Explanation of Bicubic interpolation in Matlab? - algorithm

I am confused by Matlab's example on Bicubic interpolation at http://www.mathworks.com/help/vision/ug/interpolation-methods.html#f13689
I think I understand their Bilinear example. It seems like they took the averages of the adjacent translated values on either side. So, to get the 0.5 in their first row, first column, the average of 0 and 1 was taken.
For their Bicubic interpolation example, I am rather confused by their method. They say that they take the "weighted average of the two translated values on either side".
In their example, they have
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
and in their first step of Bicubic interpolation, they add zeros to the matrix and translate it by 0.5 pixel to the right to get the following:
0 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 4 4 5 5 6 6 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 0 0 0
Then, using weighted average, they get
0.375 1.500 3.000 1.625
1.875 4.875 6.375 3.125
3.375 8.250 9.750 4.625
However, I am not sure how they got those numbers. Instead of 0.375 in the first row, first column, I would have done instead (1 * 3/8 + 2 * 1/8) = 5/8 . This is because the format seems to be
0 _ 0 1 1 _ 2
3d d d 3d
where d is the distance.
So to take the weighted average of the translated values, we can note that the we can first do (3d + d + d + 3d) = 1 and so d = 1/8. That means we should put 3/8 weight on each of the closer translated values and 1/8 weight on each of the further translated values. That leads to (0 * 1/8 + 0 * 3/8 + 1 * 3/8 + 2 * 1/8), which is 5/8 and does not match their 3/8 result. I was wondering where I went wrong.

Bicubic interpolation uses negative weights (this sometimes results in overshoot when filtering).
In this example, the weights used are:
-1/8 5/8 5/8 -1/8
These weights sum to 1, but give larger weight to the middle samples and smaller (negative) weights to the outer samples.
Using these weights we get the observed values, e.g.
0.375 = 5/8*1 -1/8*2
1.5 = 5/8*1+5/8*2 -1/8*3

I found this topic imresize - trying to understand the bicubic interpolation could solve your confusion, especially for the comment with 7 upvotes. By the way, in that comment, the author states that alpha = -0.5 in Matlab, it's contrast to my experience. I wrote 2 functions to test, and I figured out Matlab set alpha = -0.9.
Here are the code I could provide:
function f = cubic(x)
a = -0.9;
absx = abs(x);
absx2 = absx.^2;
absx3 = absx.^3;
f = ((a+2)*absx3 - (a+3)*absx2 + 1) .* (absx <= 1) + ...
(a*absx3 -5*a*absx2 + 8*a*absx - 4*a) .* ((1 < absx) & (absx <= 2));
Interpolation with Bi-cubic:
function f = intpolcub(x1,x2,x3,x4,d)
f = x1*cubic(-d-1) + x2*cubic(-d) + x3*cubic(-d+1) + x4*cubic(-d+2);
You could test with the following line of code:
This reproduce the first number in the output matrix of Matlab example about bicubic interpolation you have mentioned above.

Matlab (R2017a) works with a=-1 so:
For cubic:
function f_c = cubic(x)
a = -1;
absx = abs(x);
absx2 = absx.^2;
absx3 = absx.^3;
f_c = ((a+2)*absx3 - (a+3)*absx2 + 1) .* (absx <= 1) + ...
(a*absx3 -5*a*absx2 + 8*a*absx - 4*a) .* ((1 < absx) & (absx <= 2));
And for Bicubic interpolation:
function f_bc = intpolcub(x1,x2,x3,x4,d)
f_bc = x1*cubic(-d-1) + x2*cubic(-d) + x3*cubic(-d+1) + x4*cubic(-d+2);
Explicitly it goes:
f_bc = 0*cubic(-0.5-1)+0*cubic(-0.5)+1*cubic(-0.5+1)+2*cubic(-0.5+2) = 1*cubic(0.5)+2*(cubic(1.5);
Now the calculation of cubic for 0.5 (f_c<1) and 1.5 (1<f_c<=2) is:
cubic(0.5) = (-1+2)*0.5^3-(-1+3)*0.5^2+1 = 5/8
cubic(1.5) = (-1)*1.5^3-5*(-1)*1.5^2+8*(-1)*1.5-4*(-1) = -1/8
So that f_bc is:
f_bc = 5/8+2*(-1/8) = 0.375


Image Quantization with quantums Algorithm question

I came across a question and unable to find a feasible solution.
Image Quantization
Given a grayscale mage, each pixels color range from (0 to 255), compress the range of values to a given number of quantum values.
The goal is to do that with the minimum sum of costs needed, the cost of a pixel is defined as the absolute difference between its color and the closest quantum value for it.
There are 3 rows 3 columns, image [[7,2,8], [8,2,3], [9,8 255]] quantums = 3 number of quantum values.The optimal quantum values are (2,8,255) Leading to the minimum sum of costs |7-8| + |2-2| + |8-8| + |8-8| + |2-2| + |3-2| + |9-8| + |8-8| + |255-255| = 1+0+0+0+0+1+1+0+0 = 3
Function description
Complete the solve function provided in the editor. This function takes the following 4 parameters and returns the minimum sum of costs.
n Represents the number of rows in the image
m Represents the number of columns in the image
image Represents the image
quantums Represents the number of quantum values.
Print a single integer the minimum sum of costs/
Sample Input 1
7 2 8
8 2 3
9 8 255
Sample output 1
The optimum quantum values are {0,1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,255} Leading the minimum sum of costs |7-7| + |2-2| + |8-8| + |8-8| + |2-2| + |3-3| + |9-9| + |8-8| + |255-255| = 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0 = 0
can anyone help me to reach the solution ?
Clearly if we have as many or more quantums available than distinct pixels, we can return 0 as we set at least enough quantums to each equal one distinct pixel. Now consider setting the quantum at the lowest number of the sorted, grouped list.
M = [
[7, 2, 8],
[8, 2, 3],
[9, 8, 255]
[(2, 2), (3, 1), (7, 1), (8, 3), (9, 1), (255, 1)]
We record the required sum of differences:
0 + 0 + 1 + 5 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 7 + 253 = 284
Now to update by incrementing the quantum by 1, we observe that we have a movement of 1 per element so all we need is the count of affected elements.
Incremenet 2 to 3
1 + 1 + 0 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 252 = 279
284 + 2 * 1 - 7 * 1
= 284 + 2 - 7
= 279
Consider traversing from the left with a single quantum, calculating only the effect on pixels in the sorted, grouped list that are on the left side of the quantum value.
To only update the left side when adding a quantum, we have:
left[k][q] = min(left[k-1][p] + effect(A, p, q))
where effect is the effect on the elements in A (the sorted, grouped list) as we reduce p incrementally and update the effect on the pixels in the range, [p, q] according to whether they are closer to p or q. As we increase q for each round of k, we can keep the relevant place in the sorted, grouped pixel list with a pointer that moves incrementally.
If we have a solution for
where it is the best for pixels on the left side of q when including k quantums with the rightmost quantum set as the number q, then the complete candidate solution would be given by:
left[k][q] + effect(A, q, list_end)
where there is no quantum between q and list_end
Time complexity would be O(n + k * q * q) = O(n + quantums ^ 3), where n is the number of elements in the input matrix.
Python code:
def f(M, quantums):
pixel_freq = [0] * 256
for row in M:
for colour in row:
pixel_freq[colour] += 1
# dp[k][q] stores the best solution up
# to the qth quantum value, with
# considering the effect left of
# k quantums with the rightmost as q
dp = [[0] * 256 for _ in range(quantums + 1)]
pixel_count = pixel_freq[0]
for q in range(1, 256):
dp[1][q] = dp[1][q-1] + pixel_count
pixel_count += pixel_freq[q]
predecessor = [[None] * 256 for _ in range(quantums + 1)]
# Main iteration, where the full
# candidate includes both right and
# left effects while incrementing the
# number of quantums.
for k in range(2, quantums + 1):
for q in range(k - 1, 256):
# Adding a quantum to the right
# of the rightmost doesn't change
# the left cost already calculated
# for the rightmost.
best_left = dp[k-1][q-1]
predecessor[k][q] = q - 1
q_effect = 0
p_effect = 0
p_count = 0
for p in range(q - 2, k - 3, -1):
r_idx = p + (q - p) // 2
# When the distance between p
# and q is even, we reassign
# one pixel frequency to q
if (q - p - 1) % 2 == 0:
r_freq = pixel_freq[r_idx + 1]
q_effect += (q - r_idx - 1) * r_freq
p_count -= r_freq
p_effect -= r_freq * (r_idx - p)
# Either way, we add one pixel frequency
# to p_count and recalculate
p_count += pixel_freq[p + 1]
p_effect += p_count
effect = dp[k-1][p] + p_effect + q_effect
if effect < best_left:
best_left = effect
predecessor[k][q] = p
dp[k][q] = best_left
# Records the cost only on the right
# of the rightmost quantum
# for candidate solutions.
right_side_effect = 0
