Image Quantization with quantums Algorithm question - algorithm

I came across a question and unable to find a feasible solution.
Image Quantization
Given a grayscale mage, each pixels color range from (0 to 255), compress the range of values to a given number of quantum values.
The goal is to do that with the minimum sum of costs needed, the cost of a pixel is defined as the absolute difference between its color and the closest quantum value for it.
There are 3 rows 3 columns, image [[7,2,8], [8,2,3], [9,8 255]] quantums = 3 number of quantum values.The optimal quantum values are (2,8,255) Leading to the minimum sum of costs |7-8| + |2-2| + |8-8| + |8-8| + |2-2| + |3-2| + |9-8| + |8-8| + |255-255| = 1+0+0+0+0+1+1+0+0 = 3
Function description
Complete the solve function provided in the editor. This function takes the following 4 parameters and returns the minimum sum of costs.
n Represents the number of rows in the image
m Represents the number of columns in the image
image Represents the image
quantums Represents the number of quantum values.
Print a single integer the minimum sum of costs/
Sample Input 1
7 2 8
8 2 3
9 8 255
Sample output 1
The optimum quantum values are {0,1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,255} Leading the minimum sum of costs |7-7| + |2-2| + |8-8| + |8-8| + |2-2| + |3-3| + |9-9| + |8-8| + |255-255| = 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0 = 0
can anyone help me to reach the solution ?

Clearly if we have as many or more quantums available than distinct pixels, we can return 0 as we set at least enough quantums to each equal one distinct pixel. Now consider setting the quantum at the lowest number of the sorted, grouped list.
M = [
[7, 2, 8],
[8, 2, 3],
[9, 8, 255]
[(2, 2), (3, 1), (7, 1), (8, 3), (9, 1), (255, 1)]
We record the required sum of differences:
0 + 0 + 1 + 5 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 7 + 253 = 284
Now to update by incrementing the quantum by 1, we observe that we have a movement of 1 per element so all we need is the count of affected elements.
Incremenet 2 to 3
1 + 1 + 0 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 252 = 279
284 + 2 * 1 - 7 * 1
= 284 + 2 - 7
= 279
Consider traversing from the left with a single quantum, calculating only the effect on pixels in the sorted, grouped list that are on the left side of the quantum value.
To only update the left side when adding a quantum, we have:
left[k][q] = min(left[k-1][p] + effect(A, p, q))
where effect is the effect on the elements in A (the sorted, grouped list) as we reduce p incrementally and update the effect on the pixels in the range, [p, q] according to whether they are closer to p or q. As we increase q for each round of k, we can keep the relevant place in the sorted, grouped pixel list with a pointer that moves incrementally.
If we have a solution for
where it is the best for pixels on the left side of q when including k quantums with the rightmost quantum set as the number q, then the complete candidate solution would be given by:
left[k][q] + effect(A, q, list_end)
where there is no quantum between q and list_end
Time complexity would be O(n + k * q * q) = O(n + quantums ^ 3), where n is the number of elements in the input matrix.
Python code:
def f(M, quantums):
pixel_freq = [0] * 256
for row in M:
for colour in row:
pixel_freq[colour] += 1
# dp[k][q] stores the best solution up
# to the qth quantum value, with
# considering the effect left of
# k quantums with the rightmost as q
dp = [[0] * 256 for _ in range(quantums + 1)]
pixel_count = pixel_freq[0]
for q in range(1, 256):
dp[1][q] = dp[1][q-1] + pixel_count
pixel_count += pixel_freq[q]
predecessor = [[None] * 256 for _ in range(quantums + 1)]
# Main iteration, where the full
# candidate includes both right and
# left effects while incrementing the
# number of quantums.
for k in range(2, quantums + 1):
for q in range(k - 1, 256):
# Adding a quantum to the right
# of the rightmost doesn't change
# the left cost already calculated
# for the rightmost.
best_left = dp[k-1][q-1]
predecessor[k][q] = q - 1
q_effect = 0
p_effect = 0
p_count = 0
for p in range(q - 2, k - 3, -1):
r_idx = p + (q - p) // 2
# When the distance between p
# and q is even, we reassign
# one pixel frequency to q
if (q - p - 1) % 2 == 0:
r_freq = pixel_freq[r_idx + 1]
q_effect += (q - r_idx - 1) * r_freq
p_count -= r_freq
p_effect -= r_freq * (r_idx - p)
# Either way, we add one pixel frequency
# to p_count and recalculate
p_count += pixel_freq[p + 1]
p_effect += p_count
effect = dp[k-1][p] + p_effect + q_effect
if effect < best_left:
best_left = effect
predecessor[k][q] = p
dp[k][q] = best_left
# Records the cost only on the right
# of the rightmost quantum
# for candidate solutions.
right_side_effect = 0
pixel_count = pixel_freq[255]
best = dp[quantums][255]
best_quantum = 255
for q in range(254, quantums-1, -1):
right_side_effect += pixel_count
pixel_count += pixel_freq[q]
candidate = dp[quantums][q] + right_side_effect
if candidate < best:
best = candidate
best_quantum = q
quantum_list = [best_quantum]
prev_quantum = best_quantum
for i in range(k, 1, -1):
prev_quantum = predecessor[i][prev_quantum]
return best, list(reversed(quantum_list))
M = [
[7, 2, 8],
[8, 2, 3],
[9, 8, 255]
k = 3
print(f(M, k)) # (3, [2, 8, 255])
M = [
[7, 2, 8],
[8, 2, 3],
[9, 8, 255]
k = 10
print(f(M, k)) # (0, [2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255])

I would propose the following:
step 0
Input is:
image = 7 2 8
8 2 3
9 8 255
quantums = 3
step 1
Then you can calculate histogram from the input image. Since your image is grayscale, it can contain only values from 0-255.
It means that your histogram array has length equal to 256.
hist = int[256] // init the histogram array
for each pixel color in image // iterate over image
hist[color]++ // and increment histogram values
value 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 . . . 1
color 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . . . 255
How to read the histogram:
color 3 has 1 occurrence
color 8 has 2 occurrences
With tis approach, we have reduced our problem from N (amount of pixels) to 256 (histogram size).
Time complexity of this step is O(N)
step 2
Once we have histogram in place, we can calculate its # of quantums local maximums. In our case, we can calculate 3 local maximums.
For the sake of simplicity, I will not write the pseudo code, there are numerous examples on internet. Just google ('find local maximum/extrema in array'
It is important that you end up with 3 biggest local maximums. In our case it is:
value 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 . . . 1
color 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . . . 255
^ ^ ^
These values (2, 8, 266) are your tops of the mountains.
Time complexity of this step is O(quantums)
I could explain why it is not O(1) or O(256), since you can find local maximums in a single pass. If needed I will add a comment.
step 3
Once you have your tops of the mountains, you want to isolate each mountain in a way that it has the maximum possible surface.
So, you will do that by finding the minimum value between two tops
In our case it is:
value 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 . . . 1
color 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . . . 255
^ ^
| \ / \
- - _ _ _ _ . . . _ ^
So our goal is to find between index values:
from 0 to 2 (not needed, first mountain start from beginning)
from 2 to 8 (to see where first mountain ends, and second one starts)
from 8 to 255 (to see where second one ends, and third starts)
from 255 to end (just noted, also not needed, last mountain always reaches the end)
There are multiple candidates (multiple zeros), and it is not important which one you choose for minimum. Final surface of the mountain is always the same.
Let's say that our algorithm return two minimums. We will use them in next step.
min_1_2 = 6
min_2_3 = 254
Time complexity of this step is O(256). You need just a single pass over histogram to calculate all minimums (actually you will do multiple smaller iterations, but in total you visit each element only once.
