
return new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);
The concepts from the previous answer is very good, but it has some performance limitations:
the whole geometry is tested with every ray
the recursion on points outside can lead to stack overflow
Moreover, it's incompatible with indexed geometry.
It can be improved by creating a spatial hashmap storing the geometry triangles and limiting the intersection test to only some part of the mesh.
I write an algorithm that can explode (fold and unfold) mechanical set by double clicking on then.
But i want to move the camera backward or forward after that to see all my objects in the fov.
I'm trying to use frustum to calculate intersection between frustum and objects, but i don't undestand how to use planes.
I'm working with OrthographicCamera.
What i do :
At every frame i recalculate the new frustum (when camera move):
projScreenMatrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.projectionMatrix, camera.matrixWorldInverse );
Then i do a loop over the 6 planes and bounding box of all objects in the scene :
for (var i = 0; i < planes.length; i++) {
var plane = planes[i];
for (var j = 0; j < boxs.length; j++) {
var box = boxs[j];
var line = new THREE.Line3(box.min, nox.max);
//console.log({'plane': plane, 'line': line});
if (plane.isIntersectionLine(line))
// move camera
but plane.isIntersectionLine(line) is always false.
Do you have any ideas ?
I'm looking for few days a solution to draw rectangle on image frame. Basically I'm using CvInvoke.cvRectangle method to draw rectangle on image because I need antialiased rect.
But problem is when I need to rotate a given shape for given angle. I can't find any good solution.
I have tryed to draw rectangle on separate frame then rotate hole frame and apply this new image on top of my base frame. But in this solution there is a problem with antialiasing. It's not working.
I'm working on simple application that should allow draw few kinds of shape, resize them and rotation for given angle.
Any idea how to achive this?
The best way I found to draw a minimum enclosing rectangle on the contour is using the Polylines() function which uses vertices that are returned from MinAreaRect() function. There are surely other ways to do it as well. Here is the code walk down:
// Find contours
var contours = new Emgu.CV.Util.VectorOfVectorOfPoint();
Mat hierarchy = new Mat();
CvInvoke.FindContours(image, contours, hierarchy, RetrType.Tree, ChainApproxMethod.ChainApproxSimple);
// According to your metric, get an index of the contour you want to find the min enclosing rectangle for
int index = 2; // Say, 2nd index works for you.
var rectangle = CvInvoke.MinAreaRect(contours[index]);
Point[] vertices = Array.ConvertAll(rectangle.GetVertices(), Point.Round);
CvInvoke.Polylines(image, vertices, true, new MCvScalar(0, 0, 255), 5);
The result can be visualized in the image below, in red is the minimum enclosing rectangle.
I use C# and EMGU.CV(4.1), and I think this code will not be difficult to transfer to any platform.
Add function in the in your helper:
public static Mat DrawRect(Mat input, RotatedRect rect, MCvScalar color = default(MCvScalar),
int thickness = 1, LineType lineType = LineType.EightConnected, int shift = 0)
var v = rect.GetVertices();
var prevPoint = v[0];
var firstPoint = prevPoint;
var nextPoint = prevPoint;
var lastPoint = nextPoint;
for (var i = 1; i < v.Length; i++)
nextPoint = v[i];
CvInvoke.Line(input, Point.Round(prevPoint), Point.Round(nextPoint), color, thickness, lineType, shift);
prevPoint = nextPoint;
lastPoint = prevPoint;
CvInvoke.Line(input, Point.Round(lastPoint), Point.Round(firstPoint), color, thickness, lineType, shift);
return input;
This draws roteted rectangle by points. Here used rounding points by method Point.Round becose RotatedRect has points in float coordinates and CvInvoke.Line takes points as integer.
var mat = Mat.Zeros(200, 200, DepthType.Cv8U, 3);
var rRect = new RotatedRect(new PointF(100, 100), new SizeF(100, 50), 30);
DrawRect(mat, rRect,new MCvScalar(255,0,0));
var brect = CvInvoke.BoundingRectangle(new VectorOfPointF(rRect.GetVertices()));
CvInvoke.Rectangle(mat, brect, new MCvScalar(0,255,0), 1, LineType.EightConnected, 0);
You should read the OpenCV documentation.
There is a RotatedRectangle class that you can use for your task. You can specify the angle by which the rectangle will be rotated.
Here is a sample code (taken from the docs) for drawing a rotated rectangle:
Mat image(200, 200, CV_8UC3, Scalar(0));
RotatedRect rRect = RotatedRect(Point2f(100,100), Size2f(100,50), 30);
Point2f vertices[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
line(image, vertices[i], vertices[(i+1)%4], Scalar(0,255,0));
Rect brect = rRect.boundingRect();
rectangle(image, brect, Scalar(255,0,0));
imshow("rectangles", image);
Here is the result: