Three.js How to increase canvas-text texture quality - three.js

What parameters, modes, tricks, etc can be applied to get sharpness for texts ?
I'm going to draw a lot so I cant use 3d text.
I'm using canvas to write the text and some symbols. I'm creating somethinbg like label information.

This is no simple matter since you'll run into memory issues with 100k "font textures". Since you want 100k text elements you'll have several difficulties to manage. I had a similar problem too once and tossed together a few techniques in order to make it work. Simply put you need some sort of LOD ("Level of Detail") to make that work. That setup might look like following:
A THREE.ParticleSystem built up with BufferGeometry where every position is one text-position
One "highres" TextureAtlas with 256 images on it which you allocate dynamically with those images that are around you (4096px x 4096px with 256x256px images)
At least one "lowres" TextureAtlas where you have 16x16px images. You prepare that one beforehand. Same size like previous, but there you have all preview images of your text and every image is 16x16px in size.
A kdtree data structure to use a nearestneighbour algorithm with to figure out which positions are near the camera (alike
The sub-imaging module to continually replace highres textures with directly on the GPU:
An index for every position to tell it which position on the TextureAtlas it should use for display
You see where I'm going. Here's some docs on my experiences:
The Stackoverflow post: Display many thousand images in three.js
The blog where I (begun) to explain what I was doing:
This way it will take quite some time until you have satisfying results. The only way to make this simpler is to get rid of the 16x16px preview images. But I wouldn't recommend that... Or of course something depending on your setup. Maybe you have levels? towns? Or any other structure where it would make sense to only display a portion of these texts? That might be worth a though before tackling the big thing.
If you plan to really work on this and make this happen the way I described I can help you with some already existing code and further explanations. Just tell me where you're heading :)


Efficiently rendering tiled map using SpriteKit

As an exercise, I decided to write a SimCity (original) clone in Swift for OSX. I started the project using SpriteKit, originally having each tile as an instance of SKSpriteNode and swapping the texture of each node when that tile changed. This caused terrible performance, so I switched the drawing over to regular Cocoa windows, implementing drawRect to draw NSImages at the correct tile position. This solution worked well until I needed to implement animated tiles which refresh very quickly.
From here, I went back to the first approach, this time using a texture atlas to reduce the amount of draws needed, however, swapping textures of nodes that need to be animated was still very slow and had a huge detrimental effect on frame rate.
I'm attempting to display a 44x44 tile map where each tile is 16x16 pixels. I know here must be an efficient (or perhaps more correct way) to do this. This leads to my question:
Is there an efficient way to support 1500+ nodes in SpriteKit and which are animated through changing their textures? More importantly, am I taking the wrong approach by using SpriteKit and SKSpriteNode for each tile in the map (even if I only redraw the dirty ones)? Would another approach (perhaps, OpenGL?) be better?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'd be happy to provide code samples, but I'm not sure how relevant/helpful they would be for this question.
Here are some links to relevant drawing code and images to demonstrate the issue:
When the player clicks on the small map, the center position of the large map changes. An event is fired from the small map the central engine powering the game which is then forwarded to listeners. The code that gets executed on the large map the change all of the textures can be found here:
That code uses tileImages which is a wrapper around a Texture Atlas that is generated at runtime.
Please excuse the messiness of the code -- I made an alternate branch for this investigation and haven't cleaned up a lot of residual code that has been hanging around from pervious iterations.
I don't know if this will "answer" your question, but may help.
SpriteKit will likely be able to handle what you need but you need to look at different optimizations for SpriteKit and more so your game logic.
SpriteKit. Creating a .atlas is by far one of the best things you can do and will help keep your draw calls down. Also as I learned the hard way keep a pointer to your SKTextures as long as you need them and only generate the ones you needs. For instance don't create textureWithImageNamed#"myImage" every time you need a texture for myImage instead keep reusing a texture and store it in a dictionary. Also skView.ignoresSiblingOrder = YES; helps a bunch but you have to manage your own zPosition on all the sprites.
Game logic. Updating every tile every loop is going to be very expensive. You will want to look at a better way to do that. keeping smaller arrays or maybe doing logic (model) updates on a background thread.
I currently have a project you can look into if you want called Old Frank. I have a map that is 75 x 75 with 32px by 32px tiles that may be stacked 2 tall. I have both Mac and iOS target so you could in theory blow up the scene size and see how the performance holds up. Not saying there isn't optimization work to be done (it is a work in progress), but I feel it might help get you pointed in the right direction at least.
Hope that helps.