pixel_count = pixel_freq[255]
best = dp[quantums][255]
best_quantum = 255
for q in range(254, quantums-1, -1):
right_side_effect += pixel_count
pixel_count += pixel_freq[q]
candidate = dp[quantums][q] + right_side_effect
if candidate < best:
best = candidate
best_quantum = q
quantum_list = [best_quantum]
prev_quantum = best_quantum
for i in range(k, 1, -1):
prev_quantum = predecessor[i][prev_quantum]
return best, list(reversed(quantum_list))
M = [
[7, 2, 8],
[8, 2, 3],
[9, 8, 255]
k = 3
print(f(M, k)) # (3, [2, 8, 255])
M = [
[7, 2, 8],
[8, 2, 3],
[9, 8, 255]
k = 10
print(f(M, k)) # (0, [2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255])
I would propose the following:
step 0
Input is:
image = 7 2 8
8 2 3
9 8 255
quantums = 3
step 1
Then you can calculate histogram from the input image. Since your image is grayscale, it can contain only values from 0-255.
It means that your histogram array has length equal to 256.
hist = int[256] // init the histogram array
for each pixel color in image // iterate over image
hist[color]++ // and increment histogram values
value 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 . . . 1
color 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . . . 255
How to read the histogram:
color 3 has 1 occurrence
color 8 has 2 occurrences
With tis approach, we have reduced our problem from N (amount of pixels) to 256 (histogram size).
Time complexity of this step is O(N)
step 2
Once we have histogram in place, we can calculate its # of quantums local maximums. In our case, we can calculate 3 local maximums.
For the sake of simplicity, I will not write the pseudo code, there are numerous examples on internet. Just google ('find local maximum/extrema in array'
It is important that you end up with 3 biggest local maximums. In our case it is:
value 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 . . . 1
color 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . . . 255
^ ^ ^
These values (2, 8, 266) are your tops of the mountains.
Time complexity of this step is O(quantums)
I could explain why it is not O(1) or O(256), since you can find local maximums in a single pass. If needed I will add a comment.
step 3
Once you have your tops of the mountains, you want to isolate each mountain in a way that it has the maximum possible surface.
So, you will do that by finding the minimum value between two tops
In our case it is:
value 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 . . . 1
color 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . . . 255
^ ^
| \ / \
- - _ _ _ _ . . . _ ^
So our goal is to find between index values:
from 0 to 2 (not needed, first mountain start from beginning)
from 2 to 8 (to see where first mountain ends, and second one starts)
from 8 to 255 (to see where second one ends, and third starts)
from 255 to end (just noted, also not needed, last mountain always reaches the end)
There are multiple candidates (multiple zeros), and it is not important which one you choose for minimum. Final surface of the mountain is always the same.
Let's say that our algorithm return two minimums. We will use them in next step.
min_1_2 = 6
min_2_3 = 254
Time complexity of this step is O(256). You need just a single pass over histogram to calculate all minimums (actually you will do multiple smaller iterations, but in total you visit each element only once.
Someone could consider this as O(1)
Step 4
Calculate the median of each mountain.
This can be the tricky one. Why? Because we want to calculate the median using the original values (colors) and not counters (occurrences).
There is also the formula that can give us good estimate, and this one can be performed quite fast (looking only at histogram values) (https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/descriptive-statistics-iii-c36ecb06a9ae)
If that is not precise enough, then the only option is to "unwrap" the calculated values. Then, we could sort these "raw" pixels and easily find the median.
In our case, those medians are 2, 8, 255
Time complexity of this step is O(nlogn) if we have to sort the whole original image. If approximation works fine, then time complexity of this step is almost the constant.
step 5
This is final step.
You now know the start and end of the "mountain".
You also know the median that belongs to that "mountain"
Again, you can iterate over each mountain and calculate the DIFF.
diff = 0
median_1 = 2
median_2 = 8
median_3 = 255
for each hist value (color, count) between START and END // for first mountain -> START = 0, END = 6
// for second mountain -> START = 6, END = 254
// for third mountain -> START = 254, END = 255
diff = diff + |color - median_X| * count
Time complexity of this step is again O(256), and it can be considered as constant time O(1)