Someone could consider this as O(1)
Step 4
Calculate the median of each mountain.
This can be the tricky one. Why? Because we want to calculate the median using the original values (colors) and not counters (occurrences).
There is also the formula that can give us good estimate, and this one can be performed quite fast (looking only at histogram values) (
If that is not precise enough, then the only option is to "unwrap" the calculated values. Then, we could sort these "raw" pixels and easily find the median.
In our case, those medians are 2, 8, 255
Time complexity of this step is O(nlogn) if we have to sort the whole original image. If approximation works fine, then time complexity of this step is almost the constant.
step 5
This is final step.
You now know the start and end of the "mountain".
You also know the median that belongs to that "mountain"
Again, you can iterate over each mountain and calculate the DIFF.
diff = 0
median_1 = 2
median_2 = 8
median_3 = 255
for each hist value (color, count) between START and END // for first mountain -> START = 0, END = 6
// for second mountain -> START = 6, END = 254
// for third mountain -> START = 254, END = 255
diff = diff + |color - median_X| * count
Time complexity of this step is again O(256), and it can be considered as constant time O(1)


Kth element in transformed array

I came across this question in recent interview :
Given an array A of length N, we are supposed to answer Q queries. Query form is as follows :
Given x and k, we need to make another array B of same length such that B[i] = A[i] ^ x where ^ is XOR operator. Sort an array B in descending order and return B[k].
Input format :
First line contains interger N
Second line contains N integers denoting array A
Third line contains Q i.e. number of queries
Next Q lines contains space-separated integers x and k
Output format :
Print respective B[k] value each on new line for Q queries.
for input :
1 2 3 4 5
2 3
0 1
output will be :
For first query,
A = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
For query x = 2 and k = 3, B = [1^2, 2^2, 3^2, 4^2, 5^2] = [3, 0, 1, 6, 7]. Sorting in descending order B = [7, 6, 3, 1, 0]. So, B[3] = 3.
For second query,
A and B will be same as x = 0. So, B[1] = 5
I have no idea how to solve such problems. Thanks in advance.
This is solvable in O(N + Q). For simplicity I assume you are dealing with positive or unsigned values only, but you can probably adjust this algorithm also for negative numbers.
First you build a binary tree. The left edge stands for a bit that is 0, the right edge for a bit that is 1. In each node you store how many numbers are in this bucket. This can be done in O(N), because the number of bits is constant.
Because this is a little bit hard to explain, I'm going to show how the tree looks like for 3-bit numbers [0, 1, 4, 5, 7] i.e. [000, 001, 100, 101, 111]
/ \
2 3 2 numbers have first bit 0 and 3 numbers first bit 1
/ \ / \
2 0 2 1 of the 2 numbers with first bit 0, have 2 numbers 2nd bit 0, ...
/ \ / \ / \
1 1 1 1 0 1 of the 2 numbers with 1st and 2nd bit 0, has 1 number 3rd bit 0, ...
To answer a single query you go down the tree by using the bits of x. At each node you have 4 possibilities, looking at bit b of x and building answer a, which is initially 0:
b = 0 and k < the value stored in the left child of the current node (the 0-bit branch): current node becomes left child, a = 2 * a (shifting left by 1)
b = 0 and k >= the value stored in the left child: current node becomes right child, k = k - value of left child, a = 2 * a + 1
b = 1 and k < the value stored in the right child (the 1-bit branch, because of the xor operation everything is flipped): current node becomes right child, a = 2 * a
b = 1 and k >= the value stored in the right child: current node becomes left child, k = k - value of right child, a = 2 * a + 1
This is O(1), again because the number of bits is constant. Therefore the overall complexity is O(N + Q).
Example: [0, 1, 4, 5, 7] i.e. [000, 001, 100, 101, 111], k = 3, x = 3 i.e. 011
First bit is 0 and k >= 2, therefore we go right, k = k - 2 = 3 - 2 = 1 and a = 2 * a + 1 = 2 * 0 + 1 = 1.