Adjusting hard values in processing for any screen size

So I'm making a game with my group on processing for a project and we all have different computers. The problem is we built the game on one computer, however at this point we have realized the the (1200,800) size we used does not work on our professors computer. Unfortunately we have hard coded thousands of values to fit on this resolution. Is there any way to make it fit on all computers?
From my own research I found you can use screen.width and screen.height in order to get the size of the screen, I set the game window to about half the screen size. However all the images I had loaded for background and stuff are 1200x800 So I am unsure how to go about modifying ALL of my pictures (backgrounds), and hard values.
Is there anyway to fix this without having to go manually change the 1000's of hard values? (Yes I am fully aware how bad it is I hard coded the numbers).
Any help would be greatly appreciated. As mentioned in title, the language is processing.
As I'm sure you have learned your lesson about hard-coding numbers, I won't say anything about it :)
You may have heard of embedding a processing PApplet inside a traditional java JFrame or similar. If you are okay with scaling the image that your PApplet draws (ie it draws it at the resolution that you've coded, and then the resulting image is scaled up or down to match the screen), then you could embed your papplet in a frame, capture the papplet's output to an image, scale the image, then draw it to the screen. A quick googling yielded this SO question. It may make your game look funny if the resolutions are too different, but this is a quick and dirty way. It's possible that you'll want to have this done in a separate thread, as suggested here.
Having said that, I do not recommend it. One of the best thing (IMO) of Processing is not having to mess directly with AWT/Swing. It's also a messy kludge and the "right thing to do" is just to go back and change the hard-coded numbers to variables. For your images, you can use PImage's resize(). You say your code is several hundred lines long, but in reality that isn't a huge amount-- the best thing to do is just to suck it up and be unhappy for a few hours. Good luck!

Display many thousand images in three.js

I have up to 200'000 individual images in a scene (done with sprites, so far). I want to look at these sprites, and when I fly around they should always face the camera (as sprites do).
My question is: How can I achieve the best performance WebGL-wise? Are Sprites with useScreenCoordinates:false rendered as with GL_POINT?
At the moment the fps drops with very low image counts already. I'm using mipmapping and sprites so far. And since they need to turn around to face me I didn't want to use BufferGeometry..
I'd highly appreciate some ideas and inputs :) Thanks!
PS: Point of it all is that you can "fly" through 200'000 images and stop/select the ones you figure to be interesting
My team needed to accomplish this too, and sadly Doidel's notes trail off before the project is completed. We developed PixPlot, a three.js visualization layer for images:
I put together a blog post outlining the details here:
In short, if others face this problem, you'll want to create one geometry (ideally) with one large image atlas (a single jpg of size 2048px by 2048px containing lots of smaller images) serving as the texture for the geometry. Add vertices, faces, and vertexUV's for each of the little images to display, and pull each image from the atlas texture.
Used tons of techniques and stuff, I'll be writing about it on once I got it all working

Enlarging image without affecting clarity

I need to enlarge the image downloaded without affecting its clarity.but when resized its clarity has gone.Can any one help?
Given the context, by clarity I assume you mean visual appearance. You want your upscaled image, again I believe you are dealing with upscaling and not downscaling (it is not specified in your problem), to look visually good. We actually can magically create detail, but probably not a perfect one. There are techniques for specifically working with pixelated images, hqx or for instance. Since that is not clear from your description either, I'm simply assuming you have images of any kind.
With these considerations, you have yet to describe what you tried. Let me guess you tried a nearest neighbor interpolation, so you get something like:
There are other common types of interpolation. Like bicubic, Lanczos or something more modern like ICBI or Consider the first three of those, we get the respective results:
It may be a little hard to visualize the differences among these last three, but if you zoom into the actual images then you will be able to notice them. ICBI gives sharpest edges in this case.
Image resizing will always affect clarity, unless you downloaded a vector graphics image. See if the image has a vector graphics format, and if so, download that.
Failing that, you could try to see if larger image sizes are available, as generally shrinking hurts the image quality less than increasing.

Object detection + segmentation

I 'm trying to find an efficient way of acceptable complexity to
detect an object in an image so I can isolate it from its surroundings
segment that object to its sub-parts and label them so I can then fetch them at will
It's been 3 weeks since I entered the image processing world and I've read about so many algorithms (sift, snakes, more snakes, fourier-related, etc.), and heuristics that I don't know where to start and which one is "best" for what I'm trying to achieve. Having in mind that the image dataset in interest is a pretty large one, I don't even know if I should use some algorithm implemented in OpenCV or if I should implement one my own.
Which methodology should I focus on? Why?
Should I use OpenCV for that kind of stuff or is there some other 'better' alternative?
Thank you in advance.
EDIT -- More info regarding the datasets
Each dataset consists of 80K images of products sharing the same
concept e.g. t-shirts, watches, shoes
orientation (90% of them)
background (95% of them)
All pictures in each datasets look almost identical apart from the product itself, apparently. To make things a little more clear, let's consider only the 'watch dataset':
All the pictures in the set look almost exactly like this:
(again, apart form the watch itself). I want to extract the strap and the dial. The thing is that there are lots of different watch styles and therefore shapes. From what I've read so far, I think I need a template algorithm that allows bending and stretching so as to be able to match straps and dials of different styles.
Instead of creating three distinct templates (upper part of strap, lower part of strap, dial), it would be reasonable to create only one and segment it into 3 parts. That way, I would be confident enough that each part was detected with respect to each other as intended to e.g. the dial would not be detected below the lower part of the strap.
From all the algorithms/methodologies I've encountered, active shape|appearance model seem to be the most promising ones. Unfortunately, I haven't managed to find a descent implementation and I'm not confident enough that that's the best approach so as to go ahead and write one myself.
If anyone could point out what I should be really looking for (algorithm/heuristic/library/etc.), I would be more than grateful. If again you think my description was a bit vague, feel free to ask for a more detailed one.
From what you've said, here are a few things that pop up at first glance:
Simplest thing to do it binarize the image and do Connected Components using OpenCV or CvBlob library. For simple images with non-complex background this usually yeilds objects
HOwever, looking at your sample image, texture-based segmentation techniques may work better - the watch dial, the straps and the background are wisely variant in texture/roughness, and this could be an ideal way to separate them.
The roughness of a portion can be easily found by the Eigen transform (explained a bit on SO, check the link to the research paper provided there), then the Mean Shift filter can be applied on the output of the Eigen transform. This will give regions clearly separated according to texture. Both the pyramidal Mean Shift and finding eigenvalues by SVD are implemented in OpenCV, so unless you can optimize your own code its better (and easier) to use inbuilt functions (if present) as far as speed and efficiency is concerned.
I think I would turn the problem around. Instead of hunting for the dial, I would use a set of robust features from the watch to 'stitch' the target image onto a template. The first watch has a set of squares in the dial that are white, the second watch has a number of white circles. I would per type of watch:
Segment out the squares or circles in the dial. Segmentation steps can be tricky as they are usually both scale and light dependent
Estimate the centers or corners of the above found feature areas. These are the new feature points.
Use the Hungarian algorithm to match features between the template watch and the target watch. Alternatively, one can take the surroundings of each feature point in the original image and match these using cross correlation
Use matching features between the template and the target to estimate scaling, rotation and translation
Stitch the image
As the image is now in a known form, one can extract the regions simply via pre set coordinates