Finding natural numbers having n Trailing Zeroes in Factorial

I need help with the following problem.
Given an integer m, I need to find the number of positive integers n and the integers, such that the factorial of n ends with exactly m zeroes.
I wrote this code it works fine and i get the right output, but it take way too much time as the numbers increase.
a = input()
while a:
x = []
m, n, fact, c, j = input(), 0, 1, 0, 0
z = 10*m
t = 10**m
while z - 1:
fact = 1
n = n + 1
for i in range(1, n + 1):
fact = fact * i
if fact % t == 0 and ((fact / t) % 10) != 0:
c = c + 1
z = z - 1
for p in range(c):
print x[p],
a -= 1
print c
Could someone suggest me a more efficient way to do this. Presently, it takes 30 seconds for a test case asking for numbers with 250 trailing zeros in its factorial.
To get number of trailing zeroes of n! efficiently you can put
def zeroes(value):
result = 0;
d = 5;
while (d <= value):
result += value // d; # integer division
d *= 5;
return result;
# 305: 1234! has exactly 305 trailing zeroes
print zeroes(1234)
In order to solve the problem (what numbers have n trailing zeroes in n!) you can use these facts:
number of zeroes is a monotonous function: f(x + a) >= f(x) if a >= 0.
if f(x) = y then x <= y * 5 (we count only 5 factors).
if f(x) = y then x >= y * 4 (let me leave this for you to prove)
Then implement binary search (on monotonous function).
E.g. in case of 250 zeroes we have the initial range to test [4*250..5*250] == [1000..1250]. Binary search narrows the range down into [1005..1009].
1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009 are all numbers such that they have exactly 250 trainling zeroes in factorial
Edit I hope I don't spoil the fun if I (after 2 years) prove the last conjecture (see comments below):
Each 5**n within facrtorial when multiplied by 2**n produces 10**n and thus n zeroes; that's why f(x) is
f(x) = [x / 5] + [x / 25] + [x / 125] + ... + [x / 5**n] + ...
where [...] stands for floor or integer part (e.g. [3.1415926] == 3). Let's perform easy manipulations:
f(x) = [x / 5] + [x / 25] + [x / 125] + ... + [x / 5**n] + ... <= # removing [...]
x / 5 + x / 25 + x / 125 + ... + x / 5**n + ... =
x * (1/5 + 1/25 + 1/125 + ... + 1/5**n + ...) =
x * (1/5 * 1/(1 - 1/5)) =
x * 1/5 * 5/4 =
x / 4
So far so good
f(x) <= x / 4
Or if y = f(x) then x >= 4 * y Q.E.D.
Focus on the number of 2s and 5s that makes up a number. e.g. 150 is made up of 2*3*5*5, there 1 pair of 2&5 so there's one trailing zero. Each time you increase the tested number, try figuring out how much 2 and 5s are in the number. From that, adding up previous results you can easily know how much zeros its factorial contains.
For example, 15!=15*...*5*4*3*2*1, starting from 2:
Number 2s 5s trailing zeros of factorial
2 1 0 0
3 1 0 0
4 2 0 0
5 2 1 1
6 3 1 1
10 5 2 2
15 7 3 3
24 12 6 6
25 12 8 8 <- 25 counts for two 5-s: 25 == 5 * 5 == 5**2
26 13 8 8
Refer to Peter de Rivaz's and Dmitry Bychenko's comments, they have got some good advices.