Second bit is 1 and k >= 1, therefore we go left (inverted because the bit is 1), k = k - 1 = 0, a = 2 * a + 1 = 3
Third bit is 1 and k < 1, so the solution is a = 2 * a + 0 = 6
Control: [000, 001, 100, 101, 111] xor 011 = [011, 010, 111, 110, 100] i.e. [3, 2, 7, 6, 4] and in order [2, 3, 4, 6, 7], so indeed the number at index 3 is 6 and the solution (always talking about 0-based indexing here).

Finding number representation in different bases

I was recently solving a problem when I encountered this one: APAC Round E Q2
Basically the question asks to find the smallest base (>1) in which if the number (input) is written then the number would only consist of 1s. Like 3 if represented in base 2 would become 1 (consisting of only 1s).
Now, I tried to solve this the brute force way trying out all bases from 2 till the number to find such a base. But the constraints required a more efficient one.
Can anyone provide some help on how to approach this?
Here is one suggestion: A number x that can be represented as all 1s in a base b can be written as x = b^n + b^(n-1) + b^(n-2) + ... + b^1 + 1
If you subtract 1 from this number you end up with a number divisble by b:
b^n + b^(n-1) + b^(n-2) + ... + b^1 which has the representation 111...110. Dividing by b means shifting it right once so the resulting number is now b^(n-1) + b^(n-2) + ... + b^1 or 111...111 with one digit less than before. Now you can repeat the process until you reach 0.
For example 13 which is 111 in base 3:
13 - 1 = 12 --> 110
12 / 3 = 4 --> 11
4 - 1 = 3 --> 10
3 / 3 = 1 --> 1
1 - 1 = 0 --> 0
Done => 13 can be represented as all 1s in base 3
So in order to check if a given number can be written with all 1s in a base b you can check if that number is divisble by b after subtracting 1. If not you can immediately start with the next base.
This is also pretty brute-forcey but it doesn't do any base conversions, only one subtraction, one divisions and one mod operation per iteration.
We can solve this in O( (log2 n)^2 ) complexity by recognizing that the highest power attainable in the sequence would correspond with the smallest base, 2, and using the formula for geometric sum:
1 + r + r^2 + r^3 ... + r^(n-1) = (1 - r^n) / (1 - r)
Renaming the variables, we get:
n = (1 - base^power) / (1 - base)
Now we only need to check power's from (floor(log2 n) + 1) down to 2, and for each given power, use a binary search for the base. For example:
n = 13:
p = floor(log2 13) + 1 = 4:
Binary search for base:
(1 - 13^4) / (1 - 13) = 2380
No match for power = 4.
Try power = 3:
(1 - 13^3) / (1 - 13) = 183
(1 - 6^3) / (1 - 6) = 43
(1 - 3^3) / (1 - 3) = 13 # match
For n around 10^18 we may need up to (floor(log2 (10^18)) + 1)^2 = 3600 iterations.

algorithmic puzzle for calculating the number of combinations of numbers sum to a fixed result

This is a puzzle i think of since last night. I have come up with a solution but it's not efficient so I want to see if there is better idea.
The puzzle is this:
given positive integers N and T, you will need to have:
for i in [1, T], A[i] from { -1, 0, 1 }, such that SUM(A) == N
additionally, the prefix sum of A shall be [0, N], while when the prefix sum PSUM[A, t] == N, it's necessary to have for i in [t + 1, T], A[i] == 0
here prefix sum PSUM is defined to be: PSUM[A, t] = SUM(A[i] for i in [1, t])
the puzzle asks how many such A's exist given fixed N and T
for example, when N = 2, T = 4, following As work:
1 1 0 0
1 -1 1 1
0 1 1 0
but following don't:
-1 1 1 1 # prefix sum -1
1 1 -1 1 # non-0 following a prefix sum == N
1 1 1 -1 # prefix sum > N
following python code can verify such rule, when given N as expect and an instance of A as seq(some people may feel easier reading code than reading literal description):
def verify(expect, seq):
s = 0
for j, i in enumerate(seq):
s += i
if s < 0:
return False
if s == expect:
return s == expect
for k in range(j + 1, len(seq)):
if seq[k] != 0:
return False
return True
I have coded up my solution, but it's too slow. Following is mine:
I decompose the problem into two parts, a part without -1 in it(only {0, 1} and a part with -1.