Genetic algorithm to solve a quadratic equation

I have a problem understanding the process for genetic algorithms. I found examples of maximizing a function over an interval, and I think I understand them, but how can a genetic algorithm be used to solve, for example, a quadratic equation?
Assuming that we want to find a solution up to 4 digits, what is a proper representation to encode the numbers? What can be used as the fitness function to evaluate each number?
Any help is appreciated
If you want to solve a quadratic equation
a * x^2 + b * x + c = 0
then you need only one variable x as representation. You can use
f(x) = abs(a * x^2 + b * x + c)
as fitness function, which is the same as the precision then, so it needs to be minimized.
But with only one variable it's hard to do crossovers, you can use 10 numbers per individual and then take the average to get x, or just take the average of the two numbers when doing crossovers. Also for mutation instead of completely overriding x, you could multiply it by a random number between 0.5 and 2 for example.
First step is choose a representation of solutions. The most widely used is binary encoding. For example your x may looks:
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
First 8 bits coded an integer part of number, residual 13 bits coded part of number after dot. In this example the binary string coding a number 158.0007.
Crrossover may looks
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 - 158.0007
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 - 225.0008
The most simple crossover operator is one divide point. You generate one number from 1 to length of string - 1. And to this point you get a bits from one string and from that point from second string. In this example we choose for divide point 4 position. The offspring will looks like:
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 - 145.0008
Mutation change with chosen probability some bits.
Fitness function may be a function value of quadratic equation(in case you try found an maximum) in x and x is obtained as decoding of bits string.
And some theory on the end. You have a two sets. One set is search space(space with binary strings) and second set is space with solution. Individual from search space is decoded into the solution in the solution space(in our case value of x coded by binary string). Search space represent genotype and decoded solution is phenotype. Genetics operators work with search space individual(binary string in this case) and fitness function using a decoded solution.
I've got one that solves the equation:
a(x1*x1+x2*x2)+b(x1+x2)+2*c = 0
which is the addition of:
ax1x1+bx1+c=0 and ax2x2+bx2+c=0
since x1 and x2 are both the solutions of the equation the addition can be made. The code gives for aa=1, bb=-1 and cc=-30 the following output:
best solutions at generation 0 :: fitness = 1
chromosome 13 : x1 = -5 , x2 = 6
chromosome 269 : x1 = 6 , x2 = 6
chromosome 340 : x1 = 6 , x2 = -5
chromosome 440 : x1 = -5 , x2 = 6
chromosome 452 : x1 = 6 , x2 = -5
chromosome 549 : x1 = -5 , x2 = -5
chromosome 550 : x1 = 6 , x2 = -5
chromosome 603 : x1 = -5 , x2 = -5
chromosome 826 : x1 = 6 , x2 = -5
chromosome 827 : x1 = -5 , x2 = 6
chromosome 842 : x1 = -5 , x2 = -5
chromosome 952 : x1 = 6 , x2 = 6
chromosome 986 : x1 = 6 , x2 = -5
which is, I believe a good start, I only doesn't know yet how to filter the good from the less good solutions.
this is the code partially:
void objective(Chromosome* c){
// the problem here is when one root is found the fitness
// will be 1 :
// resulting in the second value is a non-root or the same
// value as the first root
//so probably I need to rewrite the fitness function
c->result = aa * ((c->gene[0].geneticcode * c->gene[0].geneticcode) + (c->gene[1].geneticcode * c->gene[1].geneticcode)) /
+ bb * (c->gene[0].geneticcode + c->gene[1].geneticcode) /
+ 2 * cc;
void fitness(Chromosome* c){
//rewrite of fitness function for this example
c->fitness = 1.0 / (1.0 + fabs(c->result));
If anyone can improve and I'm sure there are please share.

Omitting zeroes from matrix calculation in Octave

I'm performing input-output calculations in Octave. I have several matrices/vectors in the formula:
F = f' * (I-A)^-1 * Y
All vectors probably contain zeroes. I would like to omit them from the calculation and just return 0 instead. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
What do you mean when you say "omit them"?
If you want to remove zeros from a vector you can do this:
octave:1> x=[1,2,0,3,4,0,5];
octave:2> x(find(x==0))=[]
x =
1 2 3 4 5
The logic is: x==0 will test each element of x (in this case the test is if it equals zero) and will return a vector of 0's and 1's (0 if the test is false for that element and 1 otherwise)
octave:1> x=[1,2,0,3,4,0,5];
octave:2> x==0
ans =
0 0 1 0 0 1 0
The find() function will return the index value of any non-zero element of it's argument, hence:
octave:3> find(x==0)
ans =
3 6
And then you are just indexing and removing when you do something like:
octave:5> x([3, 6]) = []
x =
1 2 3 4 5
But instead you do it with the output of the find() function (which is the vector [3,6] in this case)
You can do the same for matrices:
octave:7> A = [1,2,0;4,5,0]
A =
1 2 0
4 5 0
octave:8> A(find(A==0))=[]
A =
Then use the reshape() function to turn it back into a matrix.