so if SOLVE(N, T) is the correct answer, I define a function SOLVE'(N, T, B), where a positive B allows me to extend prefix sum to be in the interval of [-B, N] instead of [0, N]
so in fact SOLVE(N, T) == SOLVE'(N, T, 0).
so I soon realized the solution is actually:
have the prefix of A to be some valid {0, 1} combination with positive length l, and with o 1s in it
at position l + 1, I start to add 1 or more -1s and use B to track the number. the maximum will be B + o or depend on the number of slots remaining in A, whichever is less.
recursively call SOLVE'(N, T, B)
in the previous N = 2, T = 4 example, in one of the search case, I will do:
let the prefix of A be [1], then we have A = [1, -, -, -].
start add -1. here i will add only one: A = [1, -1, -, -].
recursive call SOLVE', here i will call SOLVE'(2, 2, 0) to solve the last two spots. here it will return [1, 1] only. then one of the combinations yields [1, -1, 1, 1].
but this algorithm is too slow.
I am wondering how can I optimize it or any different way to look at this problem that can boost the performance up?(I will just need the idea, not impl)
some sample will be:
3 2 3
4 2 7
5 2 15
6 2 31
7 2 63
8 2 127
9 2 255
10 2 511
11 2 1023
12 2 2047
13 2 4095
3 3 1
4 3 4
5 3 12
6 3 32
7 3 81
8 3 200
9 3 488
10 3 1184
11 3 2865
12 3 6924
13 3 16724
4 4 1
5 4 5
6 4 18
an exponential time solution will be following in general(in python):
import itertools
choices = [-1, 0, 1]
print len([l for l in itertools.product(*([choices] * t)) if verify(n, l)])
An observation: assuming that n is at least 1, every solution to your stated problem ends in something of the form [1, 0, ..., 0]: i.e., a single 1 followed by zero or more 0s. The portion of the solution prior to that point is a walk that lies entirely in [0, n-1], starts at 0, ends at n-1, and takes fewer than t steps.
Therefore you can reduce your original problem to a slightly simpler one, namely that of determining how many t-step walks there are in [0, n] that start at 0 and end at n (where each step can be 0, +1 or -1, as before).
The following code solves the simpler problem. It uses the lru_cache decorator to cache intermediate results; this is in the standard library in Python 3, or there's a recipe you can download for Python 2.
from functools import lru_cache
def walks(k, n, t):
Return the number of length-t walks in [0, n]
that start at 0 and end at k. Each step
in the walk adds -1, 0 or 1 to the current total.
Inputs should satisfy 0 <= k <= n and 0 <= t.
if t == 0:
# If no steps allowed, we can only get to 0,
# and then only in one way.
return k == 0
# Count the walks ending in 0.
total = walks(k, n, t-1)
if 0 < k:
# ... plus the walks ending in 1.
total += walks(k-1, n, t-1)
if k < n:
# ... plus the walks ending in -1.
total += walks(k+1, n, t-1)
return total
Now we can use this function to solve your problem.
def solve(n, t):
Find number of solutions to the original problem.