MATLAB identify adjacient regions in 3D image

I have a 3D image, divided into contiguous regions where each voxel has the same value. The value assigned to this region is unique to the region and serves as a label. The example image below describes the 2D case:
1 1 1 1 2 2 2
1 1 1 2 2 2 3
Im = 1 4 1 2 2 3 3
4 4 4 4 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 3 3 3
I want to create a graph describing adjaciency between these regions. In the above case, this would be:
0 1 0 1
A = 1 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
1 1 1 0
I'm looking for a speedy solution to do this for large 3D images in MATLAB. I came up with a solution that iterates over all regions, which takes 0.05s per iteration - unfortunately, this will take over half an hour for an image with 32'000 regions. Does anybody now a more elegant way of doing this? I'm posting the current algorithm below:
labels = unique(Im); % assuming labels go continuously from 1 to N
A = zeros(labels);
for ii=labels
% border mask to find neighbourhood
dil = imdilate( Im==ii, ones(3,3,3) );
border = dil - (Im==ii);
neighLabels = unique( Im(border>0) );
A(ii,neighLabels) = 1;
imdilate is the bottleneck I would like to avoid.
Thank you for your help!
I came up with a solution which is a combination of Divakar's and teng's answers, as well as my own modifications and I generalised it to the 2D or 3D case.
To make it more efficient, I should probably pre-allocate the r and c, but in the meantime, this is the runtime:
For a 3D image of dimension 117x159x126 and 32000 separate regions: 0.79s
For the above 2D example: 0.004671s with this solution, 0.002136s with Divakar's solution, 0.03995s with teng's solution.
I haven't tried extending the winner (Divakar) to the 3D case, though!
noDims = length(size(Im));
validim = ones(size(Im))>0;
labels = unique(Im);
if noDims == 3
Im = padarray(Im,[1 1 1],'replicate', 'post');
shifts = {[-1 0 0] [0 -1 0] [0 0 -1]};
elseif noDims == 2
Im = padarray(Im,[1 1],'replicate', 'post');
shifts = {[-1 0] [0 -1]};
% get value of the neighbors for each pixel
% by shifting the image in each direction
r=[]; c=[];
for i = 1:numel(shifts)
tmp = circshift(Im,shifts{i});
r = [r ; Im(validim)];
c = [c ; tmp(validim)];
A = sparse(r,c,ones(size(r)), numel(labels), numel(labels) );
% make symmetric, delete diagonal
A = (A+A')>0;
Thanks for the help!
Try this out -
Im = padarray(Im,[1 1],'replicate');
labels = unique(Im);
box1 = [-size(Im,1)-1 -size(Im,1) -size(Im,1)+1 -1 1 size(Im,1)-1 size(Im,1) size(Im,1)+1];
mat1 = NaN(numel(labels),numel(labels));
for k2=1:numel(labels)
a1 = find(Im==k2);
for k1=1:numel(labels)
a2 = find(Im==k1);
t1 = bsxfun(#plus,a1,box1);
t2 = bsxfun(#eq,t1,permute(a2,[3 2 1]));
mat1(k2,k1) = any(t2(:));
If it works for you, share with us the runtimes as comparison? Would love to see if the coffee brews any faster than half an hour!
Below is my attempt.
Im = [1 1 1 1 2 2 2;
1 1 1 2 2 2 3;
1 4 1 2 2 3 3;
4 4 4 4 3 3 3;
4 4 4 4 3 3 3];
% mark the borders
validim = zeros(size(Im));
validim(2:end-1,2:end-1) = 1;
% get value of the 4-neighbors for each pixel
% by shifting the images 4 times in each direction
numNeighbors = 4;
adj = zeros([prod(size(Im)),numNeighbors]);
shifts = {[0 1] [0 -1] [1 0] [-1 0]};
for i = 1:numNeighbors
tmp = circshift(Im,shifts{i});
tmp(validim == 0) = nan;
adj(:,i) = tmp(:);
% mark neighbors where it does not eq Im
imDuplicates = repmat(Im(:),[1 numNeighbors]);
nonequals = adj ~= imDuplicates;
% neglect the border
nonequals(isnan(adj)) = 0;
% get these neighbor values and the corresponding Im value
compared = [imDuplicates(nonequals == 1) adj(nonequals == 1)];
% construct your 'A' % possibly could be more optimized here.
labels = unique(Im);
A = zeros(numel(labels));
for i = 1:size(compared,1)
A(compared(i,1),compared(i,2)) = 1;
Yours reasoning is elegant, though it obviously gives wrong answers for labels on the edges.
Try this simple label matrix:
Im =
1 2 2
3 3 3
3 4 4
The resulting adjacency matrix , according to your code is:
A =
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
which claims an adjacency between labels "2" and "4": obviously wrong. This happens simply because you are reading padded Im labels based on "validim" indices, which now doesn't match the new Im and goes all the way down to the lower borders.