# All solutions stick at n once they get there.
# Therefore it's enough to find all walks
# that lie in [0, n-1] and take us to n-1 in
# fewer than t steps.
return sum(walks(n-1, n-1, i) for i in range(t))
Result and timings on my machine for solve(10, 100):
In [1]: solve(10, 100)
Out[1]: 250639233987229485923025924628548154758061157
In [2]: %timeit solve(10, 100)
1000 loops, best of 3: 964 µs per loop

Turning an array of integers into an array of nonnegative integers

Start with an array of integers so that the sum of the values is some positive integer S. The following routine always terminates in the same number of steps with the same results. Why is this?
Start with an array x = [x_0, x_1, ..., x_N-1] such that all x_i's are integers. While there is a negative entry, do the following:
Choose any index i such that x_i < 0.
Add x_i (a negative number) to x_(i-1 % N).
Add x_i (a negative number) to x_(i+1 % N).
Replace x_i with -x_i (a positive number).
This process maintains the property that x_0 + x_1 + ... + x_N-1 = S. For any given starting array x, no matter which index is chosen at any step, the number of times one goes through these steps is the same as is the resulting vector. It is not even obvious (to me, at least) that this process terminates in finite time, let alone has this nice invariant property.
Take x = [4 , -1, -2] and flipping x_1 to start, the result is
[4, -1, -2]
[3, 1, -3]
[0, -2, 3]
[-2, 2, 1]
[2, 0, -1]
[1, -1, 1]
[0, 1, 0]
On the other hand, flipping x_2 to start gives
[4, -1, -2]
[2, -3, 2]
[-1, 3, -1]
[1, 2, -2]
[-1, 0, 2]
[1, -1, 1]
[0, 1, 0]
and the final way give this solution with arrays reversed from the third on down if you choose x_2 instead of x_0 to flip at the third array. In all cases, 6 steps lead to [0,1,0].
I have an argument for why this is true, but it seems to me to be overly complicated (it has to do with Coxeter groups). Does anyone have a more direct way to think about why this happens? Even finding a reason why this should terminate would be great.
Bonus points to anyone who finds a way to determine the number of steps for a given array (without going through the process).
I think the easiest way to see why the output vector and the number of steps are the same no matter what index you choose at each step is to look at the problem as a bunch of matrix and vector multiplications.
For the case where x has 3 components, think of x as a 3x1 vector: x = [x_0 x_1 x_2]' (where ' is the transpose operation). Each iteration of the loop will choose to flip one of x_0,x_1,x_2, and the operation it performs on x is identical to multiplication by one of the following matrices:
-1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
s_0 = 1 1 0 s_1 = 0 -1 0 s_2 = 0 1 1
1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 -1
where multiplication by s_0 is the operation performed if the index i=0, s_1 corresponds to i=1, and s_2 corresponds to i=2. With this view, you can interpret the algorithm as multiplying the corresponding s_i matrix by x at each iteration. So in the first example where x_1 is flipped at the start, the algorithm computes: s_1*s_2*s_0*s_1*s_2*s_1[4 -1 -2]' = [0 1 0]'
The fact that the index you choose doesn't affect the final output vector arises from two interesting properties of the s matrices. First, s_i*s_(i-1)*s_i = s_(i-1)*s_i*s(i-1), where i-1 is computed modulo n, the number of matrices. This property is the only one needed to see why you get the same result in the examples with 3 elements:
s_1*s_2*s_0*s_1*s_2*s_1 = s_1*s_2*s_0*(s_1*s_2*s_1) = s_1*s_2*s_0*(s_2*s_1*s_2), which corresponds to choosing x_2 at the start, and lastly:
s_1*s_2*s_0*s_2*s_1*s_2 = s_1*(s_2*s_0*s_2)*s_1*s_2 = s_1*(s_0*s_2*s_0)*s1*s2, which corresponds to choosing to flip x_2 at the start, but then choosing to flip x_0 in the third iteration.
The second property only applies when x has 4 or more elements. It is s_i*s_k = s_k*s_i whenever k <= i-2 where i-2 is again computed modulo n. This property is apparent when you consider the form of matrices when x has 4 elements:
-1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
s_0 = 1 1 0 0 s_1 = 0 -1 0 0 s_2 = 0 1 1 0 s_3 = 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 -1
The second property essentially says that you can exchange the order in which non-conflicting flips occur. For example, in a 4 element vector, if you first flipped x_1 and then flipped x_3, this has the same effect as first flipping x_3 and then flipping x_1.
I picture pushing the negative value(s) out in two directions until they dampen. Since addition is commutative, it doesn't matter what order you process the elements.
Here is an observation for when N is divisible by 3... Probably not useful, but I feel like writing it down.
Let w (complex) be a primitive cube root of 1; that is, w^3 = 1 and 1 + w + w^2 = 0. For example, w = cos(2pi/3) + i*sin(2pi/3).
Consider the sum x_0 + x_1*w + x_2*w^2 + x_3 + x_4*w + x_5*w^2 + .... That is, multiply each element of the sequence by consecutive powers of w and add them all up.
Something moderately interesting happens to this sum on each step.
Consider three consecutive numbers [a, -b, c] from the sequence, with b positive. Suppose these elements line up with the powers of w such that these three numbers contribute a - b*w + c*w^2 to the sum.
Now perform the step on the middle element.
After the step, these numbers contribute (a-b) + b*w + (c-b)*w^2 to the sum.
But since 1 + w + w^2 = 0, b + b*w + b*w^2 = 0 too. So we can add this to the previous expression to get a + 2*b*w + c. Which is very similar to what we had before the step.
In other words, the step merely added 3*b*w to the sum.
If the three consecutive numbers had lined up with powers of w to contribute (say) a*w - b*w^2 + c, it turns out that the step will add 3*b*w^2.
In other words, no matter how the powers of w line up with the three numbers, the step increases the sum by 3*b, 3*b*w, or 3*b*w^2.
Unfortunately, since w^2 = -(w+1), this does not actually yield a steadily increasing function. So, as I said, probably not useful. But it still seems like a reasonable strategy is to seek a "signature" for each position that changes monotonically with each step...

How to check divisibility of a number not in base 10 without converting?

Let's say I have a number of base 3, 1211. How could I check this number is divisible by 2 without converting it back to base 10?
The original problem is from TopCoder
The digits 3 and 9 share an interesting property. If you take any multiple of 3 and sum its digits, you get another multiple of 3. For example, 118*3 = 354 and 3+5+4 = 12, which is a multiple of 3. Similarly, if you take any multiple of 9 and sum its digits, you get another multiple of 9. For example, 75*9 = 675 and 6+7+5 = 18, which is a multiple of 9. Call any digit for which this property holds interesting, except for 0 and 1, for which the property holds trivially.
A digit that is interesting in one base is not necessarily interesting in another base. For example, 3 is interesting in base 10 but uninteresting in base 5. Given an int base, your task is to return all the interesting digits for that base in increasing order. To determine whether a particular digit is interesting or not, you need not consider all multiples of the digit. You can be certain that, if the property holds for all multiples of the digit with fewer than four digits, then it also holds for multiples with more digits. For example, in base 10, you would not need to consider any multiples greater than 999.
- When base is greater than 10, digits may have a numeric value greater than 9. Because integers are displayed in base 10 by default, do not be alarmed when such digits appear on your screen as more than one decimal digit. For example, one of the interesting digits in base 16 is 15.
- base is between 3 and 30, inclusive.
This is my solution:
class InterestingDigits {
vector<int> digits( int base ) {
vector<int> temp;
for( int i = 2; i <= base; ++i )
if( base % i == 1 )
temp.push_back( i );
return temp;
The trick was well explained here :
If your number k is in base three, then you can write it as
k = a0 3^n + a1 3^{n-1} + a2 3^{n-2} + ... + an 3^0
where a0, a1, ..., an are the digits in the base-three representation.
To see if the number is divisible by two, you're interested in whether the number, modulo 2, is equal to zero. Well, k mod 2 is given by
k mod 2 = (a0 3^n + a1 3^{n-1} + a2 3^{n-2} + ... + an 3^0) mod 2
= (a0 3^n) mod 2 + (a1 3^{n-1}) mod 2 + ... + an (3^0) mod 2
= (a0 mod 2) (3^n mod 2) + ... + (an mod 2) (3^0 mod 2)
The trick here is that 3^i = 1 (mod 2), so this expression is
k mod 2 = (a0 mod 2) + (a1 mod 2) + ... + (an mod 2)
In other words, if you sum up the digits of the ternary representation and get that this value is divisible by two, then the number itself must be divisible by two. To make this even cooler, since the only ternary digits are 0, 1, and 2, this is equivalent to asking whether the number of 1s in the ternary representation is even!
More generally, though, if you have a number in base m, then that number is divisible by m - 1 iff the sum of the digits is divisible by m. This is why you can check if a number in base 10 is divisible by 9 by summing the digits and seeing if that value is divisible by nine.
You can always build a finite automaton for any base and any divisor:
Normally to compute the value n of a string of digits in base b
you iterate over the digits and do
n = (n * b) + d
for each digit d.
Now if you are interested in divisibility you do this modulo m instead:
n = ((n * b) + d) % m
Here n can take at most m different values. Take these as states of a finite automaton, and compute the transitions depending on the digit d according to that formula. The accepting state is the one where the remainder is 0.
For your specific case we have
n == 0, d == 0: n = ((0 * 3) + 0) % 2 = 0
n == 0, d == 1: n = ((0 * 3) + 1) % 2 = 1
n == 0, d == 2: n = ((0 * 3) + 2) % 2 = 0
n == 1, d == 0: n = ((1 * 3) + 0) % 2 = 1
n == 1, d == 1: n = ((1 * 3) + 1) % 2 = 0
n == 1, d == 2: n = ((1 * 3) + 2) % 2 = 1
which shows that you can just sum the digits 1 modulo 2 and ignore any digits 0 or 2.
Add all the digits together (or even just count the ones) - if the answer is odd, the number is odd; if it's even, the nmber is even.
How does that work? Each digit from the number contributes 0, 1 or 2 times (1, 3, 9, 27, ...). A 0 or a 2 adds an even number, so no effect on the oddness/evenness (parity) of the number as a whole. A 1 adds one of the powers of 3, which is always odd, and so flips the parity). And we start from 0 (even). So by counting whether the number of flips is odd or even we can tell whether the number itself is.
I'm not sure on what CPU you have a number in base-3, but the normal way to do this is to perform a modulus/remainder operation.
if (n % 2 == 0) {
// divisible by 2, so even
} else {
// odd
How to implement the modulus operator is going to depend on how you're storing your base-3 number. The simplest to code will probably be to implement normal pencil-and-paper long division, and get the remainder from that.
0 2 2 0
2 ⟌ 1 2 1 1
1 2
1 1
1 1
1 1
0 1 <--- remainder = 1 (so odd)
(This works regardless of base, there are "tricks" for base-3 as others have mentioned)
Same as in base 10, for your example:
1. Find the multiple of 2 that's <= 1211, that's 1210 (see below how to achieve it)
2. Substract 1210 from 1211, you get 1
3. 1 is < 10, thus 1211 isn't divisible by 2
how to achieve 1210:
1. starts with 2
2. 2 + 2 = 11
3. 11 + 2 = 20
4. 20 + 2 = 22
5. 22 + 2 = 101
6. 101 + 2 = 110
7. 110 + 2 = 112
8. 112 + 2 = 121
9. 121 + 2 = 200
10. 200 + 2 = 202
... // repeat until you get the biggest number <= 1211
it's basically the same as base 10 it's just the round up happens on 3 instead of 10.
